Didot type specimen booklet

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information family overview glyphs design’s features paragraphs waterfall applications

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extremely high contrast

vertical axis droopy ear

droopy count


small aperture curved ascender

/ abrupt serif

roman roman 9/129/12

12/15 12/15

It’s aAs dilemma in text,using it’s a dilemma Didot for of text, using It’s a dilemma As in text, using it’s aDidot dilemma for of text, once usingit’sDidot, big, itonce looksit’s toobig, it onceDidot, it’s big,once it looks it’s big, too overwhelmit looks too overwhelming; looks too once overwhelming; it’s small it’s once ing; once overwhelming; it’s small it’s once so hard it’s small to read. it’s so so hard it’stosmall read.it’s Reading so hardpages to read. to hardpages to read. to pages Reading in Didot pagesisto pages pagesReading in Didotpages is justto annoying pages in DidotReading in Didot isand just irritating. annoying Choosand irritatand irritating. is just annoying Choosing and Didot irritating. just annoying for text Choosing is not a wise Didot decision, for text is not a ing Didot ing. Choosing for text isDidot not a wise for text deciis not a Didotwise is truly decision, a display Didot typeface. is truly a sion,wise Didot decision, is truly aDidot display is truly typeface. a display typeface. display typeface.

italicitalic 9/129/12

12/15 12/15

dilemma in text,using it’s a Didot dilemma for of text, using once It’s a dilemma As in text, using it’s a Didot dilemma for text, of using It’s aAs once it’s Didot, big, itonce looks it’stoo big, it looks too it’s big, Didot, it looks oncetoo it’soverwhelming; big, it looks too once overoverwhelming; overwhelming; once it’s once small it’sit’s small so it’s it’s small whelming; it’s so hard once to it’sread. smallReading it’s so hard to hard tosoread. hardReading to read. pages Reading to pages to pagesread. to pages Reading in Didot pages is just to pages annoying in Didot pages pages in Didot in Didot is just annoying is just annoying and is just annoying Choosing andDidot irritating. for text Choosis irritating. and Choosing irritating.Didot Choosing for text Didot forand irritating. is not atext wise is decision, not a wise Didot decision, is truly Didot isnot aing wise Didot decision, for text Didot is not is truly a wise a decision, a display truly typeface. a display typeface. display Didot typeface. is truly a display typeface.

boldbold 9/129/12

12/15 12/15

It’s aAs dilemma in text, using it’s a dilemma Didot forof text, using It’s a dilemma As in text,using it’s aDidot dilemma for of text, once usingit’s Didot, big, itonce looks it’stoo big, it onceDidot, it’s big, once it looks it’s big, too it overlooks too overwhelming; looks too once overwhelming; it’s small once whelming; overwhelming; once it’s once smallit’s it’ssmall so it’s so it’s soit’s hard small to read. it’s soReading hard to read. hardhard to read. to read. Reading Reading pagespages to to pagesReading to pagespages in Didot to pages is justin pages pages in Didot in Didot is just is annoying just annoying and and annoying Didot and is just irritating. annoying and Choosing irritating. DidotChoosing for text isDidot not a for irritating. irritating. Choosing Choosing Didot Didot for text for is text wise decision, text is not Didot a wise is decision, truly a not aiswise not adecision, wise decision, Didot is Didot trulyisa truly display Didot typeface. is truly a display typeface. display a display typeface. typeface.

14/18 14/18

It’s As a dilemma in text, it’s using a dilemma Didot foroftext, using once Didot, it’s big, once it it’s big, looks it looks too overwhelming; too overwhelming; once it’s once small it’sit’s small so hard it’s sotohard read. toReading read. Reading pages to pages pages toin pages Didot inisDidot just annoying is just andannoying irritating.and Choosing irritating. Didot Choosing for text is Didot not afor wise text is decision, not a wise Didotdecision, is truly aDidot display is typeface. truly a display typeface.

14/18 14/18

It’s aAsdilemma in text, using it’s a dilemma Didot forof text, using once Didot, it’s big, once it looks it’s big, tooit overwhelming; looks too overwhelming; once it’s smallonce it’s soit’s hard small to read. it’s soReading hard to pages read. to pages Reading in Didot pagesisto just pages annoying in Didot andisirritating. just annoying Choosing and irritating. Didot forChoosing text is notDidot a wisefor decision, text is Didot not a wise is truly decia display sion, Didot typeface. is truly a display typeface.

14/18 14/18

It’s As a dilemma in text, it’s using a dilemma Didot foroftext, using once Didot, it’s big, once it it’s big, looks it looks too overwhelming; too overwhelming; once it’s once small it’s it’s small so hard it’s sotohard read. toReading read. Reading pages to pages pages to in pages Didot inisDidot just annoying is just anandnoying irritating. andChoosing irritating.Didot Choosing for text Didot is not fora text wiseis not a decision, wise decision, Didot is truly Didota is display truly atypeface. display typeface.

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