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2020 Acquisitive Sculpture Award and Exhibition

The Sculpture Award has been postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19, but the finalists have been announced. Congratulations to: Mark Booth, Jennifer Cochrane, Chris Edwards, Harrie Fasher, John Fitzmaurice, Jim Flook, Martin George, Akira Kamada, Bec Litvan, Ludwig Mlcek, Ingrid Morley, Vlasé Nikoleski, Denese Oates, John Petrie, Kirsteen Pieterse, Louis Pratt, Sasha Reid, Samantha Stephenson, Jayanto Tan, Arthur Wicks, and Merran Esson with her work Standing Still & Silently Balancing.


Merran Esson Standing Still and Silently Balancing


This work was to be about the joyousness of colour and bloom in the spring of 2019, but as the work was in process, the snowy area around my birthplace, near Tumbarumba, was burnt by the New Years Eve fire. In the aftermath of fire colour was gone, but stillness remained. There was silence everywhere, and if I was to begin this work again it would be using black clay.

Now with the isolation that has come with coronavirus, there is a quietness in my studio; exhibition commitments and travel plans have all been postponed until 2021. On a professional level, I am delighted as work now has time to develop, and challenges about how to install this work can now be resolved. The world has slowed down, and there is time to get lost in the process of making, quietly pinching and coiling clay and allowing the forms to grow at their own speed. It is exciting.

For more info and up to date details of event dates - westernsydney.edu.au

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