Stephen Gressak points to a likely trout hole
Tenkara Thrives Offline by Adam Klagsbrun
In the spring of 2017, after years of trying to push a deeper understanding of tenkara, (as defined by those who created and named this Japanese Sport) to the west via online groups and forums, I reached a peak frustration point with what many people referred to as the “Tenkara Community" online. It’s not that I had a problem understanding that some people just wanted to go fishing for the sake of catching fish… It’s not like I couldn’t
see the many people who wanted to be "part of the club" but didn't live near trout water but that wanted to jump on board with the newest fishing fad just like the rest of us. What I didn’t understand then and didn't foresee was the resistance to learning, and the insistence of beginners and less educated people who have never read anything about real Tenkara to fight against something they truly didn't/ don't want to try to understand. What I didn’t expect was that people