1 minute read
From The Editor - Michael Agneta
I feel bad for my friends in the Northeastern United States. It seems like every week they're getting snow. While that's good for the streams, it's gotta be driving everybody in that area of the country absolutely crazy. But with April now here, I'd think it's finally safe to say that winter's over, and it's time for spring fishing to begin!
In this issue of Tenkara Angler magazine we're going to do a deep dive into the "Definition of Tenkara"...
Okay, we're not, as social media has done a ton of that lately, but I did want to call out a minor change that you may have noticed in the table of contents. We're going to start to try and better identify articles that feature styles of fixed-line fly fishing that are not tenkara, yet are (and should be) embraced by our larger "tenkara" community here in the West.
Now, before you get upset, this isn't to minimize or degrade other types of fixedline fly fishing. I live in Florida, I LOVE fishing for bass & bluegill with my tenkara rods. You should too. It's a blast! We are not going to stop publishing articles about warmwater, saltwater, heck, all water species in the magazine, (ex: Bob Long's excellent piece on smallmouth bass fishing in this issue).
However, at the end of the day, as the Editor of the only regularly published tenkara magazine in the U.S., I think it's my responsibility to make clear to our readers that this magazine does understand the difference between the sport & techniques originally developed in Japan as Tenkara, and the subsequent adaptations and deviations that have taken place as fixed-line fly fishing has become more popular around the world.
There was a wonderful podcast by Daniel Galhardo (Founder, Tenkara USA) that may have better articulated what I'm getting at; you can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/tenkara/what-istenkara-part-2
I sincerely hope this doesn't come off as "elitist." Tenkara Angler will always remain the voice of the larger, allinclusive "tenkara" community. I simply want to make sure our consolidated voice speaks with correct dialect moving forward.
If you have any questions or concerns about this minor change, please feel free to email me: mike@tenkaraangler.com. I'd love to discuss in more detail.
Please enjoy the Spring 2018 issue!
Michael Agneta Editor In Chief

Do you want to contribute to the next issue of Tenkara Angler?
Tenkara or conservation-themed articles, essays, fly tying recipes, gear reviews, tips, tricks, & photography are all fair game!
See www.tenkaraangler.com for more information