13 minute read
Barry McKnight is celebrating his 22nd season as the play-by-play “Voice of the Trojans” in 2022. A veteran of the broadcast industry, McKnight serves as the co-host of a sports talk radio show on WMSP-740 AM in Montgomery, where he has served in that capacity for the last 24 years. McKnight was selected as the 2010-11 recipient of the Sun Belt Conference Broadcaster of the Year award. He also works in television broadcasting, where he served as the primary play-by-play announcer for College Sports Southeast’s football, basketball and baseball coverage from 1997 until 2001. A nine-time winner of Associated Press Awards for broadcast excellence, he is a member of the American Sportscasters Association and National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association.
Jerry Miller is entering his 31st year with the Troy Sports Radio Network and his 17th in the booth as the color analyst for football. For his first 11 years, Miller provided interviews, insight and analysis from a unique perspective on the sideline. A Troy alum and longtime supporter of the athletic program, Miller also serves as the color analyst for home Trojan men’s basketball and baseball games, in addition to his work covering numerous local high school events on both television and radio. Miller in a member of the Troy Baseball Hall of Fame.

Junior Louissaint begins his fourth year as the sideline reporter for the Troy Sports Radio Network. Louissaint was a two-year starter for the Trojans in 2003-04 and famously returned a fumble 63 yards for a touchdown in Troy’s victory over No. 19 Missouri. Louissaint, a native of Miami via Haiti, went on to play professionally with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and then in the AFL with the Lakeland Thunderbolts and Florence Phantoms. Following his football playing days, Louissaint was an assistant coach at Pike County High School for three years and two years as the head varsity girls basketball coach.
The weekly Jon Sumrall call-in show, Trojan Talk, originates from Momma Goldberg’s on Highway 231 in Troy weekly from 6-7 p.m. The fast-paced show hosted by Barry McKnight, the Voice of the Trojans, features Troy players, coaches and fans. It’s your chance to talk football with the head coach of the Trojans by calling toll-free at 1-844-GO-4-TROY.
Monday, Aug. 29 Monday, Sep. 5 Monday, Sep. 12 Monday, Sep. 19 Monday, Sep. 26 Monday, Oct. 3 Monday, Oct. 10 Monday, Oct. 17 Monday, Oct. 31 Monday, Nov. 7 Monday, Nov. 14 Monday, Nov. 21 Monday, Nov. 28
Birmingham - WYDE-AM 1260 Columbus, Ga. - WDAK-AM 540 Crestview, Fla. - WAAZ-FM 104.7 Dothan - WOOF-AM 560 Enterprise - WVVL-FM 101.1 Foley - WHEP-FM 92.5 Foley - WHEP-AM 1310 Montgomery - WTXK-FM 107.5 Montgomery - WTXK-AM 1210 Troy - WTBF-FM 94.7 Tuskegee/Tallassee - WACQ-FM 101.1 Tuskegee/Tallassee - WACQ-AM 580
Your single-source outlet, integrating sponsorship opportunities to deliver corporate partnership programs across all platforms of Troy Athletics Whether it’s to promote a new product, increase sales, enhance brand awareness, entertain clients, reward employees or develop new relationships, sports partnerships are a vital part of your marketing plan.
Aaron Hitchcock (aaronhitchcock@troy.edu) General Manager (334) 670-5943 aaron@troysportsproperties.com
Chloe Schobert
Director of Creative Services (334) 670-3386 chloe@troysportsproperties.com
Allie Bowen

Thank you to everyone supporting our Troy Trojan student-athletes this year! Current Trojan Warrior Club donors include those who have made gifts between January 1, 2022 and August 24, 2022. For questions or concerns, please contact the Trojan Warrior Club office at 334-670-3689.
ABill Abell Nick Abraham Steven Adams Jason Adams Brent Adcock Brian Addis Sohail Agboatwala Nancy Akins Craig Akridge Brian Alewine Clint Alexander Christopher Amis Ann Ammons Joel Amos Matthew Anderson Ralph Anglin Rachel Arnold John Arrant Norton Arrant Chuck Ash Cody Ash Sandra Atkins Denise Aylesworth Ann Bagwell Charles Baine Delilah Baker Ella Baker Ronnie Baker Charles Baldwin Garry Banks Michael Barber Francis Barnes Ashley Bartgis Ben Beard Jennifer Beck Jerry Beckett Stacey Bell Jason Bennett David Bentley Kelly Benton Julie Betts Mark Biehl Darlene Biehl Eddie Billings Tim Binkley Mike Birge John Black Donald Blalock Ryan Blalock Kristy Blalock Doug Blankenship Lisa Bedsole Tommy Bedsole Michael Bledsoe Tanyeka Boley Ruthie Bonds Britton Bonner Frank Bonner Crystal Booker Doyle Bosse Jack Boswell Cindy Boswell Joe Boutwell John Boutwell Sherry Boutwell Joshua Bowen Terry Bowen Warren Bowron Rhonda Bowron Morgan Boyd Steven Boydstun Christy Brack Philip Bradley Heather Bradley Dylan Bradshaw Zachary Branner Al Brannon Mike Brewster Donna Brockmann Dan Broughton Sheila Broughton George Browder Doug Brown Marion Brown Brent Browning Leah Brundidge Matt Brunson Byron Brunson Byron Brunson Tim Bryan James Bryan Tim Bryan Lisa Bryant Brian Buckentin James Buntin Lyn Buntin Ernest Burch Stanley Burgess Marjorie Burkett Robert Burkey Sara Jo Burks David Bush Bobby Bush Bob Butterworth Michelle Cain Todd Calhoun Donna Calloway Ryan Campbell Steve Campbell Brenda Campbell Kenneth Campbell Erin Canterbury Ernest Capozzoli Henry Capps Kristin Capstraw Stephen Carmody Steve Carn Kay Carn Amber Carnathan Traci Carpenter Richard Carr Chuck Carson Karen Carter Danny Cartwright Rolland Casey George Casion Thomas Catrett William Caughlan Sherry Ceruzzi Nick Cervera Carmen Cervera Betty Chancellor Eli Charron Andrea Chavers Scott Childers James Clanton Jim Clanton Richard Clark Charles Clark Lemuel Clayton David Clickner George Coady Terrance Cobb Josh Cobb Norman Coker Bradley Cole Peter Cole Hugh Cole James Coleman James Coleman Jeff Coleman Keith Coley Susan Coley Ryan Colich Sonja Compton Sandra Connor Chris Corley Chris Cosper Ellen Cosper Rainer Cotter Connor Couch Ken Cox Trent Cox Judy Crawford Larry Crawford Roy Crawford Lauren Crawley Cherise Crisman Scott Cross Ronald Crozier Clara Culpepper Nehemiah Cummings Alan Cutler Sandra Cutler J.T. Dabbs Ginger Dabbs Buddy Danford Calleagh Darby George Davidson George Davidson Andrew Davis Brad Davis Michael Davis Thomas Davis Herb Davis Becky Davis Max Davis Marc Davis Janet Day Gerrell Debardelaben Stephen Dees Gladys Deese John Detlefsen Bobby Dewrell Mickey Dichiara Timothy Dicks Tracy Dillard Sebastian Dobbins Mike Dodds Cindy Dodds Mike Dodwell Kevin Dorsey Richard Dowling Tammy Drake Roy Drinkard Sherrie Drinkard John Duce Andrea Dunbar Marty Dunn David Durham Tony Eady Mike Earle Randy Eberhart Ronda Eberhart Jay Eller Nicey Eller RW Emerson Terry Enfinger Adam Enfinger Bob Enslen John Enslen Heather Esch George Evans Stephen Evans Adam Faircloth John Faircloth Colonel Ken Faircloth John Farris Fulton Faulk Paige Fell John Ferguson Tony Ferrante Chris Fillmore Willliam Filmore Chris Flowers Tobie Floyd James Floyd John Fowler Earl Franks Carol Franks Tyffani Frazier Dyan Friday Michael Frigge Lori Fuller Joe Fuller Shane Fundum Christel Furry Rachel Gable Paul Gagnon Mark Gainey Barry Gainous David Gallahar James Gardner Ken Gardner Wanda Gardner Micah Garrett Dedra Garrey Jennifer Garris Tate Gatlin Jennifer Gatlin James Gayler Kyle George Ryan Gerstenschlager Michael Gibson Michael Gibson David Gibson Mack Gibson Ashley Gibson Wendy Gilbert Marty Gilley Jackie Gilley Whitney Godbold Adam Godwin Cliff Godwin Garrett Godwin Dave Goebel Alicia Goff Alan Graham Danny Graham Zion Graham-Lee Bradley Grantham Lucia Grantham Joyce Gray Perry Green Phillip Grice Katelynn Griffith Steve Grissett Larry Groce Jerry Groce Chip Grouby Julie Gunn Troyce Gunter Troyce Gunter Lesley Haigler Herby Haisten Brandon Hall David Hall Blake Hall Stephanie Hamil Nathan Hamilton Virginia Hamm Debra Hammond Gregg Hampton David Hancock Ronnie Hannah George Hargrove Amanda Hargrove Bernard Harper Peggy Harris Tracie Harrison Jerry Hartley Chuck Hartsfield Susan Haug Connie Hawkins Frank Hayden Frank Hayden Christie Hayes Christie Hayes Fred Head Al Head Jon Heath Amanda Helms Jeremy Henderson Maceo Henderson Wayne Henderson Jeremy Henderson Valerie Hendrix David Hennigan Teresa Henry William Hewes Darrell Higgins Brett Himes David Hinson Steven Hipp Aaron Hitchcock Billy Hixon Phillip Hodge Jeremy Hodge Nick Holley Roni Holley Scott Holley Bonnie Holley Rick Hollingsworth Terry Holloway Mike Holmes Alisha Hopkins Andy Hoppenjan Bill Hooper Debbie Hopper Nicole Horne Brock Hornsby Derek Houtz Doug Howard William Howell Kevin Howell Charles Hudson Chris Hughes Chad Hughes Larry Hughes Jeff Hunt William Hurst Matthew Hutchinson Trent Iley Doug Ingram Earl Ingram Evan Ingram Lonzo Ingram Tanya Ingram Wanda Ingram Chris Jackson Consandra James Dawn Jaworoeski Kerry Jenkins Ivy Jernigan Kaye Jinright Charles Jinright Leigh Johnson Lisa Johnson Anna Johnson Purvis Johnson Towana Johnson


Kameisha Logan (‘16)
Oct. 12, 2022, marks TROY’s fifth annual Giving Day. Our goal: raise $225,000 in one day. Can you help? You are the best alumni and donors. When our students need you, you are always there for them. Help us Lead Change and make a difference for our students. Designate your gift to what you are most passionate about at TROY — scholarships, athletics, academic programs or student activities. Our students need your help now more than ever! Mark your calendar for Oct. 12 and help us Lead Change with your gift to Troy University. #TROYGivingDay
James Johnson Vinson Johnson Paula Johnson Jerry Johnson Earl Johnson Paul Johnston Brent Jones Jason Jones Cecilia Jones Thomas Jones Lisa Jones Milton Jones Jason Jones Deidre Jones Allen Jones Jason Jones Kristy Jones Joe Judkins Jeff Kamykowski Mark Keller Tina Kelley Casey Kelley Mark Kelly Mark Kelly Hunter Kennedy Ray Kicklighter Ashley Kilcrease Lester Killebrew James Kimbrough Gus King Steve Kingry Doc Kirby Rebecca Kirby Derrel Kirkland Sam Kitchens Maria Knox Jerry Kocan Lori Koss Mike Kreis Kenny Krey Ken Lambert Julie Laney Jim Langcuster Forrest Latta David Lawrence Edward Lawrence Kristy Lawrence Leann Lawrence Terry Leberfinger Wayne LeCroy Janice LeCroy Brian Lee Fitz Lee Jaxson Lee Paul Lee Bill Leverette Kim Leverette Dave Leverette Sarah Leverette Jimmy Lewis Jason Little Laurie Lively Wiley Locklar Brant Locklier Dale Locklier Kayla Lott Dale Lowery Julie Lowery Wally Lowery Donnie Frank Lowry Bethany Lucas Eva Luckie Raymond Lunsford John Luther Allen Lux Michael Maddox Tim Magee Brian Malone Davis Malone Rube Manasco Jo Ann Manasco Amy Mangurian Marcus Manning Dianne Maples Kimberly Marrero David Marsh Julian Marsh Jessie Mason Leonard Math Stephanie Matthews Laura Matthews Max Matthews Randy Mauldin Laurie Mauldin Rick Maxey Keith McAnulty Robert McCollough Alice McCollough Ryan McCollough Collin McCrary Rita McCuiston Earl McCullough James McDaniel Robert McDaniel Lamar McDavid Robert McDonald Jeffery McDurmont Robert McGeehan Jamie McGinity Jeff McInnis Walter McKee Gus McKenzie Lee McKenzie Harrel McKinney Jim McKinnon Barry McKnight Denise McKnight Jerry McLendon Jacqueline McLendon Jeanette McLeod Brian McLeod Roy McMullin Chad McPherson Wilton McRae Skylar Meade Jordan Medeiros Greg Meeks Connor Mendheim JoJo Meredith Guy Meyer Chuck Michaels Frank Miles Joseph Milks Jerry Miller Lee Milliner Larry Milliner Doug Mims Leon Minsky Deborah Mitchell Ronald Mobley Wallace Mobley Kathleen Mokler Bonnie Money Bonnie Money Denise Monroe Earle Monroe Tammy Moon Charles Moore Tara Morelock David Morgan Virginia Morgan Judy Morgan Thomas Morgan Jeffrey Morrow Constance Moseley Tracey Moseley Wayne Moseley Richard Mosley Elizabeth Mullins Hank Mullins Mike Murphy Patricia Myers Michelle Nesmith Susan Newland Shannon Nichols Rusty Ninas Kathy Ninas Steve Nixon James Norman Lisa Norton Ronda Nowell Steven Ogburn Donna Oliver Keith Oliver Kim Oliver Michael Orlofsky Danny O’Toole Allen Owen Jacob Owsley Frank Painter Jim Palmer Kerry Palmer Leigh Paramore Marcus Paramore Brandi Paramore Ed Parish Jr. Ronald Parker Seth Parker Darrell Parker Mitch Parnell Edwin Parrish Alan Peacock Michael Pearce Melanie Pearce Matt Penhale Calvin Perryman Christina Pettys Christina Pettys Don Phillips Johnathan Phillips Nicole Phillips Don Pierce Mercy Pilkington Bennett Pinckard Santiago Pinzon Julius Pittman Tim Pittman Wayne Pittman Kevin Poliquin Eric Poole Maggie Pope Ryan Pounds Adam Prendergast Justin Prescott Preston Presley John Price Jarrod Price Dawn Railey Jeff Railey Linda Railey Mindy Rankin Eric Rankin Carter Ray Judy Ray John Redick Don Reese Frank Reeves Al Renfroe Emmie Reynolds Bradley Reynolds Alan Richards Jacky Richburg Chanda Rigby Charles Rigdon Kelvin Riley Scott Riley Trellys Riley Keith Ring Carrie Robbins JB Roberts Phillip Robinson Royce Robinson Nelly Robledo Jimmy Rodgers BenjaminRoedl Keith Roling Robert Rosenthal Brian Ross Joni Ross JonathanRoss Lewis Rushing Joshua Sadetsky Jace Sanders Rex Sanders Gwen Saner Denny Sanford Beth Sargent Brian Saunders Andrew Saxby Kathy Scarbrough Steve Scott David Scott Alfredia Scott JonathanSellers Elmer Sellers Jennifer Senn Lori Senn Jeff Seymour Forrest Sheffield Sam Shelton Lance Shepard James Shirley Jennifer Shockley Donald Shriver Roger Shultz Danny Sikes Rae Ann Silvers Chad Simmons Brandy Simmons Jason Simpler Tim Sims Jody Singleton Rebecca Skibba Marty Skurla Taylor Smartt Earl Smith Michael Smith Reggie Smith Jamaal Smith James Smith John Smith Samuel Smith Karen Smith Kenneth Smith Rick Smith Shari Smith Robert Smith William Smith Brian Smothers Paige Spivey Charles Sport Paige Sprayberry David Springer Steve Spry Jerry Spurlock Richard Stabler William Stallworth Chris Stanfield Christopher Stanfield Karl Stegall Daniel Stephens Randall Stephens

Rick Stetson Tina Stidham Waylene Stidham Kaye Stinson Sonya Stoudemire Maria Strother Kristopher Stubblefield Madonna Suit Robin Sullivan Michael Summerhill Joe Sumrall Jon Sumrall Ginny Sumrall Steven Swain Thomas Synco Alda Tarvin Shane Tatum Alan Taunton Dale Taylor Lloyd Taylor Mary Taylor Freddie Teal Edward Telfair Lajeana Terrell Julius Terrell Joe Thomas Freddie Thomas Ed Thompson Amy Thompson Phillip Thrasher Liza Tice Leila Tillery Maurice Tillery Stephen Timberlake Connie Tisdale Gary Tolbert Thomas Tolbert Jason Towe David Tuberville Sharondia Tuck Judy Tucker Terry Tucker Tim Tucker Judy Tucker Willie Tullis Angela Turner Trevor Tyre Catherine Tyson Mary Susan Underwood Greg Unger Jerry Vaughan Judson Vaughan Jennifer Ventress Perry Vickers Milton Vought Ashley Walden Krystal Walden Deanna Walker Bart Wallace Cot Wallace Lee Walls Jeffery Walters Ricky Ward Melissa Ward Charles Ward DeMarcus Ware Laura Waring Bill Wasden Jeff Watson Cindy Watts Johnny Weatherford Sharon Weaver Jack Weaver Kimberly Weed Tara Weeks Jennifer Weeks Dale Weiler James Welch JonathanWelch Jason Welch Traci Westfelt Rebecca Whetstone Tony Whetstone Greg Whibbs Claudia Wigglesworth Gary Wilbert Sr. Gary Wilbert II Greg Wilkes Rick Wilkinson Ann Williams John Williams Karen Williams Russell Williams George Williams Hal Williams Samelia Williams Sheila Williams Jeremy Wilson Tripp Wilson Chris Wisham Brad Witcher Ben Wolgamot Tony Wollerman Donna Womack Clayton Wright Betsy Wright Ken Wright Scott Yeager Robert Youmans

ABC Supply Inc. Abell & Associates Brantley Bank& Trust Byrd Drugs Cervera, Ralph, Reeves, Baker, & Hastings CGI Covenant Steel Warehouse, Inc ETI Inc. Fall Line Construction First Citizens Bank - Luverne Gilley’s Heating & Cooling Horn Beverage Jeans Flowers KW Container Lawrence Hardware Mark Dunning Industries Inc. MAX Credit Union McGraw Webb Chevrolet Montgomery Biscuits Moseley Industrial National Security Group NWF Contractors Outdoor Aluminum Power South Energy Premier Dodge Reeves Farms Regions Bank River Bank & Trust SARHA Saunders Development Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates South Alabama Brick Company South Alabama Electric Group Southeast Al Gas Disitrict Sysco Tom Coker & Associates Touchstone Town & Country Flooring Townsend Building Supply Troy Bank & Trust Whaley Construction

The Troy University Department of Athletics would like to thank the following supporters and their dealerships/businesses for their generous donation to the Trojan Wheels Program.
For more information on joining the Trojan Wheels program, contact Chase Blake at 334-670-3684
Brent Cook Action of Dothan Dothan, Ala.
Jason Gregory Premier Dodge Troy, Ala.
Jim Jackson Bill Jackson Chevrolet Bill Jackson Ford Troy, Ala.
Merchant Nissan Sonia Mawani Troy, Ala.

McGraw- Webb Frank McGraw Chevrolet Camden, Ala.
Peach Ford James Peach Brewton, Ala.

Leadership Society

Troy Athletics would like to thank the following vendors for their support...