Cold Spring (excerpt)

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This is an excerpt of the screenplay for a horror thriller I wrote entitled "Cold Spring." EXT.


Clarence steps out onto the porch with a metal dog dish in his hand. He bangs on the rim with a fork. Buford!

CLARENCE C’mon boy. Buford!

He stands motionless for a moment, then turns around and goes back inside. INT.


He sets the dog dish on the floor and goes to the fridge. The light bulb in the fridge illuminates his face as he hears a clatter from outside. Buford?

CLARENCE That you boy?

THE CABIN WINDOW A dark shadow passes in front of the window, temporarily blocking the light from outside, and then it’s gone. Buford?


Clarence walks to the door and grabs the shotgun leaning against the wall. EXT.


The door opens and Clarence again steps out onto the porch. Leaving the door ajar, he scans the wilderness. He proceeds out to the overgrown row of hedges in front of his cabin, looking and listening. EXT.


There is a rustle in the bushes. Clarence turns his head in the direction of the sound. Buford!

CLARENCE C’mon boy.

He approaches the area where he heard the sound. Clarence steps into the tree line, stumbling. He loses his grip on the shotgun and drops it in the dirt.



He gets down on one knee and feels around for the gun. Clarence’s hands are feeling around in the dim light when he touches something soft and wet. What the…


He stands and holds his hands up in the moonlight. His fingertips are covered in a thick dark liquid. He wipes his hands on his shirt and removes his lighter from his pocket. He thumbs the wheel and it flickers to life. A bloody mass of fur and tissue is spread about Clarence’s feet. God.


CLARENCE Who would…

A twig snaps in the forest. around. Who’s there?

Clarence’s head snaps


He hears two heavy footfalls. and he cocks his shotgun.

His eyes scan the forest

CLARENCE You killed my dog you son of a… A shadow passes over Clarence’s face and his expression changes to one of horror. He raises his chin and looks up at the dark shape towering over him. Jesus Christ. you? EXT.

CLARENCE What the hell are


Clarence pulls the trigger on his shotgun letting loose a deafening blast with both barrels. He staggers backward, cracks the shotgun open and fumbles with the shells in his pocket. A steady series of heavy footfalls close in on him as he attempts to reload the shotgun and retreat at the same time. A monstrous hairy hand sweeps down and strikes Clarence on the shoulder, violently knocking him to the ground. The shotgun skitters away from him and shotgun shells

23. spill out of his pockets and onto the ground. He scrambles to his feet and begins to run toward the cabin, looking back over his shoulder as the footfalls behind him begin to quicken. CLARENCE (Screaming) Help me! Somebody help me! EXT.


He reaches the porch and trips over the top step, sprawling out on the wood planks. He gets to his knees, reaches up and grabs the doorknob. He gets to his feet and rushes inside. INT.


Clarence shoves the deadbolt into position and backs away from the door just as a roar splits the night air. A horrendous jolt impacts the door and the deadbolt strains against the clasp. CLARENCE (terrified) Go away! Just go away! The beast outside begins to pound on the walls of the cabin. The pots and pans hanging in the kitchen begin to clatter. Dust from the rafters drifts down through the fire light. Clarence backs further into the corner opposite the door. Go away!!


The shaking stops and suddenly all is quiet. Clarence is crouched in the corner of the cabin. His eyes dart back and forth. He inches forward toward the window. EXT.


Clarence rises up from below the window sill, his eyes searching the yard. INT.


He is looking outside. There is a noise from inside the cabin. He stands straight up and wheels around. Buford, his German Sheppard, is sitting in the corner of the kitchen, licking a paw.

24. Buford!

CLARENCE My god I thought you were…

A giant arm of coarse, matted hair crashes through the window accompanied by a simultaneous roar. Buford stands and begins to bark furiously. Clarence’s head is entirely enveloped by the beast’s massive claw and he is yanked out the window. A moment later there is a bloodcurdling scream from outside the cabin, and the only noise is Buford’s anguished barking.

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