2 minute read
The staff of Finishing Touch Design
Studio includes (left to right),
Kelsie Ehresmann, Katie Jones,
Brayden Thares, and Mike Kost.
Finishing Touch Design Studio has transformed Aberdeen homes for 20 years. by ANNIE SCOTT
Alittle over 20 years ago, Mike Kost and his wife Tammy moved to Aberdeen. As they took on the task of building their home, Mike noticed that many of the materials had to be sourced from out of town. With this realization, Finishing Touch Design Studio was born.
Over time, Finishing Touch began to provide more than just flooring. While certain home design changes have come and gone, they have always been dedicated to providing customers with a polished and refined product.
“We wanted to be known for more than just flooring,” Mike said. “People don’t want to run all over town to get what they need. So we diversified our business to fit what our customers needed.”
As trends have changed over time, Finishing Touch’s services have evolved as well. Customers have come to them for help with certain design elements, and when the demand was noticed, Finishing Touch started to provide. Cabinets, paint, flooring, plumbing fixtures, blinds, lighting, and fireplaces have all been added to their repertoire over the years. In the past, they have sold furniture and had their own drapery department.
Kelsie Ehresmann has been the lead designer for Finishing Touch for 13 years, and with the help of Katie Jones, the two of them help customers with any and all design elements.
“Some people come in wanting just flooring, but flooring leads into other rooms, and that leads to even more changes,” Mike said. “They’ll look at other options and Kelsie will help them coordinate.”
One of their most recent additions is the inclusion of general contractors. With this option, customers are able to have more control over almost every aspect of their new home. Brayden Thares helps oversee these larger projects.
Finishing Touch will also help with projects outside of Aberdeen. They’ve helped homeowners in Pierre, Britton, Gettysburg, Redfield, and Southern North Dakota. In the future, Mike plans to overhaul the exterior of the building they’ve been in for the entirety of their 20 years.
“Everyone’s project is a little bit different, and we’ll be there to help every step of the way,” Mike said. //