# G O L D E N R E F I N E D
#GoldenRefined DAY1
"Bejoyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer ." (Romans12:12)
eing healthy and ft has always come easily to me. You might say that God has blessed me in that area of my life. Tat said, I have foolishly taken my health for granted over the years. I never fully handed that aspect of my life over to God because I have never struggled with it. Tat was the case until two years ago when I was suddenly diagnosed with myasthenia gravis which is a rare autoimmune disease that attacks muscle function. Shortly thereafer, I became very sick and very afraid. For the frst time in my life, my health was uncertain and I was completely overwhelmed. Despite my close relationship with God, Satan gripped my body with fear, and questions fooded my mind: “I run a ftness ministry. How am I supposed to keep my class going when my body and my health is under assault?” I’ll tell you how! God has it all under control. As doctor’s appointments and time passed, I began to see the almighty hand of God at work in every aspect of my life. My doctors were shocked time and time again at my physical strength and especially at my pulmonary function. Te athletic gifs given to me by God in the class that I have been teaching for nine years had prepared my body not only to handle, but halt this disease from ravaging my body. God knew exactly what my body needed and he prepared me. My loving Heavenly Father allowed this diagnosis to infltrate my life so that I can better relate to people who struggle with their health and ftness in a way I could never have related to them before I faced my own personal struggle. He also used my struggle to show me that I need to depend on him for everything, even the things that come easily in life because they too can be swepted away in a moment. Terefore because, he walked through the “valley of the shadow of death” with me so that I can boldly face my future knowing that he is always by my side. - Jodie
#GoldenRefined DAY 2 "Though the mountain may crumble you will not." (Isaiah 54 :10)
o whom it may concern, my name is Russell, and I am a 59-year-old man whose life was spared by the hand of God back in 1992. I found myself at the end of my rope. I felt like I had hit rock bottom. My life was flled with drugs and alcohol and crime. I was in and out of jail with no job, no money, and no hope. I really felt like giving up. I remember when I was a kid growing up and I could recall my mother quietly praying. I never thought about praying before. I also heard about this man named JESUS; so not knowing what to say, I just started talking, I can remember saying, “If you are who you say you are, then please save me. I don’t want to die.” I found myself in a fetal position on the foor, crying like a child. All of a sudden, I felt something inside of me. I can’t explain it, but it was a very warm feeling reassuring that I was not alone. Till this day, I don’t understand why the Lord would want to save me. Ten, I was reading my bible and I came across this verse in Isaiah 55: 7-11. It changed my life forever. Needless to say, I’ve been clean and sober for over twenty years, and very active in my church. I pray that one day, I can see Jesus face-toface, so I can hug and thank him for saving me. I also love to read Jeremiah 29:11. Tank you so much for your time. -Russell
DAY 3 "Love never fails ." (I Corinthians 13:8)
was angry: angry at God, angry at myself, and angry at the world. Psalm 107:28-30 has carried me through the hardest points in my life that I would never wish upon anyone. In 2018, my father fell down the stairs, sufered a seizure and was in a coma for over a month. I wondered, why did it have to happen to my family? What are we going to do fnancially? How am I going to be strong in front of my younger siblings? Will my mom be okay alone? So many questions rushed through my head. Afer a few weeks, the doctors told my mom that we should start saying our good-byes and prepare for a funeral. I was wrecked. I couldn’t focus on any of my classes, I would cry all the time, and I separated myself from the people I care for the most. Hearing my mom sob will forever haunt me. Everything went quiet and still the moment I heard those words from the doctor’s mouth. Suddenly, this immense peace fell over me and I started to sob, not from anger, but from overwhelming peace. I learned that day that no matter how much we curse God, how much we question him and how much we stray, he is always there for us. On my way home to college, I received a call that my dad had awakened from the coma. A miracle. Even the doctors were fabbergasted at the strength he had to stay alive. Even though my dad will never be the same afer the accident, he is still alive and with us. Afer I heard the news about my dad, I noticed that the song “Oceans” by Hillsong was playing over my speakers from my iPhone: “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders/Let me walk upon the waters, wherever you may call me/Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of your glory”. Also, I was led to read Psalm 107 2830…I didn’t know I needed it, but God did. -Hannah
#GoldenRefined DAY 4
"Blessed are those who believe without seeing ." (John 20:29)
n 2008, I was a senior in college at Troy University… Go Trojans!!! I had taken all the classes required for my education program. I needed to pass my teaching certifcation test in order to fulfll my degree requirements. I was NEVER a test taker. It took me THREE times to pass the test. In the process of trying to pass, I felt purposeless because I thought I was not essential and worthless. However, one test should not determine a person’s character, right? When I did pass, I passed by ONE point. I believe that point is a representative of the Holy Spirit. Praying constantly and also reading the scripture John 7:38 allowed me to have a belief system that I could endur something that petrifed me: “TAKING A TEST.” Te section of John 7:38 that states “HE THAT BELIEVES,” gave me strength and advice that I had to know that I was capable of completing this goal. In the back of my mind, I had to remember that this test was my livelihood. If I passed the test, I could teach, have a stable career, and move forward to other opportunities in the education world. In September of 2008, when I passed, I was ecstatic and I felt purposeful again. Guess what?? Now, I am a school counselor. I had to take another test to become a certifed counselor. It took me THREE times again to pass. On Saturday, January 26th, 2013, I passed by a one-point outcome again!!! Whew, these one points were my saving grace, and my PURPOSE being made whole. Remember: You are a child of the KING that will receive what you need to be PURPOSEFUL! - Trevis
#GoldenRefined DAY 5 "She who kneels before God can stand before anyone."
(Romans 8:39)
ust recently, I got in a car accident and completely totaled my car. I had put so much money into that car, money that I was supposed to be saving up to pay for school. It was an old, beat up 2004 Acura that I had barely had for a year. In total, since I had gotten that car, I had put almost $5,000 into fxing it afer it put me down numerous times. Once I got in to the accident, I thought, “Wow, could this get any worse?” I then had to start driving my mama’s car to work, leaving her stuck at home with no transportation. I just felt like I would NEVER get another car because of how expensive cars are. I started praying and asking God to “please make a way” for me to get a new car! Ten lo and behold, afer just a few weeks, I found myself walking into the Stiver’s Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram dealership, and walking back out with a brand new 2019 pitch black Dodge Challenger! It was my frst big girl purchase. God is so good! And there really is power in prayer! - Tricia
#GoldenRefined DAY 6 "Act justly love mercy walk humbly ."
(Micah 6:8)
s a child growing up, I endured a lot of hardships, although none were of my doing. I used to love to go to school not only to learn, but to escape my situation. While there, I knew that I would at least have one meal, because at home, we didn’t have any food. Tings only seemed to go from bad to worse when my family was evicted from our home. Tat was the frst of many adversities to come. Living in hotels were the absolute worst of times, especially considering the fact that there were seven of us in the hotel, with only two beds. Although there were so many times I wanted to die, my faith and trust in the Lord, reminded me that I had a purpose to live. I always read my Bible, because it gave me hope and the strength to continue on, even though I didn’t want to. In fact, one of my favorite Bible verses that kept me motivated was Proverbs 3:5-6, which tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on thy own understanding. In thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” I am more than happy to declare that He has done more than direct my path. He created a path for me, and for that, I am forever grateful and a better woman. - Demetria
ix years ago, I sufered a heart attack at the age of 36. It was a one in a million chance, but it happened. It is called a SCAD and is caused by a dissection of an artery. I was healthy and had no history of heart problems. Tey could fnd no reason that this happen. When something like that happens, fear creeps in. When I would go to sleep, I would be fearful that I might not ever again wake up. I’m so thankful for the verses above. Te Lord used them to comfort me in my fear, to remind me that yet I am but dust, and that He loves me and He cares for me. I would repeat them to myself in order to fnd rest.Knowing that God even knew that terror would come in the night to me and that I needed His comfort made me remember that He knows the number of hairs on my head. I thought of how He numbers my days and that I can trust Him. His faithfulness through those verses during that time built my faith. I just thought ofen of those who have or may sufered as I did and do not have a relationship with the Lord. He was my peace! - Amanda
#GoldenRefined DAY 8
"Letyour light shine." (Matthew 5:16)
here have been many times I felt defeated, but during thoses times I feel like my bad outweighed my good, and I refect on Psalms 56, where David reminds us “to put our trust in God,” and not be afraid. Well it’s easy to read and try to hold on to those words, but when your car needs repairing, refrigerator stops working, and a squirrel chews your electrical line that causes you unexpected damages, you don’t feel like believing in anything. However, somehow I reach down in my soul and say “ in God I trust and I am not afraid.” A feeling of release comes over me, and everything I struggle with to get done becomes manageable. I can only say BUT GOD!!!! It may not work for others but for me GOD is my Rock. With him I’m winning. Love and Peace, - Beverly
here was a time when I felt so low in my life. I was depressed, sad, mad, and flled with rage. My mom had legal problems, and she was arrested. I was born with physical and learning disabilities and I needed my mom’s care and support. Because we are always together, I was falsely accused and was arrested along with my mom. I was shocked, to say the least, but that was not the end. My mom fell ill in jail and died. When I lost my mother that’s when it went down. Tat’s also when I turned to my faith. I’m Catholic. I prayed for strength and guidance. On my mom’s birthday, she blessed me from heaven and I was sent the sweetest family. Tey gave me a home, time, and love. - Krista
#GoldenRefined DAY 10 "I am the Alpha & the Omega, the first & the last, the beginning & the end."
(Revelation 22:13)
time in my life when I felt alone and purposeless was about 20 years ago, when my life changed afer a divorce. My husband was in the military and we moved our family every two years. My husband was my friend and constant companion for 25 years. I knew the Lord, and he was and still is my strength. I stood on Isaiah 54: 4-7, and Proverbs 5: 1-23. Day by day, I called upon my Lord Jesus Christ and he gave me strength one day at a time. I read Psalms daily: 23, 27, 91, 100. I developed a personal relationship with Christ, and he brought me through my pain. - Lillie
hen I was 11, my dad contracted bacterial meningitis. He was in the hospital for months. He wasn’t expected to live and I’m thankful he did, but he lef with paralysis and brain damage. It hurt me because my dad was my best friend, and I felt like my purpose for life was over. My dad always taught me to stay strong no matter what you are going through in life and rely on God. Just like Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” Tat verse reminds me that no matter what challenges I face in life, if I take an attitude of prayer and believe, we will fnd unbelievable strength. - Jordan
#GoldenRefined DAY 12 "Don't let your heart be troubled ." {John 14:1)
aking to a feeling of hopelessness is a devastating feeling. We are born to solve problems. When we are not able to think of ways to solve daily problems, we ofen feel frustration. What’s worse is seeing others living their lives with meaning and purpose. As I live with the ups and downs of life (side note: I defnitely face challenges), I choose to rely on scriptures to encourage me. Tis verse has helped me through tough situations in my life. Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” - Robbie
ne of my favorite gifs God has given me is JOY. I know joy can feel elusive for many, but throughout much of my life, this is a gif God has given me in abundance. Tat is until 2014. Tat year involved big life changes for me: a move to a new city, the start of a new job, and the search for new community. Tere was so much goodness surrounding me, but my heart was not in it. I lost my joy. It was a scary season, and I felt like a shell of the person I used to be. I was drowning in loneliness though I knew God was walking with me through the darkness. In that season, God asked me if I could still praise Him even if His answer to my prayers was “no.” Te question broke my heart as I considered the possibility of my dearest dreams never coming to fruition. Even as I considered it, I knew my answer would always be “yes.” God is too good, too faithful, and never leaves us alone in our misery. In the hardest of seasons, I still could not deny God’s blessings surrounding me. God did pull me from that pit, restored my joy, and used that season of my life to minister to others. With all that’s within me, I proclaim that in His presence, there is and will always be “fullness of joy!” - Sarah
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n April 1976, I was hired by WTVY FM. I came to know Ann Varnum. At that time, I also was going through a divorce. I was having good days and bad days. Ann took me under her wing and told me about Jesus. Te Holy Spirt was dealing with me and I was in despair. In August 1980, I got on my knees and prayed the Sinner’s Prayer. Tat’s the moment in time GOD began a work in me. In 2012, I had a stroke. I was lef paralyzed in March 2016 afer I had a massive heart attack. In that time, I realized GOD had a purpose for my life. I served in the Alabama National Guard for 37.5 years and through one deployment. Ten I became an instructor at Alabama Military Academy. GOD reminded me that he has his hands on me and and my purpose was to tell people about JESUS. I know God’s word is true, and Jesus will return as he said he would. - Jim
#GoldenRefined DAY 15
"Bequick to listen & slow to anger." (James 1:19)
n March 15, 2014, I received a phone call from the college my son, Christopher, attended. Te dean called to inform me that Christopher was found dead in a dorm. I remember staying calm, knowing my mother and daugther were present in the room. I had to tell them the heartbreaking news about my son. Tis is a day I will never forget. I had spoken with Christopher the day before. Also, my family and I were about to travel to visit him the very next day. My journey of grief began. I didn’t have my son to share stories, laugther, and trips with anymore. Oh my! I wouldn’t be able to hear his voice again. I found ways to grieve by attending church services and attending local events. Te greatest help of all was trusting God. - Trina
#GoldenRefined DAY 16
"Be anxious for nothing." (Philippians 4:6)
ou would think that being raised in a spirtual home would defne who I was as a person, meaning that I acted according to the rules that were set up as a guideline for Christian families to live by, but let me tell you now, that’s not always the case! What we looked at as being cut of from the rest of the world was in reality our parent looking out for our well being, which again, wasn’t realized until I was much older. I just thought that it was more than just going to church on Sundays, Bible study on Wednesdays, and Friday night prayer. Like how many services do you have to attend to get to Heaven, right? Well, if I knew then what I know now, I would have attended ten-services a week, cause yes, you need God in the mix at all times. I was the prodical son as well. I hit the streets, started selling drugs, and began living the good life, ignoring all the warnings and pleas from my family to stop and get right with GOD. I didn’t want to hear it and didn’t care about nothing if it didn’t have a dollar sign in front and a zero in the back. Well, that mentality landed me in prison with a 42 year sentence, and right then, I knew my life was over. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, I lost my grandma, mom, dad, and grandpa all in that order, but my sorrow wasn’t as others would think. As the Bible says “To be absent from the body, is to be present from the LORD,” so I knew that they were in Heaven with the Father, so that was my closure and also my wake up! I too gave my life over to the LORD, and as I look over those golden years, I thank God for blessing me with such a loving family and spirtual morals to take with me for the rest of my life. Remember, for those of you who are still fortunate to have family around, love on them every moment you can, for tomorrow is not promised. Learn to love as long as you are here. May GOD bless you in all that you do. - Gabriel
n college I fell in love with what I thought was the love of my life. He was what I would call my “college sweetheart.” It felt like we were destined for one another. He was a gentleman to the “T.” Te love we had for each other was strong and felt like it could never be broken. Later on in the relationship, I saw that the relationship was growing distant and that we began to grow further separated. During this time, I began to grab hold of scripture. It reminded me that there is nothing better than “AGAPE” love: the love of my Father. John 3:16 remind me of how much my Father loves for me. - Nicole
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#GoldenRefined DAY 18 "You're going to make it; trust me ."
(Psalm 23)
was not able to fnish middle school and high school, and I was teased throughout school for having issues with reading and the way that I dressed. In my 20s, I had a daughter, and three years later, I had a son. I always wanted to have a girl and a boy, but I never imagined being a single mother. Imagine being a single parent mom with a reading problem, and raising two kids by yourself. At the time, it was very challenging. I was doubted and talked about for having reading problems. As my kids grew older, my reading began to get better. By the grace of God, I was able to teach my kids life lessons that will never be taken away from them. I began to realize that I was not raising my kids by myself because the maker of Heaven and earth was part of it all. For “with God, all things are possible.� - Ruth
rowing up words had a huge afect on me mentally, spiritually, and physically. Words drained me. Ugly, nappy head, loud, bossy, goody-two-shoes, church girl, snob, smarty mouth, loser, and stupid are some of the many examples. Tese words made me feel purposeless. As I got older, it got worse and people would judge me even more. Te older I got, the tougher my skin grew, and I began to learn not to care too much about what people thought of me. Every time I would get teased, I would think of the saying, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Being bullied was the most hurtful thing I have ever been through, but I was mostly being bullied for being me and the assumptions they thought of me. Scripture helped me also during this process, especially Psalm 118:6: “Te Lord is on my side; I will not fear.” - Nicki
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eing raised in a big family sometimes is hard because you have to keep that big family together. My parents had a total of ten kids, four girls and six boys. One of the girls passed away during the process of my mother giving birth to her. It was a sad moment. Tere came a time when my parents weren’t able to keep all of us, so my parents decided that the best choice would be to put me and my sisters up for adoption. I was so young at the time; it was a hard time on me and my family. Trough the separation me and my older sister stayed together with a family member while our youngest sister was separated from the whole family. God had a plan for each one of us through it all. Te good thing was that the families we were adopted into were our kinfolks. It is amazing how God works even through tough situations. Even though we were separated, it kind of felt as if we weren’t because the relationship between our family grew stronger as we grew older. Being the second oldest girl in the family, I learned so many things that have sharpened me into the God-fearing woman I am today. Trough this journey, this scripture has pushed me along the way: “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) - Mary
magine being raised by a single parent mom and being a frst generation to graduate from high school and from college. Well, you have just stepped an inch in my shoes. Being a frst generation college kid can come with so many ups and downs, from attending college parties to meeting collegue that turn out to be life-long friends. I was underestimated by the ones I thought would have my best interest. On of that, I was commuting a two hour ride there and back while working three jobs to help pay for expenses. Tis journey was challenging at times but through this process I held tight to God’s word and it pushed me. I got tunnel-vision, for I knew that my God has plans for me to prosper and not to harm me. He plans to give me hope and a future. - Briana
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"One must find somethingthat one is truly passionateabout, somethingthat no one can ever take awayfromthem." #STA ¥GOLDEN #GOLDEN REFINED #GOLDENWORDS