HIGH-FLYING EXPERIENCE NEW COURSE TEACHES PRACTICAL AIRMANSHIP A new course in drone operation is already paying dividends for
pandemic threatened to change that, leading to classes later in
Troy University students.
the semester to be conducted virtually.
The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) minor offered by
That didn’t keep computer science senior Riley Bates from
the Geospatial
pressing on,
Informatics Department
passing the FAA
completed its first-ever,
exam during spring break and
on-campus class, and one of its
being accepted to do research in UAV
students has earned her Federal Aviation
cybersecurity during the summer at Embry-
Administration (FAA) Remote Pilot Certification.
Riddle Aeronautical University. Bates, who
The course, Remote Pilot Familiarization, gives
graduated following the spring semester, ranked
students the practical airmanship knowledge
the class as her favorite course. “Remote Pilot
to successfully pass the FAA’s Part 107 Remote
Familiarization gave me the knowledge and
Pilot examination as well as practical experience
resources to be able to accomplish these things,”
in quadcopter and fixed-wing drone operations.
she said. “This class is by far my favorite and most practical of
The class was originally conceived as a weekly three-hour
any college course I have taken.”
laboratory on the Troy Campus. However, the COVID-19
The Troy University Board of Trustees voted in May to freeze
University fee of $42 per credit hour will remain the same for
undergraduate and graduate tuition for the 2020 academic
in-state students in the 2020 academic year. Tuition for out-of-
year, marking the second straight year students will not see
state students and TROY Online students will also remain the
a change in tuition. “Many of our students and their families
same. Graduate tuition rates will remain at $425 in class and
face economic uncertainty, therefore we believe this is a
$494 online.
prudent decision,” said Chancellor Jack Hawkins, Jr. “Further,
Trustees did approve a recommendation to increase tuition for
with student debt in America approaching $1.7 trillion, it is
doctoral-level degrees to $550 in class and online.
important for us to make the university experience affordable
Dr. Hawkins cited good stewardship, cost savings in expenses
for the students we serve.”
and sound financial management, in addition to slightly higher
The current undergraduate tuition of $325 per credit hour
state support, as reasons for being able to hold the line on
in class and $338 per credit hour online and the general
tuition costs.