TROY’s first free summer course was an overwhelming
“The discussion forums highlighted the most interesting
success with students from many walks of life. Leadership
dynamic of this course. Our oldest student was 84 and our
101 saw more than 4,600 students register and 1,600 receive
youngest was 14,” Dr. Palmer said. “We had high school
certificates of completion. “Our free Leadership 101 course was
students, incoming college freshman, undergraduates attending
more successful than we could ever have imagined,” said Dr.
other institutions, college professors, law enforcement leaders
Kerry Palmer, Associate Dean of the College of Education and
and even senior military officers. The diversity of age
one of the primary instructors in the course. “When designing
and experience allowed students to learn from each other in
the course, we had no way of knowing how many would take
addition to learning from us. Those forums produced the most
it. However, we ended up with over 1,600 students enrolled
unique educational environment I have ever encountered.”
in June and over 3,000 students enrolled in July. I believe this
One of those incoming first-year students, Theo Hornsby,
course was successful because the topics were relevant to a
saw the class as an invaluable opportunity he needed to take.
broad audience — especially considering everything that has
“Leadership 101 has provided me with a skill set that has taught
been going on in the world.”
me to be intentional in my interactions,” he said. “I've learned
With course content designed to equip students to thrive
the importance of taking advantage of opportunities and
in a post-pandemic world, Leadership 101 featured lectures
setting goals for myself. I’ve learned that self-awareness is an
from some of TROY’s most well-known faculty, including
integral step in developing my leadership skills. Leadership 101
Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Chancellor; Dr. Dionne Rosser-Mims,
helped me step outside myself and reevaluate the approach
Dean of the College of Education; and Dr. John Kline, Executive
I might normally take in a situation. It helped me see that
Director of the Institute for Leadership Development.
leadership must include an understanding, not just of myself,
The class reached students from a variety of backgrounds,
but of others.”
including current college students and respected professionals. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT TROY.EDU/LEADERSHIP.