May 1 - 7, 2014

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Your Award-Winning News Source for the Upper Delaware River Valley Region Since 1975

Vol. 40 No. 18


MAY 1 - 7, 2014




Hunting or trapping wild boar now illegal Hunting on reserves to phase out By FRITZ MAYER


LBANY, NY — Joe Martens, the commissioner of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced on April 28 that the state had formally adopted a regulation prohibiting the hunting or trapping of wild boars, also known as Eurasian boars. The policy of the DEC is to attempt to eliminate wild boar populations from the wild, so it might seem that shooting wild boars would work in tandem with the goal of the DEC. But according to the DEC, shooting a single wild boar or two makes the eradication effort more difficult. “As long as swine may be pursued by hunters, there is a potential conflict with our eradication efforts. Eurasian boars often join together to form a ‘sounder,’ the name for a group of pigs that can number 20 or more individuals. Shooting individual boars as opportunities arise is ineffective as an eradication method [and] of-

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It is no longer legal to hunt wild boar on game lands in New York State.

ten causes the remaining animals to disperse and be more difficult to remove.” Martins also said that the DEC places bait at certain locations in an attempt to trap the animals, and hunters who pursue boars into baited areas can disrupt the efforts, which the DEC calls expensive and labor intensive. The new regulation prohibits anyone from disturbing DEC traps or from otherwise interfering with the eradication effort. Hunters will still be allowed to shoot wild boards in “enclosed hunting preserves” until September 1, 2015. Populations of wild boars have been confirmed in six counties in New York, including Sullivan and Delaware. These populations are believed to have started primarily from wild boars that have escaped from hunting preserves that raised them to be hunted. There was one such population in the vicinity of Perry Road in the Town of Bethel, which has been discussed several times over the past couple of years. Most recently, in October 2013, Bethel supervisor Dan Sturm said he had contacted the owner of the property who had agreed to fix his fences so that the boars could no longer escape and roam wild. Wild boars take a heavy toll on agricultural land and the environment. The DEC advises anyone who sees a wild boar, whether dead or alive, to try to get a picture of it, so that DEC officials will have a better opportunity of determining whether the pig is Eurasion, pot belly or domestic. The agency also asks that sightings be reported to the nearest DEC regional wildlife office. Send information to and include “Eurasian boar” in the subject line.

NEWS: Casino


race is on

dog’s life


TRR photos by Jonathan Fox

UFOs in Hudson Valley


INE BUSH, NY — It may not yet be in a league with Roswell, New Mexico, but Pine Bush, New York is becoming known as a center of activities related to Unidentified Flying Objects, thanks in great part to the yearly UFO Fair, which this year was held on April 26. For more pictures of this unearthly spectacle, turn to page 19.



2 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014

PA considers SLAPP lawsuits By FRITZ MAYER


ARRISBURG, PA — Nearly a year ago, the Old City Civic Association of Philadelphia (OCCA), one of the longest-running and active community groups in Pennsylvania, shut itself down. The board voted to close the door because insurance for the organization had become too expensive. The association was deeply involved in zoning and development issues, and many lawsuits had been filed against it by developers over the years, leading to high insurance rates. In the eyes of OCCA supporters, many of the legal actions were Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP), and were never intended to go to trial, but instead were filed as a way to make the group spend money on legal fees and otherwise dissuade the group from further involvement in any public policy debate. There is currently some protection against SLAPP lawsuits in Pennsylvania, but it is limited to environmental issues. The senate is considering legislation that would expand the protections against SLAPP lawsuits, making it easier to get them dismissed, and allowing the targets of such suits to collect legal fees from those who file them. The Senate Judiciary Committee held public hearings on April 24 and April 29 regarding the issue, as well as a bill introduced by Sen. Larry Farnese that would expand SLAPP protection. Farnese said, “The judicial system cannot be used as a sword to chill free speech or to prevent folks from being heard. What does it say about our society when civic associations and community advocates have to make a decision on whether or not they should increase their insurance coverage or increase their personal insurance coverage in their decision to serve their community?” Joe Schiavo, formerly of OCCA, spoke at one of the hearings and supported Farnese’s bill. He said, “Those who give their time as volunteers on behalf of their community and participate in civic organizations… should not have to face reprisals for participating in the public process that governments afford them.” While Northern Liberties’ Matt Ruben agreed that Farnese’s bill would provide legal protection, he said if any changes were made to the bill, they should be made with an eye towards protecting a defendant’s money and time. The committee also heard expert testimony from Andy Hoover, ACLU of Pennsylvania’s legislative director. Hoover said the ACLU is in favor of Farnese’s legislation. “We believe that Senate Bill 1095 does a good job of drawing a balance between access to courts and the abuse of courts to bully people for exercising their First Amendment rights,” Hoover said. According to a press release from Farnese, “Throughout Pennsylvania and the U.S., SLAPPs have been filed against a wide variety of protected speech and expression activities, including writing a letter to the editor, circulating petitions, erecting a sign or displaying a banner on their property, complaining to school officials about teacher misconduct or unsafe conditions in the school, testifying before Congress or state legislatures, and filing a public-interest lawsuit.” Twenty-seven states have adopted anti-SLAPP legislation.


IN BRIEF Bonacic to hold heroin forum

Lawmaker appeals right-to-know

MONTICELLO, NY — Sen. John Bonacic has announced that he will host an afternoon forum, “Heroin and Opioid Addiction,” on Friday, May 9 at the Sullivan County Government Center, 100 North St., Monticello from 2 to 4 p.m. The forum will include representatives from local law enforcement, health, and treatment and recovery professionals, in an effort to solicit input on the rise in the use of heroin and opioids, and to develop legislative recommendations for treating and preventing addiction and its consequences. “In an effort to better understand the heroin epidemic, I am pleased to gather these experts in one room and hear their experiences and suggestions to help combat this alarming situation,” said Bonacic. “Heroin addiction affects everyone; it transcends regions, race, gender and economic status, from our kids on up, and only by learning from these informed professionals can we begin to address this crises. We must do everything in our power to help stop this highly accessible and addictive drug from poisoning our communities.” Bonacic is a member of the New York State Senate Majority Coalition’s Joint Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction, a bipartisan task force chaired by Sen. Phil Boyle. Twelve sessions are being conducted throughout the state, and at their conclusion the task force will then develop recommendations that will be used to draft legislation to address the issues raised. The public is invited to attend. Due to limited seating, RSVP to 845/344-3311.

HARRISBURG, PA — State Rep. Greg Vitali on April 28 appealed the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ denial of his right-toknow request seeking information about Gov. Tom Corbett’s plan to raise $75 million through the additional leasing of state parks and forests for natural gas drilling. “It’s unfortunate we have to go to these lengths for information that should be readily available,” said Vitali, the Democratic chairman of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. “The legislature needs to know which parks and forests are under consideration for drilling, how many acres will be leased, which companies will be doing the drilling and how the $75 million figure was calculated.” The appeal was filed with the Office of Open Records, which has 30 days after it receives the appeal to make a final determination. In addition, Vitali last week filed two new right-to-know requests seeking information about the plan with the office of the budget and the governor’s office.

Jenkins sentenced LIBERTY, NY — Gordon Jenkins, the mayor of Monticello, was sentenced to three years probation on April 29, with the first 45 days to be spent in Sullivan County Jail. Jenkins’ attorney Michael Sussman said he would file for a stay of the sentencing while the verdict is appealed. If the stay is denied, Jenkins will have to report to jail on May 1. The case concerned an altercation outside of Jenkins’ store on Broadway in Monticello in July 2012. Jenkins called police after he became concerned about a customer in his shop who threatened him. Once the officers arrived, there was a brief altercation and Jenkins accidentally struck an officer. Jenkins was convicted of misdemeanor obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.

PA Senator vows sit-in over marijuana HARRISBURG, PA — Sen. Daylin Leach held a news conference on April 28 with Pennsylvanians who Leach said would be directly and negatively impacted by a veto of a medical marijuana bill, Senate Bill (SB) 1182, to announce their plans to assemble in the governor’s reception room until he agrees to meet with them. “We want Gov. Corbett to provide a confirmed date and time by May 2nd of when he will meet with me, Sen. Mike Folmer, and at least six parents of children who can benefit from this medicine. We demand, and do not think it is at all unreasonable to hold a group meeting before the end of May,” Leach said. “If not, at a time of our choosing, families from across the state will gather in the governor’s reception room until he agrees to meet. These families are desperate and tired of waiting.” The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act, sponsored by Leach and Folmer, would legalize the use of medical marijuana by patients as recommended by attending physicians. SB 1182 marks the first time in senate history that a medical cannabis bill has been introduced with bipartisan support. This bill has 13 co-sponsors. A Quinnipiac Poll last month found 85% of Pennsylvanians favor the legalization.


The weekly newspaper that respects your intelligence Published by: Stuart Communciations, Inc. • Office location: 93 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Mailing address: PO Box 150, Narrowsburg, NY 12764 • Phone: 845/252-7414, Fax: 845/252-3298 Publisher ...................................................... Laurie Stuart .................ext. 33 ............. General Manager ........................................ Breann Cochran ............ext. 21 ................. Print and Online Editor............................... Fritz Mayer .....................ext. 28 Managing Editor ......................................... Jane Bollinger ................ext. 29 ........... Editorial Assistant ...................................... Isabel Braverman .........ext. 30 ................... Production Manager .................................. Amanda Reed ................ext. 23 ............... Classified Representative ......................... Eileen Hennessy ...........ext. 35

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MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 3


Casino race is on By FRITZ MAYER


IBERTY, NY — The Foxwoods/ Muss Development team is just one of 12 different groups or organizations that have shelled out $1 million each for a chance at getting one of possibly two casino licenses that may be awarded in the Catskills/Hudson Valley region. Seven of the projects are proposed to be located in Orange County, four in Sullivan and one in Ulster. Foxwoods/Muss opened an office in the ShopRite Plaza in Liberty on April 23 and pledged a concerted effort at obtaining one of the much coveted licenses. The officials on hand at an event marking the opening suggested that Sullivan County was more deserving of a casino than Orange County because that’s what was intended by the legislation that allowed for the opening of the gaming operations. Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther said to the crowd, “Governor Cuomo looks at us so favorably, he came to Sullivan County to announce the passage of the legislation… the intent of the legislation

was to bring it to an economically depressed area, and that’s what Sullivan County is. So we’re all going to work together to make sure that this happens for Sullivan County.” Charlie Barbuti, supervisor of the Town of Liberty, echoed that in his remarks, and urged the people in the crowd to take action. He said, “Write a letter, sign a petition, let the [site selection committee] know that we’re going to hold their feet to the fire. They said this is to help upstate New York development; it’s for upstate job creation. And that’s what we are, we’re upstate. Like Aileen said, nobody has more economic need than we do, and that’s what it was designed for.” County chairman Scott Samuelson said the Sullivan County projects are uniquely positioned to gain a casino because the county and the projects are such a good fit with the requirements spelled out in the legislation and the request for applications. He said, “We really can’t lose; we really need to get behind all of our developers and support them, and move them forward.”

TRR photo by Fritz Mayer

Jeff Kay, the chief operating officer of Muss Development, addresses the crowd in front of the company’s newly opened office in the ShopRite Plaza in Liberty. Local officials line the stage behind Kay.

The contenders in the Catskills/Hudson Valley Region There are 22 different entities that have filed $1 million applications fees for the three regions in which casino licenses will be awarded. In the Catskill/ Hudson Valley region, 12 different entities have paid the application fee. The group called Hudson Valley Gaming, LLC is not commenting on its application. Thumbnails of the other 11 are represented here.

Caesars Entertainment, Woodbury Caesar’s Entertainment began in Nevada, more than 75 years ago, and now operates casinos on three continents. The company operates 53 casinos across the globe. The company now proposes to build one near Woodbury Common, which now attracts 11 million visitors per year.

Concord Kiamesha LLC, Kiamesha Lake Louis R. Cappelli is a real estate developer who has been attempting to open a resort hotel in Sullivan County for more than 15 years. His partner, Mohegan Sun, owns a casino of the same name, which was created in 1996 by the Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut. It features dining, hotel accommodations, retail shopping, live entertainment and sporting events.

Nevele Resort, Casino & Spa, Ellenville From the Nevele website: “Nevele Investors LLC is a subsidiary of Claremont Partners, an early stage gaming and hospitality development company with projects in North America and Asia. The company’s professionals have several decades of experience in the development, ownership, financing and operation of gaming projects.”

The Cordish Companies, South Blooming Grove From the company’s website: “The Cordish Companies is one of the largest developers in the world with extensive expertise in almost every discipline of real estate: entertainment and mixed-use developments, sports anchored developments, shopping centers, corporate office, and residential/student housing.”

NYS Funding, LLC by Och-Ziff Real Estate The company is not commenting on the project. The website says, “Founded in 1994 by Daniel S. Och, Och-Ziff Capital Management Group is one of the largest institutional alternative asset managers in the world, with approximately $42.7 billion in assets under management as of April 1, 2014.”

Hudson Valley Gaming, LLC is not commenting on

its proposed project.

Empire Resorts Kiamesha Lake

Greenetrack , Inc. New Windsor

Empire Resorts owns the Mighty M Gaming racetrack and racino in Monticello. EPR Properties, a partner in the project, is a specialty real estate investment trust that currently invests in entertainment, recreation and education properties.

Greenetrack bills itself as the largest AfricanAmerican owned casinostyled gaming company in the country and is committed to diversity and to increasing access for minority and womenowned businesses. Located in Eutaw, Alabama, Greenetrack was formerly known as the “Greene County Greyhound Park” and was established as a pari-mutuel live greyhound racing facility in 1977.

Genting Group, no site selected yet.

Saratoga Harness Racing Inc., Newburgh

Based in Malaysia, the Genting Group, is one of the biggest gambling interests in the world. According to Wikipedia, “the group has experience in developing, operating and marketing casinos and integrated resorts in different parts of the world, including the Americas, Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and United Kingdom. It has been voted Malaysia’s leading corporation and one of Asia’s best managed multinationals.”

The Saratoga Casino and Raceway has 1,700 slot machines and harness racing. After facing opposition to a full casino from residents and some local officials, the company abandoned plans to build a casino in Saratoga Springs and is applying for two licenses – one in the Capital Region and one in Orange County.

Grossinger Development Corporation, Liberty Foxwoods operates six casinos in North America including the largest casino, which is located in Connecticut. Muss Development is a real estate development company operating in New York City and “has developed more than 15 million square feet of commercial, residential, industrial and retail space throughout the five boroughs.”

The StockbridgeMunsee Tribe, Bridgeville The Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohicans claims historical ties to Sullivan County and for more than a decade pursued a casino through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The tribe owns and operates the North Star Mohican Casino Resort In Wisconsin, with 1,200 gaming machines, various games, and a 130-room hotel.

4 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


‘Wayne Tomorrow’ helps provide food and jobs today By DAVID HULSE


ONESDALE, PA — A county visioning plan for meshing the initiatives of Wayne County’s business, government and cultural communities is expected to produce new jobs for students and outlets for Wayne agricultural products, a county official reported on April 24. Andrea Whyte, Wayne administrator of human services, appeared before the county commissioners to seek their approval in filing for a $100,000 federal “Food to School Grant.” The agriculture department grant totaling $154,237, with included matching state and local in-kind services, would provide a “safe and steady supply” of locally grown agricultural products for county schools. She credited the integrated work group apparatus of varied community groups created by the commissioners’ 2012 “Wayne Tomorrow Initiative” in putting the grant application together. Whyte noted the involvement of local business and agriculture groups and the Penn State Cooperative Extension for their work on the grant application.

“Wayne Tomorrow” created work groups in agriculture, business and economic development, quality of life, sustainability and workforce/education, which were identified as “key areas [that] are the backbone to create a future.” The visioning plan stated that “It is important for people who share a common thread to be able to hear each other’s vision. With this discussion, we will be able to develop mutual respect and recognition of a shared goal and desire to create a vibrant Wayne County for future generations.” Or as Whyte said last week, “to focus on what we all do and are best at.” Whyte praised the visioning initiative. “It’s rare that something comes up offering opportunities for people to talk about things they feel are important. You hear something about it almost everywhere you go.” Whyte said the grant would provide agricultural jobs for young adults with behavioral or physical disabilities, “allowing their abilities to come into focus.” The program will also create a “food hub” to provide storage and refrigeration for produce prior to distribution. Youths would work and be trained there. “The kids

Anti fracker wins top environmental award

Sullivan West milestones By LINDA DROLLINGER


AKE HUNTINGTON, NY — The April 22 Sullivan West Central School District board meeting brought to light what everyone involved in the school already knows: spring is about passage, both public and private. Graduation, prom, retirement, tenure, hiring, board elections and budget submission set the stage for transitions that mark chapters in community and personal life. Student board member Joseph Campanelli’s report was all about the event looming large for him and his fellow seniors. By Campanelli’s count, graduation will happen 36 school days and 63 calendar days from April 22. He added that AP testing, scheduled from May 5 to 15, overshadows the May 9 prom, making that traditional rite of passage event a little less carefree for some. The board unanimously approved tenure for business education teacher Kayla Peters, who was congratulated by all board members for outstanding work that includes introduction of the financial literacy program. A retirement request from reading teacher Linda Schaefer was approved by the board; board president Mary K. Scheutzow congratulated Schaefer, noting her lifetime of service to the district, first as a secretary at the Delaware Valley School, then as an aide, and finally as a teacher.

Assistant superintendent for student services, Dr. Joanne Lane, announced that 10 special education students will receive high school diplomas in June; four have earned Regents diplomas and six have earned local diplomas. She praised all 10 graduates, saying that their accomplishments have been the product of dedication and hard work. The facilities committee report revealed that the high school’s television studio is now complete, and that its new outdoor bleachers will be installed in time for the start of football season. While delivering the audit and finance committee report, Rachel Brey indicated that the committee had made provision for security funding, whether it be personnel or equipment or a combination of both. With the school budget vote and board elections set for May 20, board members Scheutzow and Kathleen Meckle will seek re-election for their own seats. Longtime board member Angela Daley, who will complete her current term in June, is not seeking re-election. However, she is mentoring the candidate for her seat, Trevor Peachey. All successful candidates will win three-year terms. For full meeting minutes and additional information on the May 20 budget vote and school board elections, visit

will not only get work, but gain an awareness of the process,” she said. Whyte said the program would not interfere or compete with existing farmers’ markets. Whyte was optimistic about Wayne’s chances in winning the competitive grant because the county was providing 35%, instead of the required 25% of the local share. In joining in approval of the grant, Commissioner Jonathan Fritz noted that the county has deep agricultural roots and the program was “an opportunity to put its farm assets to use.” The commissioners separately approved a “Child Welfare Education for Leadership” program which will allow employees in Children and Youth Services to seek graduate degrees while in county employment. In other business, the commissioners approved the distribution of $50,000 in hotel tax tourism and marketing funding to 11 not-for-profit tourism related groups and programs. The allocation was unchanged from the 2013 distribution.



EGION — Helen Slottje, who with her husband David Slottje has advised numerous municipalities in New York State on how to craft local laws to ban hydraulic fracturing and other high-impact industrial activities, has been named as one of the winners of this year’s Goldman Environmental Award. The award, which comes with a prize of $175,000, was announced on April 28. Locally, Helen and David assisted the towns of Lumberland, Highland and Tusten in drafting local laws that banned fracking, and were active with residents opposed to fracking in the Town of Callicoon. At a time when debate was raging across the state that municipalities had no right to pass laws that banned fracking because they were pre-empted by the Environmental Conservation Law, which gives the New York Department of Environmental Conservation authority over oil and gas drilling, the Slottjes were arguing the opposite. They said that while municipalities had no right to regulate the methods used for drilling, municipalities could ban drilling from a municipality altogether. Pro-drilling interests disagreed with that interpretation of the law, and took the issue to court in the cases of the towns of Dryden and Middlefield, which had passed bans on drilling and fracking. Thus far a lower court and an appellate

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Helen Slottje court have sided with the municipalities and against the drilling interests. The case is now before the New York Court of Appeals. More than 170 towns and cities throughout the state have passed local laws prohibiting fracking based on the work initiated by the Slottjes. A state-wide moratorium on fracking is still in place, and while it’s not clear when or if Gov. Andrew Cuomo will allow fracking to go forward, several geologists have offered the view that there is very little recoverable gas to be found in the Marcellus Shale in New York State and the Upper Delaware River Valley.

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 5


Dollar Store in Hawley raises questions By VERA FRENDAK


AWLEY, PA — Much of this area struggles with the balance between drawing commerce and jobs to the area and maintaining its quiet, rural character. This issue was strongly in evidence at the latest meeting of the Hawley Borough Council, when Jason Raleigh, an engineer representing Dollar General Development, gave a presentation of projected traffic. Raleigh’s job was to analyze the current traffic situation and roads near the proposed location of a Dollar Store, approximately 600 feet south of the Silk Mill off Route 6 East, and advise on the possible impact, problems and solutions. While Raleigh’s analysis predicted little impact on the current status of existing roads, both Hawley Borough Council and the general public had many concerns. Much of the discussion surrounded the size and safety of the tractor trailer truck utilized weekly by Dollar General to make its store deliveries. The size of the truck was originally estimated as being 55 feet, which presented few concerns. However, the council has now been made aware that the truck will actually be 62 feet long, a length that poses more possible difficulties. Access and egress to the store will require the truck to cross the double yellow lines on Route 6 in order to make a left turn. While Raleigh has stated that the line of sight and the speed limit of 25 mph of that tract make such a turn safe, the council and the public both scoffed at the idea that this

speed limit is routinely respected by most drivers. It was pointed out that when the Silk Mill was converted to commercial space, they were required to add a lane to Route 6 in order to address similar issues. While the council has also been assured that a letter will shortly be forthcoming in which Dollar General ensures that deliveries will only be made during off-peak traffic times, there is some debate as to what these times might best be. The council feels that changes will be necessary in order to accommodate the trucks. They believe that Dollar General may be required to pay for a minor traffic study on how this will impact traffic going both on and off Route 6. If Electric Street, which runs parallel to Route 6 and next to the site off Route 6, is to be used as an exit, a High Occupancy Permit (HOP) will be necessary. A concern raised by resident Jerry Arnold was that side roads other than Electric Street might be used by shoppers frustrated by the difficulty of making turns onto Route 6 by the designated entrances and exits, lowering the quality of life by increasing traffic for the residents living on those roads. The council affirmed that while Hawley desires the business, the truck and those associated safety issues are the larger concerns at this time. Resident Linda Arnold and other residents said that they have witnessed accidents involving tractor trailer trucks on other occasions in that area. A traffic light has been considered an option in the past, but as the area’s current volume is

only 67 vehicles an hour on average, it is not considered sufficient enough to warrant one. On the plus side, issues such as the drainage system and traffic islands have already been agreed upon, and the borough is open to all possible options. Raleigh feels that these issues can be resolved as similar problems are encountered in the construction of nearly all their stores. In other business, work continues on repairing and upgrading the borough’s drainage troubles after last June’s storms. While the committee’s assessment of funds needed for the work was $247,000, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is providing the borough $228,369. Pine and Chestnut Streets are considered the priorities in this effort, but no direct plan of action has been decided as of yet. The hope, however, is to complete the work within one bidding project. The funds are being divided, with $18,360 going towards engineering fees and the other $210,000 for construction. The culvert cleanup near Settler’s Inn continues to be an issue. FEMA will not cover the cost of this work. Relining the culvert is an option, and would need to be done within the next several years at the latest. A new trash grate is also necessary. Bidding will soon be considered, and it was indicated that an aluminum grate is preferred, and that it should be possible to open it in order to provide access to the pipe when needed. A motion for approval for an aluminum gate placed at the site with a $3,500 limit was made, and passed.

Split DV vote OKs new administrators’ pact By DAVID HULSE


HOHOLA, PA — Following an hour and ten minute executive-session discussion on April 24, the Delaware Valley Board of Education returned to approve a new three-year contract for the district’s top 23 administrators. The new agreement was approved by 6-3 vote of the board, with members Jessica Decker, Jack O’Leary and board president Pam Lutfy opposed. In part the agreement includes: • Annual 2.75% salary increases over the term. • Changes in employee health insur-

ance contributions, changing the format from an $850 annual employee contribution to contributions of 5% the first year, increased to 6% and 7% in the final two years. • Conversion of 14 unused vacation days to salary annually. In past the conversion was limited to 10 days. Members opposed generally had problems with the three-year term of the contract. O’Leary said he didn’t want to gamble on the economy returning to pre-recession levels in three years. “I’d rather do two years.” O’Leary, who is a construction worker, said he would not approve of similar

terms in his own union. Decker said only that she wanted to “go back and look at the contract language.” Lutfy said her opposition was in part because there had not been enough board involvement in the terms of the agreement and “there are things I’d like to address.” “My constituents want me to support my colleagues, and also use my own judgment. I support two years… I don’t like three years,” she said. Jack Fisher, who chairs the board’s finance and budget committee, supported the agreement and anticipated an economic turnaround. “When the economy turns around, I don’t want to be looking


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at a major catch-up [contract].” Saying he realized the difficulties the board faced in approving it, DingmanDelaware Middle School Principal James Mitchell thanked the board for its support of the district’s administrators. “We know it’s not easy. Thanks for your cooperation.” The board also approved a new threeyear agreement for business administrator Bill Hessling, which also set compensation at 2.75% over the new term. The board will present the district’s 2014-15 preliminary budget at their next regular meeting at the administrative offices on the Westfall campus at 7 p.m. on May 15.













6 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014



The changing face of agriculture Why we need to support it By TOM KAPPNER


griculture is a foundation of our community, essential to our social, environmental and economic wellbeing, not only historically, but also today. Despite its low overall employment rate (2.2% of Sullivan County’s workforce), its vital impact is indicated by its stronger growth rate and higher multiplier effect compared to other sectors. It is connected to tourism and recreation and a wide variety of ancillary businesses such as supplies (seeds, feed, etc.), machinery and maintenance, veterinary services, insurance and financial services, sales and distribution of agricultural products, and more. According to Cornell Cooperative Extension, from 2011 to 2012, Sullivan’s 323 farms contributed $85.9 million dollars to our local economy with a total economic impact of $257.7 million dollars, considering that every dollar generated by a farm turns over three times in the community, staying in our local economy. As vital as agriculture is, it is has also been severely threatened for several decades by the corporate-industrial forces, often referred to as the market forces pushing for globalization. At the height of the depression in the 1930s, we had some 2,000 dairy farms in Sullivan with six or fewer milking cows each. Now we have under 30 dairy farms with 60 or more milking cows each. Our traditional family farmers simply cannot compete with industrial giants in the Midwest, West and further upstate with a couple of thousand cows producing for world markets. Fortunately our agricultural sector is resilient and has been making the adaptations that have great potential for its future. What has been emerging is a widely diversified multiplicity of small-scale producers taking advantage of our greatest competitive advantage: the growing interest in nutritious, wholesome foods that are not full of chemicals and artificial ingredients and the


This Just In!

proximity to the vast New York metropolitan markets with consumers willing to spend a bit extra for a quality, healthy product. Our producers are connecting directly to consumers locally and in the metropolitan area, and in general, people are interested in supporting local farmers rather than large agricultural businesses and processors and distributors operating nationally and internationally. The diversity of our agricultural sector augers well for its potential as does the growing number of enterprises that use local ingredients to produce value-added products, notably cheeses but also artisanal production using fibers from alpaca and sheep, and breweries and distilleries using local products. Recent agricultural censuses show that our agricultural sector is increasingly based on smaller operations both in terms of land and income. That, too, is a positive development. A majority of our farms earn less than $50,000 a year in gross sales, but their growing numbers generates more income, and diversification means that our agricultural sector is less vulnerable to market fluctuations. The data show that the largest increase in the number of farms was in those between 10 and 49 acres (62%) and an 80.3% increase in the total value of agricultural products sold by all farms in Sullivan County from 1997 to 2007. The highest increase was registered by farms with the lowest value of sales (less than $2,500 a year), but showing a 55.7% increase in their total value of sales from 1997 to 2007. This indicates a slow, but steady level of growth consistent with a healthy and sustainable type of economic development. But while these trends show great potential for our growing number of new farmers, potential is not certainty. Agriculture, by its very nature, has always been an uncertain, unpredictable and fragile enterprise. It needs our help to succeed. Sullivan County’s Strategic Economic Development Plan indicated a good starting point by emphasizing four key action plans: 1. A program to build dairy processing capacity (including a focus on value-added cheese production); 2. Ensuring that the Liberty red meat processing facility is developed in a way that farmers will use it and sustain other businesses; 3. Furthering the efforts to develop a food hub and foster regional partnerships (including also the cooperative extension’s EATkitchen facility using local ingredients in commercial food preparation, emphasizing smaller micromodes); and 4. Tasking the Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan update with exploring other opportunities for expanding agriculture, including among others: hops development, wine/cider, distillery production, berries, hoop-houses and renewable energy. But for these plans to become reality will depend on all of us getting involved as advocates for our farmers, supporting them as consumers of their goods, and pushing our elected officials to be more responsive to our farmers’ needs. It is ultimately up to all of us to make sure we have the kind of community we want to live in. [Tom Kappner sits on Sullivan County’s Agricultural Advisory Board and serves on the Steering Committee of the Strategic Economic Development Plan for Sullivan County.]

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In support of gun ownership I found the letter to the editor in the April 17-23 issue interesting, and I agree that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. No fallen, sinful person should have a gun. However that includes the police and the military. They, too, are sinful and in a fallen state. It says in Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3 (speaking of the days when the Messiah, Jesus Christ comes back), “They shall beat their swords into plowshares.” This means the sinful violence related to war and murder will be stopped only when Jesus comes back. However in Joel 3:10, it states, “You will beat your plowshares into swords,” speaking of the evil days we live in, thus the need to defend the poor, widowed and the fatherless, even ourselves and our property and rights. Unfortunately, I would rather see armed security and armed citizens rather than only the government, the criminals, the terrorists and the insane with the guns. Lastly following Mr. Splendora’s logic, then all kitchen knives must be banned also. God bless America, one nation under God. In God we trust. John “JP” Pasquale Livingston Manor, NY

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.” ―Aldo Leopold


By Ken Hilton

Will the governor’s property tax reform really work?


ur new New York State (NYS) budget includes an interesting section that Gov. Cuomo believes will lessen our local property tax burden. It builds upon the 2% property tax cap enacted back in 2011 that requires local governments to cap annual tax rate increases at 2% or the rate of inflation, whichever was less. It further stipulated that any proposed taxation above the cap needed a 60% supermajority approval by voters. Now, the 2015 state budget calls for a two-year freeze of residential property taxes for homeowners in jurisdictions that keep their tax increase under the 2% tax cap. In the first year, property owners will receive tax rebate checks from the state equal to their property tax bill increase. In the second year, tax rebate checks will go to the property owners again, but only if their local governments take “meaningful concrete steps toward finding permanent structural savings by sharing services with other jurisdictions or by consolidating [local] governments in their entirety.” So, does this plan have merit? Politically, it clearly has merit, especially for Gov. Cuomo and state legislators. This “incentive” (some might say “bribe”) will almost force local government ofContinued on page 7

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 7



By Jody Tedaldi


Another idea for locating the food hub


n Sullivan County, where agriculture is considered one of our primary economies, why not teach it here? In my opinion, Sullivan County Community College (SCCC) is the perfect fit for the food hub. It is centrally located to both Sullivan farms and Ulster County Route 209. The college can create a curriculum that supports farming with an associate’s degree program to keep some of our local, younger community from leaving. In creating learning classes for the farmers—in planting, maintaining and harvesting crops, in packaging and food hub distribution and trucking—future employment can be supplied. Business classes, like accounting and management classes, can be taken. The program can possibly be articulated to upstate colleges to finish a bachelor’s degree, if one desires. The food coming through the food hub could be purchased by the vendor at the college, which supplies meals to students and faculty, and to the great culinary program (40 years and still strong) that has been a stepping stone for so many past and future chefs around the country. In addition, there’s the red meat plant that has broken ground in Liberty, NY, without a vendor; one might consider SCCC to take the lead there also and create a meat butchering and business curriculum around that, too. The food hub grant monies of $850,000, plus or minus, are for the Wawarsing/Sullivan REAP zone, to benefit both areas. The legislators are still waiting for the blueprints—plans that show the proposed size of the facility that has been approved by the Town of Fallsburg. Town supervisor Steve Vigliante is also the acting attorney for The Wild Turnpike Industrial Park, LLC. Here is part of the proposed resolution authorizing the county manager to execute documents to provide funding to the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) for a Food Distribution Hub Network, “Whereas, 300 farms are in Sullivan County encompassing 50,000 acres and contributing $80,000,000 toward Sullivan County’s economy on an annual basis,

MY VIEW Continued from page 6

ficials to stay within the 2% tax cap. And the resulting tax rebate checks from New York State will, no doubt, be mailed to homeowners in the autumn, just prior to Election Day, reminding voters who to reward. But will the new tax freeze have its intended effect, lowering our burdensome local property taxes? It certainly will help some, though it’s clearly no panacea. Hopefully, it will force local governments and school districts to take those meaningful steps to find permanent structural savings. Do we, for instance, really need to have 22 assessors serving a county population of 75,000? The Town of Henrietta, NY has a population of almost 50,000 with much more commercial and residential development than we have, and yet it functions with a single assessor. And we’ve already learned that we don’t need 44 fulltime employees in the business offices of our eight school districts. A 2008 study showed how single districts, serving the same student population that our eight districts served, were able to function with fewer than 10 employees in their business offices, and county school boards voted to establish a common central business office to serve the county’s districts (and now several others). As a result, districts were able to eliminate many of those 44 positions, saving over $1 million for taxpayers. These kinds of “structural savings” are desperately needed if

Whereas, funding is required to equip a centrally located aggregation and distribution facility in Glen Wild that will utilize existing transportation and distribution logistics and infrastructure, Whereas the IDA in conjunction with other partners has secured and committed significant funding toward the project….” Whose existing infrastructure, transportation and distribution services? If not for a building, then what else will all this money be used for? Possibly 16 jobs within three years for $850,000? [I ask] Mr Vigilante and Ira Steingart, IDA Chairman and Sullivan County legislator, where will you decide that these jobs and opportunities would benefit the most Sullivan County residents? The current location being sought is in a residential neighborhood which some residents are fighting to stop. The signs “No Food Hub Here” went up last week in a Glen Wild neighborhood. There also seems to be a problem with the zoning. Three different maps on same parcel exist in Sullivan County records. • Vacant rural residential, assessed value $53,700, which is what taxes are being paid on. • Recreational • Glen Wild Industrial Park, LLC Ginsberg Foods, out of Hudson, NY, is the operator and will supposedly be driving around to each farm to pick up their products, bring them back to food hub and then redistribute to NYC and Albany markets. Thus far no fee schedule has been made available to the farming community. In short, can they even afford a middle person? The farmers would like to be included in the discussion and decision on location of food hub. After all this is supposed to be about their products getting to market. Make our tax dollars count. We need to locate the food hub where it can create the most jobs for the future. [Jody Tedaldi is a resident of Rock Hill, NY.]

we hope to rein in the cost of local government. But the governor and the state legislature are clearly fooling themselves (and trying to fool us) if they think that finding local governmental efficiencies alone will solve our high tax problems. A huge portion of local government spending is mandated by state law. The Sullivan County Democrat, in its April 4, editorial stated that “more than 80% of our county tax bill funds statemandated programs over which the county has no say.” The governor’s original proposal for lowering local property tax had included mandate relief. Yet when the final law was passed, no mandate reductions were included. The aforementioned editorial correctly labeled this omission “bait and switch.” The facts are clear: serious reductions in local property taxes cannot be achieved unless Albany stops shoving the costs of its programs onto local governments and unless it abolishes many of the unfunded mandates that already exist. By forcing local governments to reduce spending while doing nothing to reduce the burden of unfunded mandates, state officials are shirking their duties, forcing local officials to make impossibly tough calls. Without major mandate reform by Albany, tax relief will be minor, and it will come at the cost of undermining the very reasons for local government. [Ken Hilton is former superintendent of schools for Sullivan West Central School District.]

By Cass Collins

Forty years and a bar


ix large crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling of the lobby of Le Pavillion Hotel in New Orleans. Two oak-leaf gilt mirrors rise above marble consoles on either end of the room adding infinite repetitions of the highly decorated scene. At 10 a.m. on the last Monday morning in April, Jazz Festers slowly tumble from the elevators looking for some chicory-laced coffee to rouse them. Most have imbibed more liquid cheer in a weekend than a bartender pours on New Year’s Eve. When my husband Jim Stratton started coming to Jazz Fest in 1974, he bunked in an apartment above the Maple Leaf Bar on a mattress on the floor with an old sheet for a cover and his balled-up sweatshirt under his head for a pillow. Today we sleep on fresh hotel linens with our choice of pillows. The temperature is controlled by thermostat and heavy drapes keep out daylight until we are ready to rise. Jim was one of the original owners of a New Orleans music institution known as the Maple Leaf. The “Leaf” as devotees know it, resides not on famous Bourbon Street or even in the French Quarter but in the residential neighborhood known as Carrollton in Uptown. It’s a funky little bar with a wide open dance floor and a stage that has welcomed some of the big names in jazz, R&B and zydeco music in the last 40 years. The dance floor was a Laundromat when Jim and his friends bought the place. They tore down the wall between two storefronts and it became a bar and music venue, hosting the likes of James Booker, Marcia Ball and Walter ‘Wolfman’ Washington from the beginning. The partners in the “Leaf” didn’t have big dreams and they didn’t have deep pockets. They were a motley crew of young men in their 30s who liked to drink in bars, and they didn’t mind listening to good music while they did. Besides, the music attracted young ladies who liked to dance, and they liked to dance with them. As Jim tells the story, he was lying on his back in his SoHo loft with a slipped disc when he got a call from his friend Bill Odom in New Orleans. Jim’s first marriage was ending badly and his job in television journalism was being subsumed in a mass media merger. The time was right for a change. When he could move well enough to walk, he high-tailed it down to the Crescent City to find his new partners in a bit of a muddle. Nobody knew how to do much except pour drinks and chat up the ladies, despite advanced academic degrees and other signs of high intellect. They needed someone who could hold a beer in one hand and a hammer in the other. Jim Stratton was their man. He had honed his skills building a loft out of dumpster-procured materials. His partners were more inclined to outright theft than hard labor, but when the local antiques merchant got wind that they had mistakenly purloined a bar from his sidewalk sale, he made them put it back. So Jim built the bar—or part of it (the story of a 40-yearold bar gets fuzzy here) —and designed an oddly shaped trellis for the bar-back mirror that had been broken by his partners in the course of delivery. Another man may have junked the mirror, but Jim was more cautious of spending than of superstition, so he built around it, carving a rustic frame that disguised the broken glass. Few things have changed at the Maple Leaf but the mirror is gone, perhaps in a bid to luck by the new owner.

8 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


DEATH NOTICES Mette Helene Wiklund Amalia

Local bourbon a winner in taste test

Mette Helene Wiklund Amalia died on March 15, 2014 at home in Smallwood, NY, from complications of a stroke.

BETHEL, NY — Catskill Distilling Company’s “Most Right Bourbon” was named one of the top 10 bourbons in a competitive tasting of smallbatch, single-barrel and specialselection bourbons conducted by a panel of whiskey experts at the request of The New York Times recently. Judges described “Most Righteous Bourbon” as “soft, smooth and straightforward with flavors of maple, mind and honey.” At a cost of $32 for a 375 ml bottle, the 93-proof bourbon was also judged to be the best value among those tasted.

Donna Jean Bennett

Woodloch Resort announces the opening of Woodloch Market HAWLEY, PA — Woodloch Resort recently added a country market and gas station, called The Market at Woodloch. The Market, a 6,000 square-foot storefront located on Route 590, will have a soft opening the first week of May. The gourmet selections will include homemade bread, cakes and pastries from the Woodloch Bakery, a Boar’s Head deli, daily prepared hot and cold foods, and local organic produce and dairy when in season and available. The Market will also include a curated selection of gifts from the Woodloch Boutique. In addition to take-out food items, The Market will feature a selection of beers. Additional hospitality services offered at The Market at Woodloch include Mobile Gas Station, check-in desk for guest homes at Woodloch Springs Championship Golf Course, Woodloch Real Estate Home Offices and Woodloch Builders Design Center.

Sullivan County Board of Realtors®

VENDORS’ EXPO 2014 May 15, 2014 • 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM The Eagle’s Nest, Bloomingburg, NY Cost: Full Table $170 (Includes Admission for 2 and Continuous Hors D’Oeuvres along with Pasta and Carving Stations) 1/2 Table: $90 (Includes Admission for 1 and Continuous Hors D’Oeuvres along with Pasta and Carving Stations)

This is a great opportunity for businesses in related ¿elds to enjoy one-on-one contact with Realtors® thus providing an environment for you to showcase your existing / new products and services. For further information contact: SCBR Of¿ce: 845-794-2735 or • Carole Barotti: 607-498-5222 x305 or Or visit for registration forms!!

Donna Jean Bennett of Damascus, PA, a retired food service worker, passed away on Sunday, April 27, 2014. She was 71. Memorial services will be held on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 11 a.m. at the Abrahamsville United Methodist Church. The Reverend Jean Blackie will officiate. Memorial contributions can be made to the Damascus Volunteer Ambulance Squad or to the Equinunk Volunteer Fire Company.

Adeline H. Bishop Adeline H. Bishop, a resident of Ellen Memorial Health Care & Rehabilitation Center, Honesdale, PA, died Saturday evening, April 19, 2014, at the Wayne Memorial Hospital, Honesdale. She was 84. As per her request, she was cremated and a private inurnment will take place in Indian Orchard Cemetery, Honesdale.

Beverly A. Flynn Beverly A. Flynn of White Sulphur Springs, NY, a homemaker and a long time area resident died Sunday, April 27, 2014 at Orange Regional Medical Center, Middletown, NY. She was 73. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Wednesday, April 30, 2014 in St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, 264 North Main Street, Liberty, NY. Father Edward Bader officiated. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, Youngsville, NY. Memorial contributions can be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or to Wounded Warrior Project, PO Box 758517, Topeka, KS 66675.

Thomas Kaminski Thomas Kaminski of North Branch, NY, a retired electroplater for Bendix Aviation in Teterboro, NJ, died Tuesday, April 22, 2014 in Wilkes Barre, PA. He was 92. Funeral services were held on Monday, April 28 at Stewart-Murphy Funeral Home, 5068 Route 52, Jeffersonville, NY. Memorial contributions can be made to the North Branch Fire Department, PO Box 28, North Branch, NY 12766 or to the Russell Kenyon Post 5808 Veterans of Foriegn Wars, PO Box 418, Callicoon, NY12723.

Mildred I. Teeple Mildred I. Teeple of Equinunk, PA died Tuesday afternoon, April 22, 2014 at home. She was 91. Funeral services were held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 in the Union United Methodist Church, Route 191, Hancock Highway, Equinunk, PA with Pastor Darlene Miller officiating. Memorial contributions can be made to the Union Methodist Church, Route 191, Hancock Highway, Equinunk, PA 18417.

OBITUARIES LIZETTE ANNE SCHILLING Lizette Anne Schilling, 56, of Hunter, NY, died peacefully at home on Friday, April 25th. Born August 30, 1957 in Paterson, NJ, she was the daughter of Arthur L. and Irma Fersch Schilling. A naturally gifted artist, her drawings, paintings, and poetry enhanced the lives of her family and friends through the years. A loving mother, daughter, and sister, her survivors include her mother, Irma F. Schilling of Cochecton, NY; two sons, Nicholas A. Schilling of Syracuse, NY, David M. Schilling of Lake Huntington, NY and a daughter, Erin Danielle Simpson of Rosendale, NY; four brothers, Daniel Schilling of Moscow, PA, Eric Schilling of Cochecton, NY, Thomas Schilling of Clarks Summit, PA, Stephen Schilling of Conklin, NY; two sisters, Suzanne Eigenbrot of Ridgewood, NJ and Jacqueline Parker of Middletown Springs, VT; and several aunts and uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Ms. Schilling was predeceased by her father, Arthur L. Schilling and her son Alexander T. Schilling. Calling hours were on Wednesday, April 30 at the Aston-Basagic funeral Home at 7742 Main Street, Hunter, NY. Memorial contributions may be made to the World Wildlife Fund, PO Box 97180, Washington, DC 20090-7180.

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LOCH SHELDRAKE, NY — SUNY Sullivan will host its 24th annual Kite Festival on Saturday, May 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the campus green. This year’s festival will include kite flying demonstrations along with food by the Loch Sheldrake Fire Department, barbeque by Hog Heaven, Italian ices, cotton candy and more. The day will also feature live music by Cathy Paty. Local service organizations and vendors selling arts and crafts, and jewelry and other items will be on-hand. Free kites will be distributed to the first 200 children. Attendees also will be able to step inside and view student films and videos in the Seelig Theatre as part of the annual Fisher Film Festival, as well as student/ faculty art show submissions in the deHoyos Gallery, located just outside the theatre. There will also be a campus tour and information sessions for prospective students interested in meeting faculty and learning more about the college’s academic programs. Students who have already been accepted for the fall semester and who had applied for financial aid are invited to schedule their required testing and advising sessions for that day. Reservations for the tours and for testing and advising are required and should be made by calling the admissions office at 845/434-5750 extension 4287. This free festival, which will be held rain or shine, is sponsored by SUNY Sullivan in conjunction with Jeff Bank, Thunder 102, the Sullivan County Visitors Association and WSUL/WVOS Radio. For more information about the kite festival and related weekend activities, contact the office of special events and campus activities at 845/434-5750 extension 4377.



Celebration combines kite flying with campus tour


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MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 9


By Grace Johansen

Photo by Scott Rando

UDC presents honors at annual awards dinner ELDRED, NY — The Upper Delaware Council held its 26th annual awards ceremony at Henning’s Local in Eldred, NY on April 27 to pay tribute to those who have acted to enhance the Upper Delaware River Valley and protect its resources. U.S. Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-19) delivered the keynote address. Afterwards, award winners posed for a group photo. They are Town of Fremont Supervisor George Conklin, left, who accepted a Special Recognition Award on behalf of the late John B. Niflot; keynote speaker U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson; Lee Hartman, Community Service Award; Steven Schwartz, Upper Delaware BioBlitz, Partnership Award; community film project producer Isaac Green Diebboll, Volunteer Award; Susie Kaspar and Peter Brandon Diefenbach of the National Park Service, Recreation Achievement Award; Don Hamilton of the National Park Service, Distinguished Service Award; historian John Conway, The Delaware Company, Cultural Achievement Award; and Jeff Dexter, 2013 UDC chairperson, Oaken Gavel Award.

Dairy court chosen at pageant WAYNE COUNTY, PA — The 2014 Wayne County Dairy Princess Pageant was held on Sunday, April 27 at the county’s Park Street Complex in Honesdale. Representing the county’s dairy industry this year will be Dairy Ambassador Jasmine Johnson, left, Dairy Maid Paige Gill, 2014 Dairy Princess Zoe Buckingham, Dairy Maid Brea Rutledge and Dairy Maid Abigail Hynes.

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THANK YOU THUNDERHEADS! AND Thank You to our ThunderBash Sponsors: Monticello Casino & Raceway Town of Thompson Crystal Run Healthcare Bethel Woods Center for the Arts M&M Auto Group Roscoe Beer Monticello Motor Club Yellow Cab ThunderBash Corporate Sponsors: Panda's Parlor Animal Hospital of Sullivan Co US Army Apple's Small Engine Delaware County Fair New York National Guard Lander's River Trips Catskill Regional Medical Center Cronk's Electronics Achieve Rehab Malibu Dude Ranch US Marines

women are walking. There was very little traffic, and it was primarily made up of horses and wagons. From the collection of the Tusten Historical Society. The Tusten Historical Society’s hours at the Western Sullivan Public Library, Tusten-Cochecton branch in Narrowsburg, are Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m., Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

By Jane Luchsinger


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ated 1910, here is a postcard picture of the road now called Rt. 652 in Pennsylvania. The PA boat access is now located along the bank bordering the river on the left of the picture. The boarding house on the right was known as the West Point House. It was removed many years ago as well as the trees in front. It was a dirt road at the time and there was a path along side where the two


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ThunderBash Ticket Sponsors: Fallsburg Lumber Quality Pet Care Monticello Farm Home & Garden Schmidt's Wholesale Sullivan Pharmacy Panda's Parlor J.B. Mak Fosterdale Equipment Louis and Sons Auto Roscoe Diner Manor Pharmacy Hancock Liquor Store It's A Cinch Tax Service O'Toole's Harley Davidson Shakelton Auto Parts Catskill Hudson Bank Rusty Palmer

hank you to all the litter pluckers. Your work makes a difference and grooms our roadways for all of us. Visitors coming to our area love the clean, country feeling they sense as they meander along our roads, and you contribute to that experience. (We love the feeling, too.) Here are a couple of reminders for you: On Saturday, May 3, step back in time with Aztec Two-Step performing “Classic Duos,” a concert of songs by Simon and Garfunkel and the Everly Brothers, in

Quick, green, energy-saving tips Help save money, energy & the environment

Replace old appliances with Energy Star efficiencyrated items. — From the Tusten Energy Committee

addition to their own acoustic folk rock classics. Their album “Real Simple” was named one of the top five classic folk albums of all time along with works by Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Phil Ochs and Tom Rush. Won’t we be lucky to hear them, and won’t they be lucky to perform in one of the best classic theaters of all time, the Tusten Theatre? Tickets can be purchased in advance at Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, 845/252-7576. Tickets cost $25 for the performance and an additional $10 if you would like to have preferred seating and meet the artists at a reception after the performance. Don’t forget to get your tickets for the St. Paul’s Church annual chicken barbeque. This take-out barbeque will be held on Sunday, May 14. Meals may be picked up at the parish hall of St. Paul’s Church on Erie Street between 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. Tickets cost $10 each. Parishioners are selling tickets in advance, or you may call 845/252- 3919 for more information. Last reminder: Take a few moments to walk around Bridge and Main streets to see all the new daffodils in bloom. The Main Street merchants and members of the Narrowsburg Beautification Group planted them last year. There was concern that the long winter would have kept the bulbs from showing their glory, but they made it. Spring must be here.

10 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


Milford-Matamoras Rotary Club announces two special events

ORGANIZATIONAL NEWS The Cooperage says hello to summer farmers’ market HONESDALE, PA — After a successful market season, the winter edition of The Cooperage Farmers’ Market came to a close on Saturday, April 12. The Cooperage will give the farmers a month off between winter and summer market seasons to allow them time to get their crops ready. The summer market will reopen Wednesday, May 14 and run every Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. through October 29. Patrons can expect to find a variety of fresh produce, meats, breads, baked goods, candy, mustards, jellies, mushroom logs, soaps and teas, just to name a few. Also returning this season is The Market Café, offering farm-to-table fair that features seasonal and local products. Vendors at The Cooperage Farmers’ Market must be from within a 50 mile radius of Honesdale. Additionally, this is a producer-only affair; all vendors must grow their own fruits and vegetables, raise their own livestock, or prepare their own specialty goods. For more information call 570/253-2020 or visit

Boys welcome to join Cub Scout’s racing event MILFORD, PA — The Milford Cub Scout “Bear Den” is going to be building and racing “Cub Mobiles” on Saturday, May 3. Any interested boys are welcome to join in the fun and to see what scouting is all about. The building and racing will take place at the home of Chris Laube. Contact Chris at 570/409-6149 for more information.

‘Connecticut Yankee Redux,’ a talk by Stephen Skye CUDDEBACKVILLE, NY — The Neversink Valley Museum of History and Innovation will hold a talk on Wednesday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the D & H Canal Park Visitor’s Center, 58 Hoag Rd., (just off Route 209). Museum Historian Stephen Skye will speak about the settlers known as the Connecticut Yankees who played an important part in the rise of the Delaware and Hudson Canal. Come discover how Daniel Skinner and the White brothers, Hugh and Canvass, all famous Connecticut Yankees, changed the course of history. From the Delaware River lumber rafts that Skinner first sent down the Delaware to the natural cement industry established by the Whites, the history of the D&H Canal was profoundly shaped by these sons of Connecticut. Suggested donation is $5 for nonmembers. Refreshments will be provided. For more information call 845/754-8870, email, or visit their Facebook page.

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Pictured are 4-H member Amanda Fisher, left, 4-H Club leader Nancy Van Wyk, and 4-H member Adriana Bauer, with GAIT horse Montana ready to try out the fire halter.

GAIT receives special horse halters from 4-H MILFORD, PA — The Horse and Pony Club, a Pike County 4-H club at Van Wyk Farms in Hawley PA, chose to donate 10 fire halters to the GAIT Therapeutic Riding Center in Milford. The 4-H members studied the design, followed the directions provided, and presented these special halters to Martha Dubensky, executive director of GAIT, on Saturday, April 19. In an emergency, large animals such as horses are often difficult to remove from danger. However, specially manufactured halters (designed by a show stable in Spain, which released pictures and directions for other facilities to utilize), have been modified to safely and rapidly remove horses from a dangerous situation such as a barn fire or flood. For more information regarding the fire halters go to For more information regarding GAIT go to

Katie’s Café is open on May 3 NARROWSBURG, NY — Katie’s Café, sponsored and hosted by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, will offer its monthly free community lunch on Saturday, May 3, at 31 Erie Ave. Homemade food and desserts, accompanied by hot and cold beverages, will be served from 12 noon to 1 p.m. You’re invited to bring your friends, neighbors, children and grandchildren to lunch or just come for a meal and friendly conversation. St. Paul’s has been in the neighborhood for almost 145 years. St. Paul’s is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a denomination comprised of 9,638 congregations all over the United States.

MILFORD, PA — The MilfordMatamoras Rotary Club will honor longtime Rotarian, community servant and native son Arthur K. Ridley, Esq., by hosting Art Ridley Day on May 10. The day kicks off with the 5k Ridley Rotary Run at the Delaware Valley High School cross-country trail at 9 a.m. If you preregister (deadline May 7), the fee is $20 for adults and $15 for kids under 13, and you are guaranteed a T-shirt. On race day, the fee is $25 for adults and $20 for kids under 13, and T-shirts will be first come, first served. The day will end with the Ridley Rotary Roast, a dinner and program honoring Ridley at the Best Western Inn at Hunt’s Landing in Matamoras. Special guests who have been co-workers, friends and family members will “roast” the honoree. Tickets cost $50 per person. All proceeds raised will go to three children’s charities of Ridley’s choice: Biondo Foundation, Center for Developmental Disabilities and GAIT Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center. Sign-up forms are on the MilfordMatamoras Rotary Facebook page, or email, stop by Keller Williams Real Estate office at 500 W. Harford St., or the Pike County Chamber office, or call 570/772-9286.

Christian motorcyclists to hold annual fundraiser PORT JERVIS, NY — The Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA), a nonprofit, interdenominational organization dedicated to reaching people for Christ in the highways and byways through motorcycling, will hold its 26th annual Run for the Son on May 3 at Riverside Park. This fundraiser is a once-a-year event that supports CMA and three partner ministries to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the motorcycling community. Since its beginning in the mid-‘70s, CMA has had over 150,500 applicants for membership and over 1,000 chapters chartered in the U.S. CMA’s International Ministry is represented in other countries throughout the world. For more information contact Disciples of the Cross chapter, Andres Boden 845/248-1080.

Keller Williams Real Estate part of global community service initiative MILFORD AND HAWLEY, PA — Keller Williams Real Estate associates will be taking the day off on Thursday, May 8, but it will hardly be a day of rest. Associates with the Milford and Hawley business centers have chosen to “Give Where They Live” as part of RED Day, the company’s annual day of service, dedicated to renewing, energizing and donating to their local communities. This year the Milford and Hawley offices will clean Harford and Broad streets in Milford and spend the day at the Pike County Historical Society’s The Columns Museum. “We plan on cleaning, painting, organizing, and gardening. Whatever is needed, we will be happy to help,” said Theresa Rocco, agent and event coordinator. For more information about RED Day, visit The Keller Williams Real Estate Milford and Hawley offices are located at 500 West Harford St.,. Milford, and 2523 Rte. 6, Suite 2, Hawley.

Contributed photo

There will be vehicles for children to learn safety issues at the Safe Kids Fair in Honesdale, PA on May 31.

Wayne County Safe Kids Fair HONESDALE, PA — The Wayne County Safe Kids Committee will hold its third annual Safe Kids Fair on May 31 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Park Street Complex (rain or shine). All are welcome to attend this free event. Each child visiting at least half of the safety tables will be able to enter their name for a chance to win a new bicycle, donated by Elegante’s Restaurant. A few of the safety issues being covered will be bike safety, toy safety, fingerprinting and gun safety (free gun locks). There will also be free refreshments, fun activities and handouts. Wayne County Safe Kids will host a free safety car seat inspection from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in an effort to educate parents and to ensure proper safety seat installation.

Annual Spring Book Sale at the Western Sullivan Public Library JEFFERSONVILLE, NY — The Western Sullivan Public Library will hold its annual Spring Book Sale at the Jeffersonville branch May 3 through May 10, during library hours. Browse hundreds of “gently used” books and audiovisual materials. Call 845/482-4350 if you are interested in volunteering at

the book sale or would like additional information. The library’s hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year’s sale is sponsored by the Friends of Western Sullivan Public Library. Continued on page 12

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 11


The River Reporter’s 19th Annual THE BEST BALLOT IS BACK!

We have revamped our ballot and it’s better than ever! We ask that you simply vote for the people, places or businesses that you think are the BEST. Thank you for your participation and we look forward to receiving your votes. If there is a category that we are missing, let us know! We will publish our 2014 WINNERS in our annual Readers’ Choice Awards “BEST” supplement in January 2015.

Good Luck to all!



BEST BUSINESSES & SERVICES Auto Service Station _________________

New Business of the Year ______________

Bank __________________________

Pet Boarding/Pampering ______________

Child Care Provider__________________

Pet Grooming /Groomer ______________

Christmas Tree Farm _________________

Pharmacy _______________________

Eye Care Center ____________________

Photography Studio _________________

Elder Care Facility __________________

Plumbing & Heating Supply ____________

Emergency Room ___________________

Rehabilitation Services________________

Engaging Facebook Page ______________

Recycle & Transfer Station ______________

Fitness Center _____________________

Rental Center _____________________

BEST PEOPLE Accountant _______________________ Architect ________________________ Auto Mechanic _____________________ Baker/ Specialty Cakes________________ Bank Teller_______________________ Barber _________________________ Bartender _______________________ Builder _________________________ Butcher _________________________ Caterer _________________________ Carpenter _______________________ Car Salesman _____________________ Chef ___________________________ Chiropractor ______________________ Clergy __________________________ Coach __________________________ Custom Cabinetry ___________________ Dentist _________________________ Doctor__________________________ Electrician _______________________ Event Planner _____________________ Excavator ________________________ Friendly Staff _____________________

Green Developer ___________________ High School Athlete _________________ Holisitc Practioner __________________ Interier Decorator __________________ Landscaper_______________________ Lawyer _________________________ Law Enforcement Officer_______________ Local Hero _______________________ Massage Therapist __________________ Medical Specialist ___________________ Painter _________________________ Pediatrician ______________________ Plumber ________________________ Politician ________________________ Postmaster _______________________ Radio Personality ___________________ Real Estate Agent ___________________ Roofer _________________________ Teacher _________________________ Veterinarian _____________________ Waiter/Waitress ____________________ Web Designer _____________________ Yoga Teacher _____________________

Appetizers _______________________

Ice Cream Parlor ___________________

Funeral Home _____________________

Real Estate Office ___________________

Authentic Meal ____________________

Italian Restaurant __________________

Green Business ____________________

Salvage Company___________________

Bagels _________________________

Locally-Sourced Menu ________________

Hair & Nail Salon___________________

Septic Service _____________________

Bakery _________________________

Local Watering Hole _________________

Heating Fuel Company _______________

Spa or Personal Pampering_____________


Lunch __________________________

Home & Garden Store ________________

Storage Center ____________________

Beer Selection _____________________


Hospital/ Medical Facility ______________

Towing Service ____________________

Breakfast ________________________

Menu __________________________

Insurance Agency ___________________

Truck Center ______________________

Brunch _________________________

New Restaurant ____________________

Kid’s Camp _______________________

Tuxedo Rentals ____________________

Budget-friendly ____________________

Pasta Dish _______________________

Kitchen & Bath Store _________________

Veterinarian Clinic __________________

Buffet __________________________

Pizza __________________________

Maternity Unit _____________________

Well Driller ______________________

Candy Shop ______________________

Off The Beaten Path _________________

Modular Homes ____________________

Women’s Health Center _______________

Cheeseteak Sandwich ________________

Outdoor Dining ____________________

Chinese Restaurant __________________

Overall Restaurant __________________

Coffeehouse ______________________

- Delaware County __________________

Deli ___________________________

- Orange County ___________________

Ambulance Squad __________________

- Golf Pro _______________________

Desserts ________________________

- Pike County _____________________

Amusement/ Fun Park ________________

- Musician/Band ___________________

Diner __________________________

- Sullivan County ___________________

Animal Shelter ____________________

- Photographer ____________________

Dinner _________________________

-Wayne County ____________________

Art Gallery _______________________

- Potter _________________________

Dinner Specials ____________________

-Region _________________________

Atmosphere ______________________

Local Products:

Early Bird Specials __________________

Ribs ___________________________

Bed & Breakfast ___________________

- Beer / Spirits ____________________

Family Restaurant __________________

Romantic Restaurant _________________

Bowling Lanes_____________________

- Cheese ________________________

French Fries ______________________

Salad __________________________

Canoe Livery______________________

- Eggs __________________________

Gourmet Restaurant _________________

Sandwiches ______________________


- Meats _________________________

Grocery Store /Supermarket ____________


Chamber of Commerce________________

- Maple Syrup _____________________

Hamburgers ______________________

Soups __________________________

Chicken BBQ (Volunteer) ______________

- Wine _________________________

Happy Hour ______________________

Steakhouse ______________________

Cider Mill ________________________

Meditation Center __________________

Health Food Store __________________

Vegetarian Food Restaurant ____________

Civic Club or Organization _____________

Movie Theatre _____________________

Home Cooking Restaurant _____________

Wine Selection ____________________

College _________________________

Museum ________________________

Hot Dogs ________________________

Wings __________________________

Community Festival or Street Fair _________

Neighborhood _____________________

Conference Center __________________

Pancake Breakfast __________________


Dance Studio _____________________

Parade _________________________


Day Trip ________________________

Penny Social ______________________

Jewelry Store _____________________

Fair ___________________________

Place to Hold a Prom ________________

Auto Parts Store____________________

Knit Shop________________________

Family Night Out ___________________

Places to Play Bingo _________________

Baby/Kids Store ____________________

Liquor Store ______________________

Farm Market______________________

Place to Take out of town guests __________

Boat Dealer/Rental __________________

Locally-made products ________________

Fire Department ___________________

Place to Take the kids ________________

Bookstore _______________________

Lumberyard ______________________

Golf Course ______________________

Playhouse Theatre __________________

Car Dealership ____________________

Medical Equipment __________________

Historic Site ______________________

Post Office _______________________

Clothing Store _____________________

Motorcycle Shop ____________________

Horseback Riding ___________________

Private School _____________________

Collectibles Store ___________________

Music Store_______________________

Hotel __________________________

Radio Station _____________________

Consignment Shop __________________

Novelty Shop _____________________

Law Office _______________________

Resort __________________________

Electronics _______________________

Outdoor Recreational Vehicles ___________

Library _________________________

Shopping Area ____________________

Farm Equipment Retailer ______________

Pet Store ________________________

Live Music Venue ___________________

Ski Lodge _______________________

Flooring Store _____________________

Place to Buy Art ____________________

Local __________________________

Special Area Attraction _______________

Florist __________________________

Pottery Studio _____________________

- Artist _________________________

Sullivan Renaissance Project ____________

Furniture Store ____________________

Speciality Store ____________________

- Author ________________________

Wedding Reception Location ____________

General Store _____________________

Sporting Goods Shop_________________

- Celebrity _______________________

Winery _________________________

Gift Shop ________________________

Tattoo/Ear Piercing Shop ______________

- Farm _________________________

Youth Center ______________________

Hardware Store ____________________

Vintage Shop _____________________

- Getaway _______________________

Youth Program ____________________

BEST PLACES TO SHOP Antique Store _____________________

Home Décor ______________________

Mortgage Company _________________


HOW TO VOTE: Pleast print clearly your choices for “THE BEST” from the categories listed. Best choices are limited to Delaware, Orange, Pike, Sullivan and Wayne counties. You may also VOTE ONLINE: HOW TO ENTER: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Additional ballots are available at The River Reporter of¿ce at 93 Erie Ave, Narrowsburg, NY. Ballots MUST be complete and include full name, address and phone number of voter. All ballots must be received by December 18, 2014. Employees of The River Reporter and Stuart Communications are permitted to vote but not eligible to win prizes. Entries that are late, damaged, illegible or missing voter’s name will not be eligible. One entry per person. Mechanically reprouced or Photocopied entries are not eligible. A business, organization or person may win no more than three (3) categories. Winners will be chosen based on the number of votes received by December 18th, 2014. HOW TO WIN PRIZES: All ballots will be included in a random drawing for prizes. Drawing will be held in January 2015. No duplicate winners. BEST Winners will be noti¿ed in January 2015.

Name __________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________

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PLEASE MAIL COMPLETED FORMS TO: The River Reporter “BEST” PO Box 150, Narrowsburg, NY 12764


93 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, NY 12764

12 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014




Continued from page 10

Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship service BEACH LAKE, PA — The Upper Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will hold a service at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, May 4 at the Berlin Township Community Center (50 Milanville Rd. off Route 652). Sheila Vaswani will present a multimedia program on the topic of Eastern religions, encompassing Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Islam. Refreshments and a social gathering will follow the program.

United Way accepting applications for community impact funding MONTICELLO, NY — United Way of Sullivan County is accepting applications for community impact funding from not-for-profit agencies within Sullivan County that serve the county’s residents and meet the grant criteria. Organizations must have a paid executive director and community-based board of directors. Grants will be considered for programs that advance community initiatives identified by a community needs assessment. Grants for 2014 should focus on helping children and youth succeed and will include such initiatives as keeping youth actively engaged in physical and social activities and helping youth avoid unsafe activities and behaviors. Most grants will be funded over a three-year period, for a maximum of $12,000, or up to $4,000 annually. Note that Community Impact Grants cannot be issued to cover an organization’s daily operational expenses. Applications are available at www. or by calling 845/794-1771. Questions can be emailed to unitedwaysullivan@verizon. net. The deadline is July 28.

Device workshops at the Western Sullivan Public Library

Bicycle maintenance workshop at The Cooperage

NARROWSBURG, NY — The Western Sullivan Public Library will hold a series of device workshops in Narrowsburg in May. The workshops include “Learn How to Use Your New Device� on Saturday, May 3 from 1 to 3 p.m.; “Windows 8 Workshop� on Saturday, May 10 from 1 to 3 p.m.; “Tips and Tricks for Your Tablet� on Saturday, May 17 from 1 to 3 p.m.; “Tips and Tricks for Your iPad� on Saturday, May 24 from 1 to 3 p.m.; and “Preventing and Removing Viruses� on Saturday, May 31 from 1 to 3 p.m. Participants should bring the device they would like to learn to use to each workshop. Free computer classes and assistance are provided at the Public Computer Center (PCC) at the Western Sullivan Public Library. Many other classes are available. Visit PCC for a full schedule. Call 845/887-4040 (Callicoon), 845/482-4350 (Jeffersonville), or 845/252-3360 (Narrowsburg).

HONESDALE, PA — A DIY bicycle maintenance workshop, “Ride Your Bike,� will be presented on Monday, May 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Cooperage, 1030 Main St. Whether you’re a road rider, a mountain biker, a commuter or an enthusiast of other sorts, an expert or a beginner, learn what you need to get your bike ready to ride this spring and how to do it yourself. “Ride Your Bike� will be taught by Dan Corrigan and Mike Johnson of Sawmill Cycles. In addition to bicycle maintenance, the duo also will discuss general safety tips and the dos-and-don’ts of bicycling, plus they’ll give suggestions on routes to ride based on your level of experience and desired difficulty. Considering commuting to work on a bicycle? There are many people in this area who do. This workshop will help you feel more confident on your daily rides or might inspire you to give it a try. Donations are appreciated. If it’s a nice day, the workshop will take place in the pocket park outside the building. For more information, visit or call 570/253-2020.

Daniel Pierce Library offers career counseling workshops

GRAHAMSVILLE, NY — The Daniel Pierce Library will offer a series of career counseling workshops sponsored by the Ramapo Catskill Library System and the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy grant program. The workshops will be held at the library. Resume Building Workshop will be held May 5 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. followed by individual career counseling sessions from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Job Interview Workshop will be held May 12 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. followed by individual career counseling sessions from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. The career counselor will provide a step-by-step approach to job search, re-entry into the workforce, and resume building. Take this HEALTH FOODS & DELI opportunity to discuss your Natural Foods • Full Line of Supplements & Vitamins career needs and questions. Hoagies & Take-Out Lunches (Also Vegetarian) Anyone interested should Fresh Juices • Special Diet Products call the library to register at 845/985-7233. 947 Main Street, Honesdale, PA • 570-253-3469


Seed talk at The Port Jervis Free Library PORT JERVIS, NY — The Public Computer Center (The Hub) at The Port Jervis Free Library will host Ken Greene from the Hudson Valley Seed Library for a seed talk on Monday, May 5 from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. The talk will be held in the Community Room, which has a capacity of 50. Greene will give a talk about seeds and spring sowing. He will also talk about what it means to garden with seeds that are meant to be grown in our region. Hudson Valley Seed Library seeds will be available for purchase. Call 845/772-7586 for more information or email thehub@portjervislibrary. org. Pre-registration is required for this program.

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St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Narrowsburg, NY Free! All are welcome

Learn to communicate effectively MONTICELLO, NY — Despite all of our modern technology, successful communication still demands effective face-to-face interaction. The Adult & Continuing Education Program at Sullivan BOCES is addressing this need by offering a basic communications course “Anyone Can: Steps to Effective Communication.� Classes will be held at the St. John Education Center on Wednesdays and Thursdays, May 7 through May 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. The class fee is $125. This 12-hour course will help you substantially increase your communication skills. Roz Magidson, MPA and Executive Director of the Dispute Resolution Center serving Orange, Putnam and Sullivan counties, will be your guide. For more information or to register, call 845/295-4900 visit For program updates like BOCES on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Learn gardening for free LIBERTY, NY — Learn about “Weeds, Shoots & Flowers� during the second of three hands-on gardening trainings on Wednesday, May 7. The free instructional classes will be taught by Sullivan County Master Gardener Volunteers at the Gerald Skoda Education Center from 7 to 9 p.m. Sullivan Renaissance and CCE are holding the trainings to assist individuals who want to volunteer but aren’t sure how to help with community gardens in their hometowns. Attendees will learn the basics of caring for a garden from start to finish, and be able to roll up their sleeves to work in their own gardens and to help at nearby community projects. Those who successfully complete all three classes will receive a completion certificate and a special gift from Sullivan Renaissance. Training space is limited and preregistration is requested for the class. Refreshments will be provided. For more information or to register, contact Sullivan Renaissance at 845/295-2445 or

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MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 13


Species parade at Hawley Earth Fest


Contributed photo from Ms. Geneva’s Photography

Pictured are Ms. Sullivan County 2014 Samantha Shaver-Ruff, left, Miss Sullivan County 2014 Ariana Kaminski, Miss Teen Sullivan County 2014 Amanda Rampe, Miss Pre-Teen Sullivan County 2014 Natalia Diaz and Young Miss Sullivan County 2014 Lorna Dewitt.

Sullivan County Pageant is more than a beauty pageant


We go where you go.

ULLIVAN COUNTY, NY — The Sullivan County Pageant is more than a beauty pageant. This pageant is for women who live, work, or go to school in Sullivan County. They participate in a private interview, an opening number dance routine, a themed fun fashion show, evening gown and onstage questions. Seven new titleholders are crowned every year in different age groups. All contestants are invited to go out and make a difference in the county. The girls of the pageant continue after pageant day; they do community service, volunteer at charity events and functions, attend holiday parades and events, and spend their year making a difference. Every year the pageant picks a charity to donate portions of the proceeds to. This year the titleholders chose The Allyson Whitney Foundation.

Town of Lumberland Cultural Series proudly presents


The Parting Glass

Sunday, May 4th 2014 3:00 P.M. Lumberland Town Hall 1054 Proctor Road, Glen Spey, N.Y. children: $5 adults: $10 for information: callb(845) 856-6372

Don’t miss a single issue... anywhere down the ‘line’

A “Meet the Artist” Reception will be held following the Recital in honor of the artists This program is made possible in part with ȴnancing from the Sullivan County Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered by the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, Narrowsburg, NY.

AWLEY, PA — Owen and Finn Robbins of Beach Lake, along with Greg Nalesnik of Hawley, turned up as sheep to march in the Hawley Earth Fest Species Parade last Saturday, April 26. They joined in a long line of other species, including a raccoon and a fox; a lizard, a snake and an earthworm; and more. Caroline Rae in her chicken costume and Amanda Russo dressed as a quail, both of Lake Ariel, joined in the festivities. The weekend included Earth Day activities at PPL Environmental Learning Center; yoga for kids; readings, talks and games at the library, a Green Cleaning beginners’ workshop to make your own nontoxic household cleaners, plus local dining and music events throughout town.

14 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


Yard Tractors, Chain Saws, Lawn Mowers & Zero Turns


In Stock and Ready

What you need to know about tick-associated illness

JOHN H. ESCHENBERG INC. Dennis, Raymond, Danny, Cathy

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845-887-5350 ®


By James D. Lomax, MD


his is the time of the year that we begin to find ticks on our clothing or pets and sometimes attached to our skin after we have been in fields and woods or clearing garden plots and fences. Tick bites can transmit a variety of infectious diseases, but this article will cover Lyme disease only. The highest incidence of Lyme disease (LD) is in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Adult stages of the deer ticks (Ixodesscapularis and Ixodespacificus) are the primary insects that spread Lyme disease. The tick transmits the spirochete Borreliaburgdorfer during its feeding phase. Although a person may be bitten by an infected tick, the chance of transmission is very small unless the tick has been embedded for at least 36 hours.

Stages of Lyme disease Lyme disease can present itself in various ways depending on how long a person has been infected. Below are brief descriptions of these stages:

Early infection Erythema migrans (EM) is the only presentation in which the diagnosis of Lyme disease can be made without laboratory testing. EM occurs in three to 32 days after an infected tick bite. Its starts as a red pimple at the bite site spreading out to a rash that resembles a bulls-eye. Because ticks will seek out dark, moist areas to embed, such as the groin, high inner thigh or armpit, the rash may not always visible. Only about 50-70% of infected people present this way to the doctor.

General symptoms, such as fatigue, generalized aching, or lymph node enlargement may precede, be accompanied by or followed by the development of a rash. EM will quickly disappear without treatment so that if the person does not notice the rash and does not have systemic symptoms, they may not be aware of the exposure. (Only 30% of people who get Lyme disease recall a tick bite.)

Early disseminated Lyme disease If a person develops multiple organ system disease, aggressive antibiotic treatment is needed to prevent cardiac, rheumatologic or neurological conditions that can develop several months after being infected. Cardiac conduction defects are rare. Hospitalization is required for cardiac monitoring before initiating intravenous antibiotic treatment. Early reversible neurological conditions include painful radiculopathies, meningitis, encephalopathy and facial paralysis. These conditions can occur in up to 15% of untreated patients.

Late Lyme disease There are a variety of musculoskeletal conditions that develop in the late stage of LD, including multiple joint pain, tendonitis, bursitis and fibromyalgia. Lyme disease is easily confused with chronic fatigue syndrome. Because of similarity of symptoms, treatment can be significantly delayed if LD is not diagnosed early. The arthritis of LD involves multiple joints. If the infection is long standing, symptoms may not resolve even with appropriate antibiotic treatment.

Diagnosis of Lyme disease Most Lyme infections are diagnosed because the doctor or person thinks they may be at risk and requests lab testing. In practice, it is not common to see a bulls-eye lesion; more commonly the person is tested when experiencing fatigue, joint aching or presents with a nerve condition such as Bell’s palsy. Many infections are picked up because of periodic screening if the

BAD TICKS.COM 845-557-6555


Continued on page 16

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 15


Exceptional Surgery Care

GERARD GALARNEAU, G AU, M.D. Urologic Surgeon eon Chief Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer for Catskill Regional Medical Center. Board-certified in urology. Expertise in the treatment of all urologic cancers including prostate, kidney, bladder and testicular cancer.

ABDUL AB ABD B DU D U L SHAHZAD, DUL SHAH SH AHZ AH Z AD ZA A D M.D. MD General Surgeon Director of Department of Surgery, Director of Trauma and Co-Director of the Intensive Care Unit at Catskill Regional Medical Center. Certified Wound Care Specialist. Specializes in vascular, thoracic and laparoscopic surgeries.

MOHAMMAD SHAHBAZ KHAN, M.D. MOHAM General Surgeon Board-certified General Surgeon and fellow of American College of Surgeons (FACS) for Catskill Regional Medical Group. Specializes in breast, colon, gallbladder, hernia, laparoscopic surgeries and wound care.

MARIBETH WIDAS, P.A. Urologic and General Surgery Licensed Physician Assistant in Urology and General Surgery for Catskill Regional Medical Center. Assists all three surgeons in the operating room.

Your Surgery Team Our team of professionals includes Board-certified surgeons and anesthesiologists, as well as highly-skilled nurses. By using advanced techniques, our team can make safe, effective treatment plans. Catskill Regional Medical Group is committed to providing you with the highest level of care and the surgery services you need including: • Pre-Surgical Testing • Surgery

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• Post-Operative Pain Management • Wound Care

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A member of the Greater Hudson Valley Health System

16 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014



First Aid and Prevention

Continued from page 14

person lives or works in high-risk areas but has no symptoms. Diagnosing Lyme disease requires a two-part lab test. The first part is an antibody screen known as ELISA. If positive or equivocal, the same serum specimen is retested by test known as a Western Blot. A negative response at six to eight weeks post-tick exposure generally indicates no active infection. However, if the test is performed too early (four to six weeks), there may be inadequate antibody response at that point in time. Another important reason is that if the person took an antibiotic for another reason during this six-week incubation period, there will be a delay in developing a positive response. A positive ELISA (but negative Western Blot) may also occur because of antibody cross-reactions to similar antibodies from other infections. Another test available is the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that may be used to identify an active infection if you have symptoms that have not gotten better with antibiotic treatment. PCR testing is not done as a first test because it requires technical skill, is expensive and associated with false positive results.

• If you find a tick in clothing or on the skin, but not attached, the chance of Lyme disease is very small. Finding unattached ticks do not need testing, but monitor yourself or your child for rashes or flu-like symptoms.

Current antibiotic treatment recommendation

• Shower as soon as possible after you come indoors. Showering will help remove unattached ticks. Always check under the arms, in and around the ears, inside belly button, back of the knees, in and around the hair, between the legs and around the waist on yourself or your child.

The treatment of new Lyme infections consists of antibiotic treatment. Oral doxycycline for 14 to 21 days is the drug of choice. Other oral antibiotics can be prescribed if you are allergic or have side effects from doxycycline. People with cardiac, reoccurring joint arthritis or neurologic complications, may require intravenous antibiotics. Lyme disease vaccine is no longer offered because its protection is not longlasting.

• Attached ticks should be promptly removed with forceps or fine tweezers. The head of the tick should be grasped as close to the skin as possible and pulled gently from the skin, using a twisting motion. After as much of the tick has been removed as possible, the bite should be disinfected and covered. Do not use nail polish, petrolatum or hot matches to remove the tick. Call your physician for recommendations about follow up. If you develop a rash or flu-like symptoms within 30 days of removing a tick, see your doctor as soon as possible. • Prevention is the most important thing you can do to avoid tick exposure. Anticipate ticks if you are going to be in moist, wooded or grassy areas. Walk in the center of trails. Wear long sleeves and pants. If possible tuck in pant legs into boots or long stockings. You can use spray products containing permethrin on boots, clothing and camp gear, but avoid skin exposure with these sprays. • Recommendations by the CDC include the use of a repellent with DEET on skin. Repellents containing 20% or more DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) can protect up to several hours. Always follow product instructions. For detailed information about using DEET on children, see recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

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ONESDALE, PA — Healthy Steps in Motion is an exercise program that incorporates warm-up, balance, weight resistance/strength training and cool-down segments as its program foundation. It was designed by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and is offered to area older adults at no cost. The classes will be held May 6 to June 26 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Honesdale Senior Center, 323 Tenth St. It promotes regular physical activity, which provides many benefits for older adults. Research has shown that older adults who practice weight resistance training improve their balance and coordination and may decrease their risk for falls. Exercise can also reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers, increase bone density, strengthen the heart and lungs, reduce stress and boost energy levels. No reservation is required. Transportation will be available by calling 570/253-4280. Call 48 hours in advance. To join them for lunch call 570/253-5540 at least 24 hours in advance. Visit the website for more information

William H. Chellis 845-482-3405


For Peace of Mind and Quality of Life 150 Noble Lane, Bethany, PA 18431



MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 17


Jefferson Pharmacy

4892 State Route 52 Jeffersonville, NY 12748

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Gentle Dentistry

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Beautiful Smiles Begin Here

Yoga classes for all abilities

Bon Secours to host Behavioral Health Family Fun Fair


ONTICELLO, NY — The Adult & Continuing Education Program at Sullivan BOCES is offering several fitness classes. All classes are held at St. John Street Education Center in Monticello. Beyond Beginner Yoga classes are held on Mondays, starting April 28 and run through June 23 from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. The cost is $65. This course is for yoga practitioners with some background and experience. Bring your mat and let us lead you further into the benefit and enjoyment of this discipline. Chair Yoga for Seniors classes will run on Thursdays, May 1 through June 19 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. The cost is $65. Yoga is an exercise for every life phase. Use deep breathing and physical movement to increase your flexibility and improve strength and relaxation. Experience is not necessary. You bring an open mind and we provide the physical support and gentle pace. To register for any of the fitness classes, contact the Adult and Continuing Education Program at 845/2954900 or visit

Fallsburg to hold Wellness Day


ALLSBURG, NY — The Fallsburg Central School District Wellness Committee will hold its 2014 Wellness Day on Saturday, May 17 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Fallsburg Junior/Senior High School front parking lot. Rain or shine, kids, students, parents, staff and community are invited to enjoy the morning with many healthcare providers offering free information. The fair is to promote healthy lifestyles in the area and share learning opportunities for parents of the Fallsburg school district.Youngsters are encouraged to play games with the Physical Education & Health Education Staff (prizes available for the kids). Contact Harold Fried at 845/434-6800 for more information.



ORT JERVIS, NY — May is Mental Health Month, and in recognition of the importance of informing the public on how to protect behavioral health and promote general wellbeing, Bon Secours Community Hospital will host an all-day Behavioral Health Family Fun Fair. The festive event will take place from 12 noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 3, in the hospital’s parking lot outside 160 East Main St. and will feature free refreshments, musical entertainment, valuable demonstrations, dietary and therapy information and handouts. The fair will focus on self-help and self-care supported by games and crafts that incorporate entire families and help reduce stress. Bon Secours Community Hospital, a member of the Bon Secours Charity Health System, has been treating mental illness for 20 years and providing rehabilitation, including “New Directions,” a detoxification program, for over 25 years. “We provide behavioral health services not just for Port Jervis,” said Barbara Colon, nurse manager for Behavioral Health, “but for the tri-state area including all of Orange County, the surrounding counties and adjacent states. And there is an outcry from these communities to find resources and obtain information.” During the Behavioral Health Family Fun Fair, Barbara Colon and social worker administrator Tera Colavito will be on hand to answer questions and provide information. For additional information call 845/858-7120 or visit

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18 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


Alzheimer’s Association Caregivers Support Group formed


IBERTY, NY — A new Caregivers Support Group will start shortly in Sullivan County. It is sponsored by the Hudson Valley/Rockland/Westchester Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association in conjunction with volunteers and staff at Achieve Rehab & Nursing Facility in Liberty. The purpose of the support group is to provide an opportunity for family members and caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s or related disorders to meet and develop a mutual support system among people who really understand what they are going through because they’ve been there too. It will provide social contact for family members who otherwise would feel isolated and will enable the caregivers and family members to express and work through

their feelings associated with caregiving while familiarizing them with pertinent information and resources. The support group, which is open to the public, will meet the first Tuesday of every month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. beginning on May 6, in the Conference Room at Achieve Rehab and Nursing Facility, 170 Lake St. It will be facilitated by Alzheimer’s volunteer Lynn McDonald with the assistance of Achieve Director of Volunteer & Community Services Deborah Worden, nurse educator Vanessa Lescano and social services assistant Susanne Lennon. Training for the support group facilitators was provided by the Alzheimer’s Association. For further info contact Deborah Worden at 845/292-4200, Ext. 3225.

Contributed photo

Pictured in the bottom row are Alzheimer’s Association staff Emma MacPherson, Debra Kagan-Birkeland and Donna Davies; in the top row are Achieve staff Vanessa Lescano, administrator Pinny Goldblatt, Susanne Lennon, Deborah Worden, volunteer Sheila Lashinsky and facilitator Lynn McDonald.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Wayne Memorial Hospital announces the following birth: 4/18/2014 — Giovanni Otto Gyetvai was born to Amanda and Rocco Gyetvai of Honesdale, PA. Maternal grandparents are Joann Gustafson of Honesdale and Randall Gustafson of Beach Lake, PA. Paternal grandparents are Teresa Gyetvai of Carbondale, PA and Rocco Musselle of Honesdale.

Catskill Regional Medical Center announces the following births:


3/22/2014 — Addison Frank Umbaugh was born to Shannon and Larry Umbaugh of Narrowsburg, NY. 4/4/2014 — Haylee Grace Heinle was born to Tanya and Jonathan Heinle of Callicoon, NY.

Monday - Friday 9 - 6 Saturday 9 - 3




Healthy Steps Program targets fall prevention AYNE COUNTY, PA — They did several strengthening Wayne County Area exercises during the course. Agency on Aging’s MaIf anyone is interested in rie Alexander and Carleen Faatz learning more about the Healthy traveled to Waymart to present Steps program, email cfaatz@ a program called Healthy Steps or call Carleen at for Older Adults “Falls Preven570/253-4262. They will be happy tion.” This program is a part of to present the program to you and the Primetime Health program your group. Visit written by the Pennsylvania for information on all the partment of Aging. The program upcoming programs and events at is designed to help those who are three senior centers. 50 years of age and older take better care of themselves, stay healthy and prevent falls. The Classes o΍ered group learned Saturdays:b b 9:30am - 10:45am (June-September) how to make Sundays: b b 9:30am - 10:45am (Year-round) their homes Private yoga is also available.b safer, eat more healthily and To join a class, please RSVP what questions via email to oraramat@gmail.comb to ask their Bethel, NY 12783 • physicians.

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Curr nts


Aliens land in Pine Bush, NY! By JONATHAN CHARLES FOX


nce again, the streets of Pine Bush, NY were lined with folks scanning the skies for evidence of extraterrestrial life, as the 2014 Pine Bush UFO Fair unfolded on Saturday, April 26. Showcasing an “Out of This World Car Show” and scores of street vendors, food booths and performers, the event drew more than 5,000 people who showed up to participate in the schedule of events that included live music in the gazebo, performance artists, a “Martian Art Show and Reception” and guest speakers and lectures held throughout the day. Among those featured was author Linda Zimmerman discussing her newest book, “Hudson Valley UFO’s,” which highlights local eyewitness accounts of sightings. As a continuation of Zimmerman’s earlier tome, “In the Night Sky,” two lectures were scheduled due to overwhelming demand. Writer Thomm Quakenbush was also on hand reading from his newest novelization of the UFO phenomenon, and people lined up for a peek at the documentary “In the Night Sky, I Recall a UFO,” which focuses on the hundreds of UFO reports that have occurred in “one of the most active regions in the world for UFO sightings, the Hudson Valley.” The highlight of the festival each year is the “infamous’ alien and UFO themed parade, which grows in popularity each year, featuring floats, classic cars with ETs behind the wheel, even dogs from other worlds, marching through the streets of downtown Pine Bush. All of the local businesses jump on board as well, with aliens in the storefront windows and “out-ofthis-world” specials with themed deserts, drinks and main courses, all designed to appeal to the UFO hunter. For more information, visit Pine-Bush-UFO-Festival and check out the complete album of the fair’s photo’s at


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TRR photos by Jonathan Charles Fox

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20 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014

Curr nts


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Curr nts

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 21


Treat Mom this Mother’s Day Angelina’s on The Hill

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22 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014

Curr nts


Treat Mom this Mother’s Day Our Hamlin store is closing Up to 50% Off! Now through June 30th 867 Main Street Honesdale, PA 18431 (570) 253-4688

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1. Before Tony’s on the Lake and Pets Pub what was that Building called? 2. What was the name of the family that had their own village in Lake Huntington back in the day? 3. What was on the property where the Sullivan West High School stands today?


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E-mail your answers to, or call 845-252-7414 x 35. Winner will be chosen randomly from all correct entries. Good Luck!

Curr nts

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 23


It’s a dog’s life


By Dharma the Wonder Dog


ell, it finally happened. After getting an iPawd and my own social networking page (www., the fine folks at The River Reporter have finally wised up and decided to let me take over from you-know-who and write a decent column for a change. Since I have my paws firmly on the ground, I’m thinking of calling it “The Waggin’ Train,” but we’ll have to see how HE handles the news before the fur flies. Meanwhile, I was very busy over the last few days and since I still can’t drive, I let HIM chauffeur me around the Upper Delaware Valley (as usual) and take a few photos of my fascinating life. Paws crossed, this “experiment” will work out nicely, and I can edge HIM out of the paper altogether. As you probably know, I’m pretty popular all over town. As a general rule, I’m not one for tooting my own horn, but lately, people have been making such a fuss about me that I’ve gotten a bit of a swelled (not to mention incredibly cute) head. After all, I have a personal stylist, (Amanda Kille in Long Eddy) a publicist, (HIM) a graphic artist ( and my very own radio show ( Truth be told, I share the mic with some other people, but that’s not really important. Oopsie, HE just yelled at me and said “to give credit where credit is due,” and that I “owe the nice people at Thunder 102 a shout-out,” so I’ll throw them a bone. Michelle Semerano and Paul Ciliberto (or as HE calls them—“Beauty and the Beast”) have been very nice to me over the years, so when they invited me to the Pre-ThunderBash “meet and greet” in Callicoon ( last weekend, I barked my orders at HIM and off we went. I took advantage of the opportunity to wear my super-hero cape (Creative Gifts by Teresa) and made a grand entrance, waving to the fans and sideling up to the bar as soon as HE wasn’t watchin’. I’m not supposed to drink anything but water, but that gets old, so I ordered a greyhound and signed a few pawtographs before the entertainment started. Big John Davis, ( Ken Somerville, (www. David Bradley (www., Angel Mary (, Stephanie Grace (, and my new BFF Jacob (woof) Martin (www. all performed little previews for a select group before the main event, which took place the next day at the Monticello Casino and Raceway,

Iron Cowboy Band front man Big John Davis is one of Dharma the Wonder Dog’s biggest fans.

Bake You Happy’s Joanne Geraine got goofy with Dharma the Wonder Dog during the ThunderBash pre-show festivities at the Villa Roma in Callicoon, NY.

TRR photos by Jonathan Charles Fox

Jacob Martin, far right, and his eponymous band showing Dharma some love at the ThunderBash Meet and Greet at the Villa Roma.

Thunder 102’s Michelle Semerano and Dharma the Wonder Dog pose front and center with some of the stars of ThunderBash during the pre-show Meet and Greet at the Villa Roma in Callicoon, NY.

Sporting her Wonder Dog cape designed by Monticello’s Teresa Bortree, Dharma took a breather from signing pawtographs at the ThunderBash Meet and Greet.

Dharma the Wonder Dog approves layout for her new column with TRR’s graphic designer Amanda Reed.

Dharma was a little tipsy after slurping on a greyhound at the ThunderBash Meet and Greet, so she allowed TRR columnist Jonathan Fox to carry her to her limo after the event.

Thunder 102’s Paul Ciliberto and Michelle Semerano work in the background to support Dharma the Wonder Dog when she co-hosts their radio show from the studio in Liberty, NY.

Long Eddy’s Amanda Kille, the “Official Groomer of Dharma the Wonder Dog,” primps the pup for her celebrity appearance at ThunderBash held at the Monticello Casino & Raceway.

with all of the band members and big showy stuff on the main stage. The event was a “foodraiser” for the Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless (845/794-2604), accepting non-perishable donations at the door to help fill the food pantries throughout the county. I was gonna bring kibble, but HE decided that soup made more sense, so we put a bunch of cans in the barrel before I pranced around the grandstand, feelin’ kinda important, but not stuck-up. You know… classy. Oh, before I forget… right before ThunderBash we went on a road trip, to this really grrrrrrreat event called the “Pine Bush UFO Fair,” which also has a page on Facebook. HE said you should turn to page 19 for more info on that. There was a parade with spaceships and aliens and dogs everywhere. Most of them were really nice, except this one snobby Pomeranian from Manhattan (figures) who was pretty, but she snarled at me when I suggested that we share a photo-op. After I informed her that it’s “my column, not hers,” she reluctantly agreed, but I had the last laff when she saw Darth Vader and peed a little, cuz she was scared. (BOL!) Afterwards, HE visited with some friends and took a lot of pictures that I’m not in, which was kinda rude, but I’m used to it. Every time someone compliments me, HE rolls his eyes and says things like “yes, I know she’s cute” and “yes, I hear that a lot.” You know, kinda snotty (IMHO). When I suggested taking over his column permanently, HE sent me an email with this quote from Wikipedia: “The phrase ‘man bites dog’ is an aphorism in journalism which describes how an unusual, infrequent event is more likely to be reported as newsworthy, rather than an ordinary, everyday occurrence, such as ‘dog bites man’. Think about it,” HE wrote. “Are you sure you want to bite the hand that feeds you?” With my adorable tail between my legs, I think I’ll chew on that for a bit and get back to you.

Lord Vader made an appearance at the Pine Bush UFO Fair, striking fear in the hearts of onlookers, including a few dogs.

Meeting her at the Pine Bush UFO fair, Dharma thought that “the Pomeranian pooch was pretty, but seeing Darth Vader made her pee. BOL!”

24 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014

Curr nts


New chamber music season begins


EGION — Under the new artistic direction of two celebrated artists, composer Andrew Waggoner and his wife, cellist Caroline Stinson, the 2014 Weekend of Chamber Music (WCM) season is well underway, beginning with “Carrie’s Teas,” free, private in-home events in April and May, hosted by enthusiastic fans who want to introduce WCM to their friends. After a two-year hiatus, the early summer Music in the Barn dinner concert evening returns on June 21, at the Bethel country home of a board member and long-time patron. This casual, engaging fundraiser begins with mingling and wine, a concert of solos, duos, trios and quartets in the charming renovated barn, and is followed by dining with the musicians. Next, the acclaimed WCM Festival from July 13 to 26 offers concerts indoors and out; social soirées; imaginative talks; plenty of intimate contact between audience, musicians and music; a renowned composer-in-residence, and for the first time, a brand new Chamber Music Immersion program for preprofessional musicians. WCM sets sail this summer with Crossings, the 21st festival.

In a new twist for 2014, the initial Crossings concert appears in two places: a trial run performance July 12 kicks things off at the Cooperage in Honesdale, and the festival officially opens on Sunday, July 13 with the ever popular outdoor Concert on the Lawn, at the Presbyterian Church in Jeffersonville. Always relaxed and intimate, the MusicTalks! evenings feature composer–in–residence Shulamit Ran on stage with Andrew Waggoner July 17 at the Catskill Distilling Company, and, in another first at WCM, dancers, Donlin Foreman and Jennifer Emerson, join the musicians July 24 at North Branch Inn. The Main Stage concerts on Saturday nights July 19 and 26 at the Eddie Adams Barn in Jeffersonville have music by Brahms, Ravel, Mendelssohn, Ran and Waggoner, and much more. Waggoner presents informative pre-concert talks for each of these programs, creating a level of audience interaction and an air of intimacy rarely experienced at other festivals. In addition, WCM brings the Barn to the Market in Callicoon once again; a free open rehearsal is planned, and there will be a gala reception to wrap things up. Visit WCM for more information, or call 845/887-5803.

Announcing this year’s Milford Music Festival dates


ILFORD, PA — The Milford Music Festival Committee announces the dates for this year’s event. This year’s three-day borough-wide music festival will begin Friday evening on June 27 and continue through Sunday afternoon June 29. The majority of the bands play on Saturday, June 28. Saturday is when the Jorgenson’s Dimmick Inn will once again have its famous Block Party. The bands will be announced soon on The New River Rock Inn will be reopened and will have music in its back event field on Sunday afternoon. Music in the Park (at the Ann Street Park) will be kicking off its ninth consecutive season with a blow-out free concert on Sunday. This venue will be featuring American Idol’s Kendall Phillips and local bluegrass/old-time country band the Hawk Owls. Other venues will include the Dairy Bar, Fretta’s Italian Specialties, The Hotel Fauchere, Chant Realty, the Pike County Public Library and numerous additional shops all over town. Bands and musicians interested in performing are encouraged to contact the Milford Music Festival’s Facebook page, milfordmusicfest.

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MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 25


ENTERTAINMENT BRIEFS SHHH! CAS Silent Auction Benefit shines spotlight on local artists

Contributed photo

Coal Town Rounders

Bluegrass with the Coal Town Rounders HAWLEY, PA — Harmony Presents will host one of Northeast Pennsylvania’s favorite bluegrass bands, the Coal Town Rounders, on Saturday, May 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Boiler Room at the Silk Mill. This hard-driving four-piece traditional bluegrass band is made up of mandolin, guitar, banjo, bass and tight harmonies. The band draws influence from all types of old-time string bands, bluegrass standards and some modern tunes. Harmony Presents concerts and shows take place in the underground theater of the Hawley Silk Mill, formerly the Boiler Room of the original Silk Mill. Tickets can be purchased in advance online for $16 at or in person at AMSkier Insurance Agency. Tickets at the door cost $20. Cocoon caters wine, beer, snacks and mixed drinks on site at the shows, and an advance ticket serves as a coupon for 20% off at Glass Wine Bar & Bistro after the show. For information, or help purchasing tickets, call Harmony Presents at 570/588-8077.

LIVINGSTON MANOR, NY — The Catskill Art Society (CAS) presents “SHHH! CAS Silent Auction Benefit,” an exhibition of work by local artists to benefit the CAS Arts Center. Visitors can bid on and win exhibited works of art to take home on the day the exhibition closes. A free opening reception is on Saturday, May 10 from 4 to 6 p.m. The exhibition runs through May 25. Participating artists and donors generously contribute works in all mediums, from sculpture to painting to photography and beyond. This year’s auction includes works by Andrea Brown, Pasquale Leuzzi, Martin T. McDonnell, Frank Shuback, Naomi Teppich and many more. CAS welcomes additional contributions of original art from artists and collectors in the community. All artwork should be delivered to CAS by Monday, May 5. For more information, contact Bradley Diuguid

‘HolyHolyHoly’ opens Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop season SOUTH FALLSBURG, NY — The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop will open its 2014 season with the play “HolyHolyHoly,” written by Bill Duncan, author of the critically acclaimed and award-winning play “Trust.” “HolyHolyHoly” tells of three men, the faith that nourished them and the women who loved them. And then there’s the awkward aspect: Avery, Will and Zeke are priests. Or were. The featured cast includes Darren Fouse as Will, John Higgins as Avery, Albee Bockman as Zeke, Mike Gastwirth as Father Mac, DeLois House as Ms. Flora, Ellen Pavloff as Brenda/Peggy, Carol Montana as Loretta/Lucy, and Leif

K. Johansen as Matthew. The play is directed by the author and is recommended for mature audiences. Performance dates are Friday and Saturday May 2 and 3 at 8 p.m., Sunday matinee May 4 at 2 p.m., and Friday and Saturday May 9 and 10 at 8 p.m. (Note: there is no Sunday matinee on May 11.) Admission costs $18 for the general public; subscribers, $16; seniors, students and military from the general public, $14; seniors, students, and military subscribers, $12. Tickets are available at the door. For additional information call 845/436-5336, visit or email

The Art of Kindness, a charity fundraiser

Contributed photo

“At the Seashore” (2012), watercolor by Anne Jarema

Iconic folk duo Aztec Two-Step comes to Tusten Theatre NARROWSBURG, NY — The Delaware Valley Arts Alliance presents the iconic folk-rock pair Aztec Two-Step at the Tusten Theatre on Saturday, May 3 at 8 p.m. The concert kicks off DVAA’s spring cultural series. Aztec Two-Step will perform a “Classic Duos” concert of songs by Simon and Garfunkel and The Everly Brothers, in addition to their own acoustic folk-rock classics. For more than four decades, Rex Fowler and Neal Shulman have been writing and performing songs that helped make their generation’s musical memories, all

Contributed photo

De Lois House as Miss Flora and Mike Gastwirth as Father Mac in “HolyHolyHoly”

the while inspiring a generation of young singer-songwriters. Their debut self-titled album, released in 1972 by Elektra Records, was named in 2007 as one of the top five classic folk albums of all time by Real Simple Magazine, along with works by Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Tom Rush and Phil Ochs. Admission is $25 ($22 for DVAA members with advance purchase). For an additional $10, guests can attend a Meet-the-Artists reception in the theatre auditorium with preferred seating at 7 p.m. For tickets and information, call 845/252-7576.

MILFORD, PA — Safe Haven of Pike County (SHPC) will host its third annual Art of Kindness, a distinctive live auction of art in which those in attendance learn the secrets behind various fine and practical works of art from the artists and artisans directly. This charity fundraiser will be held on Saturday, May 3, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Biondo Investment Advisors Building (The One) on Routes 6 & 209. This year, Safe Haven welcomes Suede, a New York-based fashion designer,

crafter, personality and the founder of the international brand SUEDEsays™, as master of ceremonies. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. Tickets cost $75 per person. All proceeds directly benefit SHPC, the community’s sole crisis intervention resource for domestic abuse, sexual violence and victims of crime. To help sponsor this event, or purchase tickets, call 570/296-2827, ext. 204. Checks can be mailed to Safe Haven of Pike County, Inc., 402 Broad St., Milford, PA 18337.

Spring education offerings continue to grow at Bethel Woods BETHEL, NY — Bethel Woods Center for the Arts continues to expand its cultural offerings with diverse programming aimed at audiences of all ages. As part of its World Stage Series, Bethel Woods will present a performance by Aztec Dance with Atl-Tlachinolli. Additionally, Project: Identity, a pilot program created to get teens more engaged with Bethel Woods, will culminate in a free, public performance. Project: Identity was created to provide teens with an understanding of creative arts and to give them a safe and encouraging environment where

expression can thrive. The group’s springtime sessions will conclude with a coffeehouse style performance at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 15. The event will showcase original songs, poetry reading, dance, and visual art all written, performed and created by teens. Aztec Dance with Atl-Tlachinolli will be on Sunday, May 4 at 2 p.m. Presented by Atl-Tlachinolli, this will be a lively performance of indigenous Mexican dance music, commonly known as Aztec dance. For more information visit www.

26 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


By Zac Stuart-Pontier


hey’ve kept the outside of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis in basically the same condition as it was the night Martin Luther King Jr. was shot on April 4, 1968. The same dingy neon sign still hangs (though I’m certain it’s been redone), and the old motel facade stretches down the length of the street. There are even a few period cars parked perfectly, which definitely help sell the time travel vibe. It’s kind of a strange idea for a Civil Rights Museum, but the effect is absolutely stunning. You feel it. History happened here. Inside it feels like any modern museum; with a cool mix of multimedia projection and large prop exhibits (a Montgomery bus, a “whites only” diner). It’s very thoughtfully done and tells an incredible story beginning with slave ships and ending with marching to the hotel room where Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. At times it is equally upsetting, touching and insightful. I felt completely out of place next to the young black families who were moving through the museum at a similar pace. I wondered what it must be like for them.


I’m in Memphis with Emily doing some sightseeing and meeting her godparents, Charlie and Heather and the rest of the Kenny family. Charlie and Emily’s father Carl were close friends, and she spent summers here when she was a kid. She hasn’t seen many of them since her father’s funeral, and most of them I haven’t ever met. They welcome me with open arms, and that first night we eat barbeque at their house and they catch up. I hear old stories about Carl. Charlie’s face lights up when he speaks about him—their escapades, how smart he was, about playing golf and the family brewery. They all laugh about how he often carried around a large heavy bag. “This is before a man-purse was acceptable. He would have everything in there, food for the kids, tennis rackets!” “Cheese at the opera!” their daughter Erin adds. They all laugh and smile, I can tell that they are really picturing it. The next day Emily and I go to Graceland and visit Elvis’s house. I’ve never been a huge Elvis fan (though I am certainly more so after the visit), but the tour is a fascinating audio and visual time machine. Much of his house is what you would expect, extravagantly deco-

NACL Theatre to hold free workshops


IGHLAND LAKE, NY — Workshops for The Weather Project Pageant Play will be held weekly at NACL Theatre starting May 5. The free workshops are open to all who wish to get involved in the creation and performance of The Weather Project Community Pageant Play on August 9. Dance workshops will be held Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Isabel Braverman and Corinna Grunn lead the contemporary dance workshops. Participants will learn modern dance skills and original choreography by Braverman and Grunn to be performed in The Weather Project Community Play. Wear comfortable clothes to move in, bring pen and paper, and a water bottle. This workshop is for ages 13 and up. Play-Making and Chorus will be held Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Tannis Kowalchuk and collaborating Weather Project artists lead the play-making and chorus rehearsals with adult participants. Those who wish to sing in The Weather Project Community Play will learn songs from around the world, often in three or fourpart harmony. The chorus is an integral part of the Weather Project Community Play. Interested actors will help create and perform scenes. All participants

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should wear comfortable clothes to move in, bring pen and notebook, and a water bottle. Stilt Walking will be on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Brett Keyser leads the stilt-walking workshop outside at NACL Theatre. Participants will learn how to stilt walk, and stilts are provided. The stilt walkers will prepare for the performance by learning choreography, building stilt costumes, and developing scenes. Wear long pants, sneakers or comfortable walking shoes, bring pen and paper and a water bottle. Ages 13 and up. NACL Young Company will be on Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. NACL artists will offer theatre training to a young company of performers, writers, directors, designers, and technicians. The NACL Young Company welcomes serious and committed students ages 13 and up. The young company will perform in The Weather Project Community Play in August 2014. The Young Company offers training to teens through annual summer projects including the presentation of plays by Shakespeare, original devised performance, and classic plays from the world stage. To register for any of these workshops, email

rated rooms straight out of the late ‘70s; the jungle room, the TV room. There’s his airplane with the gold-plated seat buckles and the costumes from Vegas and the hall of gold records. It all paints a picture of a larger-thanlife superstar who loved the city of Memphis. But, out of all the craziness, what I found most memorable was the staircase. Elvis didn’t let visitors into his bedroom and so the upstairs of the mansion is off limits. But while standing downstairs looking up, the audio tour in your ear plays a sound clip of Lisa Marie, Elvis’s daughter, describing him taking forever to get ready to receive guests. Looking up I could feel what people must have felt waiting for him to walk in. The anticipation, the excitement, when is he coming down? Then suddenly there he would be… but of course he wasn’t. “Maybe he’s still up there,” I heard someone say. A tour guide smiled with a glint in his eye. Riding away, I considered the power of history, of place, and about how much I had enjoyed getting to know a little bit about three incredible men I’d known very little of before, and whom I’d unfortunately never get to meet.

The Delaware Valley Dance Company presents


Sleeping Beauty Saturday, May 17 at 12:00 & 7:00 pm

Delaware Valley High School Auditorium Rtes. 6 & 209, Milford, PA

For ticket info, call


Curr nts

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 27


WHERE AND WHEN Thurs., May. 1

Chefs shootout

Free GED Prep Class

JEFFERSONVILLE — Every Thursday from 5:30-8:30pm at the Jeffersonville Branch of the Western Sullivan Public Library. No registration required.

Spring rummage sale

PORT JERVIS — Spring rummage sale at Drew United Methodist Church, 4:307pm. 845/856-3423.

Fri., May. 2 First Friday Networking Breakfast

MONTICELLO — First Friday Networking Breakfast at Blue Horizon Diner, 7:459am. Sponsor: Leadership Sullivan. Cost: $15 members, $25 not-yet-members. RSVP by 3pm on May 1. 845/7914200 or e mail


SOUTH FALLSBURG — The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop will open its 2014 season with the play “HolyHolyHoly,” written by Bill Duncan at the Rivoli Theatre, 8pm. The play tells of three men, the faith that nourished them, the women who loved them. 845/436-5336.

Mental Health Awareness Night at The Cooperage

HONESDALE — Presented by New Horizons Drop in Center, hosted by The Cooperage Project. Live music by the Uphill String Band, presentation by I’m the Evidence and a screening of “Hidden Pictures: A Personal Journey into Global Mental Health.” Raise awareness about mental health. From 6-9pm. 570/2532020.

Spring rummage sale

PORT JERVIS — Spring rummage sale at Drew United Methodist Church, 9am2pm. 845/856-3423.

Sat., May. 3 AA meetings in Callicoon

CALLICOON — Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Saturday, 8:30am, St. James Episcopal Church, Rte. 17B.

Aztec Two-Step

NARROWSBURG — Aztec Two-Step singing the songs of The Everly Brothers and Simon and Garfunkel at the Tusten Theatre, 8pm. Sponsored by Delaware Valley Arts Alliance. Admission: $25. A “meet the artist” wine reception, by prereservation only, is available at 7pm for an additional $10. 845/252-7272.

Bluegrass with the Coal Town Rounders

HAWLEY — The Coal Town Rounders are a hard-driving four piece traditional bluegrass band with mandolin, guitar, banjo, bass & tight harmonies. They will play at Harmony Presents in the Silk Mill, 7:30pm. Tickets: $16 advance, $20 at the door.

Breakfast and Broadway: NYC trip

LIBERTY — Bus departs Liberty at 8:30am/returns 8pm. Matinee: The Phantom of the Opera. Breakfast at Ellen’s Diner. Online reservations: www. Email: cdtripsLLC@gmail. com. Benefits Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop and Nesin Cultural Arts. 845/798-2188.

SPARROWBUSH — Mohican Lake Rod and Gun Club is sponsoring a cooking challenge contest at the Sparrowsbush Firehouse, 1-4pm. Come to the shootout and sample a variety of appetizers then vote for the one you liked best. 50/50 drawings, big beer raffle, beverages. $10 ticket. 845/341-8401.

Children’s fishing derby

MILFORD — Pike County Commissioners 18th annual Pike County Children’s Fishing Derby at Lily Pond, Pike County Park, 8am-12 noon. For children under 16 years of age. No fee, registration held day of event. Prizes awarded by age group. Participants must be accompanied by an adult, Pennsylvania fishing rules apply. 570/296-3569.

Family bingo

LACKAWAXEN — Lackawaxen Township Ambulance Service family bingo at Masthope Mountain Community Lodge, 196 Karl Hope Blvd. 570/685-4022.

Free computer support

NARROWSBURG — Free computer support at Tusten-Cochecton Branch of the Western Sullivan Public Library, every Saturday, 10am-1pm.


SOUTH FALLSBURG — The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop will open its 2014 season with the play “HolyHolyHoly,” written by Bill Duncan at the Rivoli Theatre, 8pm. The play tells of three men, the faith that nourished them, the women who loved them. 845/436-5336.

How You Can Go Solar—For Free!

GLEN SPEY — Learn from people who have already gone solar at Homestead School, 428 Hollow Rd., 9-11am. Tour a roof-mounted and a ground-mounted installation. Informational workshop with Sullivan Alliance for Sustainable Development and representatives from solar installation companies. Literature will be available. 845/856-6359.

Live music and dance

HANCOCK — Live music and dance every Saturday night at My Shady Lady. Featuring Terry Rockwell on keyboard with variety music to please all: country, swing, oldies and goodies from the ‘50s ‘60s and ‘70s. Food available. Beer & wine only. Cover charge $9.

Live music Callicoon Brewing: Al & John

CALLICOON — Al & John from Sidetracked return to the Brewery, 15 Upper Main St. 845/887-5500.

Milford Experimental Forest work day

MILFORD — Help build the first public trail through the Milford Experimental Forest that will help connect the community, Grey Towers and state lands. Wear good shoes; bring water, work gloves, bagged lunch, insect repellent. Meet at the Visitor Pavilion at Grey Towers. Preregistration required: 570/296-9625,

Native Plants in the Lanscape

HAWLEY — Sue Thompson, proprietor of local plant nursery Mariposa Gardens, will show pictures of some of her favorite species and tell about them at PPL Environmental Leraning Center, 2pm. Learn about a future project in PPL’s Butterfly



Adults $9 - Children $6 • Mon & Mat Adults $7 • Children $6 (Unless otherwise indicated) • We accept cash only

Special Preview Screening: Thursday, May 1, 7:30 pm

Friday, May 2 - Tuesday, May 13


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Andrew Gar¿eld, Emma Stone

Garden, based on Sue’s recommendations. 570/253-4006.

Nature Watch

WURTSBORO — 10am-4pm Sat. & Sun only. View nesting bald eagles and more through powerful telescopes. Nature Watch volunteers on hand answer questions about an amazing wetland. Fun for all ages. DEC boat launch across from 1131 South Rd., Wurtsboro. Sponsor: Basha Kill Area Association,, 845/888-0261.

Olde Fashioned Covered Dish Dinner

BETHANY — Olde Fashioned Covered Dish Dinner at 6 pm. Bring your own place setting and a dish to pass upstairs at the “Fireproof” on The Green in Bethany. At 7pm Mayor Margaret Freeman will offer stories from her childhood at the Bethany Homestead in the early 1940s. Sponsored by Bethany Historical Society. 570/253-2536.

Penny social

YOUNGSVILLE — Spring penny social at the Youngsville Firehouse, doors open at 6pm, calling at 7pm. Donation $1. Prizes, raffles, 50/50 drawing, refreshments. Benefits St. Francis Church.

Spaghetti dinner to benefit the Allyson Whitney Foundation

KAUNEONGA LAKE — The Kauenonga Lake Fire Department is hosting a spaghetti dinner to benefit the Allyson Whitney Foundation, 4-7pm. Come out for a night of food and raffles to help us support a great organization. Donations: $8 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under. Visit the Kauenonga Lake Fire Department on Facebook.

Spring clean-up opportunity

HAWLEY — Volunteers will gather at the Wayne County Historical Society’s Lock 31 House on Route 6 to clean up a section of the former Delaware and Hudson Canal, 9am. Bring rakes, mowers, weed whackers and pruners, etc. At 12 noon there will be a barbeque and potluck lunch. Email

Spring Migration Warbler Walk

WURTSBORO — 7:30am. Meet warblers, orioles, vireos and more, all in their brightest plumage. Rain or shine at the Basha Kill, major stopover for migrating birds. Binoculars helpful. Meet at Haven Road, just off Route 209 south of Wurtsboro., 845/888-0249.

Spring rummage sale

PORT JERVIS — Spring rummage sale at Drew United Methodist Church, 9-11am. bag day: $2 per bag. 845/856-3423.

Square dancing

HANCOCK — Round and square dancing at My Shady Lady every Saturday, 7-11pm. Light refreshments available for purchase. Beer & wine only. $9 cover. Check website for schedule of events.

Sun., May. 4 AA meetings in Callicoon

CALLICOON — Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Sunday, 3pm at St. James Episcopal Church, Rte. 17B.

Boy Scout breakfast buffet

GLEN SPEY — Boy Scout Troop 102 breakfast buffet and silent auction at

Lumberland Senior Center, 7-11am. Includes scrambled eggs, Western omelet, bacon, sausage, home fries, pancakes, juice, coffee, tea & fruit salad. $8 adults, $5 children & senior citizens.

County-Wide Mitzvah Day

REGION — This community-wide day of service offers volunteers of all ages an opportunity to go out and make a difference. Go to, pick a project and complete the registration form. No registration is necessary for drop-off projects. Coordinated by the Jewish Federation and NJCC. 845/5627860.

Hawley Women’s Club Bus Trip to “Die Fledermaus” Opera in Binghamtom

HAWLEY — Bus trip to Tri-Cities Opera in Binghamton, NY to see “Die Fledermaus.” Cost of $75 includes bus, hot brunch buffet and opera. Proceeds from the Hawley Women’s Club bus trips fund scholarships for graduating WAHS seniors and donations to local charities. 570/266-6588.


SOUTH FALLSBURG — The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop will open its 2014 season with the play “HolyHolyHoly,” written by Bill Duncan at the Rivoli Theatre, 2pm. The play tells of three men, the faith that nourished them, the women who loved them. 845/436-5336.

Indoor flea market

PORT JERVIS — Indoor flea market held every Sunday at VFW Post #161, Owen Street, 7:30am-3pm. Table rentals $10 each. Refreshments sold. 845/8567633.

Philatelic Society meeting

MONTICELLO — The Sullivan County Philatelic Society will meet at the Ted Stroebele Center, 1pm. Featured will be well known stamp dealer from Callicoon, Richard Reid, to speak on “The Future of Stamp Collecting,” with a question and answer session to follow. 845/794-2586.

Pork dinner

LORDS VALLEY — Annual pork dinner including three types of pork all with potatoes, gravy, vegetable, rolls, dessert and coffee at the Blooming Grove Fire Dept. 570/775-7355.

Spring Bazaar & Craft Fair

MONTICELLO — Spring Bazaar & Craft Fair at Temple Sholom, 11am–3pm. Handmade crafts, vendors, raffles, activities for children, food, fun. 845/8076013. Great last-minute Mother’s Day gifts.

Library. No registration required.

Mah Jongg at Manchester Community Library

EQUINUNK — The weekly Mah Jongg game moves back to the Manchester Community Library on April 7, from 1-4pm. All are welcome from beginners to experienced players. Sessions are free. Instruction provided. 570/2248500.

Tues., May. 6 Cash bingo

HONESDALE — Cash bingo every Tuesday night at the Texas #4 Fire Co., Grove St., doors open 5:30pm, games at 6:30pm. $1,100 progressive jackpot, tear-offs, Bonanza, fish bowl, refreshments. 570/253-0782.

Free computer support

JEFFERSONVILLE — Free computer support every Tuesday at the Jeffersonville Branch of the Western Sullivan Public Library, 1-6pm. 845/482-4350.

Wed., May. 7

Specializing in Stone Walls • Walkways Patios (Dry & Wet Laid) Veneer & Cultured Stone Full-Service Excavating

Fri. 7:30; Sat & Sun 2 & 7:30; Mon & Tue 7:30; Closed Wed & Thurs

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845-887-4460 Callicoon, N.Y.

Pat Brady


SOUTH FALLSBURG — The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop will open its 2014 season with the play “HolyHolyHoly,” written by Bill Duncan at the Rivoli Theatre, 8pm. The play tells of three men, the faith that nourished them, the women who loved them. 845/436-5336.

Old Time Fiddler’s

GALILEE — Annual spring performance by the Old Time Fiddler’s at the Unity Grange Hall, 8pm. Refreshments available, door prizes. $8/person. Tickets available at the door.


Sat., May. 10

HONESDALE — Dance!, facilitated by Daniel Frangos is not a dance party, it’s a journey in which you explore your energy body while moving in your own unique and creative ways, at The Cooperage, 7pm. Suggested donation is $5. Dress to move freely.

Free computer support

CALLICOON — Free computer support every Wednesday at the Delaware Free Branch of the Western Sullivan Public Library, 1-4pm. 845/887-4040.

Strengthening Families Program

MONTICELLO — The Recovery Center will offer the Strengthening Families Program on Wednesdays from April 2-May 14 at the Recovery Center in the Gerry Conference Room, 396 Broadway, 6-8pm. The program is free of charge to Sullivan County residents. 845/7948080 ext. 170.

Tastes of Wayne

HONESDALE — Tastes of Wayne County “First Wednesdays” is coming to the Alpine Wurst and Meat House. A portion of the proceeds from the restaurant meals served will benefit the Wayne County Historical Society. 570/253-5899.

Free GED Prep Class

“All Phases of Landscaping”

Fri., May. 9

Dance! at The Cooperage

CALLICOON — Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Wednesday, 7:15am; St. James Episcopal Church, Rte. 17B.

Bicycle Maintenance Workshop at The Cooperage

JEFFERSONVILLE — Every Monday from 5:30-8:30pm at the Jeffersonville Branch of the Western Sullivan Public

PORT JERVIS — The String Trio of New York, an internationally known chamber jazz group of acoustic violin, guitar and bass, will present a concert at the Port Jervis Free Library, 7pm. Free. 845/856-7313.

ROSCOE — Zumbathon at Creative Expressions Dance Studio, 6-8pm. All proceeds to benefit Relay For Life/American Cancer Society. $10 pre-sale, $15 at the door, $5 (ages 5-13). Raffles, 50/50. 845/807-6215.

Thurs., May. 8

Free GED Prep Class

String Trio of New York concert

AA meetings in Callicoon

Mon., May. 5 HONESDALE — Ride Your Bike, a DIY Bicycle Maintenance Workshop at The Cooperage, 6:30-8:30pm. Donations are appreciated. Learn bike maintenance, demos, change a tube, lube chain, tighten brake lines, rules of the road, general safety tips, introduction to great local routes.

benefit the Manchester Community Library. 570/224-8500.

JEFFERSONVILLE — Every Thursday from 5:30-8:30pm at the Jeffersonville Branch of the Western Sullivan Public Library. No registration required.

Low-cost rabies clinic in Equinunk

EQUINUNK — A low-cost rabies clinic will be held at the Manchester Township Building, 3879 Hancock Highway, (Rte. 191), 6:30-7:30pm. The cost is $7 per pet. Please keep your pet secured and stay in your vehicle. Veterinary staff will come to your car. The clinic will

3rd Annual Allyson Whitney 5k

KAUNEONGA LAKE — Lace up those sneakers and walk/run with us at the 3rd annual Allyson Whitney 5k, 8am-1pm. Enjoy scenic Kauneonga Lake and the benefits of the outdoors while supporting Allyson Whitney Foundation’s mission to empower and fight for the interests of young adults with rare cancers. 2014allysonwhitney5k.

AA meetings in Callicoon

CALLICOON — Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Saturday, 8:30am, St. James Episcopal Church, Rte. 17B.

AARP Driver Safety Program

SOUTH FALLSBURG — AARP Driver Safety Program at the South Fallsburg Senior Center, 9am-4pm. To register call Sonny Smith at 845/434-8922 (leave message, call after 9am). The fee is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members.

Connor Garvey at The Cooperage

HONESDALE — Presented by RiverFolk Concerts. Show starts at 7:30, doors open at 7pm. Suggested donation: $15 advance, $18 at the door. To reserve your seat, call Jill at 845/252-6783.

Delaware Youth Center clean-up day

CALLICOON — The Delaware Youth Center is having a clean-up fay, 9am-12 noon. Bring shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, brooms, gardening tools, and lots of energy. Help at these workdays is greatly appreciated to keep the center in tip-top shape. Lunch will be provided. Rain date Sunday, May 11.

Forest Habitat Restoration Program

MILFORD — Join the Delaware Highlands Conservancy and the Pike-Monroe Woodland Owners Group for a workshop on forest habitat restoration at the Milford Experimental Forest. Reservations are required. 570/226-3164 for more details or to reserve your place. Visit www.delawarehighlands. org.


28 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014

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Curr nts


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Located on Route 652 in Honesdale, PA 570-729-7117 •


550 Route 55, Eldred, NY 845-557-6168 888-435-2979 M-F 8-5 Sat 8-3

Solar Energy

Interior & Exterior, Paint & Stain, Power Washing, Deck Refinishing, Log Home, Vinyl Siding FREE Estimates • Fully Insured • 570-352-3198

5" Residential, 6" & 7" Commercial Leaf Guard also Available 36 Colors Available • 845-557-8967

Licensed Electrical Contractor Sull. Co. License #273 • Orange Co. License #174 Wayne Co. Builder’s Assoc #PA031768 NJ State License #12380 Residential • Commercial • Industrial Authorized Generac Generator Dealer We Service All Makes of Generators 845-932-8111 or 845-583-1015 PA: 570-251-9990


“The Name You Trust” • Free Estimates 845-557-6762 • Serving NY & PA Integrated Pest Management

New Homes • New Construction Renovations • Excavations From start to finish • Quality to remember Narrowsburg, NY • 845-252-7469

Blower door testing for energy efficiency Windturbine and solar assessment Renewable energy/greenbuilding design consulting. 845-252-6626

Call to advertise: 845-252-7414 Deadline: Mondays, 2:00 p.m.



Commercial Boilers, Heat Pumps & Controls

SOLAR GEO & WOOD 845-701-3088



We spray for Ticks, Fleas & Mosquitos Organic Pesticide Options! D.E.C. & D.E.P. Licensed & Insured N.Y. & P.A. CALL 845 557 6555

Pet Shop


Your lock - your key - low monthly rates, various sizes to suit your needs. Route 371 East, Rileyville, PA 570-224-6284



Hot Air - Hot Water • Free Standing 570-253-0469 Fax 570-253-0520

Plumbing & Heating


RT 6 Hawley Pa 570-253-0520 Tropical & Saltwater fish, tanks & supplies, birds, small to large, critters, reptiles, supplies. REGISTERED PUPPIES, grooming supplies, crates & accessories. Visa, MC, Discover. Unadvertised wkly discounts.

BUSELLI PLUMBING, HEATING & ELECTRIC New Construction, Renovation, Service Water Heaters, Boilers, Well Pumps Solar Installs • 570-729-7791


Service, New Construction, Well Pumps, Water Heaters & Boilers Fully Insured • Free Estimates Greg Stevenson • 845/252-7286


“We’ve got you covered” Voted BEST Roofer 2009 - 2013 Owens Corning Preferred Contractor Insured, Commercial, Residential All Phases of Roofing Including Metal

Swimming Pools Custom-built • Residential • Commerical Vinyl Liner Specialist • Complete Renovations Openings, Closings & Maintenance Spa Repairs: All Makes & Models 845-482-4646 • Youngsville, NY


Tree removal, trimming. Fully Insured, Fair Prices, Free Estimate 845-557-3833


Feed your Trees! Prevent Insect damage! Ask about our $ back Guarantee D.E.C. & D.E.P. Licensed & Insured N.Y. & P.A. CALL 845 557 8733


1-866-702-ROOF (7663) 845-583-0247

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Hazard Tree Removal & Pruning 60’ Bucket Truck/Chipper Service Since 1993 Insured, free estimates 845 557 8051 member TCIA

All phases of landscaping Specializing in stone walls, walkways, patios, veneer & cultured stone • Excavating 570-729-8395

Sand & Gravel

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Free Estimates • 845-482-4965



Patios, walkways, retaining walls fencing, tree removal Mowing & Clean-ups • 845-468-0130

Rt. 652, Honesdale, PA • 570-251-9818

Truck Parts & More

Septic Service

Truck Parts, Repair & Equipment, Heavy-duty Towing, Road Service, Snow Removal Equipment


Septic Pumping, Jetting, Line Cleaning Video Inspection & Drainfield Restoration 845-292-1494 • 570-729-7645



Hydro-seeding • Walkways • Patios Retaining Walls • Tree Shrubs Installation Drainage Work • Fully Insured • Irrigation FREE ESTIMATE • 570-224-6405

MARHAREX STONE & LANDSCAPING Complete Design & Installation All applications of Stone Work Proudly serving the area since 2001 Full portfolio 570-878-1595 •

Marriage Officer ROBERT E. LUBEN

Retired NY Town Justice Same Sex and Different Sex Weddings 845-252-3471




ROTO ROOTER Septic Tank Pumping,

Underground Pipe Video Inspections, Drainfield Restoraton Service, Septic System Inspections, All Types of Plumbing, Repairs, 24-Hour Service.

845-252-6672 • 570-729-7936

SULLIVAN COUNTY SEPTIC SERVICE "The Drain Surgeon" Pumping - Drain Cleaning - Excavation Portable Restroom Rentals Ken Bloom, Pres. • 845-583-4064

Licensed driller serving NY, NJ and PA Since 1967 • “Water when you want it!” Shohola, PA • 570-559-7596

Yard Sale Visit THE YARD SALE STORE OPEN BY APPOINTMENT! Enjoy The Book Yard - All Books $1 Each. Browse affordable Sterling Silver Jewelry, Vintage Clothing, Art, Tools and Furniture. Select from 100’s of DVD Movies, AUDIO CDs and Books on Tape. Located in Narrowsburg at the bottom of Main Street opposite The River Reporter. APPOINTMENTS WELCOME. 845-252-3999. Give yourself a second hand!

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 29


Classifieds Personals Would like to meet a female, companion 55 to 75, non smoker, no pets, eat out, active, romance, travel, and home type. Own home in Sullivan County and Florida Phone 845-434-1335

Adoption ADOPTION: Unplanned Pregnancy? Caring local licensed adoption agency provides financial and emotional support. Choose from loving pre-approved families. Habla Espanol. Call Joy 1-914-939-1180 or confidential email: Adopt: Devoted loving couple wishes to adopt newborn into secure home filled with care, warmth, love & happiness. Expenses paid. Anthony/Tim, call 855.975.4792, text 917.991.0612

Help Wanted Publisher’s Employment Notice – All employment advertised in this newspaper is subject to Section 296 of the Human Rights Law which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, disability, marital status, sex, age, or arrest conviction record, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. Title 29, U.S. Code, Chap. 630, excludes the Federal Gov’t. for the age discrimination provisions. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for employment which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that employment offerings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Heavy Equipment Operator Career! High Demand For Certified Bulldozer, Backhoe And Trackhoe Operators . Hands On Training Provided. Fantastic Earning Potential! Veterans With Benefits Encouraged To Apply. 1-866-362-6497 AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial aid for qualified students – Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 866-296-7093 Drive-away across the USA even if you don’t own a car. 22 Pickup Locations. Call 866-764-1601 or

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

To advertise, call Eileen: 845-252-7414, ext. 35 Deadline: Mondays, 12:00 p.m. Help Wanted

Help Wanted

TRUCK MECHANIC Must be experienced & qualified in heavy trucks and equipment. Must have own tools, be dependable and honest. FT positions open. FT salary $30k to $60k. Benefits available for career minded individual.

Catskill Farms

Call or apply @ Arthur Trovei & Sons, Inc. 845-856-1142

The county’s leading design/build firm is looking for:


Trim Carpenters

is seeking stringers to cover municipal meetings in the Upper Delaware Valley. Send an email to or call 845/252-7414, ext. 28.

Seasonal Summer Jobs Part time and Full time

For inquiries call: 845.397.7274

Drivers, Bus Drivers (CDL-P), Beach Helpers, Office / Cleaning. Good customer relations skills. Boat lifting ability for Drivers and Beach. Computer / phone / cleaning skills for Office. Indian Head Canoes. Call 845-557-8777 for application.

Marine Mechanic/ Technician Full or Part Time Large Lake in Sullivan County NY Experience Mercury I-O & O-B – Volvo – Yamaha – 4 Stroke 845-707-6580 After 10am – Lodging if necessary

Benefits inc. Medical, Matching 401(k)

For Sale

Deer Mounts For Sale (1) 9 point Buck $250.00 (3) 8 point bucks $200.00 each (1) 8 point Buck $100.00

Call 570-252-4022

Help Wanted Prohibition Distillery, Roscoe NY is seeking part time tasting room staff to handle onsite merchandise sales as well as assist in facility tours. This position will be primarily weekends only(10-6) with the possibility of weekdays as the tourism season kicks off. Candidates must be 21 or over with references. Compensation- $10.00 an hour. Please call John @ 570-977-6546


Adorable Sm. Yorkshire Terrier registered puppies home raised, White Mills Pet Shop Rt 6 Hawley, Pa 570-253-0469

Easter Pets

Want to reach 4.5 million New Yorkers with one phone call? Ask me how. Call Eileen at 845-252-7414, ext. 35

LET THE RIVER REPORTER WORK FOR YOU has it all... log on today!

Got a story to tell? The River Reporter is looking for talented freelance feature writers to cover the interesƟng people, places and happenings that contribute to making the Upper Delaware River Valley so special. Interested? Send a resume, a wriƟng sample of a feature story you have wriƩen and an idea for a feature story you think The River Reporter’s readers would like to know about. Send materials to Jane Bollinger, Managing Editor, The River Reporter, P.O. Box 150, Narrowsburg, NY 12764, or email to

Trop & Salt fish. Complete line of Pets & supplies

Yard Sale PORT JERVIS NY – CITYWIDE YARD SALE Approx 100 homes, businesses, Not-For-Profits. Buyers’ Maps online PortJervisTourism. com plus at shops and eateries showing “MAPS HERE” signs. Saturday May 3rd Rain Date Sunday May 4th

30 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014



Auto Donations

HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED OR SETTLED? Contact Woodford Brothers Inc, for straightening, leveling, foundation and wood frame repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN. www. “Not applicable in Queens county”

Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. We offer free towing and your donation is 100% tax deductible. Call 315-400-0797 Today!

SAWMILLS from only $4897.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/ DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N Buy or sell at Contents of homes, businesses, vehicles and real estate. Bid NOW! Lights, Camera, Auction. No longer the best kept secret. Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. We offer free towing and your donation is 100% tax deductible. Call 315-400-0797 Today! CASH for Coins! Buying ALL Gold & Silver. Also Stamps & Paper Money, Entire Collections, Estates. Travel to your home. Call Marc in NY 1-800959-3419

Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make-A-Wish. We offer free towing and your donation is 100% tax deductible. Call 914-468-4999 Today!

Auctions Buy or sell at Contents of homes, businesses, vehicles and real estate. Bid NOW! Lights, Camera, Auction. No longer the best kept secret. LIVE AUCTION - State of VT SURPLUS Saturday, May 10th - 1744 US Rt. 302, Berlin, VT Cars- TrucksEquipment CALL: 1-800-536-1401 Visit our web site for LOTS of ONLINE AUCTIONS!

PRIVACY HEDGES- Blowout SALE 6 foot Arborvitae (cedar) Regular: $129 NOW: $59 FREE installation/ FREE delivery Call TODAY Limited supply: 518-536-1367 Beautiful & Nursery Grown.

“I recently placed an ad in The River Reporter for a rental property that I had listed. Within a day or two I had several calls to look at the property. It was rented very quickly because of this ad. Thanks River Reporter!”

IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER PRADAXA and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa between October 2010 and the present. You may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727


Dawn J. Curreri, Associate Broker @ Eagle Valley Realty



Let us help you sell your car! Answer to Last Week's Crossword Puzzle A L E P H
















Legal Notice MAVEN AUTO SALES LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 2/12/14. Office in Sullivan Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 5674 Route 42 Fallsburg, NY 12733. Purpose: Any lawful activity NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF TENTATIVE ASSESSMENT ROLL Notice is hereby given that the assessor of the Town of Tusten, County of Sullivan has completed the Tentative Assessment Roll for the current year and that a copy will be left with Nicole Peters, Town Clerk 210 Bridge Street Narrowsburg, New York after May 1, 2014, where it may be seen and examined by any interested person until the fourth Tuesday in May. The assessor will be in attendance with the tentative assessment roll at the Tusten Town Hall 210 Bridge Street Narrowsburg New York on the following dates and times: Friday May 2, 2014 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Friday May 9, 2014 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Monday May 12, 2014 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Friday May 16, 2014 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Saturday May 10, 2014 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (845 252 3689) The Board of Assessment Review will meet on Tuesday May 27, 2014 between the hours of: 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM at the Tusten Town Hall in said Town to hear and examine all complaints in relation to assessments on the written application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please call for an appointment at 845 252 3689. Appeals are limited to 10 minutes each. Dated this 25 th day of April 2014.Ken Baim, Sole Assessor dim RIVERSIDE REMEDIES, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/16/2014. Office in Sullivan Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to c/o Jeff Weyer, 39 Lower Main St., Callicoon, NY 12723, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BUDGET, ANNUAL MEETING, SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION AND VOTE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of the Sullivan West Central School District,

Legal Notice Sullivan County, New York that a Public Hearing on the Budget at the High School in said School District, Lake Huntington, New York, on Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM, for the purpose of presenting the budget document for the 2014-2015 School Year. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for School District purposes during the 2014-2015 school year (the Budget), exclusive of public monies, may be obtained by any resident of the District between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., commencing May 1, 2014 except Saturday, Sunday or holidays at each of the District’s schoolhouses and at the Administrative Offices. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that in accordance with §495 of the N.Y. Real Property Tax Law, that the District shall prepare a Real Property Tax “Exemption Report” which will show how much of the assessed value on the final assessment roll (utilized for the school tax levy) is exempt from taxation by the School District. This exemption report will list every type of exemption granted and will show: (1) the cumulative impact of each type of exemption; (2) the cumulative amount expected to be received as payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS), or other payments, from recipients of each type of exemption; (3) the cumulative impact of all exemptions granted. This Exemption Report will be posted on the District’s website and on District bulletin boards utilized for posting public notices. The Exemption Report will be annexed to any preliminary District budget, and will become part of the final budget. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Annual Meeting, Election of Members of the Board of Education and Vote on the Budget, will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., prevailing time, at the polling places hereinafter listed, when the polls will be open for the purpose of voting by voting machine: A.To elect three members to the Board of Education, for three-year terms, commencing July 1, 2014 and expiring on June 30, 2017, due to the expiration of the terms of Angela Daley; Kathleen Meckle and Mary Scheutzow. B.To vote upon the appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimated expenditures for School District purposes for the 2014-2015 School Year (the Budget). NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polling places for the purposes of voting at the Annual School

Want to reach 4.5 million New Yorkers with one phone call? Ask me how. Call Eileen at 845-252-7414, ext. 35

QUICK CASH FOR YOUR SCRAP Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Steel, Appliances, Batteries, Cars, Machines, Trucks! Most anything metal!!

Copper $1.50-$2.80/lb. Light Iron & Steel $150-$200/gross ton PRICES SUBJECT Aluminum 30-60¢/lb. TO CHANG E Scrap Car Batteries $10 each DAILY

CALL TODAY or just bring your scrap and cash in now! ARTHUR TROVEI AND SONS, INC. Rt. 97, Sparrowbush/Port Jervis, NY 12780 845-856-1142







14 17



21 24














19 22 26




31 33








45 49















54 61











69 ©2009 David Levinson Wilk


1. Trudges 6. Actors Epps and Sharif 11. Ave. crossers 14. Peter of “Casablanca” 15. Garbage 16. Browser address 17. C 19. ____ Paolo 20. Wally’s little bro 21. From ____ Z 22. TV monitor? 24. E 28. “Permit me ...” 31. Cocky Aesop character 32. Acknowledge tacitly 33. ____ belt 35. Morning run, perhaps 38. H 42. “Do Ya” rock grp. 43. Mountaineer’s grip 44. Kind of question 45. Hullabaloos 47. More than pleases 48. S 53. MTV show hosted by Ashton Kutcher 54. Web address ending 55. Model who attended Nairobi University 59. Agent Gold of “Entourage” 60. D 64. Turn bad 65. China’s Zhou ____ 66. Got a good look 67. Fed. agency that’s ass backwards? 68. Union demand 69. Netizens


1. Commoner 2. Leisurely gait

3. Killer whale 4. Didn’t just irk 5. Unwavering 6. Have a loan from 7. “____ La Mancha” 8. Nova Scotia hrs. 9. 66 on a map, e.g.: Abbr. 10. Person who takes orders 11. Fish dish 12. Get in shape 13. Inclination 18. Suffragist Elizabeth ____ Stanton 23. Cavs, on a scoreboard 25. Part of NASA: Abbr. 26. Minimal beachwear 27. Something about Mary? 28. “By the power vested ____ ...” 29. Sabotage 30. “____ Anything” (“Oliver!” song) 33. Trunk 34. All ____ sudden 35. Kid 36. River in the D-Day invasion 37. Prizms, e.g. 39. Ben Bernanke’s field: Abbr. 40. Noah of “ER” 41. Capitol Hill doings 45. Call upon 46. Sandy Koufax, his whole career 47. Sufficient, informally 48. Gets ready for a fight 49. French or Italian bread 50. Hill of law 51. Baseball’s Tony and Carlos 52. Clothing retailer Bauer 56. ____ bonding 57. Yank or Tiger 58. Beatty and others 61. Genetic letters 62. 1996 Olympic Torch lighter 63. Cash substitute

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 31


Real Estate Publisher’s Notice – All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimintation.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Eldred Area

1BR Furnished Apt Heat & Hot Water Included NO PETS $600/ month Contact Carol 845-557-8548 Apartment for Rent Beach Lake PA 2BR 2 full Bath large kitchen, W/D hook up large yard. garage, newly renovated, $800/mth call 570-647-8049 and ask for Bill

Shohola 2nd floor Apt No Pets, No Smokers $575.00 a month + 2 months security 1 bedroom with fire place large deck, 2 entries Laundry hook up 570-559-7669

Looking to Rent with Option to Buy Well Maintained 4 Bedroom House in Narrowsburg or surrounding area 845-252-6568 GETAWAY CABIN 5 acres- $59,900 3,000 acres State Land, snowmobile trail, 2 hours NYC, 1/2 hour Albany! Additional land also available! NO CLOSING COSTS! Call: (888)905-8847 FLORIDA WATERFRONT CONDO LIQUIDATION SALE! Sat Nov 23rd Brand new 2BR/2BA 1,690sf luxury condo only $149,900 Originally under contract for $365,000. Near downtown Orlando & all theme parks/attractions. Must see. Call now 877-333-0272, x 165


TWO One-bedroom Apts. For Rent

Larger: $545 • Smaller: $525 Both newly renovated apartments have 2 entries in charming house, huge backyard , lovely shade trees, each with a back porch. Near Delaware River.

Call Owner: 212-722-8834

Shohola 1st Floor enclosed Porch, large yard, kitchen, living room with fire place 1 bedroom, laundry hookup No Pets, No Smoking $525.00 a month 2 months security 570-559-7669 HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED OR SETTLED? Contact Woodford Brothers Inc, for straightening, leveling, foundation and wood frame repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN. www. “Not applicable in Queens county” SHORT SALE -30 acres -$89,900. Catskill Mountain farm! Stunning views, springs, meadows, woods! 40% below market! Less than 3 hrs NY City! EZ terms avail! Call 888-701-7509 NOW! LAND OWNER SACRIFICE! 5 acres -$19,900 Great views, quiet country road, gorgeous hilltop setting! Southern Tier, NY. Guaranteed buildable! 8 tracts available UNDER 19,900! Terms! Hurry! 888-9058847. WATERFRONT LOTS- Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Was 325K Now from $65,000- Community Center Pool. 1acre+ lots, Bay & Ocean Access, Great Fishing, Crabbing, Kayaking. Custom Homes. 757-824-0808

CATSKILL MTN TIMBERLAND! 60 acres - $89,900 Quality timber, great hunting, secluded setting, adjoins State Land! Less than 3 hrs NYC! Town rd, survey, EZ terms! Call 888-701-7509 FARM SACRIFICE! 5 acres $19,900 Great views, quiet country road, gorgeous hilltop setting! So Tier, NY. Guaranteed buildable! 5 tracts avail UNDER $20,000! Terms! Hurry! 888-905-8847. FORT PLAIN, NY: *20.7 acres, fields, panoramic views 1,080 feet on quiet paved road $55,000. *3.6 acres, field, $13,000. Owner fianancing. CALL, Henry Whipple: 518-8616541 WATERFRONT LOTS- Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Was 325K Now from $65,000- Community Center Pool. 1acre+ lots, Bay & Ocean Access, Great Fishing, Crabbing, Kayaking. Custom Homes. 757-824-0808 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, NY REAL PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE AUCTION: May 13th @ 11AM, Horace Inman Senior Center, Amsterdam, NY. 800-292-7653. Free brochure:

Buy or sell at Contents of homes, businesses, vehicles and real estate. Bid NOW! Lights, Camera, Auction. No longer the best kept secret. PRIVACY HEDGES- Blowout SALE 6 foot Arborvitae (cedar) Regular: $129 NOW: $59 FREE installation/ FREE delivery Call TODAY Limited supply: 518-536-1367 Beautiful & Nursery Grown.

Sebastian, Florida Beautiful 55+ manufactured home community. 4.4 miles to the beach, 2 miles to the riverfront district. Homes starting at $39,000. 772-581-0080, www.

2014 © Rainbow Play Systems, Inc

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Parsippany Menlo Park 732-452-9302

FOR RENTCALLICOON Almost new doublewide 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, den with fireplace, deck, can come furnished $1500/month + security

Callicoon Real Estate, LLC 845-887-4400

SAWMILLS from only $4897.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/ DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N

Licensed Real Estate Broker PA and NY 845.252.3547 Narrowsburg, NY Office 845.253.6606 Honesdale, PA Office 570.493.2476 Cell/Text PO Box 145 Narrowsburg, NY 12764 Dianna L. Dettloff, Broker Licenses # 37GI1011818 • SB065194 PA

Delaware’s Resort Living Without Resort Pricing! Low Taxes! Gated Community, Close to Beaches, Amazing Amenities, Olympic Pool. New Homes from $80’s! Brochures available 1-866-629-0770 or

SpringGoing Sale On Now!


OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations:

Narrowsburg, New York Ready to move in and easy to maintain 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch style home with full ¿nished basement and detached garage 2.2 acres Minutes to Delaware River



6569 State Route 97 • Narrowsburg, NY 12764 • 845-252-3085 Serving the Upper Delaware River Valley Licensed NY & PA, Realtor-MLS CHARMING TURN OF THE CENTURY VILLAGE FARMHOUSE! Features Include A Large EIK, Formal Dining Room, Large Living Room W/ Fireplace, Den, 4 Bedrooms, A Full, Plus 2 Half Baths & Large Rear Enc. Porch. Rocking Chair Front Porch. 1 Car Det. Garage. Mostly Open Rear Yard W/ Mature Trees & View Of The Magni¿cent Delaware River! Walk To Bank, Stores, Etc. Great Location For A Home Based Business. $165,000 MLS# 38220

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Outer Banks, NC Vacation Homes! Over 500 Vacation Homes, from Duck to Corolla, rindley Oceanfront to Soundfront, each Private Pools, Hot Tubs, VACATIONS & SALES

Pets and More…

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“ S E R V I C E F I R S T … F U N A LWAY S ! ”

32 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

District Election and Vote on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, shall be as follows: Election District #1 - Polling Place at the Delaware Youth Center - for those who reside within the boundaries of the former Delaware Valley Central School District Election District #2 - Polling Place at the Jeffersonville Building - for those who reside within the boundaries of the former JeffersonvilleYoungsville Central School District Election District #3 - Polling Place at the Tusten-Cochecton Library - for those who reside within the boundaries of the former Narrowsburg Central School District C.NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that petitions for nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District, by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 30th day preceding the School District Election, Monday, April 21, 2014. Vacancies on the Board of Education are considered separate, specific offices and a separate petition is required to nominate a candidate to each separate office. The nominating petition must be signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the District; shall describe at least the length of the term of office and contain the name of the incumbent; must state the name and residence address of each signer; and must state the name and residence address of the candidate. Petition forms may be obtained at the Office of the School District Clerk on weekdays when school is in session, during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. When picking up petitions, you must indicate which position you are running for: Angela Daley; Kathleen Meckle and Mary Scheutzow. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that personal registration of voters is required pursuant to §2014 of the Education Law. If a voter has heretofore registered to vote with the School District and has voted at an annual or special school district meeting within the last four calendar years, s/he is eligible to vote at this Election and Vote to be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014. If a voter is currently registered to vote with the Sullivan County Board of Elections, s/he is also eligible to vote in this election and vote. All other persons who wish to vote must register with the Board of Registration. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Board of Registration will

meet at the Administration Office at each of the polling places, on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 and Wednesday, May 14, 2014 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., prevailing time, for the purpose of preparing the register of the School District for the Election and Vote to be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at which time any person shall be entitled to have his/her name placed upon such Register if he or she is known or proven to the satisfaction of the Board of Registration to be then or thereafter entitled to vote. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Register of voters so prepared shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District, Sullivan West Elementary, 33 Schoolhouse Road, Jeffersonville, NY, where the same shall be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the District on each of the five days prior to the day set for the Annual Meeting, Election and Vote, except Saturday and Sunday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., prevailing time. Said Register will be open for inspection at the polling place on the date of the Election and Vote, on Tuesday, May 20, 2014. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots for the School District Election and Vote may be obtained at the Office of the District Clerk. The application must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days prior to the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter or the day before the election, if the ballot will be delivered personally to the voter. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots shall have been issued will be available in the Office of the District Clerk between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. until the day of the Election and Vote. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk at the Sullivan West Elementary, 33 Schoolhouse Road, Jeffersonville, NY by no later than 5:00 p.m., prevailing time, on the date of the Annual Meeting, Election and Vote, Tuesday, May 20, 2014. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the School District Clerk is hereby authorized to amend the Notice of the Public Hearing on the Budget and Annual Meeting, Election and Vote, from time to time, as in her discretion, such amendment may be required. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the School District Clerk shall cause the Notice set forth above to be published once

each week for four (4) weeks within the seven (7) weeks preceding the Annual Meeting, Election and Vote, the first such notice to be published at least 45-days prior to the Election and Vote, in accordance with Section 2004 of the Education Law. Date: March 13, 2014 By Order of the Board of Education Sullivan West Central School Margaret L. Luty, District Clerk Ridgeback Races, LLC, Arts of Org filed with SSNY on 04/18/14. Off. Loc.: Sullivan County, SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 380 Behr Rd., Jeffersonville, NY 12748. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act. The name of the company is JM Fitzpatrick LLC; the date of filing of the articles of organization with the New York department of state was February 28 2014; the county in New York in which the office is located is Sullivan County New York the street address is 10 Erts Road Claryville NY 12725 the duration of the company is perpetual: the business purpose of the company is to engage in any and all business activities under the laws of the state of New York Sticky Fingers Ice Cream LLC, Arts of Org filed with SSNY on 04/10/14. Off. Loc.: Sullivan County, SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, P.O. Box 487, Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act. Notice of Formation of 213 Schenectady LLC. Arts of Org. filed with New York Secy of State (SSNY) on 4/2/14. Office location: Sullivan County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 16 Pine Lane, Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759. Purpose: any lawful activity. NOBER REALTY, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 4/9/14. Office location: Sullivan County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Jeffrey Nober, 6636 State Rte. 52, Lake Huntington, NY 12752. General Purpose.

Legal Notice NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: SHREWD FOX BREWERY, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 03/27/14. Office location: Sullivan County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, c/o William Lenczuk, 610 Proctor Road, Glen Spey, New York 12737. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. MCCABE GLOBAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, LLC Art. Of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 4/23/2014. Off. Loc: Sullivan Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to The LLC, 55 Maple Avenue, Warwick, NY 10990. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. LEGAL NOTICE BUDGET HEARING AND ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District will hold a Budget Hearing at the Eldred Jr./Sr. High School, 600 Route 55, in Eldred, NY, in said district on Thursday, May 8, 2014, at 7 p.m. (prevailing time) for the purpose of the discussion of the expenditure of funds and the budgeting thereof proposed by the Board of Education for the school year July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015. NOTICE IS GIVEN, pursuant to Section 1716 of the Education Law, that a copy of the statement of the amount of money, which may be required for the following year for school purposes, exclusive of public money, may be obtained by any resident in the District at the District Office, 600 Route 55, Eldred, NY, during the fourteen days immediately preceding the annual budget vote and election, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. (prevailing time) other than a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, together with the text of any resolution to be presented to the voters. A copy of the detailed statement of estimated expenditures will also be made available at the Budget Hearing to be held May 8, 2014. NOTICE IS GIVEN, that the An-

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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

nual Vote upon the appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimated expenditures for school purposes for the 2014-2015 school year and the election of members of the Board of Education and any other business that may legally come before this meeting will take place on May 20, 2014, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. prevailing time, at the Eldred Jr./Sr. High School, 600 Route 55, Eldred, New York and NOTICE IS GIVEN, that any qualified elector who desires to submit any proposition to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting and Election, except as to a question or proposition required by law to be stated in the published or posted notice of meeting, shall file with the Board of Education a petition setting forth such proposition, not less than thirty (30) days (by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 21, 2014) prior to the Annual District Budget Vote and Election and such petition shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the District. NOTICE IS GIVEN, that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 pm, prevailing time and no later than Monday, April 22, 2014 at 5:00 pm. The following vacancy is to be filled by the Board of Education: One five-year term. Candidates for office of member of the Board of Education shall be nominated by petition and each petition must be filed with the Clerk of the District, and shall be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the District. The petition shall state the residence of each signer and shall state the name and residence of the candidate. No person shall be nominated by petition for more than one separate vacancy. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the following propositions will appear on the ballot: PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the following resolution be approved? The annual budget of the Eldred Central School District for the fiscal year 2014-2015 is hereby adopted and the requisite portion thereof to be raised by taxation on the taxable property of the School District is hereby authorized. PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the following resolution be approved?

The Board of Education of the School District is hereby authorized to levy taxes annually in the amount of fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000.00) and to pay over such monies to the Board of Trustees of the Sunshine Hall Free Library. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District, Sullivan County, be authorized to make the expenditures shown in the budget presented by the Board of Education for the 20142015 school year. NOTICE IS GIVEN, that pursuant to section 2014 of the Education Law, Personal Registration of voters is required, and no person shall be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and Election to be held on May 20, 2014, whose name does not appear on the register of the District or who does not register as hereinafter provided, except a person who is otherwise qualified to vote and is registered under the provisions of Article 5 of the Election Law. The times and place of registration are set forth below, and any person shall be entitled to have that person’s name placed upon such register, provided that at such meeting of the Board of Registration, that person is known or proven to the satisfaction of the Board of Registration, to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at the school meeting or election for which such register is prepared. The Board of Registration shall prepare a register for said Annual Meeting and Election which shall include all persons who shall have presented themselves personally for registration for any annual budget vote and election or special district meeting or election and who shall have voted at any Annual or Special Meeting or Election or conducted at any time during the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 calendar years. The Board of Registration of the district will meet at the Eldred Central School District Office at 600 Route 55, Eldred, NY, Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm prevailing time, to prepare the register of the School District for said Annual Meeting and Election and any person not heretofore registered shall be entitled to have his or her name placed upon such register, provided that at such meeting of the Board of Registration, he or she is known or proved to the satisfaction of such Board of Registration to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at said Annual Meeting and Election. NOTICE IS GIVEN, that Personal

Place a classiĦed ad and

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MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 33


Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Registration may be achieved on any day, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. prevailing time at the Eldred Central School District Office, 600 Route 55, Eldred, New York up until Thursday, May 15, 2014. NOTICE IS GIVEN, that the register of the district, so prepared, will be filed in the office of the School District Clerk at the Eldred Central School District Office, 600 Route 55, Eldred, N.Y., where the same shall be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the district on each of the five (5) days prior to the Annual Meeting and Election, except Saturday and Sunday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., prevailing time. Said register will be open for inspection at the Eldred Jr./Sr. High School, 600 Route 55, Eldred, NY during the hours of the Annual Meeting and Election. NOTICE IS GIVEN that applications for Absentee Ballots may be applied for at the Office of the District Clerk. If the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, the completed application must be received by the District Clerk no later than Monday, May 12, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., prevailing time. If the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter, the completed application must be received by the District Clerk no later than Monday, May 19, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., prevailing time. Absentee Ballots must be received in the office of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. prevailing time on May 20, 2014. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2018-a of the Education Law, qualified voters who meet the criteria for “permanently disabled� and are so certified by the Sullivan County Board of Elections, will receive paper ballots by mail. A list of all persons to whom Absentee Ballots shall have been issued will be available for public inspection in the office of the District Clerk on each of the five (5) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting and Election, except Saturday and Sunday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., prevailing time, and such list will also be posted at the polling place at the Annual Meeting and Election of members of the Board of Education. By the order of the Board of Education of the Eldred Central School District. Dated: April 1, 2014 Bonnie Robertson, District Clerk Eldred Central School District Eldred, NY

are achieved by supporting activities or projects that: benefit low- and moderate-income families; create job opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons; prevent or eliminate slums and blight; or address a community development need that poses a serious and imminent threat to the community’s health or welfare. Project selection shall take into consideration the recommendation of the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council or the determination that the proposed project aligns with the regional strategic priorities of the respective region. While future funding rounds may become available, the maximum amount of funds the County may currently apply for under the Block Grant Program is $200,000 for Housing/Public Facilities/Public Infrastructure, $200,000 Microenterprise and $100,000 for a Small Business Assistance. The type of activities which may be undertaken with these funds include or involve acquisition and disposition of real property, public facilities and improvements, clearance activities, public services, payment of nonfederal share of another federal program, removal of architectural barriers, relocation, rehabilitation and preservation activities, economic development and job generating activities as well as other activities appropriate to serving community development needs. Residents of the county should note that more applications will be

submitted to New York State than can be funded. This program is competitive and is structured to provide assistance to communities addressing the needs of its low- and moderate-income residents. The county will be holding one public hearing to solicit citizen feedback on the community and economic development needs of the community and any/all proposed projects prior to the submission on: First Public Hearing: May 15th, 2014 TIME:1:50 pm PLACE: Legislative Hearing Room Facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Special accommodations shall be made upon request by calling (845)807-0435. Residents who wish to submit written statements on their views may do so at the hearing or prior by sending them to the Clerk to the Legislature, Sullivan County Government Center, 100 North Street, PO Box 5012, Monticello, New York 12701. Comments are also sought on the County’s past performance with CDBG programs.

CLASSIC DECO ENTERPRISES LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/18/2014. Office in Sullivan Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1254 Wurtsboro Mountain Rd., Wurtsboro, NY 12790. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Loren Wohl, P.O. Box 1020, 88 Rockhill Dr., Rock Hill, NY 12775. General Purpose.

Formation of Allan Rich, LLC 189 Lake Shore Drive East Rock Hill NY 12775 Formed 3/10 2014 Section 301 Address for process C/O UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS INC. 7014 13TH AVE BROOKLYN NY11228

LEGAL NOTICE FOR PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF SULLIVAN RESIDENTS County of Sullivan RESIDENTS please take notice that the County of Sullivan is considering preparing an application for a Community Development Block Grant under the NYS Homes and Community Renewal’s Office of Community Renewal (OCR). The state must ensure that no less than 70% of its CDBG funds are used for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons. The program objectives

RENOVATE-CREATE CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 12/5/13. Office location: Sullivan County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Lionel Nazario, 175 Ocean Pkwy., Ste. 2B, Brooklyn, NY 11218. General Purpose.

Notice of Formation of Islandzen LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 3/24/14. Office location: Sullivan County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Paul Jeanneret, 141 Rio Dam Rd., Glen Spey, NY 12737. Purpose: any lawful activities

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of a New York Limited Liability Company 1.The name of the limited liability company is WHITE LAKE SPIRITS & FOOD LLC. 2.The date of the filing of the Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State was April 8, 2014. 3.The County in New York State in which the office of the company is located is Sullivan. 4.The Secretary of State has been designated as Agent of the company upon whom process may be served, and the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the company served upon him or her to P.O. Box 1103, Wurtsboro, NY 12790. 5.The character or purpose of the business of the company is to engage in any and all business activities permitted upon the laws of the State of New York.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Time Warner Cable Northeast LLC, d/b/a Time Warner Cable has filed an application for renewal of its Cable Television Franchise in the Town of Tusten, Sullivan County, New York. The application and all comments filed relative thereto are available for public inspection at the Town of Tusten’s office during normal business hours. Interested parties may file comments regarding the renewal with the Public Service Commission within 10 days of the date of publication of the Notice. Comments should be addressed to Hon. Kathleen H, Burgess, Secretary, New York State Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223.

CATSKILL MOUNTAIN DAIRIES, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 4/8/14. Office location: Sullivan County. SSNY is

LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF SULLIVAN Sealed bids for the following will be received by the Director of the Department of Purchasing and Central Services at the Sullivan County Government Center, 100 North Street, Monticello, New York 12701, (845) 807-0515, until 1:00 P.M. on Friday, May 16, 2014 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. 1. Copy Paper (B-14-38) 2. Chemicals & Maintenance (B14-39) Bid Forms, including specifications, may be obtained from the Director at the above address, and all bids are subject to the terms and conditions therein set forth. Dated: May 2, 2014

Food for Profit

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34 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014



By Richard Ross

Triumphs of the will


ULLIVAN COUNTY, NY—Though the weather felt anything but spring-like this past week, there were nevertheless a spate of heartwarming moments to offset the chill of the week’s outdoor athletic events. In some instances teams reached down to mine that extra determination and grit needed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. In other stirring moments, success evinced itself as a product of sheer talent born of the rigors of unrelenting practice. And finally, in the remembrance of a dearly departed athlete, a celebration of the triumph of the will and an affirmation of life authored a new name for a time-honored track meet. Yes, this was a week that brought smiles to many and augured hope for continued success for the duration of the season. In softball, the Tri-Valley Lady Bears 5-3 (1-2 OCIAA) erased a 4-0 deficit to Chester 4-2 (-0-2 OCIAA) with a 5-4 nine-inning victory. Ashley Exner’s two-out, two-strike, bases-loaded single in the bottom of the ninth plated the winning run in a game fraught with drama amid freezing temperatures and blustery winds. For details, read “Warm Hearts in the Big Chill” on www. For the Sullivan West Bulldogs baseball team, which had lost its series opener to rival James I. O’Neill, a 4-1 win over the Raiders sparked by a three-run, sixth-inning outburst made Patrick Pierce’s pitching gem even more noteworthy. Pierce struck out 11 for the Bulldogs. The Dawgs (3-6; 3-3 OCIAA) lost subsequent games to O’Neill, Deposit and Burke. In their win, Devin Mirch drove in two runs and Gavin Owen scored twice as the Dawgs found their batting acumen against O’Neill hurler Nick Van Skyock. In boys golf, Eldred’s David Powers showed his mastery, shooting a 44 on the front nine at the Villa Roma as the Yellow Jackets 5-1 (4-1 OCIAA) beat Sullivan West’s. The Dawgs’ 10-year divisional title run appears to have come to an end. In girls golf, it was former Section IX contender Daphne Muzuruk leading the way for the Lady Bulldogs, who improved to 2-0 (1-0 OCIAA), as she led the way to a win over Roscoe. But the highlight of the week was the Jessica Fingers Memorial Invitational track meet. A number of speakers including this writer, her former coach Pete Wysochanski, Monticello Superintendent Dan Teplesky and her dad, school board member Robert Bellamy, remembered her before a plaque in her honor was unveiled to go along with a Japanese red maple tree planted in her memory. The meet featured 13 schools and produced a number of local winners and medalists. Monticello’s girls placed third while the boys took fourth. Monticello’s Terry Duncan was named as the Outstanding Male Track Performer for the second straight year. Duncan won the 100 (11.2), the 200 (32.4), the 400 (51.8) and ran the anchor leg in 53.4 for the third place finish of the 1600 relay. Sullivan West’s Mitch Paciga won the 110 hurdles (15.75). He also won the high jump (6-0) and took third in the 400 hurdles (62.0). Teammate Anthony Rydell won the hammer throw (130-08). He was second in the discus (121-01). Port Jervis’ Brittany Fuller was the outstanding female track athlete. She took first in the 3000 (10.53) and the 1500 (5.04). Other Sullivan County top three finishers included (listed by event and place, boys first, then girls): 400 relay: 2. Liberty 46.8; 800 relay: 3. Monticello 1:38.6; 1600 relay: 3. Monticello 3:46.8; long jump: 3. Butch Halloran (Eld) 19.4.25; Triple jump: 2. Peter Vorstadt (Eld) 39-10.75; Shot put: 3. Travon Rainey (Mont) 45-10; 1500: 3. Kelsey Dutton (SW) 5:26.6; 3000: 2. Camryn Johnson (Mont) 11:32.4; 400 Hurdles; 1. Laura Doherty (Mont) 70.5; 2000 Steeplechase: 2. Laura McEneaney (Mont) 9:21.1; 400 Relay 3. Port Jervis 53.1; 1600 Relay: 2.Monticello 4:40.5; 3200 Relay: 3. Monticello 11:38.6; Shot put: 3. Nyasia Harris (Falls) 29-8; Hammer throw: 2. Heather Giza (Mont) 81.8; 3. Nicole Komonczi (PJ) 70-7; Javelin: 3. Sydney Johnson (Mont) 66-6. Visit for the photos from the meet as well as events. The stories of local sports including the complete results of the Jessica Fingers Memorial Invitational can be found at

Sullivan West’s Mitch Paciga won the high jump (6-0) and the 110 high hurdles (15.75). He took third in the 400 Intermediate hurdles (62.0).

Photos by Richard A. Ross,

Monticello’s Terry Duncan was named the Outstanding Male Track Performer at the Jessica Fingers Memorial Invitational track meet (formerly called the Monticello Games). It was his second year in a row winning the meet’s top honor. Duncan triumphed in the 100 (11.3), 200 (32.4), and 400 (51.8) and ran a sterling 53.4 leg in the Monties’ third place finish in the 1600 relay.

Sullivan West’s Patrick Pierce rears back to hurl a pitch in the Bulldogs’ 4-1 Division IV win over James I. O’Neill. Pierce struck out 11 batters.

“The triumph can’t be had without the struggle.” —Wilma Rudolph

Monticello unveiled the plaque in memory of Jessica Fingers as the former Monticello Games were renamed in her honor.

Port Jervis’ Brittany Fuller was named the meet’s Outstanding Female Track Performer. She won the 1500 (5:04) and the 3000 (10:53).

Tri-Valley girls mob senior Ashley Exner after her game-winning bases-loaded, two-out, two-strike single that propelled the Lady Bears to a 5-4 nine inning league win over Chester.

MAY 1 - 7, 2014 • 35












Town of Highland • May 17, 2014 • 8am-12pm • Volunteers Welcome 1. All deliveries must be made BEHIND THE HIGHLAND SENIOR CENTER, 725 STATE ROUTE 55 ELDRED, NY. ONE PICK UP TRUCK PER HOUSEHOLD 2. All deliveries must be made between the hours of 8:00 am and 12:00 noon. 3. Appliances and scrap metal will be accepted free. 4. Refrigeration units MUST be disposed in the usual way at Transfer Station. 5. All drums and tanks must be empty and cut open or crushed. Propane tanks will not be accepted. 6. NO tires.

7. NO full or partially full cans of paint, petroleum products, pesticides or any other hazardous wastes. 8. NO brush, yard waste, bags of leaves, stumps or rocks. 9. NO household garbage or commercial wastes of any kind. 10. Computers, computer monitors or televisions must be recycled at the transfer station. 11. NO fuel tanks or oil drums will be accepted. Propane tanks (20 gals. or less) shall be deposited at the designated landfill location. 12. NO MATTRESSES.

HIGHLAND RESIDENTS: PLEASE PICK UP A PASS AT THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. This project is made possible by The Town of Highland Town Board, Highway Department and the Sullivan County Legislature.

Sullivan West School Kindergarten & Pre-Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten registration will be May 12th and 13th. If your child will be 5 years old before December 1, 2014, please call the school at 845-482-4610 ext. 2158 to make an appointment. Information needed at the time of the call is the child’s name, date of birth, parent/guardians names, mailing address and phone number. After the appointment is made, a packet of information will be mailed to you to complete and return at registration time. Pre-Kindergarten registration will be May 19th and 20th. We have only one pre-kindergarten class for students who show developmental delays on the testing. The class will consist of 15 students. If your child will be 4 years old before September 1, 2014, please call the school at 845-482-4610 ext. 2158 to make an appointment. Information needed at the time of the call is the child’s name, date of birth, parent/guardians names, mailing address and phone number. After the appointment is made, a packet of information will be mailed to you to complete and return at registration time.

Spring, a perfect time to learn about birds


EHMAN TOWNSHIP, PA — Birders of all levels, novice to experienced, are invited to spend the weekend of May 9 through 11 at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) in search of warblers, raptors and other migrating birds. Warbler Weekend will begin on Friday evening, May 9 and continue through Sunday afternoon, May 11. Field trips will be led by experienced guides who will identify birds by sight, sound and habitat. To register, call 570/828-2319. The cost of the weekend is $205, which includes

two nights of lodging and six meals. The commuter rate is $155 and day rates are also available. A second birding program, Bird Walk, will be held at PEEC on Saturday, May 17 from 8 to 10 a.m. This $5 program is for anyone interested in learning more about birds. Darryl Speicher, from the Pocono Avian Research Center, will lead a hike focusing on the identification of birds and their unique natural history. The program is most appropriate for ages 10plus. Binoculars and field guides will be provided. Visit

Fly-Casting Rendezvous at Catskill Museum


IVINGSTON MANOR, NY — Wild Trout Flyrodders will hold its second annual Catskill Fly-Casting Rendezvous on Saturday, May 3, on the grounds of the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum. With more than 20 workshops and clinics on casting, fly tying and onwater fishing techniques, this is a premier event dedicated to the art and sport of fly fishing. The workshops are designed to appeal to a broad range of interests and skill levels.

Highlights of the event include fly tying demonstrations, casting lessons, “Get Started in Fly Fishing” talks and demonstrations as well as a casting competition. The entry fee is $10 per adult. Children 17 and under will be admitted free but must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Demonstrations and lessons are included with the entry fee; group classes in casting and fly tying are $20 per class. For more information, visit www.

Become a volunteer safety patroller on the river


PPER DELAWARE RIVER VALLEY — The National Canoe Safety Patrol (NCSP) will host its 35th annual Delaware River water safety training program on the weekend of May 3 and 4 for volunteers to learn how to respond to emergencies on the open water this summer. Registration opens on Friday, May 2 between 5 and 9 p.m. at Kittatinny Adventure Center, Luke’s Landing near Barryville, NY, 3854 State Rte. 97, or register at 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Briefing starts at 8 a.m. Attendees will learn basic water rescue techniques, how to handle a throw bag, the dos and don’ts of when to enter the water, how to interact with someone in distress, and how to talk to National Park Service dispatchers if help is needed in a larger emergency.

Training also includes practice going through rapids at Barryville and Shohola Falls. Those who complete the requirements of training receive a NCSP membership card and become VIP volunteers in the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River National Park. In exchange, graduates are required to give back a minimum of four days between May and October to patrol specific sections of the river between Skinners Falls/Milanville area downstream to Matamoras. Preregistration is recommended. Overnight camping at Luke’s Landing is permitted. Find additional information at, or you can send an email to commodore@nationalcanoesafetypatrol. com.

SOUNDINGS: taking the pulse of the Upper Delaware Watershed High gage mark, feet 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29

4.71 4.57 4.47 4.38 4.24 4.13 4.03

High water temperature °F 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29

47.30 47.30 50.00 51.08 49.82 52.88 48.74

Actual and avg. precipitation NYC watershed

Reservoir levels April 28, 2014 Cannonsville: 99.4% Pepacton: 99.2% Neversink: 95.3% Total: 98.2% Normal Total: 98.6% Total in 2013: 96.7%

Actual: Historical avg:


River readings at Callicoon, NY

*to date Sept. Jan

Oct. Feb

Nov. Mar

Dec.* Apr

36 • MAY 1 - 7, 2014


Counting birds in May


By Scott Rando


he warmer weather of spring is trying to establish itself, and with the weather come some birds that have not been seen or heard since last summer. The melodic song of the wood thrush or the high pitched whistle of the broad-winged hawk are soon to be heard as they return to the region and start their breeding rituals and calls. One event coming up, which helps map populations and species distribution in the state of Pennsylvania, is the annual Pennsylvania Migration Count (PAMC). Always held during the second Saturday of May, the PAMC is a one-day event sponsored by the PA Society of Ornithology for the purpose of getting a one-day snapshot of birds across the state. The time coincides with the North American Migration Count that occurs in other regions of the country. The data taken during the count is used to monitor changes in migration patterns, population increases or declines, and helps identify species that may be at risk. Counts are taken on a countywide basis, and you could be at any skill level at identifying birds by sight or sound. You can do as much or as little territory as you want. Many people do the count in their backyard or out the window observing feeder visitors. A website is maintained for the PAMC ( Here you can obtain instructions and field checklist forms. Also, there is a list of county coordinators who can give info on places to count birds and other assistance if needed. This would be a good excuse to get out with the family and see some birds and probably some other sights and sounds of spring. If you are too far north in New York State and don’t want to travel to PA, there is another event which may be closer. The Sullivan County Audubon Society is holding a “Break-a-100� weekend during the same timeframe as the PAMC. More information can be found at sullivanaudubon. org.

“A great


Mergansers and other waterfowl can be found on lakes and rivers, always good places to count birds. There may also be transient migrants present at waterways. Common loons pass through the area in the spring on the way to their northern breeding grounds.

TRR photos by Scott Rando

Cardinals can be found in the region all year long, and this may be a bird you might count at your feeder. This brilliant red male is very easy to spot.


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Hawks and falcons are returning to the area to breed. In late April, there were good numbers of broad-winged hawks counted at some hawk watching places. This hawk shows the white tail band, which is indicative of an adult.


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River Reporter 2008-2013

845-794-7620 Monticello, New York

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