Your lifestyle choices have a great impact on your health. Regardless of your age, health concerns and gender, there is no substitute to exercise and a balanced diet for a great body. Most people pay attention to the macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fat, often missing out the minerals. To maintain your health and keep diseases at bay, you need to ensure the intake of three essential minerals – Potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Potassium is essential for the normal function of your cells, organs, and tissues. Experts advise on ensuring a minimum intake of 2,500 milligrams per day for every adult. Of course, your diet plays a significant role in maintaining the intake, and you will also find supplements in the market. Some of the best sources of potassium are bananas, potatoes, kidney beans, avocados, dry fruits and lean fishes, such as tuna and salmon. Some of the dairy products are high in potassium, as well.
Calcium is essential for your bones, and one study has revealed that it can also help in losing weight. Most of the dairy products, especially cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt are high sources of natural calcium. If you are a nonvegetarian, sardines can be your best pick. Keep in mind that you don’t need more than 500 milligrams of calcium per day. For certain health conditions, you may need to take additional supplements, but do talk to your doctor before starting any medication.
Magnesium is important for your immune system and heart. According to studies, around 50% of Americans don’t have enough of their magnesium requirements per day. Men need more magnesium than women, and if you are a male over 31, you need to take at least 420 milligrams, while women need around 320 milligrams. Some of the rich natural sources of magnesium are almonds, sesame seeds, bananas, tofu, cashews, and seeds, such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds.