2 minute read
TLA President's Message
Ihope you all enjoyed the TLA’s 77 th Annual Convention + Trade Show; despite the unprecedented snowstorm causing havoc to travel plans and unfortunate heating issues it was, once again, well attended and provided great presentations and networking opportunities. Many thanks to all of this year’s sponsors; without their support, our annual convention wouldn’t be possible.
In addition to a full recap of the convention sessions and activities, we also provide a summary of what we heard from government as well as two session topics. In the “Got Timber Supply?” article, we provide several different perspectives on how to manage the fibre left on the ground after harvesting, including a response from government about its waste-removal policies.
The article, “A Public Perspective of the Forest Industry” summarizes the session that provided a captivating overview of recent polling results of over 2500 adult Canadians focused on the BC forest industry’s reputation and image, and how it is perceived in the public eye. In the “What Government Heard and Said” article, we provide highlights from Premier Horgan’s speech, Minister Donaldson’s Q&A with TLA Executive, and MLA John Rustad’s session. Also in this issue, we welcome Bill Nelson, the TLA’s 42 nd president. In his inaugural President’s Message, he shares his views on the important issues facing the forest industry and his goals for his two-year term. In his profile article, he provides a view into his professional life as a partner at Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd. and his perspective on the future of forestry.
We also welcome the TLA's new Executive Director, Bob Brash and his inaugural Executive Director's message. The forest community featured in this issue is Nanwakolas, an emerging government, that despite gaining prominence over the years, finds itself sharing the same frustration as non-native contractors throughout BC: namely, the inability to control their own economic destiny in the logging sector with any degree of certainty.
Be sure to read the Legal Viewpoint article, which provides additional clarification about the very important topic of equipment insurance when fighting wildfires.
As always, I trust you will find this issue insightful and informative. This is my last issue as the Editorial Board Chair; I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in providing direction over the content of each issue and I would like to welcome Sig Kemmler as my replacement. If you have any feedback or comments, please contact our Director of Communications, Jennifer Kramer, at 604-684-4291 (extension 2) or by email at jennifer@tla.ca.
Dorian Uzzell Editorial Board Chair
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TLA membership renewal invoices are coming on May 1. Remember, in order to retain your TLA health benefits and equipment insurance, you must renew your TLA membership each year. Not a member yet? Show your Forestry Pride and Join Today! Find out more at tla.ca/membership