I don’t
It’s not necessary
Don’t do it! Learn to say “No”
Enjoy it, and don’t think about anything else while you do it
I like
t like it
It’s necessary
e it
Figure out how to change it
Do it and put all your effort into it
What will I find in this book? A small guide so you don’t get lost:
Pag 8
Why read this book? Discover why “Khushi’s Job” is different from everything that you have seen before about time management.
Khushi’s Job
Pag 11
A fabulous and funny story that will make you reflect on how you organize your daily life (if you do), and how you could do it instead. Pag 120
How to use this book Take full advantage of the T-matrix and the to-do list. 4
Pag 124
to-do list A few blank to-do lists that you can fill in and start to simplify your day.
Why read this book? Here are 3 reasons to convince you:
1- Happiness-oriented In a society in which depression is one of the major pandemics, the criteria for organizing tasks have changed. Now, there is just one: seek happiness!
Every day I look in the mirror and I ask myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?” If the answer is “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. (Steve Jobs) 6
2- Simple, so simple that it works Because no system will work if it is not simple enough to regularly implement it.
The truth always lies in the simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. (Isaac Newton)
3- The next evolutionary step Learning how to manage time will have the same impact as when all citizens learned to read.
Time management is the best kept secret of the rich. (Jim Rohn) 7
Khushi’s Job Francisco Botella Martínez
Noemí Villafranca Nieto
If you don’t have time to do everything, why not do what you want to do first?
Discover a new way to manage time.
Part 1: The Protagonists
1- Meet Mike December 18, 7:00. The alarm goes off and Mike, a business executive in his 50s, wakes up alone in his bed. He goes through his morning routine, showering, getting dressed and leaving the house practically without eating breakfast… he doesn’t have time for that. Even though the roads are in bad shape from the ice and snow, Mike drives at full speed. It’s not that he was running late; he just liked to get there first. He wanted to be there before anyone else so that the higher ups would see how much more dedicated he was than the others. He thought they would appreciate that for him, work was the most important, the number one priority. And surely, this would improve his professional career. Suddenly, a siren and flashing lights snapped Mike back to reality. Mike – Shit! Not again! – he exclaimed, visibly angry. It was the third time in a month that the police pulled him over for speeding. His only worry was paying the fine and then he’d be on his way, but this time that wasn’t the case…
How to use this book
1- Sort tasks. i don´t like it
it´s necessary
it´s not necessary
i like it
It’s necessary and you like to do it, therefore... Do it and put all your effort into it. It’s not necessary but you like it, so.. Enjoy it and do not think about anything else. It’s necessary and you don’t like to do it; in this case... Figure out how to change it. It’s not necessary and you don’t like to do it, so... Don’t do it! Learn to say “No”.
2- Fill in the to-do list. There are two to-do lists: one for work days, and the other for the weekend.
work days 1º
On work days, we will prioritize and tasks.
On the weekend, we will give priority to and tasks.
It is important not to change the order, and to try not to move on to the next task until the previous one is done. 13
3- Think about how to improve. Spend some time thinking about how to optimize each type of task using the guide found at the end of the book. The goal of this system is that, when you use it, you’ll spend more time doing what you like and what makes you happy.
More time for and
Same time for everything.
This is what it means to move from a “+” matrix to a “T” matrix. Visit www.trudiplanner.com
Share your ideas and experiences with others.
See how other people have optimized their tasks.
to-do list work days
to-do list weekend
We will say “no” to... ( Your time is money, protect it! )
Remove negative thoughts, and you will gain the time you spend on them. Do not commit unless you’re sure you can do it.
Brian Tracy
“You always have freedom to choose what to do first, what to do second, and what not to do.”
Learn to say “No”
Sometimes it’s not about what you say, but how you say it.
If you are not going to do something, give plenty of warning.
Cool plans
( Don’t think, just enjoy! )
If leisure time is so scarce, shouldn’t it be planned in order to make the most of it? Good plans do not make themselves; you have to prepare them, but since they are the things you enjoy most... you’ll enjoy them even while you are planning When the time comes to ything else, just enjoy!
, don’t think about an-
Irritating but necessary ( Discuss whether you can change it )
Sometimes we give importance to things that don’t deserve it. Urgent ≠ Important
Does the time spent to earn $ outweight the $ spent to save time? Example: Buy a dishwasher.
Is it really
Can you invest money to
gain back that time?
Can you delegate it What can I do to make it more enjoyable? to someone else?
Whether the ground is hard, is not up to you. Buying some comfortable slippers is up to you.
Being necessary does not always mean that you have to do it.
Happiness is not doing what one likes, but liking what one does. (Jean-Paul Sartre).
Necessary and you like ( Go for it! )
If you don’t have time to do it all, why not do what makes you happy first? Urgent matters can sometimes be resolved immediately, but if you never take steps to do what makes you happy, you will probably end up hopeless.