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Bringing Self-Love Into 2019

Bringing Self-Love Into 2019

Self-affirmations don’t have to be scary! Here’s some simple goals to help you love yourself a little more in the new year.


By Candelaria Mota

Self-care is a pretty popular hot topic these days, but what does it really mean to YOU? How important is self-care to us and how does one really apply it daily? When carving even five to ten minutes a day for yourself fills you with stress, rethink it. Selfcare is a mindset thing. As we step into a new year and embrace new possibilities, we also have new opportunities to look forward to. So where do we even start?

We start in a very important place: our bed. Upon waking up, before you start thinking about your long to-do list for the day, start with a thank you to the universe for simply waking up. Focusing on all the good things happening in your life will help you attract more of it in your life. Since what we focus on expands, embrace the good and watch more of it come to you. As we go to the restroom and prepare for the day, focus on the parts of you that are beautiful, those parts that make you different and unique.

Long time motivational author, Louise Hay, spoke very candidly about the power of self-affirmations. She spoke of looking at yourself in the mirror and saying to yourself: “I love you, I really do.” When self-doubt creeps in (and it does for all of us, no matter who you are), thinking of this affirmation and saying it out loud can be a powerful reminder of the magic that you — and only YOU — carry.

Have weight loss or weight gain goals, but don’t forget to look at your body and thank it for keeping you alive. Take a long, loving look at yourself and thank it for getting you around, for keeping you in check. Instead of entering the rabbit hole of non-loving thoughts, give yourself a boost by saying beautiful things about yourself out loud or to yourself.

If there were any goals to set for yourself in 2019, I’d recommend simply two things: Saying thank you more often and declaring your self-love, originality and beauty more openly.

Candelaria (Candy) Mota is currently serving as Director of Community Impact for the National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP). Over the past 14 years, Candy has enjoyed her role in child welfare and has a deep passion for helping youth and families. Born and raised in the South Bronx, Candy has served her community through community organizing, case management services, counseling and advocacy across needed groups. Candy earned her Associates Degree in Human Services from Bronx Community College and her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Hunter College. Shortly after completing her undergraduate degree, she moved to South Florida where she completed her Master’s Degree in Mental Health at Nova Southeastern University. She enjoys serving her Columbus community and is proud to call it home.

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