Tru Issue 24

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WE DO IT FOR THEM Ronald “Slim” Willaims

Cash Money Records Caught In the Act of Giving By JC Gardner


was October 29, 1929 when the stock market crashed and signaled the beginning of the historical time period known as the Great Depression. Some 13 to 15 million Americans were unemployed. Bread lines, soup kitchens and rising numbers of homeless people became more and more common in America’s towns and cities. It was not uncommon to see extremely long lines of people, mostly men, wrapped around a square block two and three deep waiting for something to eat -- a bowl of soup, a loaf of bread, a handout of nourishment to help sustain them and their families, not knowing where their next meal was coming from. Cont on Pg 18

Tru Hits New Orleans

By Lydia King


hen we received news that Cash Money Records invited us to cover Baby and Slim sister Kim Williams (center) Tru.’s Chief Editor (Right) Elizabeth Spicely(Left) P.R Executive

Team Tru: Keynon Starks Lydia King and Kevin King with Sher Toor Director for WorldStarHiphop

their Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway in New Orleans last month, we were excited to be headed to the beautiful city to work with the celebrity moguls known also as co-founders of Cash Money Records: Bryan “Birdman” Williams and his brother, Ronald “Slim” Williams. But what really got us stoked was the fact that this event has been going on for 18 years; the brothers really had no interest in publicity at all and that’s likely one of the reasons why this event flies under mass media radar each year. Right? Well,,, that and the fact that most mainstream media outlets would rather write about who’s getting sued, arrested, divorced, cheated on, addicted to drugs or died. So unfortunate, yet true. But here at Tru, we believe that Cash Money’s generosity via numerous “givebacks” and millions spent helping the community is worthy of not only a mention, but a full blown SPECIAL EDITION, and that’s what WE’RE here to do!

Tru Team Videographer “Keynon Starks” with a beautiful officer of the NOPD


ur travel was swift as we ran through the Dallas airport to catch our connecting flight into New Orleans . The weather in Minneapolis is typically notorious this time of year. It was snowing and so naturally our flight was delayed by 40 minutes, causing our team to run like an Olympian! We barely made it to the land of the Saints on time. But in Tru. fashion, make it- we did. There was a huge football game that evening between the Ravens and the Saints and, in fact, we heard that Bryan aka “Birdman” aka “Baby” was at the game, which had to be awesome for both the Saints and New Orleans fans. We checked in, dropped our luggage, grabbed our cameras and headed several blocks over, right into the heart of the French Quarter. Once a town infamously known for partying, living it up and having some of the most delightful food in the world, we felt we’d landed in something close to heaven. But as we walked and filmed our surroundings amidst the laughter, dancing, mouth-watering smells and music, there were those who were homeless and in need. From those seated on the ground playing an instrument or doing a street performance for cash, to some huddled and bundled up in doorways to block them from the wind as they slept. It became overwhelmingly apparent rather quickly that many throughout the community, like many other cities in the world, also rely on the kindness and care of strangers. Not only just that day, but-every day.

Chief Editorfor Tru.Speaking with a ‘Nawlins native

We arrived at the event early, around 9 A.M. Already the line of people waiting for a glimpse of Birdman and Slim and

also to benefit from their kindness was wrapped around the block. Some had been there since 4:00 a.m. that morning, just to be first in line. It was a cold, brisk morning but that didn’t stop hundreds, which soon turned into thousands, of those in need from standing along the fence adjacent to New Home Ministries Church on Carondelet Street.

“It’s All About Family, you know sitting at the table as a family eating Thanksgiving dinner. We never had that” Slim Williams


s the day continued overcast skies began to release light droplets of water upon us, and with that the temperature dropped. Cash Money Records staff and volunteers, clad in Rich Gang sweatshirts, unpacked boxes upon boxes of food and huge turkeys. They even gave out winter hats and shirts to take some of the chill off of the anxious crowd. We made our way through that crowd that eventually wrapped entirely around the block 360 degrees. We spoke with those who relied upon the kindness of Birdman, referred by many of them as “Baby” and his brother “Slim”. Some cried about their desperate situation and spoke sincerely of their gratitude for Cash Money. Many raved about the Robin Hood like brothers who effortlessly challenged themselves to give back to the poor, time and time again year after year. As police sirens began to blare announcing the arrival of the Cash Money tour buses, the crowd of thousands began to dance and sing in line. It was like a scene from a movie. Epic, honest, heartwarming and exhilarating, all in one breath.

Volunteer begin to hand out Turkeys to the Community.

The City that will never GAVE UP By JC Gardner


ovember 24, 2014. The Williams Brothers honored their late parents in a big way by keeping The Johnny and Gladys Williams Foundation going strong yet another year. As many know Cash Money is the home to several notable and successful rap artists such as Lil Wayne, Juvenile, Drake and Nicki Minaj. In fact Juvenile was there as well to show his love and support and people of all ages celebrated the day as one big happy family.No one will ever forget Hurricane Katrina, which was catastrophic to New Orleans in August of 2005. Hurtful television images are forever etched into the minds of many of pain, loss and suffering. Experts have estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may have exceeded $150 billion. The region was already one of the poorest in America with one of the highest unemployment rates. In 2012, the poverty rate for New Orleans was at 29 percent. The child poverty rate was 41 percent in the city and 28 percent in the metropolitan area, both higher than the U.S. rate of 23 percent. cont on pg 19

As the morning progressed, the line grew from the hundreds into the thousands. In addition to the food being provided, this year’s Giveaway also featured a health fair, with free screenings for high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV, heart disease and Marfan Sydrome. Dental and eye exams were also available.

Right on time, tour buses arrived carrying the entourage of Cash Money Records founders and staff. Tears and chants of joy reached a crescendo in anticipation of seeing and interacting with the native sons, who came home to provide some cheer to the downtrodden and brokenhearted – to the souls struggling just to make ends meet, to a community who was badly in need of a break, a reprieve, something that would let them know they were loved and not forgotten. cont on pg 21

“Baby” and “Slim”, started the record label, Cash Money Records

as a way to escape poverty and help others rise out of it too. Giving back to the community was always part of their mission. For 18 years, they have donated over 50,000 turkeys to needy families. Slim shared with Tru about their motives for doing the turkey drive, now in three cities -- New Orleans, Miami and New York, “We do it from the heart. We never experienced Thanksgiving dinner sitting around the table at home. We wanted people to bond as a family… “we

do it for the people”.

It’s a Blessing to be a Blessing New Home Ministries By JC Gardner

The Pastors of New Home Ministries, Robert C. Blakes, Jr. and Samuel R. Blakes, who are also brothers, talked about the effect of Cash Money Records: “There was a major impact,” Samuel stated. “Any benevolence has a major effect. This city is in need of love. RC added, “We saw entertainment combined with religion and the New Orleans Police Department working together to empower people. Not only did you see entertainment and Religion working together, you saw a Black company working with a Black church in the community. That was a positive outcome.” To have black owned Tru. Entertainment Magazine added yet another cherry to the top. This event was extremely successful and well received by all, and worked hard on by many.

By JC Gardner

THE GIVEAWAY The Giveaway is not the only positive initiative of Cash Money Records. In addition to giving a home to many recording artists, they also have a publishing company, Cash Money Content, to promote literacy efforts. The idea was birthed during a flight to London. Slim hopes they can get people reading as a way to further educate themselves and exercise their mind. The Big Easy seems to be alive and thriving. Billions of federal dollars have been spent to rebuild the French Quarter. But- what is clearly evident is that the demographic has changed. Well-to-do (mostly Caucasian) individuals came in and scooped up real estate that suddenly became “affordable” but not to those who previously resided there. The housing Projects have been replaced with expensive townhomes, which forced many (struggling) black residents to the suburbs to find cheaper rent - or to homeless camps under the city’s highways.

It’s been 85 years since the Great Depression, and we are still witnessing waves of people standing in line, waiting for something to eat, although there is theoretically enough food in the U.S. for everyone. So while some may say New Orleans is headed for a comeback, others would say it is more of a setback. One year shy of the 10 year anniversary of Katrina, New Orleans is still struggling. If it wasn’t for the philanthropic efforts of Birdman and Slim, many would have had a hard time finding a reason to be thankful. Cash Money Records sets an excellent example of how you can be successful and also give back to the community. Slim noted, “God made all of these things possible for all of us.” Their hands-on approach gave new life and meaning to, “Don’t forget where you come from.” Thankfully through Cash Money’s efforts, a gift of hope came packaged in a branded red grocery bag loaded with a turkey, stuffing and other fixings. For some, it will be their first real meal in so many days; for others, it may be their last. Check in with to see how you can become a part of their give back efforts throughout the country. Tru. hopes to see YOU out there where it matters the most! Keep it TRU

The American Red

Cross Association

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