Tru Issue 18

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Issue 18

Up Close and personal with ‘Amercian Badass’ DALE COMSTOCK





Black History in The Class Room.

Insanity IS Reality

From VH 1 ‘Mob Wife’ to Food and Fashion Guru, reality T.V.’s Christina Scoleri dishes with Tru. ON BLAST!

Mr. Whatup breaks it down 46






Sports and the New York Mets


40 Acres and the Hood”… Why the U.S. Housing Crisis could be a ‘good’ thing for Black Communities in America.

IN THE KITHEN with Sharon Fox

Tru Entertainment Magazine 2013

Believing in you


nderstand that everything we learn spiritually is needed not so we can impress others with our knowledge but rather the activation of such principles in the moment of our need; This is when what we learn counts the most, this is the time and place where we can create the miracle we desire, stay centered in love and navigate around those individuals who tend to make life more difficult than necessary. Believing in you - Life Coach, George Aja

THINK PINK EVENT , MINNEAPOLIS 2nd Annual Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness BY KAREN J. LARSON


n November 10, I had the pleasure of attending a Pink Carpet Event celebrating the lives of Breast Cancer Survivors and the lives of those that have passed on from any type of cancer. The event, which was held at The Venue, was free and open to the public, although donations were gladly accepted at the door. Their motto: You can’t put a price on LOVE… Give from your heart, which we did. For the most part, everyone was dressed to the nine’s and looking fly. I noticed there were replica stars of the Walk of Fame placed on the dance floor in memory of loved ones that have passed on from any type of cancer, which I thought was very creative. Of course, the Pink Ladies were a huge hit. I ain’t gonna lie. There was so much eye candy at this event, I think I may have contracted glaucoma. Food plates were available upstairs for 8 dollars, which included your choice of wings or fish, artichoke dip and chips, potatoes, and peach cobbler. It was bomb. And you already know I had two plates just to make sure. KMOJ 89.9 Morning Show’s Lisa Moy and Shed G hosted the event. Lisa was charming, poised, and beautiful, as always and Shed was in hilarious clown mode as per usual. I swear that man is always “on.” Lia Renee Dior, Chantel SinGs, and Jamecia Bennett provided us with their vocal talents and all delivered killer performances. 3 and 10 dollar raffles took place throughout the evening for various gift bags, which the Pink Ladies helped distribute. Sadly, I did NOT win a thing. Nonetheless, a good time was clearly had by all who attended. It was a great benefit and to be honest, one of the most organized and put together events I’ve been to in a very long time. Then again, I’m not surprised. After all, it was carefully planned down to the very last detail by the one, the only, Queen of Minneapolis, Pamela Weems of Love Promotions. Her signature of perfection and class reigned throughout every inch of this event!

Top to bottom: pic (1) KMOJ radio personality; Lisa Moy, Comedian Karen J. Larson (2) KMOJ’s Lisa Moy Shed G and Pink Promoter, Lisa Hanson Jones (3) The ladies of Pink (4) CEO of Tru Magazine Kevin & Lydia King and Organizer of the Pink event, CEO of Love Promotions Pamela Weems.

The highlight of my evening came toward the end of the night, as I hugged Ms. Weems. She thanked us for coming and said, “I’ll see you next year as a Pink Lady!” Woot! Score! A percentage of all proceeds were donated to the African American Breast Cancer Alliance into a fund under Love Promotions & Boss Ladies Takeover for the children of Mothers recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer./ See you NEXT year Tru. Fam!!

SY’s “Rant of

The Month”

“40 Acres and the Hood”… Why the U.S. Housing Crisis could be a ‘good’ thing for

Looking in and around the community that I was born, raised, and will always call my own, it’s easy to see why we may be witnessing the demise of family, foundation, or just plain hope for the future of either of those things. As homes gradually disappear in our communities, so do the families that were intended to occupy those homes. When there are no homes, and no families to occupy those homes, and no vested interest in the community by the tax payers and home owners, then, in a sense, both iterally and rhetorically, the “Community” becomes non-existent. I truly believe that this is what has happened over the past several (decades) in Black (and other) Communities all across America. By now, most Americans are or should be familiar with the term(s) ‘Housing Crisis’ or ‘Mortgage Crisis’.

It’s difficult to ‘demand’ changes in communities without being a part of a coalition

If you haven’t, I’m not sure what rock you’ve been hiding under, but you have some catching up to do my friend. In a nutshell, an extremely overinflated housing (value) market had allowed millions of Americans to ‘cash out’ on their homes and investments by spending a false sense of equity that many people believed to be “The American Dream” working for them. Simultaneously, as home values peaked to all-time high, these same millions of Americans refinanced into mortgage loans that they would never be capable of sustaining, ultimately become unmanageable

point at the responsible finanfor homeowners everywhere, and cial institutions that assisted in so began the foreclosures, and the this national economic suicide, rapid decline of homeownership in everyone is busy dissecting the America. It all went downhill. data, but nobody is talkin about FAST! “The Hood”. “The American Dream” had suddenly turned into “The American Nightmare”. Economists and Historians alike have all eluded to, at some point over the recent years, that perhaps no other sector was hit harder in the Great Recession than that of the U.S. housing market. While everyone is trying to find the right combination of fingers to

What does all this mean for inner cities across America? We’ve often asked the question of ‘what can we do to get our community and communities back’. What can we do that we haven’t already done? How can we save our community and the children within, that should have the absolute right to grow up there, and the future of a


facing one another, and those 10 people or families truly cared I’ll tell you how. We have to about the value of their property, but even more important, the valOWN something. The United States Government, ue of their block, or that of their in my opinion, has inadvetently community, and became friends finally offered us our 40 Acres, and neighborly with one anothand a way to save ourselves! er, don’t you think those people The rest is up to us. Follow me would form a union to look after what was theirs in common?”. here… What if those ten people gathered ten more people? And those ten Here’s the longest rhetorical question I can pass on to you… got ten? All to be neighbors? All to live close to one another to help “If you could get 10 people or build, protect, and ‘raise’ a village? families that you know to all buy a home on the same block, The key to good communities, is having it occupied with those who either side by side or front

have a vested interest in them. The community that becomes involved in various democratic processes, is often (and ultimately) the community with a voice. People that care about the communities that they live in show up to meetings to vote. They show up to forums to discuss issues that may impact their communities and the livability thereof. Homeowners pay property taxes, and with that comes the funding of community public schools and better community programs. Access. It’s difficult to ‘demand’ changes in communities without being a

part of a coalition of actual Home OWNERS. Aside of the fact that you are not the responsible tax payer for the home if you ‘rent’ in a community, you are considered ‘temporary’ in a home if you are a renter. The problem is as much ‘lack of education’ as it is lack of motivation and engagement, and since education is a big missing piece of the puzzle, let’s engage in a real (but short and simple) math activity together for a moment, shall we? No need for #2 pencils for this one either…

REAL MATH “Problem”

A (real) house with a tax assessed value (the value of the home and land combined according to Hennepin County’s Tax Assessor) in zip code 55411 of Minneapolis’ North Side, valued at $98,000, has an annual property tax payment of approximately $1324.00 (or $110.33 per

month). The cost of Homeowners Insurance on your home and its contents varies on cost however, safe to say that it can cost as little as $60-$70 per month, but surely no more than $100 per month (again, on average). To borrow $96,500 from a bank or

lending institution on a house that costs $100,000 means that you only have to come up with $3,500 (or 3.5%) as your portion of the down payment on the home in an FHA loan program. To borrower $96,500 from a bank or lending institution at an interest rate of 5%,

(which is an ‘average’ interest rate in today’s financial environment), it would cost you $527.09 per month to repay the loan, and since it’s a ‘Fixed’ Interest Rate, that payment can never change. Finally, since you are borrowing so much for so little (so to speak), the Federal Government (FHA) has agreed to find a partner to ‘Insure’ these loans, provided that the lender ensures that they have ‘followed the rules’ when borrower the money. While this is of great benefit to consumers as it allows more people to have an opportunity to purchase a home, there is also a cost for this. It is called “Mortgage Insurance” or ‘Private Mortgage Insurance’, and in this particular example of the home that costs $100,000, the cost for this Mortgage Insurance is approximately $107.00 per month. (which may also vary by credit circumstances). Now. Let’s add up this hypothetical (but very real) scenario; $110 per month in Property Taxes $100 per month in Homeowners Insurance

that I have (personally) been in this home, and it is absolutely beautiful. By data, the average ‘listing price’ for a home for sale in zip code 55411 is approximately $98,500 according to

If you owned this home, you would be a tax payer, a homeowner, a resident with a voice amongst other voices of homeowners, and I CHALLENGE you to find a home like that $107.00 per month in Private/Mortgage Insurance ‘for rent’ for just under $850 per month. Safe to say that if you rent a home like this and pay __________ a landlord $1300 per month, yes, you just figured out how much money he’s making off =$844.09 TOTAL (per month). of you ‘borrowing’ his home temporarily. To protect the privacy of the homeowner, I will not disclose the actual address, but I can almost promise you that if you have ever driven in or around North Minneapolis, you have likely seen this home, and likely to have seen it countless times. TRUe Story! Conversely, I’m sure you’ve driven past hundreds or The example of the home that I used above is a real home (a beautiful thousands more just like it, home) listed in zip code 55411. The home is in a great location and accesand may have never quite sible to everything you can think of for transportation purposes. 5 minutes looked at it with this type from Downtown Minneapolis and its major Interstates of I94 and I35W, of very deliberate approach. but still settled in as the entrance to a beautiful community. The home WHY NOW? boasts 4 bedrooms. 2 full bathrooms, comfortable living room, dining room, and a separate (finished) family room downstairs as part of a split The Financial Community level home. (2 stories that acts as 3 levels). Oh yeah – with a 2 car attached (banks, lenders, etc.), have garage and a yard that ANY kid or kids would love to grow up playing in undergone such a drastic that you could do just about anything you wanted to do with. I will tell you, $527.09 per month in Principal and Interest (P&I) to repay the loan (at 5% FIXED over 30 years)

this type of scenario, typically you just need a middle Credit (FICO) Score of 640, should have a 2 year history of employment, (or have recently graduated college), and have a debt to income ratio of below 50% (in other words, if the total monthly payment for the home is $844.09, (provided you have no other recurring debt), then you need only make $1,688.18 per month (Gross) to meet that requirement). Obviously, the calculation would be adjusted to account for any credit card debt or car payments that you may have, and could be subject to additional terms of approval if there are any other extenuating credit circumstances that a lender may consider additional risk factors in the transaction.” He went on to say that; “It’s not that it’s difficult to buy a home, it’s more of an issue of getting people educated on what it takes to put themselves in the right position to do so”. He also noted that; “Many people also don’t know that income doesn’t always have to just be from a job. People use various forms of income to qualify for home loans. Social Security, Disability, Child Support, Seasonal, and yes, even Unemployment Income are just a few different forms of income that people can use either in lieu of, or in addition to their employment income, as long as they can demonstrate a history of receiving that income, and can document that it is likely to continue for a period of time”. overhaul following the Housing Boom (and ultimate Crash and Crisis), Lenders are obligated by law to act in the very best interest of their borrowers. That means that there are some very ‘in the box’ guidelines that lenders must follow in order to ensure that they are placing their customers in future favorable situations when it comes to their ability to repay the debt over a long period of time. This means that, for the most part, you can be given a set of requirements that will all but guarantee you an opportunity to have your stake in not just a house, and not just a piece of property, but to have your stake in a home, a piece of historyroots for a family, an investment that can pay you back some day. A Community. A future. With the above scenario, according to Denzil Bennett (CMPS) (Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist) and Manager of ‘The Denny Bennett Group’ at American Mortgage & Equity Consultants, Inc. in the Twin Cities; “to qualify for

Mr. Bennett also said that; “people who have had foreclosures or bankruptcies in the past are not barred from trying again”. He said; “there are some timelines surrounding that, but if you were someone who lost a home in 2008, 2009, or even as recent as 2010, that as long as you’ve demonstrated that you have been able to reestablish your credit since then, and have paid your bills and other reported debts on time, that the foreclosure (or short sale) is in a sense, not something that can hurt your chances of buying again”.

Focused on making the dream of homeownership come TRUe for his clients, Denny said that; “at no cost to you as the applicant, it takes about 15-20 minutes of a free consultation to be able to tell you if you can (already) be qualified for a home loan, and if not, what it will take for you to position yourself to do so”. The Bennett Group will, at no cost to its prospective clients, pull an updated credit report and advise residents of the community what they need to do to get qualified for a home loan. He also said that there are many state specific programs that also assist first time home buyers with different forms of down payment assistance programs if you qualify. Again, just a matter of people taking that first step to find out not just how to start to buy a home, but to change a community, and invest in their future. I was almost shocked to learn all that I did in my short time with Mr. Bennett. It all almost seemed ‘too easy and too good to be TRU’. But it’s quite the opposite. It’s actually very TRU and it’s REALLY good! Much of the simplicity in the process is due in part to the fact that the Government has in fact recognized the err in the ways of the financial institutions that helped create the crisis, and has regulated much of the lending practice to ensure that people are not put into the unfavorable situations that caused so much of the chaos over the recent years that can be seen in cities like Detroit right now, where half the city’s population has (literally) disappeared and fled what looks like a war torn small country, that will now go on record as the largest bankruptcy in US History as the city has recently been approved to move forward with the proceedings.

This home in Detroit is a 3 Bedroom / 2 Full Bath (2,045 sq. ft.) home that has been updated with new energy efficient windows and appliances, beautiful inside and out, and is currently on the market for a whopping $15,000. Yes, I said $15,000. Keeping in mind the current (average) interest rate on a 30 Year Fixed Rate Mortgage, to put even 20% down on that home would mean coming up with a whopping $3,000 – and that would mean that your monthly mortgage payment (Principal and Interest) would be (brace yourself for this) – about $65.00 per month! Yes I said SIXTY- FIVE DOLLARS per month. And no – this is not some sort of “magic trick”. While I was TRUly amazed to learn more about the current process of homeownership qualification (being a former homeowner myself who admittedly lost what I thought was my ‘dream home’ that I purchased (and eventually lost) in sunny Phoenix, Arizona back in 2006), what I liked most about my conversation with Mr. Bennett was that although I was just there getting information about what it takes for people to own a home these days, I actually left with a great deal of ‘Hope’. Not just hope for my own future, but for the vision that hit me like an epiphany backed by a ton of bricks, for the future of a community that I once seen, as a child, as a beautiful place to grow up where you knew your neighbors. Where the parks were truly a place for kids to play and our parents could trust that it was a safe place in our community for us to gather as youth. Where you could walk the streets in peace and know that the community was filled with people that not only cared about you as a young person of the community, but cared about the overall safety, development, and well-being of the community at large. It made me think just how easy that would be to do if you could find enough people willing to invest that much into themselves, and join hands (and fences) with people just like them. People that would demand that “we own this block” – and by doing it one house, one family, one block, one neighborhood, one community at a time, we have the ability to literally reclaim cities one block at a time by taking the steps that we need to take to OWN SOMETHING You often hear of street gangs and their analogy to “we own this block”, when in actuality, WE own these blocks! But we have to want them. We have to work for them. We have to maintain them. And we have to claim them! When you care for your property, and those around you care for their property, (as OWNERS of something), and together you work towards making each block safe for your children to play and for your family to truly “live” and appreciate the beauty of what you work so very hard for day in and day out, these are the things that build communities. These are the things miracles are made of. These are the things that ‘they’ (whoever they may be), do not want you to know. The problem isn’t that they’ are hiding this from us – the problem is – we’re not looking for it…. We’re not taking the time to become educated and then be motivated enough to JUST. MAKE. IT. HAPPEN. How do you stop (or block) the systematic process of Gentrification? You get your acres! That’s how!

If you own it, and you take care of it, it can’t be taken away from you. Whatever it is. So while record numbers of foreclosures may have hit the community hard, and in some communities, absolutely devastated it, this all may have been one big blessing in disguise. Banks have, so far, been fined upwards of tens of Billions of dollars for their role in the bad practices that lead up to the crash of the Americas housing market crisis, and many residents are beginning to find some relief in assistance, thanks large in part due to the Governments management and oversight of Lending Institutions everywhere. Something that the Obama Administration can certainly be proud of, although you hear very little about the opportunities that this oversight could create for the working class. Some of the ongoing foreclosure prevention may help keep some people in the homes that they may have paid for, literally, for decades, and help stop the bleeding of declining property values in so many communities across the country howeverin order to truly claim and reclaim these communities, what we need is the next generation to invest in themselves! OWN SOMETHING! We need a new wave of homeowners. People that want to buy homes in these communities at a great value, during what appears to be one of the best times in history to do so, to establish, build, rebuild, and create the beautiful ‘new’ communities that we all deserve to raise ‘our future’ in. This would mean the increased need for more small businesses, which means more job opportunities in and around the community. Increased access. Better grocery stores if not farming our own produce from our very own back yards. Job creation and the building or rehabbing of outdated manufacturing facilities in and near the very communities that you have invested your future in. The demand for better

community public schools to meet academic benchmarks set forth for our children to not just ‘have a chance’, but to actually be ready for a successful education at a four year University. The community and ‘team’ spirit that goes with the sense of pride in your community school. The demand for appropriate treatment and representation of local law enforcement. The (tax paying) voices together to demand change in local government. The list of possibilities is TRUly infinite. But most importantly, we would be able to show our children, aka “Generation Next”, HOW to take control of a home, of a block, of a community, of a city…. Of a Country… Of their Lives! The biggest question of them all, now that we’ve shared this moment together…. Is….. What is stopping us from doing this? In the recent death of the immortal Nelson Mandela, I have seen countless quotes recently by the great leader. Words that he has ‘coined’ over his illustrious journey. And in putting together this article, and being reminded of a quote from Mr. Mandela on a good friends FB Wall that read; “There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”.. What we do next --- is our destiny… All we need is a little education, a lot of dedication, some commitment, and a little old fashioned hard

Sy Huff Community & Special Feature Columnist Sy

What we do next --- is our destiny… All we need is a little education, a lot of dedication, some commitment, and a little old fashioned hard work – together – and we will have all that we need! This is Hope. And THIS IS ‘Keepin it TRU’! ~Big Sy~ ( (

The scenarios listed within this article does not constitute anybinding agreement or guarantees. These are only scenarios based on the param soulined herein


SAUSAGE CHEESE BALLS W/ APRICOT DIJON SAUCE 2 (16 ounce) packages Regular Flavor Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage


1 1/2 cups BISQUICK baking mix 4 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 2 teaspoons black pepper 2 teaspoons minced garlic (optional) Preheat oven to 375 F. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl; stir well. Form into 1inch balls. Place on ungreased baking sheet; bake 18-20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven; cool 5 minutes before removing from pan. Serve with dipping sauce of your choice.

APRICOT - DIJON DIPPING SAUCE 1 cup apricot jam or preserves 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 2 to 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar Place all ingredients in a blender or processor. Blend until smooth.

For more of Chef Sharon Fox’s eats go to:



12 eggs, hardboiled and peeled 4 oz smoked salmon, chopped 1 cup mayonnaise or sour cream 2 tablespoons Lemon Dill & Caper Sauce 3 tablespoons chopped parsley chives for garnish

1/4 cup oil 3 -4 tablespoons flour 2 onions, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 (1 lb) bag frozen chopped okra 1 quart chicken broth 1 (16 ounce) cans whole tomatoes, w/liquid 4 -5 cloves garlic, crushed 2 bay leaves 2 -3 tablespoons crab boil, tied in cheesecloth salt & pepper hot pepper sauce 2 lbs raw shrimp, peeled 1 lb crabmeat or 2 cans crabmeat 1 pint oyster ( OPTIONAL) 1 lb firm white fish fillet ( halibut, white fish, cod) 1 tablespoon gumbo file powder

Cut hardboiled eggs in half and remove yolks to a medium sized bowl. Combine all other ingredients and blend with a spoon or hand mixer until filling is smooth. With a piping bag or spoon fill each egg half with filling. Garnish with a ½ inch piece of chive or a parsley leaf. Eggs may be served immediately or refrigerated for up to two days.

To make a roux, heat oil, add flour and cook over medium heat until VERY dark but not scorched, stirring constantly. If using butter, be very careful because it burns easily. Set aside. In large dutch oven, saute onion, celery, and okra until limp. Add roux, broth, tomatoes, garlic, bay leaves, crab boil packet, and salt and pepper. Simmer for 2 hours. 10 minutes before serving, add all raw fish and seafood and the file powder. Simmer until done, but do not boil. Serve over bowls of rice.

George Aja Public speaker, Author, President of Enjoy life movement, LLC

Dealing with insecure people is a tough relationship to maintain. Even though none of us are perfect, it is pretty easy to spot out those who are insecure. Insecurity left unchecked can manifest by always trying to gain the approval of others. This level of self-doubt is extremely destructive to a person’s life and is often the root of almost all their problems. More specifically, secure people find validation from within; while insecure people attempt to find validation from sources outside themselves.

Let’s review four of the basic human needs we all posses. Four fundamental human needs: A sense of belonging – if missing we feel illegitimate A sense of worth – if missing we feel insecure A sense of purpose – if missing we feel useless

Dealing with A sense of competence – if missing we feel inadequate. As we review these basic needs I must say that over the years I have discovered that these needs are foundational to living a long life that is filled with significance and happiness. Giving ourselves over to strategic thinking when it comes to these four basic human needs is imperative to not only desire such things but to actively and consciously be involved in the process. Take the time to review these needs and begin to look for healthy alternatives to anything that is not serving you in a life giving way. My wish for all of us is that we posses a legitimacy to our existence, a sense of worth that cannot be shaken, a competence that is line with your gifting and passions and a purpose that will afford your life the joy and contentment you seek.

Let’s take a look at some of the common symptoms of insecurity: Common Symptoms of insecurity Comparison – We compare ourselves with others and keep score.

Compensation – We feel like a victim and must compensate for our losses. Competition – We become self consumed and try to out do others for attention. Compulsion – We feel driven to perform in order to gain approval. Condemnation – We judge others or ourselves, resulting in self pity or conceit. Control – We feel we must take charge, protect our interest, and manipulate the situation. Listen life is to short to end up being this person and if you find yourself being this person there is good news for you! You posses everything you need within yourself to become a person who is freed from the nagging, mental, roller coaster you have been riding for some time now. So it’s time to take the “bull by the horns” so to speak and take action against the mindsets and actions that only bring about pain for yourself and others. Let’s take a look at nine

h Insecurity

keys that will ensure your success in becoming a person who is whole, present and consciously involved in the process of becoming all that you are capable of. 9 keys to security: Identity: Establish your identity. Establish your values: Values form concepts and concepts produce principals that will govern your life. Discover your personality type. Purpose: Discover and practice your God given purpose in life, not someone else’s. Choose your mentors – peers – disciples wisely. Free yourself from self sufficiency and self promotion. Move from co-dependence to independence so that you can enter into interdependence. Humility: An attitude that is demonstrated by our face, body and words. Give and receive blessing: Learn to affirm others and receive affirmation. I am sure there are other points that can be made but at least this gives you a running start. I want you to know that no matter what your situation is like you can do this and if you feel like no one believes in you know that I do. Give yourself to a life of personal growth and I hope that this simple article will give enough information to get the process started. Enjoying Life!

George Aja

Spiritual Perspective

Keith Johnson is native of Minneapolis, Minnesota currently residing just outside Bris-

bane, Queensland, Australia. He’s a mass communications graduate of Morehouse College as well as an elementary education trained teacher. Here’s his “thought of the day”...

Genesis 4:7 (NKJV)

Keith Johnson

Everyone has heard that question before. It would appear to be a simple question that should be able to be answered one of two ways. Yes or no. The answer given may not be as straightforward as yes or no. Yes, with an explanation. It could be no with an explanation. There could be a why. Or even the possibility of a maybe. In the Bible, when brothers Cain and Abel brought their offering to the Lord, the Lord respected Abel and his offering, which came from his flock of sheep. His brother Cain also presented an offering to the Lord, which was fruit that came from the ground. The Lord did not respect Cain and his offering. Cain got very angry and his countenance (his face or features) “fell” as Scripture says. In Genesis 4:7 (NKJV), Cain got instructions from the Lord. “If you do well will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you; but you should rule over it.” The instructions were direct and to the point. Cain, however, did have choice of free will. The choice Cain ultimately made has continued to affect mankind as much today as it did then. He chose not to follow God’s instructions. In Genesis 4:8 it says “Now Cain talked with Abel his brother, and it came to pass, when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him”. God already knew what had happened but asked “Cain, where is Abel your brother?” Then Cain used the line that has been used for centuries. Verse 9 says “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper? The Lord asks in verse 10 “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the Ground. How many voices, like Abel’s, cry out from the ground? Over time, there are too many voices to count that cry out. The voices of Trayvon Martin, Jonathan Davis, most recently and Renisha McBride cry out. Unarmed young people whose lives were lost to gun violence and laws allowing for deadly force to be used based on the assailant’s fear. Despite the confusion and chaos from these earthly laws, God hears those voices. Awareness through social media, non violent protests become voices to move the legal system to speak for these victims. Here in Australia, refugees from war torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and even Syria risk their lives to come to settle where there is peace and no war. The current government, which just came into power, says “we will stop the boats”. These refugees come to Australia, risking their lives, but most will never step foot on the Australia soil. The “boat people” as they are called, are processed in detention centers off the Australia mainland. Most will be sent to Papua New Guinea as a result of this new “immigration” policy. Am I my brother’s keeper? If you are a refugee and expect Australia to be your “keeper, it is highly unlikely. We as people can not exist alone or in divided groups. We all need one another. There are voices that are not in the ground, that are among the living that are crying out. When we are asked the question “Am I my brother’s keeper? Our answer should emphatically be “YES I AM!” Be blessed.


Gypsy Pistoleros A

few screams, grunts and groans, screaming of guitar, strumming of bass guitar and banging of the drums- that was the sound check done.... time for a few drinks After a great performance by the first group- The Midnight Dogs, the crowd were ready and warmed up for the next two bands. Next up and in my opinion, The Gypsy Pistoleros blew the roof off Scuffy Murphy’s- a small rock club in the middle of Birmingham city centre( UK) Consisting of 4 members- Iggs on lead guitar, Jeff on drums, Kenny on bass and the newest member Gaz the frontman/ singerThe Pistoleros play thier own style of Glam, rock, Latino and sleeze.... Gaz, almost a double of Alice Cooper, iggs a real showman with the guitar- dropping to his knees and making the guitar scram for its life.... Belting out their tracks such as “Too Drunk, Go to Hell, Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll, Living Down With The Gypsies, Rockstar, Dirtyside of Midnight, Livin la Vida Loca” and finishing off with an amazing “Psycho Bitch” In my opinion, a lover of all music types- i’d definitely go and see them again and hopefully on a bigger stage so Iggs can let loose ..


Thanks in advance, Guthrie Bonnett- CEO, Head Photographer A Taste Of Chicago Photos By A Taste Of Chicago Bonnett’s Travel and Leisure Company (773) 656-0789


am a 45 year old male model from Evanston, IL. Since the year 2000 I have worked as a Rail Operator for the Chicago Transit Authority. After being asked by a friend to do a photo shoot for RJS Transportation, I began to post the pictures on Facebook . I would post the pictures with a motivational inspirational message of “Rise and Shine its grind time”, not knowing that these very words would be the words that would motivate me to make my own dreams come true. I would always end my post with the words “let’s get it” and I began to start grinding. I was introduced to Sandra Smith-Doghmi with Red Carpet Concierge of Chicago, who referred me to Dulhania Bazaar to do the 2013 DB Chicago Bridal Expo. The next stop on the journey was I sent a friend request to Willie Larkin, who asked me to do Fashion 2020 Runway Chicago with Larkin Designs and Sheila Robinson. I then decided to build my portfolio with Guthrie Bonnett aka “ATOC”(A Taste of Chicago). The hard work began to payoff, leading to the casting call for the 4th annual holiday party to honor the photographers of the Red Carpet Concierge of Chicago. This time I was invited by Sandra Smith-Doghmi and Adel Spoilme Salon-Spa. With each door that has opened I have continued to connect with someone at each and every venue, from agents to photographers and now designers’, understanding that teamwork makes the dream work. RISE AND SHINE ITS GRIND TIME!

Antonio Castile



From ‘Mob Wife’ t dishes... with us.

I recently had the opportunit

been up to since the show end about her new cookbook comi things “cooking” in her life and Christina.

Christina (The Person

Q: Give us three words to best describe you? A: Funny (playful), Trustworthy (truthful) Responsible, Outgoin Q: Ten years ago what was your 10 yr. plan? A: To be a great mom! Invent something (now I would have to K Q: What is your favorite past time? A: Cooking, Watching Hockey (Chicago Black Hawks), and spen Q: What would you say is your favorite reality show currently? A:Cake boss is my favorite! I also love to watch Dr. Drew shows would love to be on the show! lol

Q: O.K. sounds good. How about your favorite holiday and why?

Baltazar Malysa photography.

A: Christmas - I just love the cheer it brings! It seems to bring out the good in people, and seeing that as well as being around it touches my heart and is endearing. Best part is that is shows me there is still good in the world, and that is the best feeling. I also love the decorations, music, and snow. There is nothing better than

ina Scoleri

By: Trya Hernandez

to Food and Fashion Guru, Reality T.V.’s Christina Scoleri

ty to catch up with former Chicago Mob Wives star, Christina Scoleri. We wanted to know what she has ded. Christina was kind enough to share with us what her fans and supporters have been dying to know ing out, some Mob Wives gossip as well as just Christina! She is a woman with many sides and great d future. We hope you enjoy this interview as much as we enjoyed sharing time with


ng, Laid back (calm) how many is that? (laughing)

KILL you if I told u what that is(laughing)....and, to open up my own boutique.

nding time with my daughter, Daniella. like “Celebrity Rehab & Couples therapy. I also like the Apprentice, so Donald if you are reading feel free to call me I

driving around with my daughter sipping on a hot cocoa looking at the lights, with holiday songs playing, and it snowing lightly. Q: Who inspires you? A: Oprah! I look up to people who started out with nothing and became a success all on their own hard work and effort. I also really love those two Boston guys Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. They worked construction and were just regular guys and took a chance and look at them now. Q: You have many young fans that refer to you as their role model. To those that your aren’t able to reach out regularly to on Twitter, what message would you like to send to them? A: To stay in school, don’t rush getting older it will come fast enough. Enjoy each age and be good to each other. Don’t feed into gossip and be positive. Treat others how you want to be treated. Always think in a situation where you been hurt or angered, don’t just react the way they treated you. Stand out, set an example and lead by it. Never be a follower. Basically “THINK before you ACT!” Q: Everyone is dying to know but we will still keep it intriguing just in case it becomes a show one day. What is your status today with JOE? Friend, husband, working out, or def moved on? A: Let ‘s just leave it as ‘good friends’. We have a daughter together so we will always have a bond and for her we do maintain a good relationship.


Christina on (Mob Wives) Q: How would you describe your experience on Mob Wives? A: At this point, I am going to be honest and sum it up that it was like doing “hunger games!” In other words, I would not say we are scripted, but we were encouraged, and asked to show and speak of the ‘negatives’ and ‘stresses ‘ going on in our lives rather than the positives and good things. With that being said, you could rename show, “Robot Reality ,” however, working with the cast and learning about reality T.V. was a good experience because I learned how things work. You really need to have a great Producer in order to be a success, and have a hit series otherwise they can set you up to fail. The cast did not fail our viewers because we did not have control or the choice of what we wanted to do, speak about, or what would be viewed. The Producer has the final say, but they will tell you that there is only so much time, and that that is why they did not add what we would have wanted to show you. Again “ROBOT REALITY”! There were times when we were naturally speaking about things going on in our lives, ‘GOOD MATERIAL’ and we were actually “STOPPED” by the producers and told, “no, talk about this” we were also told behind the scenes that the viewers liked us, and in the same breath they would say how another cast member was talking negative about it, or basically talking sh*% about the person so that conflict would arise on set. HOWEVER, later on most of us found out we were being set up for “drama filled” reality! NOT “real” reality. Their twisted version of it! I am going to say this too because I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea I learned a lot and would work again with Left Right Entertainment and VH1 . Both Left Right and VH1 were very supportive and very positive with me and I had great experiences when they were involved or

to be others, talking to themselves, behaving jealously, and hateful well I have to say to them they are not phasing me one bit because all I do is pity them, laugh, and say “thank GOD my life is so blessed and I have great things happening because it could be worse, and I could be like them living at home at 40 years old, with no job, no kids, no life, no nothing. Just sitting at home on a computer being an internet gangster and “wanon the set. needed for a book to sell. nabe” Once again, “THANK GOD MY LIFE IS GREAT!” I have been Q: How much has Mob Wives Q: So,out of the entire cast on asked so many times how I remain changed your life for the positive? Chicago Mob Wives who do calm or not reactive to all the slanyou still associate with? der, deformation, and bullying that A: 1st it gave me the opportunity to “open up” because I was a person A: Nora, Renee, Chrissy, Marco, goes on, and my answer to that is,” the person is a joke!” She says one who hold things in. A lot of things Giana thing but it means nothing. This I would have normally held in and harbored I now can speak about and Q: With all the very intense so- individual is 2% which means 98% let things out. I have become more cial media conflict with former of what she says is bullsh&%. Take assertive with myself as well and it co-stars what is your opinion of notice people, since the show has makes me happy I have opened this why it still continues over a year ended who is the ONE person who NO LONGER speaks to any of the door in my life. It has inspired me to later? people they called their “BFF” or keep going and working on dreams who no longer works with projects I have had such as my clothing line A: I cannot speak for anyone she was pushing and shouting how and boutique, as well as creating new else but myself. I am busy successful she would be with it? projects like my cookbook. working on my cookbook and Yes, notice ONE PERSON and all pursuing my boutique to get her lies and stories have destroyed Q: Do you think you would be doing that open as well, so my days what you are doing now (publishing are busy and filled with a lot of not only the relationships she had a book, creating a clothing line, and positive and constructive things but her future projects as well. For opening a boutique) if you did not in which I spend my time. I do those of you who have not seen it or have believed in this person my do Mob Wives? see what you are asking with the “conflict” both on face book warning to you is,” beware & watch she is a TRAIN WRECK waiting to A: I think I probably would have and twitter, and I cannot say happen!” opened a boutique because I always why certain people are still have been a ‘go getter’ so I believe I holding on to something that is would have done that. I don’t know almost two years old, especially To be continued... if I would have done the cookbook when they claim they are happy, because I don’t believe I would have positive, and with so much goSTAY TUNED TO THE NEXT had attention that the show has ing on. I myself don’t have the ISSUE OF TRU TO HEAR MORE brought me so people would know time they spend on ridiculous, CHRISTINA...cago set? I wrote a book. After all, if you are ignorant, social media banter. going to write a book you want it to If that is what they call “having A: Like I said in the above quessell so because of that I don’t believe things going on” by being on I would of have had the fan base I the computer all day pretending tion, yeTs, there is a lot of shit



ERICIAN BADAss By Gena Rinckey

In honor of Veterans, Day, Tru.Entertainment Magazine has decided to honor a veteran who has made a difference in the world and to better America. I chose to read the book “American Badass” and write a review of it. After the things I had already heard prior to reading it, I knew I was in for something special. Dale did not disappoint. The story of Dale Comstock and what he has done for America is nothing short of badass. He’s been there, done that and has the scars to prove it. Mr. Comstock’s book reads like an action film, and you can actually visualize the time, place, scenery, scents and his feelings and emotions throughout this “I can’t wait to read what happens next” autobiography.


ale Comstock is a retired Army Special Forces soldier. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of his resume, which includes the following, taken from his website, Dr. Dale Comstock is the President of Comstock Enterprises Inc. Dale regularly works as a contract security specialist applying his skills and knowledge on myriad of security challenges around the world for various clients. Dale retired from the U.S. Army in August of 2001, after serving 5 years in the 3rd Special Forces Group (Green Beret) as the Senior NCO on an A-Team; 10 years with the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment – Delta (The Delta Force) as an assault Team Leader and Explosives Expert; he served 4 years with the 82nd Airborne Division as an Airborne Infantryman in a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon; and he served 9 years as a Paramilitary Contractor worldwide in support of the Global War on Terror (GWOT). He has a Master of Arts Degree in Business and Orga-

nizational Security Management and a Post Graduate Degree in Alternative Medicines and Therapies. Since his retirement he has started several security companies specializing in nuclear, petrochemical, personal, and K-9 security. Additionally he is a teacher for Henley-Putnam University in San Jose, California where he teaches Psychology of Violence, Technical Surveillance, Area Study Analysis, and Special Weapons; he is the Military Tactical Advisor for Falchion Enterprises, Inc. Dale Comstock has studied the Martial Arts for 36 years. He has Black Belts in American Karate and Ju-Jitsu. Some of his achievements include: Professional Boxer; Tough Man Championships; Vale Tudo Championships; PKC Kick-boxing Championships.


• • • •

Naturopathic Doctor, Clayton College of Natural Health, Birmingham Alabama, High Honors – January Master of Arts, Business and Organizational Security Management, Webster University, St. Louis MO, G Professor, Henley-Putnam University, San Jose, California – Psychology of Violence, Technical Surveilla Baccalaureates in Education – Liberty University, Lynchburg Va.

MILITARY AND SPECIAL TRAINING: Advanced Noncommissioned Officer (Supervisor Management) Course; Prim Course; Basic Noncommissioned Officer (Supervisor) Course; National Security Agency - Operational Security Manag Operations and Intelligence Course; Military Leaders Substance Abuse Training (Drug and Alcohol Management) Cou Operator Training Course (OTC); Special Forces Military Free Fall Course; Advanced Airborne Training (Jumpmaster Anti-Terrorist Driving Instructor Course; Foley-Belsaw Instruction - Professional Locksmithing; National Intelligence Training Center - Firearms Instructor Course; Bill Roger’s Institute of Advanced Weapon Craft (Intermediate Level); M tor Course; Gracie Jiu-Jitsu GRAPPLE Instructor Certification Course ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Martial Arts/ Hand to Hand Combat Instructor; Former Professional Boxer/Kick boxer; Firearms Instructor; Defensive Tactics Instructor (VIP Bodyguard and Corporate Executive Trainer); Force Protection and Anti-Terrorism Instructor; Breaching / Surgical Explosives Training Instructor; Vehicle Commandeering Instructor; Small Craft and Waterborne Operations Instructor; Combat Patrolling Instructor; Combat Tracker AWARDS/HONORS: Bronze Star with “V” device (For Valor), Joint Service Commendation Medal with “V” device (For Valor), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), Army Commendation Medal (3 awards), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal w/ Spearhead device (3 awards), Southwest Asia Service Medal with Bronze Service Star (2 awards), Kuwait Liberation Medal, Saudi Arabian-Kuwait Liberation Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Expert Infantry Badge, Master Parachute Badge, Special Forces Tab. COMBAT TOURS: Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury), Panama (Operation Just Cause), Iraq (Operations Desert Shield/Storm), Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom), and Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) Dale is 50 years old and married to Miroslava Com-

y 2006 GPA 3.890 – September 2001 ance, Area Study Analysis, Special Weapons

mary Noncommissioned Officer (First Line Supervisor Training) gement Course; Special Forces Qualification Course; Special Forces urse; Alcohol and Drug Abuse Initial Training Course; Delta Force r) Course; Advanced Land Navigation Course; BSR Special Security and e Academy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL- Basic Locks and Locking Devices; FBI Mid-South Institute Firearms Instructor Course; NRA Firearms Instruc-

Dale with Actor Terry Crews stock who was born and raised in Panama has four children and two grandsons. His father was a 20-year Army vet that served in Viet Nam and Dale’s son is in the U.S. Army following his father and grandfather’s footsteps. He is of English, Cherokee Indian and German decent and was raised in Germany until he became a teenager. He speaks fluent German, and has a working knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese. His hobbies and interests include professional K-9 training, MMA, and body building. Dale was a former professional boxer while in the Army. He fought in the first sanctioned Vale Tudo (anything goes) match in the U.S. in Richmond Virginia, and he holds black belts in Ju Jitsu and American karate. He was responsible for developing the combatives program in Delta’s Operator Training Course and for writing the Hand Combat manual for 3rd Special Forces Grp, which became the basis for the Army wide hand combat program. Dale Comstock and his ‘badass’ wife, Miroslava Comstock enjoy working and playing together. She’s a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Competitor and apparently her husbands biggest fan! Oh, and we think she likes guns too. Gotta love those Comstocks!

Along with his wife and son he also is an amateur body builder in the heavy weight Masters category. All three compete together and use body building as a means for staying healthy and viable in their lines of work and daily lives. His daughter Danielle Murrell manages his cool website! In the Foreward of American Badass, Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, on the set of the reality show “Stars Earn Strips” told Dale, I am waiting to read your book Dale.” Dale knew then that it was time to get busy writing it. “Stars Earn Strips” was not renewed for a second season, and Dale and I talked about that because after having watching clips of it, I thought it truly provided a glimpse of what Special Operations in our military forces were all about. I believe that it wasn’t renewed because some other non-Americans such as Desmund Tutu put some pressure on people not to renew it because it “glorified war and violence.” Oh, so we should all bow down to the likes of that guy and other non-Americans? Really? Who do THEY call upon when they need American forces to kick some ass? Oh well water under the bridge I guess. Shamefully, NBC caved in and did not renew the show. I find that to be completely unpatriotic. An American Badass is defined by Dale right in the Foreward. Right before all the action begins. I love this quote and have it memorized by heart: “An American Badass can be a man or woman. One only needs to be a role model and lead by positive example. An American Badass doesn’t start fights, but knows if he must fight, he can with courage and conviction. An American Badass doesn’t steal, lie, or subvert the society he lives in. He lives by the code of unwavering morality, and ethics that are tempered with honor, honesty, leadership, and loyalty to family, friends and America.” Dale’s story skips around a bit, much as he has skipped all over the world during his lifetime. So while you need to pay attention to what year and place you’re reading when you’re reading his book, I believe that is his intention. Stay on top of your game readers, because he’s got a lot to share. In Chapter 1, he talks about going into the darkness,

into chaos. “Headed into the mouth of madness as I’d done so many times before.” This mantra truly defines our American military warriors. The American military not only runs toward the danger, they deal with the danger at hand, as the highest trained military professionals that they are. Dale Comstock was born on May 21, 1963 in Ft. Lewis, WA to James and Lydia Comstock. His Father was of English/Cherokee descent, and an Army veteran, having served in Vietnam. James Comstock was a 20-year veteran of the Army. He passed away in 2012 due to complications from a multitude of health afflictions, including Agent Orange. Dale’s Mother is German, and Dale speaks fluent German. His parents were married for 51 years before his Father passed away in 2012. His Mother resides in North Carolina. One thing Dale learned early on from his parents is that it’s perfectly okay to take care of yourself through “forceful assertion, strong will and prudence.” That means that if you are threatened, you do not have to, nor should you, slither away into a corner and take somebody’s crap. It’s okay to stand up for yourself. This is quite interesting as I was brought up the same way by my parents. They always told me not to start fights (I have slipped up on that a few times but lessons were learned and you’ll all have to trust me on that one), but if someone started one with me, I had every right to defend myself. And I did when I had to and I never backed down.

Part of what has been instrumental in Dale’s amazing successes in Special Operations is that he lives the concept of “Autogenic Conditioning” and talks about it in his book. Autogenic Conditioning is defined by Dale as “the practice of visualizing a task over and over exactly the way it is to be performed until one can execute the task physically as well as it was rehearsed in the mind.” Why did Dale decide to enlist in the Army? Well, he admits he was a terrible student academically. He even had to go to summer school in order to have enough credits to graduate with his class. His Father, to Dale’s surprise, was not happy at his decision to enlist. His Father wanted him to go to college. So a compromise was made. Dale promised his Dad that he would also get his college degree. As you can see from his educational biography, Dr. Dale Comstock has indeed made good on that promise and then some. Dale earned a spot in the much sought after 82nd Airborne Division and was a part of Operation Urgent Fury on the island of Grenada. He was a member of the 82nd Airborne Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols and his unit was the forward dismounted scouts that conducted reconnaissance for the Division of 15,000 paratroopers. They were the eyes and ears on the battlefield. He then completed his goal of completing the Delta Force Operator Training Course and spent the next 9 1/2 years in that unit. His ultimate goal? To be the best Delta Force Operator in the group. So what makes up a Delta Force Operator? In Dale’s own words, “Operators tend to be conservative, religious men that put God, country and family first.” Delta Force Operators can quick-

ly adapt to any situation in front of them and they are mentally and physically equipped to deal with it. They can field an artillery team, fly an aircraft, and jump out of an aircraft in the dark of night. These Operators are the soldiers who watch over America and are prepared at a moment’s notice to get ready to fight. They are selected because they possess traits that make them “chameleons.” That is, they can operate alone, as a member of a team, or as part of a “task force” which consists of a combination of military teams who work together to achieve a specific goal. These folks can adapt to anything and function perfectly. In 1999 Dale attended a Special Forces Qualification Course to become a light and heavy weapons expert. At this time he began going through a divorce, his ex-wife told him of it just two weeks before he began studying for the divorce. She left, leaving him to care for his 18-month-old son. Dale took incredibly good care of his son, getting up at 4:30 am every day, lining up day care, and then returning home at 6 pm. He was the primary care provider for his son, feeding him and getting ready for bed. Dale also had to study for his course, which is no easy task when you have a toddler to care for, but he did it day in and day out for six months. Dale sure did step up to the plate on being a good Dad to his son. The first serious injury Dale sustained was during a routine training exercise in 1989. His leg was injured by a stun grenade, which is known to us common folks as a “flash-bang. Dale still bears a five-inch scar on his calf due to the accident. This injury was just before Dale was sent to Panama in 1989 while on a hostage rescue mission. I remember when this all went down -- I was 21 years old. Dale was part of a team that went into Modelo Prison to rescue Kurt Muse, who was being held captive for spying on the government of Panama. Mr. Muse was being held captive on totally

It was then that Dale recalled his first confirmed kill. He says he remembers it like it was “just a moment ago.” It was a member of the local militia, the Dignitary Battalion (DIGBAT). The guy was wielding an AK-47, aimed right at the helicopter where Dale was inside. If the guy hadn’t been spotted by Dale and killed, the helicopter may have crashed and lives may have been lost, including his own. When Dale was being picked up in Panama by another helicopter, another incident occurred. An engine failed in that helicopter, and the helicopter crashed into the jungle of Panama. Regarding that moment in a situation where you don’t know whether or not you will live or die, Dale writes, “Not much to do in a situation like that except pray.” Dale suffered a broken back, and the orthopedic surgeon put him (and others who suffered the same injury) into a pink colored cast, “to keep them humble.” Unfortunately, that accident left two other soldiers paralyzed for life.

situation and does not have the courage to fight and kill. All hope is not lost on this guy. If he is given the right tools and proper training, with experience he can be taught to fight like a warrior. (3) The Coward. This is the guy who makes up excuses. Dale refers to this guy as “the poser.” They talk the talk, but when it’s time to take action, the excuses come out as to why they would bring more to the table by protecting your ass from behind, rather than to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his fellow soldier. In 2007, Dale was going back and forth between Afghanistan and Iraq about every other month. He was deployed between 7-8 months in one year. His mother asked him, “Why are you doing this?” His reply? “If I don’t do it, who will?” Dale Comstock did

Dale met his new and still going strong wife, Miroslava, in Panama. Miroslava is a Panamanian who is also of Chinese and Kuna Indian descent. Miroslava is absolutely gorgeous and she looks pretty badass herself. Wow. She and Dale, and Dale’s son have taken bodybuilding to a whole new level. Dale talks about something very interesting in his book regarding the types of soldiers who are faced with combat. Indeed, there are times when soldiers must face situations where they must kill or be killed, Dale has defined three different characters arise from such situations: (1) The Warrior. This person meets the situation head on. The warrior has a tremendous amount of courage in that he digs deep from within his own self to take action, even if they are feeling very fearful. Courage overcomes the warrior’s fear. (2) The guy who doesn’t know how to handle the

Cont’ on page 42


false charges, which is why this rescue mission occurred.

Black History outside The Classroom: Khalid el-Hakim’s Black History 101 Mobile Museum

Khalid el-Hakim, Founder Black History 101 Mobile Museum 313.645.4197 www.blackhistory101mobilemuseum. com


n article published on November 5th from The Huffington Post (see link below) proclaims that a great amount of America’s teachers are leaving the profession. “The vast majority of teachers are working overtime without the tools or the budget to manage the plethora of issues inside and outside the classroom,” the article states. Combined with preparation programs “that do not adequately prepare anyone for life in the classroom”, among other factors, it’s safe to say that teachers in America continue to face a hard road and numerous obstacles which prevent them from doing the one thing that led them to be a teacher in the first place: to help children grow and succeed in life. However, Khalid el-Hakim, a social studies teacher at the Detroit Lions Academy in Detroit, Michigan, is a teacher who refuses to give up in the fight to empower kids. Turning his back on the doom and gloom of ominous statistics and budget cuts, el-Hakim instead continues to teach both in the classroom and around the country with his Black History 101 Mobile Museum. This museum, a curation of artifacts that each tells an important story rooted in the history of Black history, has served to educate and enlighten both children and adults about how far Black Americans have come since the days of Jim Crow and lynch mobs and how much further we have left to go to truly being free in the United States of America. To gain a better perspective of el-Hakim’s educational mobile movement and his new book titled, The Center of the Movement: Collecting Hip-Hop, I asked him a few questions and compiled them, with his answers, into a Q&A article for your reading pleasure:

Tru: How did your idea of the Black History 101 Mobile Museum come to be realized? Khalid el-Hakim: The idea of the Black History 101 Mobile Museum was realized after attending the Million Man March in 1995. Being among almost two million Black men at one time in one place was powerful and transforming. Although I was a collector prior to that, the pledge I took to go back to my community of Detroit to make a difference didn’t become crystal clear until that moment. I knew I had the power make history.

became a challenge because of funding. The cost of gas, insurance driver, and truck was expensive. So now we just travel with the collection itself and set it up in conference rooms, classrooms, libraries, student centers, etc. Tru: What were some of the roadblocks you faced while getting this professional venture off the ground?

Khalid el-Hakim: Early on one of the main challenges was that I was a teacher working a 9-5 job, so my time was limited in regards to being able to travel. When I first began to exhibit the collection, it was mainly during evenings, weekends, and school breaks. But as the Black Tru: When was the first time that you realized History 101 Mobile Museum’s reputation grew, I had to you loved art and art history? make the decision to take a leap of faith to do this full time. That was not easy because I was transitioning from Khalid el-Hakim: This desire for history and having a steady income for a period of time to knowing art actually came from growing up collecting that all my income would be based solely on my efforts sports cards and comic books. Early on I learned to build relationships with institutions and organizations the history of my favorite baseball and football athletes. After this came my love of boxing with Muhammad Ali being one of my heroes even to this day. One of my all-time favorite comic books is DC Comics’ Muhammad Ali vs. Superman, which came out in 1976. With that interest stemming from my childhood and early teen experience, I learned the historical, monetary and educational value of artifacts. Tru: How long is the process in collecting all of the memorabilia for your museum? Khalid el-Hakim: I’ve traveled all over the country going through antique shops, flea markets, garage sales, auctions, basements and attics for twenty-two years collecting artifacts. Tru: What have been the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile museum? Khalid el-Hakim: There are two main advantages. First of all, there is very little overhead. If I had a building, I would have to pay for rent, staff, lights, etc. Second, I can set up just about anywhere. When we were using the trailer, we used to set up in a neighborhood or a parking lot. But, that

willing to invite the Black History 101 Mobile Museum into their space. Tru: As I am sure that gaining all of the historical objects you have so far has been immensely fulfilling, are there certain artifacts which have been the most satisfying to obtain thus far? Khalid el-Hakim: I get asked that question a lot and it’s really not one artifact in particular, but it’s all of them. Because I’ve gone through the process of collecting them, they all have been a blessing to acquire. One of the most exciting acquisitions I’ve made was the archive of Malcolm “Shorty” Jarvis, who was Malcolm X’s close friend during his “Detroit Red” years. Shorty’s personal items came to the market after being discovered in a storage unit in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, many great artifacts end up being lost in situations like this or, worse, they are just discarded completely. But, I was able to purchase his whole archive in partnership with the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation in Omaha, Nebraska. One of the most important artifacts in his collection was the original court papers that sent both of them to prison. Tru: What are some artifacts that you would love to get a hold of in the future? Khalid el-Hakim: I’d like to continue building a hip hop collection. This is a relatively new field, although hip hop is celebrating a forty year history this year. Unfortunately, only a very few individuals have been intentionally collecting the material objects of the culture over the years. So I’ve made a commitment to collect and preserve hip hop artifacts in order to help convey its rich history. My recently released book, The Center of the Movement: Collecting Hip Hop Memorabilia, documents the various hip hop artifacts I’ve collected and shares stories from some of the top hip hop collectors and institutional hip hop archives in the world. Tru: Why is history important to you and for all of us as human beings? Khalid el-Hakim: As Dr. John Henrik Clarke taught, “History is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. History tells a people where they have been and what they have been, where they are and what they are. Most important, histo-

ry tells a people where they still must go, what they still must be.” So if we understand history in that context, it gives us a framework that we must use to correct the condition we find ourselves in as a people. Tru: What are your future plans for your museum? el-Hakim: I would love to develop multiple exhibits that travel on display 365 days a year. A lot of my business happens during the months of January-March, so I’d like to build the same demand for the museum during the rest of the year. Ultimately, I hope to find a permanent home for the collection. That is something I’m always considering. Tru: How did your relationship with the Schomburg Center come about? (In early November of this year, el-Hakim took his Black History 101 Mobile Museum to the Hip Hop Think Tank III Conference at the Schomburg Center, where it was well-received.) Khalid el-Hakim: I was invited to come to the Schomburg by hip hop educator Martha Diaz, who became familiar with my work a couple of years ago. We were a part of a team of hip hop scholars and educators who conducted a workshop at a national conference last summer in New Orleans. After seeing the Black

Tru Entertainment Magazine wants to take this time out to pay Tribute to one of the great men in history Rest inPeace History 101 Mobile Museum there for the first time, Martha saw how it fit perfectly into the Hip Hop Education Think Tank III she planned at the Schomburg Center on November 12th (of 2013). That event was a huge success with over 600 attendees. Tru: What advice do you have for someone who would like to create their own mobile museum? Khalid el-Hakim: My advice is just to do it. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned through hip hop is that you can be anything you want to be. All you have to do is show and prove who you are. No one is going to question whether Dr. Dre is a doctor at what he does or whether Professor Griff is a professor at what he does. When I decided to make a mobile museum I just did it and showed up on the scene with museum quality artifacts on a level that people would experience on the same or better level within brick and mortar museums. Another piece of advice I would suggest is to focus on one specific era of history. Even with deep pockets, people can’t collect everything so it’s important to collect something specific and create your own niche. Tru: Why is having your mobile museum and inspiring others about art, especially our youth, of grave significance to you? el-Hakim: This project is important to me because our youth have not been properly exposed to information and the knowledge that lets them know what their purpose is in this society. To address challenges in our community the youth must know and understand the history and legacy of struggle our ancestors have made towards self-determination and dignity in this country. The Black History 101 Mobile Museum is a reminder of those struggles and those historical giants who left a blueprint of success that can be followed.

Nelson Mandela

it for love of America. Dale is part of the 1% who answered the call and enlist in America’s military. Dale participated in many nightly raids during a rotation in Baghdad. His mission was to hunt high value targets (HVTs), using various sources of intelligence. It was during that time that his vehicle was ambushed. His group got out, but wow, what a wild ride! During Dale’s military career, he found himself being transported from one hot spot to another. This is to be expected of a member of the Army’s Delta Force and Green Berets. He was deep inside Iraqi territory, hunting for SCUD missiles, and then again deep into Afghanistan again on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Somebody once asked Dale what it is like to be in combat. His reply, “Combat is long periods of foreboding and solemn thoughts of home, punctuated by moments of stark terror.” This is one of those things that unless you’ve been there, you’ll never understand. I’ll never understand this I’ve never served in the military. But I have the upmost of respect and appreciation for those who do. “American Badass” was not written without any humor. My gosh some of the stories are absolutely hilarious. I sure hope “Pepper” indeed got to read about what he did for Dale after he was wounded in Panama. And the descriptions of the lifestyle of the Afghan people are pretty funny. You know how they say never to drink the water in Mexico? Well I’d never eat at an Afghan table after what I read. Somebody please send that country a metric assload of hand sanitizer and school them on the benefits of it, PLEASE! On Dale’s May 2010 deployment to Afghanistan, he was assigned to a pretty remote forward operating base (FOB.) in the Kunar Province. Pretty sure I would have been whining and complaining the whole time about the conditions at that post. First, my “aim” isn’t good enough for a PVC pipe and anyone who knows me knows how I feel about using a public or community john.

wonder if Dale is able to eat lobster again after his crazy ass experience one dreadful night in Kunar? Whoa!

Dale was heavily involved in special operations during Desert Storm in 1981. On one particular mission, Dale’s fatherly intuition kicked in. A plan was in place to capture a targeted terrorist, and a three-year old boy witnessed his faKunar Province was famous for being known as the most ther’s (who was the target) house being busted dangerous place in the world. It was full of Taliban, but the open. The look in the boy’s eyes, his scream, and tradeoff was having steak and lobster on Friday nights. But his tears of fright made Dale think of his own after reading this chapter of Dale’s book, I think I’d rathchildren. So Dale picked up with boy with one er go to a restaurant and buy my own steak and lobster. I arm, and aiming his weapon at the neighbor’s

house with the other. He tried to comfort the little boy as best as a Dad could do. The boy’s father was interrogated and through military interviews with him, the father ended up saving many American lives through the information he provided. He was turned over to the Iraqi authorities at that point for prosecution. The next mission in Afghanistan to which Dale was deployed was rather hilarious. Frankly, I’m a bit shocked that Afghan men

would have the audacity to engage in homosexual activity during a combat mission. Even more shocking is that homosexuality is commonplace among Afghan men. But the Quran requires that if a guy has sex, he must bathe. Wow. What went on in that chapter is worth the read alone. Seems to me that those guys were more concerned with their customs than helping with the mission. To me, sometimes you need to ditch customs if any lives could be at stake. Also during that deployment in Afghanistan Dale ran into trouble. He

and his partners were a bit close to the Pakistan border and had to fend off the Taliban while waiting for help. The “help” was afraid of pissing off Pakistan so the guy stalled. What a crock. The Taliban retreated toward Pakistan anyway, so why the stall? When our side is in trouble, I say to hell with any rules. Get our side out of harm’s way is my take on a situation like that. In 2010 Dale returned to Afghanistan, again back in the Kunar province. And here he thought this would be an easier


American Badass: The True Story of a Modern Day Spartan (Paperback) By (author) Dale Comstock

trip because he was retiring from the military soon. Dale and his team were forced to drive deliberately into a Taliban ambush. It was then that he realized it was truly time to retire from his awesome military service. He realized that what he needed was to spend the rest of his life with his wife and family. He was tired. He’d been at this for far too long. In January of 2012, Dale Comstock was fully retired from military life. He devotes some time to discussing his equally badass wife, and how she too knows how to defend herself and her family using her Constitutional Second Amendment rights. Dale reflects on today’s culture of “what’s in it for me” in depth, and I like that, because I’m sick to death of this type of mentality. It’s all about “give me, give me, give me” to people who are just too lazy to earn, and young people these days really do take advantage of their parents. As Dale says in his last chapter, “Our young people are taught by government and the Utopia seekers that others are responsible for our mistakes or inadequacies -- there is no personal accountability.” How true that is.

While I’d love to go into more detail on this and many other adventures of American Badass, Dale Comstock, you’re all going to have to buy the book for yourselves. Read it. And after you do, whenever you see a veteran, I hope you thank

them. Shake their hand. If you’re in a restaurant, flag down a manager and buy them dinner and sneak out before they notice. The American military, whether active, reserve or retired, deserve more respect than the average citizen. If you don’t believe that, you probably have never served or have had a family member in the military. As a military Mom, I totally get the sleepless nights and the worry that comes with it.

friends. Dale has joined Mr. West on his current project, NextGeneration TV. During that video with Mr. West, Dale talked about his career, father and his son.

On October 11, 2013 I spoke with Dale over the phone for about an hour and a half. It was great. He was driving approximately 100 miles to bring some items for his wife as she was on a photo shoot and had forgotten them. Now that’s a good husband! I could tell even in his voice that he loves his wife with everything he’s got.

Growing up, Dale was an “action kid.” Dale admits that he still cannot sit still. He’s always doing something. He admitted to me that his greatest fear is “running out of challenges and things to do.” Dale attributes a lot of that due to the fact that he went to four different high schools because his Dad was in the Army. It was indeed tough moving around so much during his high school. He was very aggressive in sports, which I think helped him incredibly in the military. Dale says that looking back on all the moving around he had to do while his Dad was serving in the Army, Dale wouldn’t have have it any other way.

I asked Dale how he feels about American politics. I knew he was a conservative, but even conservatives have different points of view on issues. Politically, Dale is of the opinion that if we continue down this road with the government being the way it is with its out of control spending, we’ll have a revolution on our hands.

Since we were discussing politics a bit, Dale talked about the widely perceived perception by conservatives that everyone wants to play the race or religion cards. But some people are still believe in integrity and being self-sufficient. Dale believes in it, and so do I.

Dale also likes Ted Cruz, which may not be popular with establishment conservatives, but I doubt that Dale gives a damn what people think of his political views, and neither do I. I love Ted Cruz! One of Dale’s good friends is former Congressman and Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West. This is how I came across Dale’s book. I follow Allen West on Twitter and one day back in August (I think!) Mr West tweeted Dale’s book YouTube trailer; the very same one at the top of this article. I thought, “Huh.” So I watched it and was really intrigued. I always have my nose in a book (actually my Kindle these days) and thought this was worth a read. Indeed it is worth a read. In May of 2012 Dale was on the set of what was going to be a new reality show to be aired on the Discovery Channel. During a shoot, a helicopter crashed. There were no survivors and Dale lost some really good friends in that crash. Retired Army Lt. and former House Representative Allen West emailed him about it. The two are good

Dale’s son James is following in his Dale’s footsteps. James is in the Army as infantry paratrooper. A very proud “Dad” moment was when Dale got to pin the paratrooper wings on his own son. James is currently on hold for Green Beret training, which is a very long process for this most elite and is also waiting on MOS training, then onto completing his foreign language training, then skydiving training. After that, James will be a Special Forces soldier. Dale’s wife, Miroslava, is another American badass. What this fine lady has gone through in life is even more badass than her husband, and Dale admits it! Dale’s wife Miroslava was born in the Panamanian jungle had nothing early in life. She hunted and trapped for food. She knows how to spear fish, dove in the river to do it. As for hunting, she used bow and arrow that as guns were not readily available for purchase for a struggling family in the jungle of Panama. At age 10 wanted a

horse that nobody could seem to break. So she was given that stallion, and she took him into to the river until he was shoulder deep. She tired him out in the river and broke him so she could ride him. Saddle? There was no saddle in the Panamanian jungle for her. Miroslava rode that bad boy bareback. She was the only person who could ever ride him. For fun, she’d take him by a road and race cars on her stallion. One day Miroslava came home from school and her father had sold the horse so that the family could eat. Her life in the jungle was difficult. She had 12 brothers and sisters, and the foundation of their hut was a wooden platform. She and her siblings had to cuddle together to stay warm at night. And every morning their feet were bloody every morning from the bites of vampire bats, who would lick their feet until they were numb, then suck their blood. Although all she and her siblings attended school, they had to walk quite a way back and forth ever day. No school buses to pick them up and nobody had a car at their disposal at age 16! own story and I am so looking forward to reading it and doing a book review on her story. I’m sure her book will be pretty badass too, given what I know about her so far. What a woman! All of the Miroslava’s siblings but her were bitten by bushmaster snakes in the jungle. Bushmaster snakes are highly venomous, with bites as painful as hell, but they all survived and endured it. They had no choice. Now I really feel like a wuss because to me, the only good snake is a dead one. Garter snakes even scare me! When Miroslava was only 14 years old, she moved to the city with absolutely nothing. She shared a small apartment with some other girls, and got a job at hair salon, sweeping up hair off the floor all day. She only had enough money to basically feed herself. Miroslava is gearing up to write her

“Lost in my thoughts and wondering what it all means: the beginning, the end, and everything in between. Why, how, and for what? Thanks to my faithful companions - the darkness of night and a bottle of my favorite libation, I can find comfort and solace in the fact that I am here to reflect, to introspect, to speculate, to hypothesize, to think and wonder, and to dream. Life is brief. It is merely a short segment in space and time, a period of apparent eternity. For some it is barely a moment in an unmeasurable occasion, and for some miserable souls it is a damnation, an eternity without any perceivable end. When does the race end, or where

does it really begin? Does it end at the start or begin as we round the last corner? I came to race and to win. When I slide across that Finish line I will smile, dust myself off, and loudly exclaim that life was one hell of a ride and whether I won or not, whether I was first, second, or last, I finished like a champion! I am alive and plan to live and run with my throttle wide open to the finish line wherever it may lie for me. Living everyday like it’s my last, because I am on borrowed time. Who cares what it all means. In the end of time, your time, nothing matters except whether it was all worth it. Make life worth living and die with a smile on your face!� Dale Comstock Happy Veterans Day to Dale from all of us at Tru.Entertainment Magazine!

Miroslava Comstock

Photo taken by: Chasen Grieshop

On Blast! What’s up, Mr. Whudup?? Born and raised in the inner city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tyrell “Rello” Jackson also known as “Mr. Whudup”, earned his name in the Twin Cities due to his dedication to his craft and collectively working with other artist while taking risks to be viewed as “creative but different.” The name “Mr. Whudup” came about as a joke when he was young. Family and friends used to say he looked like the Comedian Martin Lawrence known for the catchy phrase “Wazup” and so his nickname was given birth,and stuck with him from there on. Exposed to the hard ship of poverty, gangs, and drugs, Rello sought out to overcome these obstacle by using his music as a stepping-stone. His biggest musical influence, besides Tupac Shakur was his uncle Macadotious.The inspiration of his uncle encouraged him to become creative with his words. Starting in 2009, Rello got first national-artist opening gig, and went on to be one of the main opening acts for major artist like Rick Ross, Young Dro, Twista, Young Jeezy, Do Or Die, Shawnna, Ace Hood, Pleasure P, Kirko Bangz and more. In 2010 he got his first out of town gig with Steal Real Records performing in Kansas City. With 4 mixtapes under his belt titled; “Mr. Whudup”, “We Are The Troopz”, “The Hustla”, “So Versatile”, and “BADU” the Collaboration Mixtape he still manages to have more then 200+ completed songs, not including numerous collaborations.

Like a smart artist anxious to fully master his craft he enrolled in Minneapolis’ esteemed Institute of Production and Recording to study engineering and production and graduated in the Fall of 2012. Be it performing at mostly “every” open mic in town, headlining shows, opening up for national and international artists and being nominated and winning Minnesota’s Best Kept Secret award (2011), Best Group (2011 & 2012), Best Label (2012), Grinder of the Year (2013), and Minneapolis MVP (2013) at the Twin Cities Urban Music Awards, and the Twin Cities Hip Hop Awards it would appear that Mr. Wudup’s hard work is definitely paying off. In fact, his win at this year’s Twin Cities Urban Music Awards earned him this feature article in Tru. Who say’s “hard work doesn’t pay off ”?

In his words; Q: At what age did you first get into rap/hip hop, what motivated you? A: As a child I grew up being inspired by so many. I loved the fact that I could learn the words and rap along to a song. Tupac was my idol but the greatest inspiration to create music myself came from my uncle Mackadotious who was known for walking around rapping while making a beat with his chest. I was only 12 and I imitate his style but with my own words. Q: How do you feel about the direction, regarding commercialization that rap and hip hop music has taken on today? A: Commercialization is not a negative thing. You have to understand who are the buyers so you can become the sellers. Everything is about Hustling. Its about satisfying the market, which is young people who wants to “turn up” so that you can profit and put yourself in a better position in this F’ed up economy. I just say don’t limit yourself. I do all kinds of music because I love music as a whole art form. Q: If you had your choice of music industry A Listers to work with , who would you choose and why? A: I want to talk to the people behind the scenes who we need so dearly in order for music to work. Like Cool and Dre, Mike Will made it, Mustard on the beat, (RIP) Tom Dowd who use to engineer all Alantic Records stuff, Dj Khaled. People like that. But not one specific person, cause no one knows it all. Q: Is music it for you or do you see yourself getting involved in other aspects of the entertainment industry. If so, what else do you feel that you’d be great at? A: Music is for everybody but being an artist isn’t. Truthfully, my goal isn’t to be a rapper but I will forever be an artist. I’m actually a college grade from IPR (Institute of Production and Recording) with an associated degree in Engineering and Recording. My plan is to use music as a networking angle then to expand myself in the producer/ engineering field. Q: What do you plan to get accomplished career wise over the next five years? A:The next 5 years is planting foundation and being stable. At the moment I’m building a new studio. I want that to grow into something bigger but I don’t want to guesstimate it. I’ll just go with the flow and let my talents guide me because unlike these so called rappers, their time is limited, being an engineer will live on til I die. Tom Dowd was on scene doing what he loved til he died. That what I want to do too.


Over the last three summers we have visited 22 different stadiums and seen both the Mets and Yankees at visiting teams stadiums. But it is always nice to come home and catch a couple of games at Citi Field. Even though the season is over we are already planning for our trip next year and I am sure it will include a trip to Port St Luce in March. This year I had the opportunity sit down with the Mets utility infielder Justin Turner and talk some baseball. Anyone who has ever read any of my other interviews knows that I am

Justin Turner Haley Smilow Tru. Teen Jr. Sports Reporter Age 11

not really into the statics of a player although Justin’s line this season was .341/.364/.415 for an OPS of .778. I am more interested the personal side of his life. An adult journalist can give you the details and numbers but only a kid will ask who has the best Hot Dog ? So check out what just had to say. Unfortunately just before this article is going to be published Justin was released from the Mets and is currently a free agent. It will be interesting to see where he ends up playing in 2014.

HALEY: Do you have a favorite ballpark and why? JUSTIN: My favorite place to play is probably Camden Yards. I came up there and the Baltimore Orioles were my first big league team so it was my home field. It is just beautiful park and the warehouse in left field is incredible. HALEY: Who has the best Hot Dogs? Cincinnati Kahn’s Hot Dogs, Baltimore Esskay Hot Dog or New York Nathan’s Hot Dogs? JUSTIN: I actually got to try a Nathan’s hot dog last year and it was pretty good. It lived up to the hype so I am going to have to go with Nathan’s. HALEY: What is your favorite restaurant in New York JUSTIN: In New York it would have to be STK Steakhouse, I got to meet one of the general managers there and he takes good care of me so I go in and get a big fat steak. They also have these really good cheeseburger sliders. HALEY: And in Southern California? JUSTIN: When I am back home, I grew up going to a little Mexican Restaurant called Mi Casa and every Friday night my mom, and my dad and sister would go in there and have some extended family come in so its kind of a little tradition we have so it probably my favorite place to eat. HALEY: What was it like growing up in California? JUSTIN: Sunny! Always had good weather. So the best thing was getting to be outside and playing with my friends year round. We used to ride are bikes everywhere, playing wiffelball, football, baseball, pretty active, I was always outside. HALEY: Who is the biggest practical joker you have ever been on a team with? JUSTIN: That’s a tough one. I’ve had some good ones. I had a pitching coach with Cincinnati Reds named Teddy Power he was pretty good. Fellow Met, Tim Byrdak as well, I wouldn’t call him a practical joker but he is full of little things that make everyone laugh.

HALEY: Have you ever been the victim of one of his practical jokes? JUSTIN: Yeah I have been couple of times. Guys putting bubble gum around the top of a cup of water and sticking it to the roof of the dug out right above my head and after about 15 seconds it falls down on top of my head. HALEY: Have you gotten them back? JUSTIN: Laughing, yeah I got him back, but I am not going to bring up how but I definitely got them back .HALEY: Do you have any other favorite sports besides Baseball? JUSTIN: Ah, I am sports fanatic I kinda like everything. I wouldn’t call it a favorite, but I love going to Hockey games during the off­season and basketball, I’m a Lakers fan, and football. I like the Dolphins; the last couple of years I have made a trip down to Miami to watch them. HALEY: Do you have any rituals or superstitions before and during a game? JUSTIN: Before the game I go through the same routine. I stretch out. I always go out 15 minutes before game time. I always like to have a ball after I play catch and throw it to a kid in the stands. During the game, I always take a cup of water and I only drink half of it and throw the other half out. I never drink the full cup and I don’t know why I do it. It’s something I’ve always done I drink half, throw out the other half and then spin the cup and CONT ON PAGE 58

Cast:Chiwetel Ejiofor(Solomon Northtrup)Micheal Fassbender(Edwin Epps),Benedict Cumberbatch(William Ford),Paul Giamatti(Freeman),Sarah Paulson(Mistress Epps),Brad Pitt(Bass),Quvenehane Wallis(Margaret Northrup),Lupita Nyong’o(Patsey).Countries:USA/


UK.(R)Running time:134 minutes.Director:Steve McQueen.”12 Years


Slave”is stunning, excruciating,realistic and bold by the director Steve McQueen, the most powerful film on American slavery since “Mandingo”(1975),television series “Roots”(1977)and “Sankofa”(1993). McQueen’s film “12 Years a Slave”,however,is no fictional story but based on the true story of a free black man,Solomon Northrup,in Saratoga,New York,in 1841,an accomplished violinist,wooed to Washington D.C.,then kidnapped and sold as a slave in Louisiana. Solomon Northrup is played by Chiwetel Ejiofor(“American Gangster”,”Dirty Pretty Things”,”Four Brothers”)as is a newcomer to cinema,Lupita Nyong’o,plays the slave girl Patsey.Micheal Fassberger is also a major actor in McQueen’s films “Shame”(2011)and “Hunger”(2008);and he plays a sadistic slaveowner Edwin Epps of Solomon Northrup and Patsey in “12 Years a Slave”. When Northrup is put on the auction block after arriving in Louisiana,he’s forced to take a new name(not unlike LeVar Burton’s Kunta Kinte in “Roots”)before he’s bought by Benedict Cumberbatch,plays William Ford,who allows Northrup to continue to play his violin.Ford is a “kinder”slaveowner,if one considers the brutality and barbarism of slavery,only when he’s compared to Epps,a white man that takes cruelty to its fullest extent.Epps takes the whip to Patsey’s back which is difficult to watch.He forces Northrup to whip her but his reluctance only angers Epps more and he takes the whip from him to finish the job. McQueen provides uncomfortable but necessary nuances between white slave master and slave,between black men and black women,between slaves in the fields and slaves in the house and between white men and white women.What McQueen elicits in such subtleties is nothing less than masterful undertakings that carry undertones to this very day. It is noteworthy Steve McQueen,is from England,is telling the story of the atrocious American system of racial slavocracy.Saying that,however,is telling on American directors and screenwriters,and the American public in general,particularly for whites,keeping serious discussions on race mostly in the closets.Slavery is the potent historical stain on America’s carpet McQueen’s “12 Years a Slave”is remarkably graphic and gruesome--but that’s the point of the film.A black man hanging from a tree for a transgression,still alive,his struggling body for some other slaves to see wander back and forth as if the man isn’t there.One slave woman hurriedly gives the man a sip of water retreating immediately

12 Years a Slave

so as not to be detected. McQueen adapted his film from Northrup’s amazing 1853 memoir,a grueling tale of a free black man kidnapped ,sold into slavery for a dozen years,and is one of the rare cases a black person would ever get their freedom back. I applaud McQueen for an unapologetic account of slavery;he’s landed for himself a masterpiece(and perhaps an Oscar),including his principal cast member,Chiwetel Ejiofor,a stunning performance,should without doubt nominated for an Oscar for a man in a leading role.

Kickin it with Keith, the Relationship Doctor

funny thing is she wasn’t either. Matter of fact, she wasn’t in any kind of relationship mode. Period. Ladies.... I recently heard some gentlemen talking about how most men really only want one woman... the RIGHT woman and then as soon as I stepped into my car and turned on the radio the first song I heard was about “how can I choose just one” and of course it was referring to a man not wanting to choose just one woman in a sea of many. Hmmm.... perhaps these gentlemen were referring to the elderly crowd who have already played the field and are heading for retirement. #imjustsaying Seems like history is still repeating itself. Although the tables are turning and women are realizing that two can play that game... I don’t think that’s the answer either. If you find that special someone, hang on and appreciate. Great relationships are a true blessing. Period. Oh, Heavenly Father, Teach me your servant how to be a faithful, loving and caring husband and show how to love even deeper with more of you and less of me. That I may not take the gift of my wife’s love for granted. Help me to be a good listener, to all of her concerns, aspirations, and needs. Allow me to consider wisely the advice my wife gives me when she brings things to my attention that I may be doing wrong or that I could be doing better. Place within me a heart that is willing to please her. Make me aware of the things that I do that may upset her so that I will not continue to cause unnecessary problems in our relationship. Lord write your commandment to love my wife as Christ loved the Church on my heart, so that spending quality time alone with her will be as important and as special as my time alone with you. Help me not to jump to conclusions about her motives and teach me to apologize and set things straight when I complain, falsely accuse, act selfishly, or say

All I’m gonna say here is that I followed the principles and doctrine I’ve been preaching and teaching in all my writings and ministry. It works!!! One of the first things I did about 2 years ago is make a declaration to stop playin around and get serious about establishing a relationship that led to marriage. Keith Murphy, Life I wasn’t in the “playa playa” mode, Coach/Motivational Speaker. Email: I just wasn’t in a pursue a serious relationship state of mind. The unkind or provoking words. Lord I confess that I am a less than perfect man. But I do serve and love a perfect God so create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me a spirit that will complement her and to encourage her at all times. I want to be that example of what a loving, considerate, caring, and self-sacrificing husband should be. So help me to admit my faults, to apologize when I am wrong, to speak healing instead of hurtful words to her heart. To build her up and never tear her down for she is my gift given to me to be a helpmate lover and best friend and may I never think of her as anything less. Make me the kind of husband she will respect and will never regret having married and even more than that make me the kind of husband who she is proud to call her husband and is a joy for her to be around; a man who honors her, honors the God in her, and who honors Christ, In Jesus name I pray- Amen. Now back to being the best husband I can be. See all of ya’ll next month! Meantime, STAY UP! Never give up!

try to make it land standing up HALEY: Other than winning the 2004 College World Series what other accomplishments are you proud of? JUSTIN: Playing in the major leagues. That’s something that I’ve always dreamed of. In 2009 when the Orioles called me up and I got to play my first game at Fenway HALEY: How many sets of uniforms do the Mets organization gives you? And do you wash them yourself? JUSTIN: Uh let’s see. Last year we had our pin stripes, our white home jerseys, our grey uniforms, our black uniforms, and then the blue Los Mets, so that makes five. NO, I don’t wash them they do that for us, so I try to get them as dirty as possible since I don’t have to wash it myself (laughs). HALEY: What types of community service or charity work are you involved in? JUSTIN: Throughout the season, we go out and do lots of stuff. We go to schools and fire departments that the Mets set up for us. During the off season, I have a couple of little cousins that play little league and I go out and help them and work out with the kids up there. I really have fun with them and really enjoy it. I think they really like it too. HALEY: If you were not playing baseball, what else could you see yourself doing? JUSTIN: I don’t know. I think the only other thing I’m decent at is tweeting, so hopefully by the time I am done playing they’ll have a professional tweeting job. HALEY: I read you played winter ball in the Dominican Republic in 2010 what was that like? JUSTIN: I loved it down there, I got called down by Ken Oberkfell who was the Mets bench coach

in 2011 and he was the manager and he asked me to come play with him and I had an absolute blast. HALEY: Who did you play with down in the Dominican Republic? JUSTIN: I played with guys like Andy Dirks from the Tigers, Wilkin Castillo from the Dodgers, Marcos Mateo from the Cubs, Peter Bourjos from the Angels, there was all types of guys down there. HALEY: Somewhere I read you said that your father was your greatest influence. What baseball players or coaches do you think most influenced you? JUSTIN: Two of the biggest influences other then my dad were my college coaches. Coach George Horton he was the head coach at Cal State Fullerton. I played under him for all four years and he basically taught me everything I could possibly know about the game of baseball and was super detailed about everything. The other was his assistant coach Rick Vanderhook who is now the coach for Fullerton. He is actually like an uncle to me I grew up with him and is one of my dad’s best friends.

He gave me the opportunity as a kid to hang around Fullertonnd be a batboy for the team. I was constantly around baseball. I have to give them a lot of credit. HALEY: When you were in the minors, who were some of your different roommates? JUSTIN: My favorite roommate in all minor league baseball was a kid named Tony Esquer. HALEY: Where is he now? JUSTIN: He is back at home he is done playing, but I have never met or been around someone who could make me laugh so hard. He was always joking around, pulling little jokes. We would be trying to go to sleep and he would be sneaking around messing with me trying to make me think there was a ghost in the room or something like that. He was one of the funniest guys I have ever roomed with. HALEY: I have heard you are active on twitter, do you think it is a good way to interact with your fans? JUSTIN: Absolutely, I love being on twitter. I have over 34,000 followers now most of them are all New York fans. I get asked all kinds of questions every day and it is a great opportunity to interact with them. It gives fans/followers a little more incite about

what’s going on over here with the Mets and me. HALEY: What is your twitter name? JUSTIN: @redturn2 HALEY: How did you decide on that name? JUSTIN: Red because of my hair, turn because my last name is Turner so I shorted it and 2 because I play second base and turn double plays, also because I wear #2. HALEY: What did you do this year during the off­ season? JUSTIN: I just relaxed and took some vacations. Mostly I relaxed and worked out to stay in shape for the new season. HALEY: What advice would you give to young players? JUSTIN: Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t do it. I was never the biggest, tallest, strongest or fastest guy but I always worked hard. I always appreciated and loved the game. Everyone always told me I wasn’t going to make it but if you believe in yourself, keep working and practicing you can make it. HALEY: Please tell all your fans how you want to be remembered? JUSTIN: I don’t know I just like to have fun and enjoy the game. I play hard and respect the game. So hopefull I can maintain that and have a long career and hopefully I am know as a class act.With great expectations!


By: Fiona Russell

Waist-Highs and Crop-tops Do this season’s fashions make anyone else feel like they’ve been shoved unwillingly into a time machine? Waist-highs and crop-tops are back, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Was your first reaction abject horror? Are you fighting the undertow? Scared that dressing like you’re in the 70s will give you the strange urge to buy a minivan and paint peace signs on the windows and doors? Have no fear, #Trending is here to help.


The crop top can be traced back millennia to early-Egyptian belly-dancers, who wore these seductive little numbers to optimally reveal the artful gyrations of their midriffs. In more recent history, we can thank Madonna and Brittany Spears for spreading this charming fashion like the common cold between the 80s and 90s. High-waisted pants evolved separately. First worn by Parisian women in the late 1800S, high-waisters enjoyed steady popularity until 90s pop stars introduced low-riders. The combination of the two fashions has popped up intermittently throughout the decades, and enjoys a new renaissance this fashion season.

How to Wear:

The most important rule in the world of waist-highs and crop-tops is do not attempt to wear your crop-top without your waist-highs. This fashion combo evolved in the first place because the aggregation of the two mediums allows women to cover up that lower-stomach problem area that those of us who eat the occasional cheeseburger in lieu of rabbit food inevitably have. If you wear your waist-highs with your crop-top, the waist-highs will suck in your pudge-pouch, revealing only that beautiful band of upper-stomach that is sure to fascinate and delight the male sex. If you wear your crop-top without your waist-highs, unless you’re a Victoria’s Secret model of superwoman, the band of your jeans will press against your lower-stomach, creating the uncomfortable illusion when you bend over or sit down that you have much more excess flesh than you actually do. Since no woman born post-1700 wants to create that particular illusion, best wear this fashion the right way.

Where to Buy:

Everywhere (except maybe your great-grandma’s go-to fashion stop). The high-waist, crop-top mating is prolific one, and its offspring can be found in malls all over America, so get your wallet out, get with the times and get your groove on.

ASK KEITH By Keith King

Romance in the WorkplaceShould I?

Workplace romance exists when two members of the same organization develop a relationship with mutual attraction. Those who develop workplace romances may cause damages to morale and productivity in the workplace. Along with this, businesses and companies are still confused at whether or not they should interfere in the romantic relationship. If they do choose to interfere, what department should be in control of handling the situation and what policies should be set if workplace romances do happen. With that said here’s an Ask Keith situation Hello Keith: I am a closeted DL male. And no one knows about my sexual orientation, especially no one at my place of employment. I am a senior manager at my firm. We had hired a new employee to the company and he is very handsome and good-looking and from what I was told “gay”. I took him out to lunch a few days ago, you know as a new hire tradition in the company and we hit it off nicely. He is funny and interesting and someone I would like to know in a more intimate level, but he thinks I am straight. If I told him about me then I’m pretty sure that would get around the office and I am fearful of that. But

I really would like to see if we are compatible and even ask him out on a date. What should I do? Signed, Eric “Confused” Hello Eric, Office romance in the heterosexual life-style isn’t easy so you can just image one in the gay life-style. Not to say that it could not be done, you just have to be more careful and cautious us of the potential consequences of having one and you have to look at the full picture of starting a relationship of that nature. You must factor in how close you will be working alongside the person and how much inaction you both will have? The issue after that is, since he doesn’t know about your sexual orientation are you willing to come out to him and therefore jeopardize everyone at your place of employment finding out about you? These are all questions and decisions you must look deep inside of yourself in order to answer. I am a firm believer that the Lord places people in our lives as a test and also as a blessing. This could be your test and blessing at the same time. Your test: the fact that are you willing to expose yourself openly and finally be true and comfortable with who you are a. Y our blessing: this could be the man of your dreams. So take that into consideration, but be mindful too that if you decide to go that route and indeed expose your sexuality be sure that this person is feeling that same towards you. The way to do that is to become friends, hang out a bit and enjoy the comforts of each other’s company.When the time is right and you feel comfortable tell him how you feel about him. But also be mindful of the danger that comes along with office romances. For example, if things get uncomfortable not only are the two parties involved by the relationship not working out, but others in the office including supervisors/manager may find out, which in turn can trickle down to HR . You may even face potentially being called in to deal with any situations that might erupt from the romance failing. This can result in someone or possibly both parties losing their job. It is not the place for employers to interfere with a romance, but if as result of a “relationship gone bad” the work place becomes uncomfortable then necessary decisions will have to be made. So Eric I hope I have given you some thing to consider from both ends of the spectrum . The rest is in your hand. Good Luck! Until next time, live life OUTLOUD.

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