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Moving Mountains
Inspired by Miss Michaelyn Loper
“… For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” Matthew 17:20
If I was told when life hit my ears, I still wouldn’t have been prepared. If I was put in a room with all my fears, I couldn’t possibly have been as scared As I was on that indescribable day When I was labeled “Cancer patient.”
If I was to never cry again, I’d still be able to fill the ocean. If my body were made of tin, I’d probably be void of motion And covered in rust, only trying to say, “Could you find some oil for me?”
If I tell you part of the truth, I’d say I lost sight of my hope. If I tell you the rest, it’d be proof That I still held onto a rope That would help me to break away From the grip of depression.
If I told you I started to smile, You might find that a little odd. If I told you I had joy all the while, I’d also tell you of my amazing God, Who, even in my disarray, Has never failed to hold me tight. If you told me that stage four is bad, I’d tell you that my God is good. If you told me cancer is incurable and sad, I’d tell you that my savior stood Up to death and conquered the grave And I believe He can do it again!
If you ask me to describe how I felt, I’d say overwhelmed by His steadfast love. If you ask me about the hand I was dealt, I’d say there’s nothing I can’t rise above When the Great Physician has come to stay In my heart, fighting off the darkness.
If, is a question that I have met. The answer is locked, but God has the key. If you haven’t heard the news just yet, Then take a seat and prepare to believe. Diagnosed just over a year ago today, My last test came back and I’m cancer free!