Truffoire Reviews Sunscreen is the Best Gift for Your Skin
Sunscreen lotion is also called sun cream, or sunblock and offers protection to the skin of the users from the harsh sunlight. It is a skincare product that helps keep out some of the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are harmful and can cause sunburns or even skin cancer in certain cases where the exposure to sun is too high. Sunscreen is manufactured in different forms like lotions, creams, gels, foams, sprays, powders, etc. Ancient Egyptians protected themselves from the sun using natural ingredients like rice bran, jasmine, and lupine. Truffoire Reviews makes sunscreens for all skin types. There are two types of sunscreens:
Physical Sunscreen- Physical sunscreen when applied on the skin reflects the sun rays so that it is not absorbed into the skin. The main ingredient in a physical sunscreen are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.
Chemical Sunscreen- Chemical sunscreen absorbs UV rays into the body, converts them into heat, and then releases them from the body. The main ingredients are avobenzone, octinoxate, and oxybenzone.
An adverse effect of the sun on our skin- Long exposure of our skin to the sun damages the skin. It reduces the elasticity of the skin by damaging collagen proteins. The damage causes wrinkles and sagging of the skin prematurely. Hyperpigmentation, sunburn, and eythema are caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun also cause skin cancer. The skin also gets adversely affects by the sun as it expedites the aging process of the skin.
IMPORTANCE OF USING A GOOD SUNSCREEN: Protection from Ultraviolet rays- The main objective of applying sunscreen is to protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. The damage of the ozone layer has increased the number of ultraviolet rays that reach the sun, increasing the chances of exposure. Sunscreen has to be applied during summers and winters. Sunscreen is necessary irrespective of whether one is spending time indoors or outdoors.
Lowers risk of skin cancer: The main reason for skin cancer is the exposure of the skin to harmful ultraviolet rays. Studies show that regular application of sunscreen can cut the risk of having skin cancer in half. Basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer usually affect the sunexposed parts of the body.
Prevents Pre-mature aging of the skin: Long exposure to ultraviolet rays can damage the collagen protein found in the skin. Collagen protein is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Less elastic skin means more wrinkles and skin sagging. The ultraviolet rays cause the photoaging of the skin marked by thick, leathery-looking skin.
Prevents Hyperpigmentation- The sun-exposed parts of the skin can become darker than the rest of the skin. This condition is known as hyperpigmentation. Dark spots caused by exposure to the sun can make the skin look ugly.
Skin is the most vital part of our body and protects all our internal organs. The skin needs protection at all times. Sunscreen can help keep our skin looking younger. Truffoire is a luxury brand that makes skincare products for all skin types using natural ingredients like truffles. The sunscreen made by Truffoire is the best gift for your skin. SOURCE CREDIT : 5a478