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Features “Strafe, Tisch, Maia, and Padrino”

He Said, She Said

Sexy Fashions Club Rain

Las Vegas

“tell-tale signs that it’s love”

contents departments 8

Letters From Our Readers


He said, She Said




Nightclub Spotlight

features 6

Featured Talent Strafe”


Featured Model “Tisch”


Aspiring Model “Ebony”


Featured Artist “Padrino”


Featured Dancer “Maia”


Aspiring Model “Rico”

reviews 15

Tell-tale signs that it’s love


Actress Zhang Ziyi


Sexy Fashions



Featured Talent

London, England’s hottest new group “Strafe” came on the scene late 2007. The 5 members of the group are Niko, Toli, Lance, Jess, and Meek. This multi - talented pop group writes, produces, and performs their own music. The first time Truflava Magazine heard them perform was at a concert in Berlin, Germany. The show was amazing, and the crowd went wild. Eventhough Strafe was not the headliner, they definitely took the show. Srafe takes a little time out for an interview with to Truflava. In the third person, Niko talks about their new song “Dreamer” and their upcoming U.S tour. “American fans are more exited than British fans. Louder screams, sexier and prettier.” continued on pg. 24

your letters

AND THE WINNER IS I was so glad to see Bree from America’s Next Top Model on the cover [Jan. 2008]. I think she could’ve won, but it was her attitude. -Kandace F, Atlanta I really liked the story Truflava did on Bree from ANTM, but It could had been longer. I am sure there’s a lot more to this beautiful young lady than was written in a page and a half. -Lauren Rivers, Las Vegas I loved your story on Bree. She is absolutely gorgeous to me. I Think she was clearly the win ner. -Dale Conley, Norcross

“Stacey Dash is just as sexy in her 40’s as she was in her 20’s” -Jason Thomas, NYC

40 AND STILL SEXY Your story on Stcaey Dash was amazing [Feb. 2008]. It was so many things I didn’t know about her, until I read your article. She is a fine lady to be over 40. -Kenneth Lowe, Miami I can’t believe Stacey Dash is over 40 years old, she looks great! The article on her was really revelaing. -Q. Harding, Dallas

Stacey Dash is a favorite of mine. She presents beauty & talent. She deserves more recognition than she receives. Thanks Truflava for doing this article. -Deidra Lett, Chicago You should have more stories on people over 40. I’m 45 y.o, and it’s nice to know that you can be 40 and still sexy. -Tonya Stanley, Philly

STRAIGHT FROM THE UK It’s about time someone writing about up-and-coming artist from Europe. Clipland is one of the hottest new groups over there. America watch-out, cause they are coming. -Percy L, Boston

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Featured Model

Ms. Tisch


ow do you go from a small town in Colorado to the cover of a national magazine? Beautiful model Tisch, on whether she deserves to be in an national Magazine. “Nobody knows me. I’m scared people are gonna be like, who is that girl and why is she on the cover?” The Atlanta resident disbelief is justified; as of last May, the 20-year-old was simply a sophomore at Spelman College dreaming of squeezing her hips into the modeling industry. Tisch or “Ms. Tisch” as she likes to be called was spotted at Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport while she was on spring break. A client already signed to Triworld Entertainment saw her and thought she was absolutely beautiful, so she approached Tisch. “I always wanted to be a model, but I thought I wasn’t tall enough. I always thought you had to be very tall and really thin.” Tisch’s information was passed on to an executive at Triworld Entertament as a prospect. About 2 weeks later I received the phone call. I was so excited but scared, because of my height. The 5’ 3” beauty’s worries were eased right away, after all her questions and concerns were answered. “I was so comfortable talking with them. It felt like I’ve known them all my life. We discussed the terms of their contract, CONTINUED ON PG. 27

“I always wanted to model, but I thought I wasn’t tall enough. I always thought you had to be over 5’8” tall and really thin.” 12

MAY 2008




O L VE tell-tale sign that it’s


got butterflies, good conversation, maybe even great sex, but sometimes it can be difficult to be sure if it’s love. How do you decipher whether the feeling in the pit of your stomach is the nervous quivering of anticipation or yesterday’s lunch? Luckily, knows that “fools in love” are easy to spot. Here are some tell-tale signs that it just be might be love, love, love. You are best friends. You laugh with them more than anyone else. The feelings of anticipation, passion, and connection are mutual. You remember little things about each other like their favorite foods, the places they want to visit and why, their views on everything from politics to fashion, and what they love about their closest buddies, but is it enough? Take a look at these signs to be sure. continued on pg. 21

MAY 2008


Dear Maria & Nicholas, I really like a co-worker, but with my job I’m not allowed to talk to other employees,much less date one! I’m in a real dilema! The circle of employees I can converse with, think she feels the same way. I am dedicated to my job, but cannot get the possibiltiy of a true love out of my head. Hell, we rarely even see each other, but talk on the phone (at work) a lot. However, when we do see each other, it’s a big smile and a brief straring match. On several occasions, she has asked me ( again, on the phone), why I don’t say hi when walking by her work space? I want to, but I am dedicated to my job. What should I do? -Thomas Miller, Alpharetta, GA

Nicholas: I can’t imagine a job where you are forbidden to talk to her! She’s actively asking you to talk to her. Just saying hello and being friendly should never be forbidden!

Maria: It’s great that you guys are talking and being friendly, and talking in person is definitely the next step. I would talk to your manager about this rule, it can’t help employee morale at all! And the next time you talk to her on the phone, mention that your boss for some reason doesn’t want you stopping to chat to people, but that you’ll give her a ‘secret signal’ that you are pleased to see her. Now you two can create your own secret code together, which will draw you together!

Dear Maria & Nicholas, My boyfriend and I have been together 3 months and still not 1 kiss yet! I mean we’ve talked about it, and he said he was ready but he still hasn’t made a move. what do I do? how can I get him to kiss me? Is that a bad thing that he hasnt kissed me yet? Please help me! When we’re alone, how do I come about to kiss him and not make it awkward? I love him and all its just this little step (he’s never had a girlfriend before and I’m his first) -Melissa Peterson, Charlotte, NC

Nicholas: You could just kiss him and get it over. Maria: Perhaps a better idea would be to simply tell him that it’s his responsibility to make the first

move and you want him to kiss you NOW. And tell him that he has to make the first move on other things too and that you will tell him if you are not comfortable.

Nicholas: It’s good that you two are able to talk about this subject instead of suffering in silence. Good luck!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in He Said, She Said is not the opinion of Truflava Magazine or its affiliates.

By Maria and Nicholas Gonzalas MAY 2008


Tiffany & Co. NEW YORK

Diamonds Are Forever




hen Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi was 11, she enrolled in the Beijing Dance Academy, training at the prestigious institution for 6 years and expecting to make a living as a dancer in her native country. That all changed when auteur Zhang Yimou cast her in his 1999 production “The Road Home” --- and she embarked on an acting career that has included major roles in 2000’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and Yimou’s 2004 hit actioner “House of Flying Daggers.” But Zhang’s dance background p r o v e d particularly usful for her latest project, Sony’s “Memoirs of a Geisha,” directed by Rob Marshall, who put the actress through a rigorous two - month boot camp prior to the start of principal photography. “Everyday we had to learn all the small gestures that you need to know to become a geisha: walking, kneeling, sitting down & dancing,” Zhang says. “And my character (Sayuri Nitta) had a solo dance, so for that, I practice to a very high degree.” But not even her years on the stage could prepare Zhang for the strain of dancing in platform shoes in a darkened theater. At one point during shooting, she suffered a bad fall. “I just fell on the stage, ”she says. “It was really-- now that I’m thinking about it --quite scary. But thank God, nothing serious happened. ”The most challenging aspect of the role, though, had nothing to do with the physicality of the performance. It was the language barrier: Zhang spoke little English when she signed on to do the film. “I was afraid this would be a big obstacle for me, ”she says. “Because a long time ago, with Zhang Yimou, we talked about a c t i n g in a second language, and he said, “It is impossible to act a deep character in a second language because it is so hard to get into the character when it is not in your mother language.” “What he said stuck with me,” Zhang adds. “So when I got the chance to make this movie I told myself: “Could I really do it?” Because a famous director said, No. “In fact, Zhang says that when it came time to make “Memoirs,” she had toovercome a great dealof self - doubt as to whether she would be up to the task at hand. “I felt this tremendous pressure,” she says. “It was a very long casting process, and at the end, they picked me, put all their hopes on me. So I told myself: “I can’t let them have any regrets. I have to live up to their expectations.” Now that “Geisha” is complete and Zhang is being touted as a potential Oscar contender, she feels proud of what she was able to achieve. “I am so happy that I could get into my character’s mind very deeply,” she says. “I am not afraid anymore.” -A. Thomas Murphy

Zhang Ziyi

continued from pg. 15

What he’ll do:

O L tell-tale signs that it’s love

1) Put you on his “A” list (pay attention -- You’ll know if you’re not on it) 2) Introduce you to his family 3) Make plans for the future (near and far) 4) Do things outside of his “box” with you 5) Share his secrets and his dreams for the future with you 6) Worry about impressing your friends 7) Come right over when you ask him to 8) Try to do things that comfort you or relieve some of your stress (like surprise you with dinner on a night you are working, rub your feet, or ask about your day) 9) Appreciate and reciprocate your feelings and your actions like giving you a massage after he gets one from you, doing the dishes after dinner, or sending you a gift

What she’ll do:

1) Share her embarrassing moments and fantasies with you 2) Little things all throughout the day that let you know she’s thinking about you 3) Fantasize about her life with you, getting married, having kids, growing old, traveling the world, etc. 4) Tease you 5) Hang out with your mother or talk to her on the phone 6) Appreciate and reciprocate your feelings and your actions, like offering to pay for dinner, getting tickets to a game or event she knows you’ll love, or cooking for you 7) Ask questions about your life -- past, present, and future 8) Flirt with you 9) How you’ll feel: 10) Excited, yet relaxed 11) Vulnerable, yet strong 12) Comfortable enough to be yourself in front of them 13) Like you want to include them in everything (but you won’t desert your usual crowd to be in a relationship with them) 14) You’ll miss them when they’re not around 15) You can’t wait to see them, talk to them, play with them, and kiss them 16) You’ll find yourself wanting to make plans to have them all to yourself 17) You’ll have urges to do romantic things (maybe on the verge of stalker-like things) that you never thought you’d never do 18) Signs that it’s not love: 19) They blow you off or cancel dates 20) Talking about commitment makes either of you uneasy or nervous 21) Either of you are seeing other people 22) Things are moving too quickly for one of you 23) You find your partner lacking when compared to other people 24) You watch a love scene in a movie or hear a love song and you feel a strong longing or desire for what you don’t have


MAY 2008

V E O How you’ll feel:

1) Excited, yet relaxed 2) Vulnerable, yet strong 3) Comfortable enough to be yourself in front of them 4) Like you want to include them in everything (but you won’t desert your usual crowd to be in a relationship with them) 5) You’ll miss them when they’re not around 6) You can’t wait to see them, talk to them, play with them, and kiss them 7) You’ll find yourself wanting to make plans to have them all to yourself 8) You’ll have urges to do romantic things (maybe on the verge of stalker-like things) that you never thought you’d never do 9) Signs that it’s not love: 10) They blow you off or cancel dates 11) Talking about commitment makes either of you uneasy or nervous 12) Either of you are seeing other people 13) Things are moving too quickly for one of you 14) You find your partner lacking when compared to other people 15) You watch a love scene in a movie or hear a love song and you feel a strong longing or desire for what you don’t have

Tips before you commit:

1) Take the time to compare who you have with who you know deep down that you desire and deserve. Likewise, compare the relationship you have with the one you know you really want. 2) Pay attention to how they treat their friends, family, business associates, and strangers. This is a good indication of how they will treat you over time and a big insight into their overall character. 3) Ask yourself how well you know them and how well they know you.

Article Contributed By: MAY 2008


TO UR Entertainment

Bone Thugs-n-harmony, the sensational hip - hop foursome from Cleveland, Ohio is together again and touring in 2008. We’re told the group have performed in cities like Nashville, New York, Las Vegas, Washington, D.C. and more. The group, discovered by the late Easy E has sold more than 15 million records worldwide, and has recorded with rap legends such as the Notorious B.I.G and Tupac. Red Hot Chili Peppers 2007 tour kicked - off on Aug. 18, at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO. Their tour also includes Canada, and ended in Stockholm, Sweden on December 11, 2007. The Red Hot Chili Peppers new album “Dani California” was released on September 5, 2007. Hot latin sensation Shakira began touring the fall of ‘06. The Oral Fixation tour started in Anaheim, CA and concluded in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The singer & songwriter has lit - up the pop music world for close to an decade now selling more than 30 million records worldwide. Multi -talented R&B singer Chris Brown started his 2007 North American tour on August,17th at the Riverbend Music Center in Cincinnati, Ohio and concluded in Raleigh, N C. on Feb. 19, 2008. This Virginia native also exhibits skills as a songwriter and dancer. For his first hit, Jive Records hooked him up with hot producer Scott Storch. Mary J. Blige is also back on the scene with her minitour that started December 18, 2007 at the Germain Amphitheater in Columbus, Ohio concluded in Mountain View, California on February 10, 2008 Mary J. Blige signed with Sean “Puffy” Combs Bad Boy Entertainment over fifteen years ago, but left the label a few years ago and sign with Geffen Records. She released “The Breahthrough” in 2005. The album went double-platinum. i MAY 2008


sr f a t e continued from pg. 21

How are you, Niko? A little anxious, but OK.

Let’s hear about Strafe. How did the band come together? We formed at University when Lance placed a message to every student on the University internet system. The band has been together for a few years now and you’re now focusing on the United States. What attracts you about the U.S music scene? The amazing passion for British bands fans at gigs have, and the fact that I like being in the U.S. Do you have any concerns about the new venture? No, not at all. “Dreamer” is a really upbeat, vibrant and energetic album but there’s also a great attention to detail with the vocal harmonies.

Tell me about making the album? We’ve always been obsessed with vocal harmonies, growing up listening to the Beach Boys and Queen. We worked them all out at the demo stage in Lance’s bedroom then took them into the studio and recreated them note for note. We made the album in LA with producer Kenneth Jones. It was fun, never a chore. You’re on tour right now, how’s that going? Any good tour stories? The tour is going great. They are a bunch of great guys and audiences have been great. Our tour bus driver smacked someone over the head with his tyre-beater in Seattle, Much blood! How are you finding the reaction from American fans different to that of British fans? American fans are more exited than British fans. Louder screams, sexier and prettier.

I read that Lance wrote “hundreds” of songs in his teens. What motivated such prolific songwriting and will the songs ever see the light of day? A creative mind cannot be dimmed! Lots of the songs were inspired by made up fantasy girls that a teenage boy thinks about, as well as songs about useless policeman and poor health. Some of the songs are really good and may well be used at later date. Who are some underrated bands that you think deserve more attention? In my opinion, most bands are overrated.

What have you been listening to recently? I currently am listening to Of Montreal – Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?, Rivers Cuomo – Alone: The Home Demos, RATATAT – Classics, The Fiery Furnaces – Widow City If you could have written any song, what song do you wish you had written and why? Bohemian Rhapsody – it’s so clever, musically astonishing and ridiculously brave it makes me depressed. Anything you would like to add? I’m a big fan of Eva Mendes. Thanks for your time!


MAY 2008





continued from pg. 12

..and they even sent me a sample of it to read over and consult an attorney. What made me really relaxed was when they told me that I didn’t have to pay anything. They arranged a test shoot with a photographer close to my home. I had so much fun that day.” Once she signed her contract the modeling gigs started flowing in. Her summer vacation was all but a typical summer vacation. “My friends thought I was working too hard and traveling too much. Some were just a little upset because I couldn’t spend much time with them, but I was having fun.. To me, it was like getting paid to play all day.” We asked Tisch, now that you are living the dream of being a model, what does your future hold for you? “Well, I’m an english major at Spelman right now, and I always thought I would be a teacher or some sort of educator becaue I love children. However, I don’t know how far my modeling career will go. I hope to someday get into acting, but if not I still have my college degree to fall back on.” This young lady has brains and beauty and that’s a great combination. We spoke with Ms. Tisch for about an hour over lunch, and we couldn’t help but to realize the attention this young lady attracts. We asked if there was anyone special in her life. “I had a boyfriend my freshman year in college, but it was a lot of stress on me. I would get a lot of attention from guys and some girls (she smiles). He was jealous of everybody, he’d put me down, telling me I was nothing without him, that no one wanted me. He said I wasn’t pretty, things like that. I was so blind for a while and I started to believe him. I was in love (so I thought). All my friends told me to leave him along, but I didn’t listen. Then I caught him cheating and I was crushed, I was depressed for weeks. After that I didn’t want to date anyone, I only went to class then back to my room. That was the best thing that could’ve happen to me. I’m a much stronger person now, more maturer, I see things much more clearly.” This beautiful young lady does seen mature beyond her years. We asked Tisch, how will she juggle school and modeling. “School will always come first and Triworld Entertainment understands that. Actually they encourage education.” It was a joy interviewing Ms.Tisch, and we look forward to seeing more of her, perhaps on TV, in a magazine, or in the classroom this young lady will do her thang! -Tracie Snyder

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I sense, therefore I am


Aspiring Model


MAY 2008

Ebony is an Aspiring Model from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has been modeling for 2yrs now. Her passions are traveling, fashion and reading. Look for Ebony on an upcoming cover of Truflava Magazine.


Name: Homeown: Age: Height: Weight:

Ebony R. Pittsburgh, PA 23 5’ 9” 120 lbs

MAY 2008


Nightclub Spotlight










The pleasures of Rain Las Vegas lie in its contradictions. Like the hotel-casino that hosts it, the club was built for locals but encourages out-of-state visitors to leave the Strip and party down. It is cavernous without feeling impersonal, unique without being gimmicky and elegant without being pretentious.

As you enter the club through a bright, futuristic tunnel, the club’s visual charms hit you immediately. The state-of-the -art lighting system washes the room in color and motion, the dance floor seems to float on a bed of fountains and a wall of Strip-facing windows compliment the membersonly “cabanas” on the upper level. The latter may seem an unusual design choice for a discotheque traditionally windowless boxes -- but it pays off. Rain is very much part of the fun that’s going on outside, a party that hasn’t stopped for years. The sound system is good and sharp--

all the better to pump out those deep house, techno, and hip- hop, beats -- and live shows by the likes of Keisha Cole help to draw out Las Vegas’ prettiest, best-dressed crowd. Contrary to popular perception, not only does it rain in the desert, but it’s also pure pleasure when it does. Club Rain, is one of Las Vegas’s hottest night spot. We visited this club a few times and found it just as exciting each time. We arrived at the club about 11 pm on a Friday night in July. We were amazed with this 13,000 sq. ft. nightclub. Although it was early and the club doesn’t close til after 4:00am, the line outside was enormous. As we pulled in the parking lot there were spaces available, but valet service was too convenient to pass up. The cost for valet was $20. The cover charge of $25 was waived for the staff of Truflava Magazine. Once inside you will find brass, plush, and crystal everywhere. The elegance of Rain is too extraordinary for words. The drinks were quite pricey, but worth it. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was enriching. The women are as beautiful as they come. Truflava Magazine likes Rain and plans to return often. Club Rain Las Vegas receives our stamp of approval! i

Your style. Your future. Your life.

Featuring Aspiring New Talent


Featured Artist


MAY 2008

PA D R I N O He’s clever, witty and highly intelligent - and he knows more about the game than the friend of a friend of a friend of yours who knows everything about the game. Carlos Sanchez, aka “Padrino” left his footprints in the industry through working behind the scenes where he established imperative relationships with some of the most notable players in hip-hop. His love for lyricism eventually pushed him to shove aside the curtains and step in front of the mic – and the fans are already glad that it did. Kicking off the New Year with a smirk and smile, Padrino leaks quality joints with a guest-list that most up-and-coming artists only dream and drool over, including Kool G Rap, Styles P and Papoose. With an ambitious agenda on his plate for ‘08, Padrino set out to release two new singles, beginning with Untold Scriptures, and his first solo album all before the end of this year. And why shouldn’t he smirk? He knows that his lyrical capabilities are something that many rappers have not developed throughout their entire careers. He is prepared, devoted and hungry, and his love for hip-hop never came with a prenup. i MAY 2008




Featured Dancer

Maia is no stranger to the

stage. She’s been dancing almost all her life. Born & raised in Southeast Asia, this beauty is 5’5”, 120lbs. With piercing eyes, a radi ant smile, and legs to die for. Maia has surley begun her journey to the top. CONTINUED ON PG. 54



Aspiring Model

Rico is an Brazilian model living and working in Miami, FL. Rico enjoys surfing and traveling in his spare time. He is one of the more experienced models we‘ve featured in this magazine. Rico have been in the industry for a long time, 5 years in Brazil and a year in the United States. He has worked on many different projects and featured in many magazines and fashion shows all over the world including New York, Brazil, and India. Along the way he has picked-up a few awards such as Best new Model of Brazil in 2004. Look out for Rico in an upcoming issue of Truflava Magazine. 50

MAY 2008

Name: Homeown: Age: Height: Weight:

Rico Ferreira Bahia, Brazil 25 6’ 1” 185 lbs

MAY 2008


a new fragrance

Calvin Klein

continued from pg. 48

This up-and-coming dancer started her career at the age of 5; when her mother put her in ballet classes at a dance school in Asia. She then ventured off into different styles of dance like African and Jazz at the age of 10. She didn’t begin to have interest in hip hop until the age of 13 when she she moved to New York with her mother. Once in NYC she began stepping with a teen group called “Blend”. “Being apart of Blend, helped me as a teen. It kept me out of trouble and off the streets. It also guided me to believe in myself not only personally but as a performer”. While in Blend, Maia had the opportunity to perform along side many of yesterday and today’s hottest artist. Recently, she choreographed her first hip hop group dance at the Headliners Competition where she was the youngest choreographer and it received a gold and was nominated to the World Hip Hop Championships in Germany. Her solo that she had choreographed as well received a gold, was nominated for Germany, and she won title as Ms. Teen Headliner. “I love hip-hop and dance all together, it made me a better person. I hope to one day own my own dance company and become a professional choreographer/dancer like Laurie Ann Gibson, and get to choreograph tours, shows, and movies. I love what I do and have a big picture in mind that includes dance coming back in a big way in every medium, including TV and films,” concludes the dance diva. Specifically, Maia foresees a return of interest for movie musicals and notes that it’s actually been ignited by the successful, dance-happy flicks Moulin Rouge, Chicago and Save the Last Dance. “There is a whole underground world of dance that is beginning to resurface again,” she states matter-of-factly. i

“When you perform,” says Maia, “There is no one way to do it.”



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