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YLA is a start-up educational service collaborating with Vietnam University system to provide students soft skills training courses.


The image that refects through YLA logo should be young, elegant, and inspiring as YLA team tends to bring up a new way for students to learn practical experience and skills to self-develop and get into a successful career.

I have designed several options of the logo to express the ideas that came to my mind.

Concept| The Message Eagle

The logo which performs in fow-motion look combines the shape of negative-space eagle spreading its wings with a message box. This concept refects the power of words to motivate young people becoming a brave and wise leader of their own life, as an eagle.

Concept| Number 9

Number 9 stands for wisdom and leadership. It is also the number of perfection. The symbol 9 in the logo is the combination of letter L and letter Y shape. Together, they represents a dynamic, creative, and inspring image of YLA.

Concept| The Triangle Ladder

If you want to reach the success, become a pioneer, you must dare to climb "the ladder". Yet, "the ladder" here, is a triangle - shaped from letter Y, L and A, which refers to the stability, confdence and endurance of knowledge and capability.

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