NHASAN STUDIO 1998 The first non-profit public art space of experimental art, that was realized in a private home of artist Nguyen Manh Duc. It is the only underground artist run art space that was able to be realized in the political scene in Vietnam for 15 years, under a family platform.
NHÀ SÀN STUDIO 1998 - 2013 Nha San Studio is a Muong ethnic minority house on stilts, transported from the mountains of Hoa Binh province to Hanoi and transformed into the first privately run non-profit arts space in Vietnam. Nhasan Studio is a venue for interdisciplinary and non-traditional experimentation for Vietnamese artists, and a nexus for international art exchange: hosting lectures, workshops, sound, installation, video, and performance art. The first studio of experimental art in Vietnam was founded in 1998 by artist/curator Tran Luong and antique restorer Nguyen Manh Duc. Nha San offers Vietnamese artists the chance to create, exhibit and respond to work. In a sociopolitical environment where experimental art can be a risky endeavor, Nhasan provides the crucial space needed for developing artistic practices, and sharing experiences - both invigorating and engendering an artistic community that is hungry for change. Nhasan provides Vietnamese artists with the opportunity to collaborate with international artists creating cultural exchange, and networks to develop, and learn from the world beyond the country’s borders. Since 1998, Nhà Sàn has hosted many exhibitions, open studios, workshop, lectures, talks... of local and international artists | curators. Some highlight events such as: Asia Windoe 2002, Emerging artist program every year, IN:ACT international performance art event, Skylines With Flying People 2012... Nha San studio nurtured the first generation of Vietnamese avant-garde artists emergent in the early 1990’s, including Truong Tan, Tran Luong, Nguyen Van Cuong, Nguyen Minh Thanh, Nguyen Quang Huy, Ea Sola, and Kim Ngoc. Nhasan has since become a valuable resource for a younger generation to continue developing their own cultural scene. These artists, who include Nguyen Manh Hung, Pham Ngoc Duong, Nguyen Huy An, Nguyen Phuong Linh, Lai Dieu Ha, The Appendix group., Nguyen Trinh Thi.... are working to create dynamic, and contemporary art. Over the span of twelve years, Nha San Studio has been generously supported by and partnered with many foundations, and institutions, including: The Asian Cultural Council, Art Network Asia, The Ford Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, The United States Embassy, The Goethe Institute, The British Council, The Cultural Development and Exchange Fund of the Danish embassy, Institut für Auslandsneziehungen (IFA), Nippon International Performance Art Festival, Office for Contemporary Art (Norway), Norway Arts Council, Freedom of Expression Foundation Oslo, Royal Norwegian Embassy Hanoi, City of Oslo and The Dong Song Today Foundation, Prince Claus and Moondrian Foundation from Holland...
Our Mission Nha San Studio’s mission is to build a stable structure for contemporary art to grow in Viet Nam. Founded in 1998, Nha San was the first artist-led, non-profit alternative arts organization in the country. In a restrictive cultural and political environment, Nha San’s ongoing aim is to provide marginalized artists with the material necessities, and the courage to create. Our studio acts as a crucial space for experimentation, transmission and exposure. We work beyond the limits of strict academic teaching and the creative constraints of commercial galleries. Nha San is here to cultivate, to support and to challenge artists passionate about exploring the here and now.
Nhasan is a second home of artists. Upstair is full of traditional statues and furnitures, where dinners and talks are hosted.
Downstair is studio and exhibition venue to display experimental work.
Some experimental performance, stages at Nha San since 1998
Many artists in Vietnam found performance a perfect tool to create. It would happened quickly anytime in public, a man with his own body, without a problem of censorship and does not cost much to practice. Nhasan Studio hosted IN:ACT, an international performance art event with 5 days of performance, talk, workshops... at various exhibition venues and encourages artists to go out to public sites to explore new possibilities to create in Hano. After the last performance by artist Lai Dieu Ha, in which she got naked in front of public audiences and quickly well known as the first female artist provoke her nudity, Nhasan had to close down all of activities by strict censorship.
Nha San transformed...
SKYLINES WITH FLYING PEOPLE 2012 Since its unofficial closing in 2010, Nhà Sàn Studio has temporarily put all of its artistic activities on hold due to strict censorships. However, regardless of such restrictive political environment, the Nhà Sàn artists have never stopped adapting to on-going changes and finding other ways to continue working; whilst carrying on supporting each other and developing public art audiences. Skylines With Flying People – a mobile interdisciplinary art space and working studio - was born as the answer to the problem. Over the span of five weeks in December 2012, and with the participation of artists and curators from Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Germany, America, China and Serbia, the project took place at the Japan Foundation and was the first of its kind in Hanoi. The project consisted of three multimedia exhibitions; a pop-up gallery; an interactive kitchen; studios for new media, performance art and sewing; daily studio visits opened to the public; and a series of creative and educational discussions and workshops on temporary working space and alternative ways of art-making and exhibiting.
Japan Foundation before renovation
Skylines With Flying People Art Space after renovation
Sewing Factory
Family Kitchen
MAC Hanoi
Media Lab
SWFP includes 7 studios Sewing Factory, Family Kitchen, MAC HANOI, Media Lab, Gymnastic field, ESCAPE mobile gallery, Mini Theater, 2 exhibition halls in the show room and the library, and 1 information center
Exhibition hall | Stage
Gymnastic Filed
Information Center Mini Theater
Escape - Mobile Gallery
Skylines With Flying People 2012 to be continued... NHA SAN COLLECTIVE 2013 In June 2013, the Nhà Sàn artists formed a new space for the local experimental and contemporary art scene at an abandoned pharmaceutical factory in Hai Ba Trung district, the center of the city Hanoi, named Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE. The new location manifests Vietnam’s complex history and political contexts, and we as a new generation of Nha San want to change it into a place for arts and experimentation, a meeting point for artists, scientists, cultural activists and other creative people. Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE art space is the heart, the hope for the local art scene in Hanoi. Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE is not a museum, a commercial gallery or an international culture institute where completed works are presented by established artists. Just like Nhà Sàn Studio before, it is a working studio to nurture where artists can create, collaborate, be given advices, critiques, and have chances to meet with international artists, curators. Works that are presented at open studio every month could be finished or not, but the process of developing idea and working to improve the quality of the art work for local artists is what Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE focus on. Activities such as: video screening, artist talk, symposium, lecture, artist in residency, exchange programs with other international art spaces, institutes... are hosted to focus on building capacity and improve the quality of the art work for local artists.
Mission - Provide artists with an open space to create, experiment and experience. - Improve the local art scene by encouraging communal interaction and mutual collaboration between artists, curators, writers, educators and the public art audience.
Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE opened on Friday 21 June 2013 with “DESTRUO”, an exhibition by guest artists Phan Thao Nguyen, Truong Cong Tung, Anahita Ghazvinizadeh and Hyounsang Yoo. Artworks from the Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE’s private collection, including works by members Nguyen Phuong Linh, Nguyen Quoc Thanh, Nguyen Tran Nam and Tuan Mami, were introduced.
Black room: exhibition venue - working studio
White room: exhibition venue - working studio
Art shop with creative design and artist books to raise fund for NhĂ SĂ n Collective to run our program.
Lobby for reception
Artist talks and Workshops with various artists from Holland, Singapore, Japan, Spain and Vietnam.
Performance talk and workshop with Seiji Shimoda, director of NIPAF Japan
Artists work in studios
Open Studio: We organize open studio for selected artists who work at Nha San Collective studios every month. Beside being given chance to have a working space (at least 1 month) the selected artist also have chance to meet with curators, experience artists, professors, writers... to have critique course, one by one session.... to improve his/her capacity
Open Studio in July by Nguyen Trinh Thi
Educational program Nurturing the young generation is what we focus on. Beside hosting classes of contemporary art by professors from the Fine Arts University, we also organize talks, lectures, critique courses with young artists, art students by experienced, intellectual artists, historians, scientists, musician, performers...
to be continued...
Thank you!