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A Message from the TSA Chair

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Pause for Thought

Pause for Thought

RACHEL VAUGHAN CO98 CHAIR OF THE TRURO SCHOOL ASSOCIATION TEACHER OF ENGLISH AND DRAMA HEAD OF CHORISTERS It is my great pleasure to welcome you to another issue of the Truronian. As our cover image shows, the school grounds are bursting to life with spring colour: after the disruptions of the past two years, staff and pupils alike seem to be appreciating our beautiful site and the power of being together as a community even more than usual. You can read more about the work of our gardeners and grounds team on pages 48-55; we are all looking forward to the official opening of the memorial Rose Garden - more on this to follow.

The committee will be meeting again soon and we are really looking forward to being able to plan events in earnest again. I am so pleased that we have been able to confirm the date of our Annual Reunion Dinner and we hope to welcome more of you than ever back to school on Saturday 22 October. Please look out for dates for more events coming soon. If you have ideas for events which you would like to see in the TSA calendar, please let us know or, better still, come and join our friendly committee - new members are always welcome. Our careers network, Truro School Connected, goes from strength to strength and has been a really valuable resource for both current pupils and alumni. You can read more about this on pages 38-40 and I know that my colleague, Nancy Kenward CO96, would love to hear from alumni who would like to get involved.


I always feel enormously proud of our Truro School community, and my own varied connections with it, when I read the Truronian, but never more so than with this particular issue, which includes news of my friend and former classmate James Turnbull CO98’s amazing work rescuing a young woman from Afghanistan (p28). I wonder whether I am unique in finding news of my old teachers, classmates, pupils, colleagues and family members in this issue!

Truronians both ‘Old’ and current have been moved to fundraise in support of the crisis in Ukraine and, in the last week, the choristers have recorded a choral work in Ukrainian for release on Mother’s Day. You can read more about their crowdfunder and the story of the music here on the school website, under Latest News – Choristers Sing for UNICEF (or click here if you’re reading online).

As always, the committee and I would like to extend our grateful thanks to the Development Office team for putting together such a wonderful publication, and we hope you enjoy reading about your community. Please do keep sending in your news and, if you would like help getting in touch with old classmates, do let us know.

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