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School/Parent Communication
Daily Bulletin
Important daily messages are communicated to pupils via the Daily Bulletin. The Daily Bulletin is read out to pupils during Tutor Time, it is also available to view via Everest.
Friday Bulletin
The Friday Bulletin contains news and images from the week, along with notices, calendar dates, sports results, details about events and more.
Parents are sent an email to view the Weekly Bulletin – it is important that we have your email address(es). Please email the school office: enquiries@truroschool. com if you need to update your email. The Bulletin is also available to view in the Parent section of the School website.
School Website
The Truro School website www.truroschool.com is designed to provide an overview of life at Truro School. There is a ‘Parent’ tab with useful information for parents, along with links to the Parent Portal and School Calendars.
Parent Portal - Everest
Truro School offers a Parent Portal and in the first few weeks of term each parent will receive an invitation via email from everestadmin@truroschool.com, which contains a link to “Start your Journey”, this will begin the registration process and allow you to link your account to the school. Once you have completed the registration process, a second email will follow, directing you to the Apple or Google Play stores where you can download the app. You can also access in a web browser on your computer, if you prefer. The Everest Home Page will take you to your child’s information. It will also give you access to their timetable, homework and notifications such as achievements, attendance and school reports. There is also a link to the daily bulletin as well as a shared docs area which will contain copies of correspondence by year group.
Pupil Portal - Everest
Every pupil will, on arrival, be shown how to log on to “Everest”, the pupil’s version of the Parent Portal. Here they can view their timetable, homework planner, along with notifications, commendations, attendance and reports. Tutors will work with the pupils to see that they are using it effectively.
School Calendar - MISOCS
This is published at the beginning of every term giving all the main dates for the term’s activities. The School Calendar and School Sports Calendar are available online through our website truroschool.com. Our CoCurricular Calendar is available via the Parent Portal, where parents can follow the MiSocs link to access clubs and Activities for their child’s year group. Last minute changes to events are updated online throughout the term, so please do check the online calendar. It can be downloaded on your phone or tablet—instructions are available on our website.
Sports Calendar - MISOCS
The School Sports Calendar gives details of all upcoming fixtures along with results and photographs. It is therefore password protected; the password, and detailed instructions of how to use the system, will be e-mailed to all parents at the beginning of the year.
Important Information from School
Important messages from your child’s tutor, head of year and teachers will be communicated via email.
Text messages are sent in extreme circumstances, such as unplanned school closures. Please ensure we have the correct email and telephone details for you.
School Reports and Parents’ Evening
Regular feedback is key to ensuring academic achievement is on track. Parents will receive:
Autumn Term: Two progress summary reports Spring Term: Two progress summary reports Summer Term: End of year exam report Full written reports appear once each academic year. Full reports include subject comments, targets and reports from the Tutor and Head of Year.
If you wish to discuss the grades given, the first point of contact for day pupils is the Form Tutor and for boarders the Housemaster or Housemistress
We are pleased to invite parents to attend a parents’ evening each year. Bookings are made through a platform called SchoolCloud. You will be sent instructions on how to use this prior to the event. Pupils are invited to attend as well although this is not compulsory. Dates will be advertised in the termly calendar.
1st Year and Sixth Form parents are also invited to a Welcome Evening at the start of their Autumn Term.
Emails are used as the main method of communication to parents. Messages regarding trips, clubs, activities, lessons etc will be sent via email.
If you wish to contact the school, please email your Form Tutor or enquiries@truroschool.com. They will be able to forward your message to the appropriate person. We do need to keep our information about you up to date: if any of your contact details change, such as email address, address and telephone numbers, including mobiles, please don’t forget to let us know. You can email your changes to enquiries@
We are making increasing use of email and texting in our communications with parents and so it is very important that the school holds accurate and up-todate contact details of all parents. Thank you.
Absence from School
Permission for absence for extra holidays and other similar occasions can only come from the Deputy Head. This includes returning late at the beginning of term or leaving early at the end. We ask that absence should be kept to an absolute minimum. The school terms are intensive; absence leads to problems of missed work and can have an unsettling effect on the students remaining behind. If students know in advance that they are going to be absent from school, they must tell the teachers of the lessons they will miss, as a matter of courtesy as well as information.
Parents must email the Deputy Head, Emma Ellison on eke@truroschool.com to seek permission for holiday requests during term time, or any other absence requests.
If your child is unwell or will be absent from school, please contact the absence hotline on 01872 246118.
Social Media
Our social media sites are regularly updated to give a snapshot of life at Truro School, sharing pupil achievements and images from school events. We can be followed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.
Terraces Magazine
Terraces, the school magazine, is published annually. It is available as a printed copy and given out to the eldest pupil of each family at Truro School. Additional copies are available from the front office.