Trussell Trust Newslink Summer 2013

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MONEY MAKING MACHINE Whirring away at the back of the Trussell Trust’s warehouse is the bobbins machine which strips the wool from Wilton Carpet Factory’s used bobbins for recycling. This relatively unknown enterprise has been running for many years, and in the past financial year alone has generated over £5,000 to help fund Trussell Trust projects. Dedicated volunteers, many of whom suffer from mental health problems, man the machine. Chris has been volunteering on the project for several years. He says ‘It gives me a bit more confidence. I feel like I’m contributing something which is good. It gives you a bit more selfworth’.

COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES “If it hadn’t been for Trussell Trust, I basically wouldn’t be here… it’s been a life saver”. Mandy and Jacqui are sharing a joke over a mini mountain of donations in The Trussell Trust warehouse. This is a typical scene - our invaluable volunteers Mandy and Jacqui have given so much time to The Trussell Trust over the last few years. These two friends have both been through a lot and here they share how volunteering helped them through.

Volunteering helped Jacqui to cope after three of her close friends passed away and she lost her home. She said: ‘If I had any problems and I needed someone to talk to there was always someone around…it helped a lot. Volunteering has made a great big difference, sometimes I think that if it hadn’t been for Trussell Trust, I basically wouldn’t be here... it’s been a life saver.’

Mandy says: ‘I have bipolar depression and getting out of bed was an everyday struggle. Volunteering with Trussell Trust has given me a reason to get up in the morning, it’s shown me that I can do things I never thought I could. The Trussell Trust has done more for me than all the times I’ve been down to the hospital’.

‘In the warehouse you can’t stay down for long, you might come in feeling miserable but you certainly don’t go home feeling miserable!’

‘A foodbox would’ve been cause for celebration’ says our new Farnborough Shop Manager ‘I grew up in poverty and if my mother had been given a foodbox it would’ve been a cause for celebration’ says Farnborough Shop Manager Indra Russell. In March we opened a new charity shop in Farnborough to help raise much-needed funds and Indra’s passion is helping to make it a success.

Salisbury volunteers gave 23,000 hours in 12 months!

CLEAN TO RAISE ESSENTIAL FUNDS FOR FOODBANKS Ever wanted to raise vital funds for the Trussell Trust but haven’t quite found the motivation to run that half marathon or been brave enough to bathe in baked beans? Well here’s the easy option - donate to our charity shops! All those never worn shoes, misguided gifts and unread books which are gathering dust could find a good home through our charity shops. We especially need ladies clothes, shoes, and handbags.

She says: ‘The instant I heard about Trussell Trust foodbanks I knew that I had to get involved. I hate the thought of people going hungry. To be given a chance to help stop others facing the challenges my family grew up with is incredible. What’s more, you never know the struggles of the person who comes into the shop, you could have the chance to make or break their day.’

Thank you !!

We’ve also opened a new second-hand furniture store on Stephenson Road in Salisbury. We’re delighted that our two new shops are helping generate valuable income to help more people in crisis. Thank you to everyone who’s donated or popped in to pick up a bargain.

Find out more: or 01722 580 183.

Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7HL

THE TRUSSELL TRUST The Trussell Trust is a Christian charity that partners with local communities to combat poverty in the UK and Bulgaria.

01722 580 180

Autumn 2013

FOODBANK GIVES HOPE TO MALNOURISHED MUM Suzanne, David and their two boys live in a rundown, concrete towerblock, on an estate outside Glasgow. Just eighteen months ago they were living a comfortable life in a family home in the suburbs. The problems began when Suzanne was made redundant whilst expecting their second child. Shortly afterwards, David, a clinical nurse, suffered a breakdown forcing him to leave work. Suddenly the family’s finances plummeted and they lost their home just weeks before the baby was due. Officially homeless, baby Mason was born and Suzanne and David found themselves skipping meals to feed their two boys. Between them they lost eight stone in weight and Suzanne was too malnourished to breast feed. Disastrously, a mistake by the benefits office meant that the family’s income was then halved, forcing them to live on just £50 per week. The local housing association was so concerned that they referred Suzanne to the foodbank. Suzanne says: ‘The foodbank was a lifesaver. It meant we could eat together as a family for the first time in months. The emotional support was almost as good as the food.’

“ I’ve worked for 25 years and there I was in tears at the Jobcentre with a baby on my lap being told we’d only have £50 per week to live on. Everything I knew and loved about our lives has gone. It’s frightening. I can’t sleep. I lie awake at night worrying that I’m not able to feed my family. I went to the foodbank and it was just such a relief to finally speak to someone who cared and genuinely wanted to help. They gave us hope.” - Mum of two, Suzanne We believe that no-one should go hungry in the UK. Please join us in the fight against food poverty. Respond inside

TRUSSELL TRUST RECOGNISED FOR MEETING GROWING NEED Thanks to people like you, foodbanks are responding quickly to the growing problem of UK hunger by providing emergency food to more people in crisis and signposting them to further support. Charity CEOs from across the UK recognised the impact of foodbanks recently by voting The Trussell Trust as Britain’s ‘Most Admired Charity 2013’ at Third Sector’s Awards ceremony in London. Amazing!

Trussell Trust’s David McAuley accepts award from last year’s winners Help for Heroes


The Trussell Trust is Reg. Charity No. 1110522 - Reg. Ltd. Co. No. 5434524 - Reg. in England & Wales

people received three days emergency food from a Trussell Trust foodbank in 2012-13 including over 126,000 children

170 percent increase in numbers helped compared with last year

70 percent increase in numbers of Trussell Trust foodbanks launched.



I’d like to change lives... Together we can transform lives. Please fill in this response form and send it back to us at the address below. If you are a UK taxpayer please add 25% to your donation by filling out the gift aid section. Thank you! You can also give online at or by card over the phone: 01722 580 176.

Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU. Each month 150 children are abandoned and every year 10,000 girls and women are trafficked. The Trussell Trust’s work began in Bulgaria and we’re working with our in-country partner to enable Bulgaria’s most vulnerable young people to break out of poverty and build futures free from crime, prostitution and homelessness.


The House of Opportunity is a residential training programme offering orphanage leavers the chance to learn vital life skills and gain work experience in a safe and loving environment.

Your details Full Name

This April, the Trussell Trust launched its biggest event to date - the Foodbank Trolley Push! ‘Phil’ the trolley travelled the length and breadth of Britain on a tour of over forty foodbanks to raise awareness of UK food poverty.

Address Postcode Telephone


Did you know that we have an electronic newsletter that we send bi-monthly?

Breaking out of the cage of institutional care; House of Opportunity provides the key. Sevda spent her childhood in Bulgarian orphanages. When she left state care at the age of eighteen she found herself homeless and was forced to sleep on a park bench. Despite everything, her positive and hardworking spirit could not be broken; she found a job and began to build a life for herself. However this success was short lived as little by little her salary became insufficient to cover her rent and expenses… Once again Sevda was facing

New houses opening soon! We’re excited to be opening a new House of Opportunity in Sofia this autumn. This house in Bulgaria’s capital city will be our 5th HOP. We’re also planning to open a further HOP in Vidin, but we need your help! Please donate to our 6th HOP and give more young people like Sevda a hope for the future. Thank you!

New football project for 2013 This summer we launched a new football-based project at Boychinovtsi Youth prison. The young inmates took part in a football tournament in addition to receiving personal development sessions showing them that a life free from crime is possible. These boys rarely receive visits from their family and so this project offers a real opportunity to show them that they are valued and help prevent them from falling back into crime on their release.

homelessness and, knowing she needed help to survive the approaching winter, she contacted the House of Opportunity (HOP) in Ruse. Sevda was accepted on to the programme and whilst there she shared her dream to become a baker. HOP Staff helped her apply for funding to train and she won the grant! The House of Opportunity turned Sevda’s life around; currently she is training to become a baker, has two jobs, is living independently and has even been reunited with her mother. To help more people like Sevda please fill out the response form

Where are they now? Congratulations to House of Opportunity graduate Iva who has just got married! She now has a job, a home and a husband and says that her fears about life after the orphanage have not come true. Thank you for helping turn Iva’s life around!

House of Opportunity leaver Tsetsi helped to secure 10,000 Bulgarian Leva almost £5,000 - for HOPe Soap in a Dragon’s Den style competition. HOPe Soaps is a new social enterprise run with HOP residents, for more information go to:

Phil visited the Houses of Parliament, met the Scottish First Minister and Millwall FC! Foodbanks held a variety of interesting fundraising events with school children, town criers, mayors and politicians all getting involved. Thank you to all who helped!

EVERY CAN HELPS In December 2012 and July 2013 Tesco held the UK’s biggest ever food collection for The Trussell Trust and FareShare. An amazing 44,000 trolleys’ worth of food was donated - enough to make 3.5 million meals! Tesco topped up every donation by 30 percent, making your gifts go even further. We were blown away by the kindness of shoppers - one very generous customer donated an incredible £1,500 of food!

We’d love to keep you up to date with the latest news from The Trussell Trust If you prefer NOT to receive the e-news tick this box

I’d like to give by cheque Add an extra 25p to every £1

I enclose a gift of

Make your gift go further by filling in the gift aid section below.

Please make cheques payable to The Trussell Trust

I’d like to give by standing order To: (name and address of your bank)

Sort code

Account Number

On 30 November and 1 December 2013 we’ll be collecting again at Tesco stores nationwide to help stop hunger this Christmas, we’d love to see you there! Please start on



and from then on each month until further notice

This cancels any previous standing order instructions to The Trussell Trust. Signature


make your gift go further! Could you hold a tea party for The Trussell Trust? Ask your friends, family and colleagues to attend your tea party in return for a donation to The Trussell Trust. We’ll provide a fundraising pack containing information about the charity and a selection of Twinings worldwide and fruit teas for you to taste and then it’s up to you to get creative: you could bake cakes, sell crafts or have a vintage theme! Call 01722 580 177 or visit

Tick here to add an extra 25p to every £1 you give at no extra cost to you Yes, I pay tax in the UK. Please treat all donations I make or have made to The Trussell Trust for the past four years as gift aid donations until further notice. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. Date

Trussell Trust bank details: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 14 Minster St, Salisbury SP1 1TP Sort code: 16-00-21 Account No: 41129077

Please send your completed form to:

The Trussell Trust, Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Rd, Salisbury SP2 7HL



I’d like to change lives... Together we can transform lives. Please fill in this response form and send it back to us at the address below. If you are a UK taxpayer please add 25% to your donation by filling out the gift aid section. Thank you! You can also give online at or by card over the phone: 01722 580 176.

Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU. Each month 150 children are abandoned and every year 10,000 girls and women are trafficked. The Trussell Trust’s work began in Bulgaria and we’re working with our in-country partner to enable Bulgaria’s most vulnerable young people to break out of poverty and build futures free from crime, prostitution and homelessness.


The House of Opportunity is a residential training programme offering orphanage leavers the chance to learn vital life skills and gain work experience in a safe and loving environment.

Your details Full Name

This April, the Trussell Trust launched its biggest event to date - the Foodbank Trolley Push! ‘Phil’ the trolley travelled the length and breadth of Britain on a tour of over forty foodbanks to raise awareness of UK food poverty.

Address Postcode Telephone


Did you know that we have an electronic newsletter that we send bi-monthly?

Breaking out of the cage of institutional care; House of Opportunity provides the key. Sevda spent her childhood in Bulgarian orphanages. When she left state care at the age of eighteen she found herself homeless and was forced to sleep on a park bench. Despite everything, her positive and hardworking spirit could not be broken; she found a job and began to build a life for herself. However this success was short lived as little by little her salary became insufficient to cover her rent and expenses… Once again Sevda was facing

New houses opening soon! We’re excited to be opening a new House of Opportunity in Sofia this autumn. This house in Bulgaria’s capital city will be our 5th HOP. We’re also planning to open a further HOP in Vidin, but we need your help! Please donate to our 6th HOP and give more young people like Sevda a hope for the future. Thank you!

New football project for 2013 This summer we launched a new football-based project at Boychinovtsi Youth prison. The young inmates took part in a football tournament in addition to receiving personal development sessions showing them that a life free from crime is possible. These boys rarely receive visits from their family and so this project offers a real opportunity to show them that they are valued and help prevent them from falling back into crime on their release.

homelessness and, knowing she needed help to survive the approaching winter, she contacted the House of Opportunity (HOP) in Ruse. Sevda was accepted on to the programme and whilst there she shared her dream to become a baker. HOP Staff helped her apply for funding to train and she won the grant! The House of Opportunity turned Sevda’s life around; currently she is training to become a baker, has two jobs, is living independently and has even been reunited with her mother. To help more people like Sevda please fill out the response form

Where are they now? Congratulations to House of Opportunity graduate Iva who has just got married! She now has a job, a home and a husband and says that her fears about life after the orphanage have not come true. Thank you for helping turn Iva’s life around!

House of Opportunity leaver Tsetsi helped to secure 10,000 Bulgarian Leva almost £5,000 - for HOPe Soap in a Dragon’s Den style competition. HOPe Soaps is a new social enterprise run with HOP residents, for more information go to:

Phil visited the Houses of Parliament, met the Scottish First Minister and Millwall FC! Foodbanks held a variety of interesting fundraising events with school children, town criers, mayors and politicians all getting involved. Thank you to all who helped!

EVERY CAN HELPS In December 2012 and July 2013 Tesco held the UK’s biggest ever food collection for The Trussell Trust and FareShare. An amazing 44,000 trolleys’ worth of food was donated - enough to make 3.5 million meals! Tesco topped up every donation by 30 percent, making your gifts go even further. We were blown away by the kindness of shoppers - one very generous customer donated an incredible £1,500 of food!

We’d love to keep you up to date with the latest news from The Trussell Trust If you prefer NOT to receive the e-news tick this box

I’d like to give by cheque Add an extra 25p to every £1

I enclose a gift of

Make your gift go further by filling in the gift aid section below.

Please make cheques payable to The Trussell Trust

I’d like to give by standing order To: (name and address of your bank)

Sort code

Account Number

On 30 November and 1 December 2013 we’ll be collecting again at Tesco stores nationwide to help stop hunger this Christmas, we’d love to see you there! Please start on



and from then on each month until further notice

This cancels any previous standing order instructions to The Trussell Trust. Signature


make your gift go further! Could you hold a tea party for The Trussell Trust? Ask your friends, family and colleagues to attend your tea party in return for a donation to The Trussell Trust. We’ll provide a fundraising pack containing information about the charity and a selection of Twinings worldwide and fruit teas for you to taste and then it’s up to you to get creative: you could bake cakes, sell crafts or have a vintage theme! Call 01722 580 177 or visit

Tick here to add an extra 25p to every £1 you give at no extra cost to you Yes, I pay tax in the UK. Please treat all donations I make or have made to The Trussell Trust for the past four years as gift aid donations until further notice. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. Date

Trussell Trust bank details: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 14 Minster St, Salisbury SP1 1TP Sort code: 16-00-21 Account No: 41129077

Please send your completed form to:

The Trussell Trust, Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Rd, Salisbury SP2 7HL

MONEY MAKING MACHINE Whirring away at the back of the Trussell Trust’s warehouse is the bobbins machine which strips the wool from Wilton Carpet Factory’s used bobbins for recycling. This relatively unknown enterprise has been running for many years, and in the past financial year alone has generated over £5,000 to help fund Trussell Trust projects. Dedicated volunteers, many of whom suffer from mental health problems, man the machine. Chris has been volunteering on the project for several years. He says ‘It gives me a bit more confidence. I feel like I’m contributing something which is good. It gives you a bit more selfworth’.

COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES “If it hadn’t been for Trussell Trust, I basically wouldn’t be here… it’s been a life saver”. Mandy and Jacqui are sharing a joke over a mini mountain of donations in The Trussell Trust warehouse. This is a typical scene - our invaluable volunteers Mandy and Jacqui have given so much time to The Trussell Trust over the last few years. These two friends have both been through a lot and here they share how volunteering helped them through.

Volunteering helped Jacqui to cope after three of her close friends passed away and she lost her home. She said: ‘If I had any problems and I needed someone to talk to there was always someone around…it helped a lot. Volunteering has made a great big difference, sometimes I think that if it hadn’t been for Trussell Trust, I basically wouldn’t be here... it’s been a life saver.’

Mandy says: ‘I have bipolar depression and getting out of bed was an everyday struggle. Volunteering with Trussell Trust has given me a reason to get up in the morning, it’s shown me that I can do things I never thought I could. The Trussell Trust has done more for me than all the times I’ve been down to the hospital’.

‘In the warehouse you can’t stay down for long, you might come in feeling miserable but you certainly don’t go home feeling miserable!’

‘A foodbox would’ve been cause for celebration’ says our new Farnborough Shop Manager ‘I grew up in poverty and if my mother had been given a foodbox it would’ve been a cause for celebration’ says Farnborough Shop Manager Indra Russell. In March we opened a new charity shop in Farnborough to help raise much-needed funds and Indra’s passion is helping to make it a success.

Salisbury volunteers gave 23,000 hours in 12 months!

CLEAN TO RAISE ESSENTIAL FUNDS FOR FOODBANKS Ever wanted to raise vital funds for the Trussell Trust but haven’t quite found the motivation to run that half marathon or been brave enough to bathe in baked beans? Well here’s the easy option - donate to our charity shops! All those never worn shoes, misguided gifts and unread books which are gathering dust could find a good home through our charity shops. We especially need ladies clothes, shoes, and handbags.

She says: ‘The instant I heard about Trussell Trust foodbanks I knew that I had to get involved. I hate the thought of people going hungry. To be given a chance to help stop others facing the challenges my family grew up with is incredible. What’s more, you never know the struggles of the person who comes into the shop, you could have the chance to make or break their day.’

Thank you !!

We’ve also opened a new second-hand furniture store on Stephenson Road in Salisbury. We’re delighted that our two new shops are helping generate valuable income to help more people in crisis. Thank you to everyone who’s donated or popped in to pick up a bargain.

Find out more: or 01722 580 183.

Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7HL

THE TRUSSELL TRUST The Trussell Trust is a Christian charity that partners with local communities to combat poverty in the UK and Bulgaria.

01722 580 180

Autumn 2013

FOODBANK GIVES HOPE TO MALNOURISHED MUM Suzanne, David and their two boys live in a rundown, concrete towerblock, on an estate outside Glasgow. Just eighteen months ago they were living a comfortable life in a family home in the suburbs. The problems began when Suzanne was made redundant whilst expecting their second child. Shortly afterwards, David, a clinical nurse, suffered a breakdown forcing him to leave work. Suddenly the family’s finances plummeted and they lost their home just weeks before the baby was due. Officially homeless, baby Mason was born and Suzanne and David found themselves skipping meals to feed their two boys. Between them they lost eight stone in weight and Suzanne was too malnourished to breast feed. Disastrously, a mistake by the benefits office meant that the family’s income was then halved, forcing them to live on just £50 per week. The local housing association was so concerned that they referred Suzanne to the foodbank. Suzanne says: ‘The foodbank was a lifesaver. It meant we could eat together as a family for the first time in months. The emotional support was almost as good as the food.’

“ I’ve worked for 25 years and there I was in tears at the Jobcentre with a baby on my lap being told we’d only have £50 per week to live on. Everything I knew and loved about our lives has gone. It’s frightening. I can’t sleep. I lie awake at night worrying that I’m not able to feed my family. I went to the foodbank and it was just such a relief to finally speak to someone who cared and genuinely wanted to help. They gave us hope.” - Mum of two, Suzanne We believe that no-one should go hungry in the UK. Please join us in the fight against food poverty. Respond inside

TRUSSELL TRUST RECOGNISED FOR MEETING GROWING NEED Thanks to people like you, foodbanks are responding quickly to the growing problem of UK hunger by providing emergency food to more people in crisis and signposting them to further support. Charity CEOs from across the UK recognised the impact of foodbanks recently by voting The Trussell Trust as Britain’s ‘Most Admired Charity 2013’ at Third Sector’s Awards ceremony in London. Amazing!

Trussell Trust’s David McAuley accepts award from last year’s winners Help for Heroes


The Trussell Trust is Reg. Charity No. 1110522 - Reg. Ltd. Co. No. 5434524 - Reg. in England & Wales

people received three days emergency food from a Trussell Trust foodbank in 2012-13 including over 126,000 children

170 percent increase in numbers helped compared with last year

70 percent increase in numbers of Trussell Trust foodbanks launched.

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