Impact Update Winter 2023

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The Trussell Trust’s vision is for a future without the need for food banks — but the soaring cost of living is leaving record numbers of people with no other op on. Our UK-wide network of over 1,300 food bank centres is commi ed to providing the emergency food and support that is crucial for people suffering hardship. But with one in seven people in the UK going hungry because they don’t have enough money to live on, it is ge ng harder and harder to meet the growing levels of need. That’s why we are reaching out to you today. With your support, the Trussell Trust can be there for people in crisis this winter, and for as long as we are needed.

This winter, we’re expec ng over 600,000 people at our food banks

That’s 1 parcel being distributed every 8 seconds

1 in 7 people in the UK are facing hunger because of a lack of money

For many of us, Christmas is a me of magic and an cipa on. But thousands of families will be unable to afford necessi es such as food and warmth this Christmas, and forced to turn to a food bank for the very first me. For them, the excitement and joy of the fes ve season will be replaced by hunger and stress. Last winter, nearly a quarter of a million people were forced to use a food bank for the first me. This winter, that number will be even higher. And between April to September this year, 65% of all the emergency food parcels provided by Trussell Trust food banks were for families with children. An increasing number of children are growing up in families facing hunger, forced to turn to food banks to survive.

As well as supplying three days’ worth of nutri onally balanced emergency food, our food banks provide people with compassion, warmth, and a safe place within their local community. Many will have exhausted all other op ons and have nowhere else to turn; this will be their first glimmer of hope in a long me.

Whilst food banks do all they can to make people’s experiences warm and welcoming, the reality is that no one ever wants to have to use a food bank. The overwhelming majority have been forced to seek our help as a last resort, having exhausted all other avenues. It takes a huge amount of courage to make that first visit to a food bank and many food parcels go uncollected because first- me users find walking through a food bank door too difficult. But our team of volunteers do all they can, exploring delivery op ons and alterna ve methods of support, to make sure that everyone receives the food and help that they so badly need.

Nikki struggled for months to make ends meet for her family, before making the decision to ask for help. She told us about her experience.

As you will understand, ending hunger is about more than food. Trussell Trust food banks provide tailored, prac cal support to tackle the root causes that lock people in poverty. Our holis c approach includes advice on money, social security and housing and helps restore the person’s independence and dignity. We aim to make their first food bank visit their last.

Whilst we work towards a future where everyone can afford the essen als, we must be here to support people facing hunger right now. But the need has never been greater and the costs never higher. The need for food is outstripping dona ons, so our food banks are bulk-buying stock at ever-higher prices. Many are already stretched to breaking point.

Our food banks are constantly adap ng, as they strive to reach people who would otherwise struggle to access support. Many now provide a er-hours opening for working people in need of emergency food, or home deliveries to those unable to afford transport. This all has a knock-on effect. Food banks need more space, longer opening hours, and more me from staff and volunteers. Demand is relentless; teams are drained, exhausted and running on reserves.

From April to September 2023, Trussell Trust food banks distributed close to 1.5 million emergency food parcels the highest number ever recorded for this part of the year. Between December and February alone, we expect to distribute over one million more. We would be so grateful if the Trustees would consider making a gi towards our work, helping our food bank and the communi es they serve to weather their most challenging period yet. Together, we can help families get through this winter, and work towards a future without the need for food banks.

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