TRUTH magazine No1

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welcome to the world of real information

MONEY the perfect tool for Enslavement

Stop A.C.T.A.

Paradise or Obvilion new documentary by The Venus Project The truth about food additives How they threaten your health 3d nano printer

Fast 3D printing with nanoscale precision




4 STOP A.C.T.A. 5 MONEY - the perfect tool for Enslavement 9 Paradise or Obvilion - new documentary by The Venus Project, coming in March 2012! 10 Defining Peace - new lecture by Peter Joseph 11 Remember Who You Are - David Icke’s Ground-Breaking New Book


12 Fast 3D printing with nanoscale precision 14 Renewable Energy - Geothermal


16 The truth about food additives: how they threaten your health


20 Osho: No society wants you to become wise

Dear readers, TRUTH magazine tends to spread informations - those who are not so popular in world mainstream medias - those who would show nothing but the truth, the other side of the coin. Real and objective information would already change the world for the better, solve the existing problem of hunger and poverty, overcome many crisis in the world - that is the reason why it’s been deliberately framed and restricted, by those whom suits to the most. ‘No ruler or corporation need informed society, as that would be the reason for overcoming it.” M.C. Enjoy, Editorial Board


STOP A.C.T.A. Can you imagine your Internet Service Provider policing everything you do online? The Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multilateral agreement that recommends international standards for the enforcement of intellectual property rights. According to the participants the aim is to reduce more efficiently the alleged rise of product piracy. The negotiations are underway since June 2008 and are currently in their 7th round. VIDEO MATERIAL: Every single negotiation round was held secretly without access for the public or even members of the European Parliament (EP), but industrial lobbyists, like members of the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) had access to the agreement drafts. Such methods are not compatible with democratic standards and are leading towards corruption in the global society. The proposals and wishes of the public are neither respected, nor (seriously!) demanded. Even lobbyists of organizations like the European Association of ISPs (EuroISPA) and service providers from all over the world are, like all the rest of us, excluded from the negotiations. They have no vote on this matter.

participation of the international community or even the concerned citizen of the participating nations. Leaked details about the agreement can be found among other things on websites like Wikileaks, the European Digital Rights Initiative (EDRi) as well as the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII). The american Knowledge Ecology International was also working on an analysis of ACTA. Apart from these NGOs are there also multiple media representatives which are expressing their rising concern about the methods employed for negotiations and the presumed content of the agreement. ACTA concerns everybody worldwide, not only pirate parties, but all organizations and individuals who believe in democracy. The ratification process for ACTA has already begun at the national level in various member states although the true significance of the agreement is underestimated in many of these countries. Source:

ACTA is an agreement which was negotiated behind the back of the public and should be decided regardless of a sustainable development of the society, civil rights and required democratic processes. Apparently this agreement has the target to introduce extreme changes of principles on a global level, without




MONEY the perfect tool for Enslavement

They have achieved this through their centrally controlled banks which they manipulate the flow and availability of money available to the public via interest rates. As today’s medium of exchange for goods and services, “Money” is what

everyone is striving for in order to obtain the goods and services they require and demand. In today’s materialistic and superficial world and because of our indoctrination that having materialistic possessions will provide us eternal love and happiness,

we believe that money is the only way out of our misery and problems. Thus most of us make that our first priority in our lives because all of us want to achieve a better life for ourselves.

from what we were taught by our parents on how to be “Successful”, the education system teaching us how and who to be in order to be successful, the media ranging from movies, television programmes, magazines, newspapers, advertisements showing us the “Norm” by setting what is socially acceptable according to them. They also set what is above the “Norm” aka “hip” and those who are considered hip “Followed” whoever it was who started that particular trend (really nothing more than being the head of the sheep flock). And of course they will define what socially unacceptable is and label it “Weird” and other labels. Thus the media wields a lot of influence and power in terms manipulating the perceptions and thoughts of the masses of people. If the media portrays a certain fashion or style and proposes or presumes it as fashionable and popular in a commercial, movie, television series, magazines and other forms of media, with its constant and consistent bombardment of these messages via radio, television or print, it is bound to affect the psyche of those exposed to it. Even if an individual rejects and attempts to block off the messages, it will somehow affect their subconscious mind because of the constant and consistent bombardment of such messages. Although some of us may attempt to block these messages, it will eventually creep up to us through our peers who have fallen for the bait. Peer pressure kicks in and we get persuaded by our friends to “Change” because we don’t want to be outcaste by our peers and be labelled “Weird”. Those who completely do not fall for the bait gets labelled all sorts of names “Weird”, “Old Fashioned”, “Backwards” and many more.

Our indoctrination starts from the day we were born




Through the media, the Corporations, Banks and the Government, they propose and influence what is socially acceptable or not and what is socially admirable or not. All these four entities normally work together hand in hand. The banks finance the corporations, the corporations lobby the governments and have politicians in their pockets, the government controls the central bank (thus all other banking institutions) or in many cases the central banks have been separated from government control and authority, and are governed by a collection of heads of corporations.

The corporations own the media outlets and thus all of them could be grouped together and referred to as the "Controlling Elites" or "Elites". The Elites normally have the same agenda and goals because if they want to retain their profits and control over the masses they would have to work together in order to make sure each other’s credibility is upheld. If one of these links in the chain weakens, it will break their whole cycle of profits and control. Thus they work together most of the time hand in hand setting their “Agenda” for the general public to follow via the media. Their Agenda sets the “Norm” (socially acceptable) in what society is according to them, and that can range from fashion to belief systems and many more as long as the media pushes the message and constantly bombard their messages on the masses. A good example is fashion and music. Some of the music pushed out by the media is totally indigestible but because of the human psyche of “Social Acceptance”, where they do not want to be outcast and want to “belong”, they go with the so called “Trend” even though they don’t like it they buy into it just to “feel” accepted. The same goes with fashion, house, cars, and other material possessions. Thus the power of the media dictates to the populous what the masses “Should” or “Shouldn’t” have, and the masses purchase whatever is


impulse to them just so that they “Feel” normal and thus they “feel” they are socially accepted. With the amount of power the media possess to influence the minds of the masses, they often use it to benefit the corporations that they are in cooperation with to persuade the masses to purchase certain products from them. This leads to materialistic consumption of unnecessary levels and because of our strive to consume more just to impress and fit in, we have it as our first priority subconsciously in our lives to make money ahead of everything else, thus making money our masters because we serve(work) to acquire money and

we put money in the forefront of other priorities and that makes us slaves to money. We have been enslaved by our own greed and insecurities because we are afraid to be different and afraid to be labelled weird. Our enslavement is aided mainly by the so called “Elites” particularly the Government who taxes our hard earned income to unnecessary levels and uses our income for the benefit of the “Elites” themselves but not us. They use our tax money for wars to benefit oil corporations and the military industrial complex, they use it to bail out Wall Street and the Bankers during the 2008 Economic downturn, they use it for death and destruction in other nations in particular third world nations. They may have used a small portion of the taxes they gathered for the people but most of the money they have used is mainly for their own benefit. The result of this leaves us with less money in our pockets, thus we have to work harder and longer hours to obtain the level of money we require for survival. The Banks play a major role in further enslaving us by creating loans and charging us the public ridiculous amount of fees and interest.

Our society, in particular the western society is a debt society. We borrow from the banks if we cannot afford it. Be it a mortgage for a house or a credit card for



small purchases, these loans are designed to encourage purchases by incurring debt and putting us in absolute slavery and beholden to the banks for the duration of the loans. By creating loans that are easily and readily available and impossible to opt out of, the banks are basically committing daylight robberies and enslaving us by using the media to impulse us to purchase and manipulating our greed to acquire materialistic possessions even when we cannot afford them. The money banks loan out, the more they make and the less money the masses have in their pockets.

From what is left, we purchase our products from corporations which more or less have monopolised the industries and they created an illusion of choice by creating different names for their corporations but in fact they are owned by the same group of people known as Oligarchs. These Oligarchs often have political connections and belong to powerful lobby groups who have the politicians in their pockets and often own the major media outlets. They influence and pressure the government to have favourable taxation laws for their corporations and unfavourable taxation laws for small businesses and the masses of individuals.

Thus channeling most of the wealth towards these Oligarchs and making everyday living more difficult for the masses,resulting in the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer. With the masses having most of their wealth channelled to the elites, the masses thus have less and they have to fight over of what is left while the Elites sit back and laugh at us falling for their deceitful system without even knowing it and enslaving us, making us work longer hours just to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. This will eventually lead us to a two class system of master and slaves with a few controlling everything and the masses


slaving just to get a taste of the carrot the “Elites” dangle in front of us without knowing that we will never get it if we continue to be manipulated this way. This really is not rocket science on how these group of so called “Elites” have worked for the destruction of humanity and lowering the quality of life all around the world. Most of the masses have been too distracted because of the need to make a buck in order to survive and the attention has been diverted away from the real cause of the decline in

quality of life and the enslavement of humanity. The western developed nations are no different from third world nations as most people in the developed world are enslaved to their system and if they do not work they cannot survive, no different from third world nations. The “Elites” have efficiently used money as the carrot and made sure we would never get the whole carrot but tease us with just a taste of it leaving us like dogs chasing our own tails. It is not money that is evil but how money has been and is still being used by these “Elites” to manipulate us through our greed to obtain absolute control of us. If we continue to succumb to the media, peer pressure and our greed, and if we continue to tolerate the connections between these Elites and let this happen, we will eventually be enslaved by them, manipulating us and ultimately enslaving ourselves. Connecting the dots is not rocket science and more common sense and at what point in time do we have to reach before we get totally enslaved? Brian Jonathan Liew Source:



Paradise or Obvilion new documentary by The Venus Project, coming in March 2012! TRAILER MOVIE:

More info about the Venus Project:

This free online documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco, which he calls a ResourceBased Economy. The film details the need to outgrow the dated and inefficient methods of politics, law, business, or any other “establishment” notions of human affairs, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world’s people. It is not based on the opinions of the political and financial elite or on illusionary so-called democracies, but on maintaining a dynamic equilibrium with the planet that could ultimately provide abundance for all people. Paradise or Oblivion introduces the viewer to a more appropriate value system that would be required to enable this caring and holistic approach to benefit human civilization. This alternative surpasses the need for a monetary-based, controlled, and scarcity-oriented environment, which we find ourselves in today. NOTE: This is NOT the “major motion picture” that The Venus Project is working towards but rather is a 52 minute documentary to introduce the aims and proposals to new people.




Defining Peace new lecture by Peter Joseph

Peter Joseph’s 1.5 hour Lecture “Defining Peace”; the end segment of Mid-East TZM Event which occurred on Feb 6th 2012. in Tel Aviv, Israel. This lecture is divided into 4 sections.The first is entitled ‘The History of Human Conflict and the Human Nature Debate’ and which will stubborn concept that we humans are inherently and inalterably aggressive and territorial will be addressed. Part 2: ‘The State Character and Coercion’ consider the origin of the modern state and its characteristics. Moreover and more profoundly, the influence of the state on the values of the culture will be addressed especially regarding loyalty, patriotism. Part 3: ‘The Culture of War Business, Ownership and Competition’ gives a deeper look at the underlining condition motivation which appears to have created the state and its power and the war propensity itself will be considered. The final section, Part 4: ‘Defining Peace a New Social Contract’ deduce what societal characteristics support peace, and what do not and how we as a world society can reset our societal condition to allow for this newfound human balance before it’s too late. WATCH WHOLE LECTURE HERE:




Remember Who You Are

David Icke's Ground-Breaking New Book David Ickes’ sensational New book. Remember Who You Are is destined to transform the way vast numbers of people see themselves and the world – and it could not have been published at a more pivotal moment in known human history.

vehicles and symbols for what we really are – Infinite Awareness, Infinite Consciousness. We are imprisoned in the realms of the five senses and ‘little me’ when we are All That Is, All That Has Been and All That Ever Can Be.

We live in extraordinary times, and we face the most enormous challenge to our individual and collective freedom. David Icke has been a trailblazer for more than two decades, warning of the coming global fascist/communist state that is now unfolding on the television news and in our daily experience. He was subjected to mass ridicule and called a madman – but events have proved him right, and continue to do so. David has exposed the global network of families behind Big Banking, Big Biotech, Big Food, Big Government, Big Media and Big Pharma in book after book as his awareness has expanded – and he takes this on to still new levels of exposure in Remember Who You Are.

To breach the perceptual walls of the Saturn–Moon Matrix and bring an end to mass human enslavement, we need to awaken to our true identity. Everything, but everything, comes from this. Remember Who You Are. Remember ‘where’ you are and where you ‘come’ from. Remember.

But David goes far deeper down the rabbit hole than merely our daily experience of the ‘five senses’. He reveals the true nature of our reality where there is no ‘solidity’ or ‘physical’ – only vibrational, electrical, digital and holographic information fields that we decode into what appears to be a ‘physical world’. David calls this the ‘Cosmic Internet’, and in this amazing work he explains how a malevolent force has ‘hacked’ into the cosmic information source via the ‘Saturn–Moon Matrix’ to feed us a false reality very similar in theme to the illusory world portrayed in the Matrix movie series. Remember Who You Are breaks massive new ground as David connects the dots between apparently unconnected people, subjects and world events like never before. Suddenly, a world of apparent complexity, mystery and bewilderment makes sense. The key is in the title. We are enslaved because we identity ‘self’ with our body and our name, when these are only



Technology and science

Fast 3D printing with nanoscale precision

Printing three dimensional objects with very fine details using two-photon lithography can now be achieved orders of magnitude faster than similar devices in a breakthrough by Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) researchers. The 3D printing process uses a liquid resin, which is hardened at precisely the correct spots by a focused laser beam. The focal point of the laser beam is guided through the resin by movable mirrors and leaves behind a hardened line of solid polymer a few hundred nanometers wide.

This fine resolution enables the creation of intricately structured sculptures as tiny as a grain of sand. “Until now, this technique used to be quite slow”,


says Professor Jürgen Stampfl from the Institute of Materials Science and Technology at the TU Vienna. “The printing speed used to be measured in millimeters per second — our device can do five meters in one second.” In two-photon lithography, this is a world record. This progress was made possible by combining several new ideas. “It was crucial to improve the steering mechanism of the mirrors,” says Jan Torgersen (TU Vienna). The mirrors are continuously in motion during the printing process. The acceleration and deceleration-periods have to be tuned very precisely to achieve high-resolution results at a record-breaking speed.

Faster printing for large objects too


Technology and science

“The resin contains molecules, activated by the laser light. They induce a chain reaction in other components of the resin, monomers, and turn them into a solid,� says Torgersen. These initiator molecules are only activated if they absorb two photons of the laser beam at once, and this only happens in the very center of the laser beam, where the intensity is highest. In contrast to conventional 3D-printing techniques, solid material can be created anywhere within the liquid resin rather than on top of the previously created layer only. So the working surface does not have to be specially prepared before the next layer can be produced (see video), which saves a lot of time. Because of the dramatically increased speed, much larger objects can now be created in a given period of time. This makes two-photon-lithography an interesting technique for industry. At the TU Vienna, scientists are now developing biocompatible resins for medical applications. They can be used to create scaffolds to which living cells can attach themselves facilitating the systematic creation of biological tissues. The 3d printer could also be used to create tailor made construction parts for biomedical technology or nanotechnology. Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence Source:



Technology and science

Renewable Energy


Geothermal power is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. This geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, and from solar energy absorbed at the surface. It has been used for bathing since Paleolithic times and for space heating since ancient Roman times, but is now better known for generating electricity. Worldwide, about 10,715 megawatts (MW) of geothermal power is online in 24 countries. An additional 28 gigawatts of direct geothermal heating capacity is installed for district



Technology and science

heating, space heating, spas, industrial processes, desalination and agricultural applications. Geothermal power is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, but has historically been limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries. Recent technological advances have dramatically expanded the range and size of viable resources, especially for applications such as home heating, opening a potential for widespread exploitation.

Source: renewable-energy-geothermal/

Geothermal wells release greenhouse gases trapped deep within the earth, but these emissions are much lower per energy unit than those of fossil fuels. As a result, geothermal power has the potential to help mitigate global warming if widely deployed in place of fossil fuels. The Earth’s geothermal resources are theoretically more than adequate to supply humanity’s energy needs. The only current limitation on drilling and exploration for deep resources is money. Forecasts for the future penetration of geothermal power depend on assumptions about technology growth, the price of energy, subsidies, and interest rates of which only growth is actually relevant. Geothermal electric plants have until recently been built exclusively on the edges of tectonic plates where high temperature geothermal resources are available near the surface. The development of binary cycle power plants and improvements in drilling and extraction technology may enable enhanced geothermal systems over a much greater geographical range. Demonstration projects are operational in LandauPfalz, Germany, and Soultz-sous-Forêts, France, while an earlier effort in Basel, Switzerland was shut down after it triggered earthquakes. Other demonstration projects are under construction in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The Earth’s internal heat naturally flows to the surface by conduction at a rate of 44.2 terawatts, (TW,) and is replenished by radioactive decay of minerals at a rate of 30 TW. These power rates are more than double humanity’s current energy consumption from all primary sources, but most of it is not recoverable. In addition to heat emanating from deep within the Earth, the top ten metres of the ground accumulates solar energy (warms up) during the summer, and releases that energy (cools down) during the winter.




The truth about food additives:

how they threaten your health

In an extract from his new book, The Power of Self-Healing, Dr Fabrizio Mancini explains why sugar and food additives - from aspartame to trans fats - could have a severely detrimental effect on your health

More than ever, I believe that we’ve become increasingly concerned about what’s in the 1,500 pounds of food each of us eats every year. We’re enjoying more lean meat, vegetables and fruits - and trying to cut back on fattening stuff like desserts and fried foods. All of this is certainly a step in the right direction, but many of us still have a long way to go. Our misconceptions run rampant, too. Some people still think margarine is much better than butter (it’s not - margarine is high in nasty, artery-clogging trans fats), so they’ll use twice as much. Or they think granola bars are a healthy snack, when they’re actually processed foods, loaded with fat and sugar.

The Suppressors Any dietary problem can turn into a health problem. What I’d like to do is look at what I call the suppressors, foods that negate self-healing. They can make an unexpected appearance in your lifestyle, and you might not even be aware of them. Fortunately, I don’t have a long list so a few little tweaks will obliterate suppressors from your diet.

Added Sugar Ever wondered why you get cold sores or canker sores after eating candy or sweets? The reason is this: sugar is an ‘immunosuppressant.’ It interferes with the activity of immuneboosting lymphocytes. Your natural defences go down - and you get infections. Imagine 150 bags of sugar piled up in your garage. That’s how much sugar the average person consumes in a year!


This means many of us are suppressing our immune systems by eating too much sugar. I believe that if we stopped eating such large amounts, we’d see a major decrease in colds, flu, and other infections. You may have heard that sugar feeds cancer cells. There is evidence for this, but here is actually what happens: A diet high in sugar and refined foods makes blood sugar, or glucose, spike really high. This spike increases insulin production in the body (insulin helps your cells store and use glucose). Blood chemistry marked by chronically elevated glucose and elevated insulin sets the stage for cancer and its spread. Cancer cells are studded with insulin receptors. Receptors operate like door locks. Once insulin gets to the receptor, it acts like a key and unlocks the receptors on the cell wall. The cell opens up and lets insulin in the cancer cell, where it stimulates the division of the cell. Can you circumvent this process? Yes - in the following ways: avoiding refined sugars and flours, exercising regularly, cutting back on alcohol, reducing stress, and taking certain nutritional supplements. Sugar in all its various forms, including corn syrup, contributes to obesity and therefore to a whole range of related problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. We don’t really need sugar to live.




Blue 2

It’s simply not enough to buy healthy, high-quality food; it’s also important that your food be free of harmful additives. Broadly defined, food additives are substances that do not occur naturally in food. They may be ‘direct’ additives that are introduced intentionally into foods to enhance flavour, improve texture, or prevent spoilage. Others are ‘indirect’ additives; these include pollutants that come into contact with food from the environment, during growing, processing, or packaging. The average American takes in about five pounds of additives a year through processed foods. Additives and artificial ingredients add little or no nutritional value to foods and can pose a threat to your health. Try to eat additive-, preservative-, and chemicalfree foods whenever possible. Below is my ‘Additive Hit List’ - the most harmful additives known today. You’ll see that a majority are linked to cancer in animals. Yes, I know you’re not a lab rat, but when an additive causes cancer in animals, it may cause cancer in humans, too.

Commercial Use: Artificial colouring Sources: Pet food, beverages and candy Health Implications: May cause brain cancer in male rats

My Additive Hit List

Butylated hydro-xyanisole (BHA) Commercial Use: Antioxidant used to retard rancidity in fats, oils, and oilcontaining foods Sources: Cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, vegetable oil Health Implications: The U.S. Department of Health and Human services considers BHA to be ‘reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen,’ even though the FDA still allows it to be used in foods.

Caramel colouring Commercial Use: Food colouring Sources: Colas, baked goods, precooked meats, soy and Worcestershire sauces, chocolateflavoured products, beer Health Implications: Contains certain contaminants that cause cancer in lab animals


Acesulfame-K Commercial Use: Artificial sweetener Sources: Baked goods, chewing gum, gelatine desserts, diet sodas Health Implications: Animal studies suggest a link to cancer and negative effects on the thyroid gland

Aspartame Commercial Use: Artificial sweetener Sources: ‘Diet’ foods, including soft drinks, drink mixes, gelatine desserts, and low-calorie frozen desserts Health Implications: Animal and human studies hint that lifelong consumption may increase the risk of cancer; and might cause altered brain function


Commercial Use: Fat substitute Sources: Some brands of light potato chips Health Implications: Causes diarrhoea and loose stools, abdominal cramps, flatulence, and other



adverse effects; reduces the body’s ability to absorb fat-soluble, cancer-preventing carotenoids (such as beta-carotene and lycopene) from fruits and vegetables.

Potassium bromate Commercial Use: Flour improver Sources: White flour, bread, and rolls Health Implications: May cause cancer in animals (look for ‘bromate-free’ bread)

Propyl gallate Commercial Use: Antioxidant preservative Sources: Vegetable oil, meat products, potato sticks, chicken soup base, chewing gum Health Implications: May cause cancer in animals

Trans fats Commercial Use: Fat, oil, shortening Sources: Stick margarine, vegetable shortening, crackers, fried restaurant foods, baked goods, icing, microwave popcorn Health Implications: Promotes heart disease

Yellow 5 Commercial Use: Artificial colouring Sources: Gelatine dessert, candy, pet food, baked goods Health Implications: Yellow 5 is a potential allergen that in susceptible people may cause hives, a runny or stuffy nose, and occasionally, severe breathing difficulties. It may be contaminated with cancercausing substances

Yellow 6

Red 3 Commercial Use: Artificial colouring Sources: Cake icing, fruit roll-ups, chewing gum Health Implications: May cause thyroid cancer in rats

Saccharin Commercial Use: Artificial sweetener Sources: Diet, no-sugar-added products, soft drinks, sweetener packets Health Implications: May cause bladder cancer in mice and in female rats, and other cancers in both rats and mice

Sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate Commercial Use: Preservative, colouring, flavouring Sources: Bacon, ham, frankfurters, luncheon meats, smoked fish, corned beef Health Implications: Linked to various cancers in humans


Commercial Use: Artificial colouring Sources: Beverages, candy, baked goods Health Implications: May cause tumours of the adrenal gland and kidney in animals; may cause severe allergic reactions in some people

Food Allergens and Sensitivities Our immune system stays on high alert. It recognises when an unfriendly substance is present in the body. When it meets such a sub¬stance, the immune system makes protective antibodies or churns out other chemicals to fight it. In susceptible people, the immune system goes a bit overboard. It considers everyday foods or food particles, such as wheat or milk, as unfriendly and tries to fight them off. The result is an allergic reaction that might show up as hives, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, congestion, diarrhoea, vomiting, bloating, or stomach aches. Though rare, other reactions might be fatigue, headache, or mood swings. Substances that seem to trigger these reactions the most are wheat, milk, eggs, certain nuts, corn, soya, yeast, and chocolate. Certain food additives are common offenders, too.



Healing a Food Allergy Food allergy pops up in only one to two percent of Americans, whereas food intolerance occurs in up to a whopping 70 per cent of our population! Where a food allergy is an abnormal reaction to certain food proteins, a food intolerance is a delayed, negative reaction to a substance usually due to insufficient levels of a specific enzyme.

Source: living/food_and_drink/1206394/the_truth_about_food_ additives_how_they_threaten_your_health.html

There are four main types of food intolerances: lactose, gluten, fructose, and histamine. In lactose intolerance, a person has a hard time digesting the lactose (a milk sugar) in milk or milk products. It is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme lactase. Lactose therefore goes undigested and enters the intestines. Bacteria process the sugar and release gas. This leads to bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. A gluten intolerance means the body has a hard time digesting or breaking down gluten. The condition can range from a mild sensitiv¬ity to gluten to full-blown coeliac disease (which is recognised as a true food allergy). A fructose intolerance is a sensitivity to fructose, the natural sugar found in fruits, nuts, and honey. It’s frequently added to sweetened beverages such as sodas, sports drinks, fruit punches, bottled tea and coffee drinks, and flavoured waters (often in the form of high-fructose corn syrup). This intolerance can be mild or serious. The more serious form is known as ‘hereditary fructose intolerance’ and is a rare genetic disorder. With this condition, people lack an enzyme that breaks down fructose during digestion. Hereditary fructose intolerance can lead to liver and kidney damage. Fortunately though, it can be identified and diagnosed at a young age. The other, milder form is called ‘fructose malabsorption.’ It means you have trouble digesting fructose. Among the symptoms are bloating, abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhoea, but not kidney and liver damage. A lesser-known food intolerance is histamine intolerance. This is a condition in which an enzyme called diamine oxidase (DAO) is faulty and unable to adequately break down histamines in foods. Foods such as pizza, beer, red wine, cured and smoked meats and fish, and many types of cheeses and nuts are high in histamine. When the body can’t degrade histamine, allergy-type symptoms flare up.




No society wants you to become wise OSHO


society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves -- they will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them; they will want to live in freedom. Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically. They are inseparable, and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian -- no society likes people to use their

own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous -dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the “haves”; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations. In fact, a wise man is afire, alive, aflame. He would like rather to die than to be enslaved. Death will not matter much to him, but he cannot sell his life to all kinds of stupidities, to all kinds of stupid people. He cannot serve them. Hence, the societies down the ages have been supplying you with false knowing. That’s the very function of your schools, colleges, universities. They don’t serve YOU, remember, they serve the past, they serve the vested interests. Of course, they go on puffing your ego up bigger and bigger, they go on giving you more and more degrees. Your name becomes longer and longer, but only the name -- you go on becoming shorter and shorter. A point comes where there are only certificates and the man has disappeared. First the man carries the certificates, then the certificates carry the man. The man is long dead. Dr. Pritam Singh, it is not possible to become wise through the universities. Wisdom needs a totally different approach, a diametrically opposite approach. Knowledge is of the mind, wisdom is a state of no-mind. Knowledge creates the bottle around the goose -- a beautiful bottle, very beautifully painted, but it is just a bottle. And inside there cannot be a real live goose. Inside a bottle either you can have a stuffed goose -- that’s what your scholars are, stuffed tomatoes, potatoes,




but all stuffed, stuffed with junk -- or you can have a painted goose inside. It will look beautiful from the outside, but in fact you are carrying only a bottle. And the bottle becomes heavier, because knowledge has its own way of accumulating -- it goes on reproducing itself. Knowledge does not believe in birth control at all. If you know one thing, it will drive you into another thing, because with each question answered ten new questions arise. Again the same will happen: ten questions answered and you have a hundred questions ready for you. It goes on spreading. It becomes bigger and bigger and you are lost in it. You ask me: WHY AM I STILL IGNORANT? This is why you are ignorant: you have not yet come out of the illusion of knowledge, the illusion of the mind. Get out of the mind. The mind is the bottle I am talking about. The moment you drop the mind... and mind is only your idea; it is not a reality, it is fictitious, it is just a fantasy. It is made of the same stuff that dreams are made of. You can simply step out of it. And this is the moment, Dr. Pritam Singh, because this is a great insight, in fact, to recognize: “Why am I still ignorant when I am carrying all the degrees of the university?” Accept the fact that all those years of acquiring knowledge have been a sheer wastage. Get out of it! And the moment you are out of the mind, you are out of the bottle. See?... the goose is out! And the whole freedom of the sky, and the whole freedom of insightfulness... The so-called learned, the scholarly, the knowledgeable go on living in a world of their own fictions. They have no concern for reality at all - they are disconnected from the real. And it is the real which can make your life a joy, a bliss. The word “God” is not God, the word “love” is not love either. So the poor people who go on thinking about the word “God” or the word “love” are simply missing a great opportunity.

the word is hiding the truth; the word is covering their eyes. The eyes of all knowledgeable people are so covered with theories, theologies, dogmas, creeds, that they cannot see. They are not transparent. And wisdom is a transparency, a vision unclouded -unclouded by all thoughts, unclouded by all dust. One has to cleanse oneself every moment, because dust tends to gather on the mirror every moment. It is a natural process. While you are sitting here, the mirror in your bathroom is gathering dust. Even in the night when nothing is happening -- even the doors of the bathroom and the windows are closed -- still some dust is gathering, settling on the mirror, because dust particles are there in the air itself. Every day in the morning you have to clean the mirror. One has to be even more alert about the inner mind, the inner mirror, the inner capacity of reflection. EACH moment you have to clean the dust. I prefer to put it in this way: EACH moment a sannyasin has to die to the past and be born anew. Then he remains transparent, then his mirror remains clear. Then there is nothing to obstruct his perspective. Then he is neither a Christian nor a Hindu, nor a Mohammedan, nor a Buddhist. Then he is simply a mirror, just a mirror, a mirroring -- mirroring all that is, within and without. Out of that mirroring, wisdom is born. Wisdom is the flowering of your transparency, of your translucency, of your luminous being. That’s what we are doing here. In fact, the function of the Master is to undo what the society has done to you. It is an anti-university, an anti-school, an anti-college, because it is not here to impart knowledge to you but to impart something totally different, something of a different dimension. It is here to create a triggering process in you so that you can get out of your so-called scriptures, words, theories, and you can become just ordinary. You can just become whatsoever you are without any pretensions. I exalt the ordinariness of consciousness. I am not teaching you the superman here.

Source: Osho/The_Goose_is_Out/Osho-The-Goose-isOut-00000001.html

They may have known what God is, they may have become acquainted with the mysteries of love, but




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