14 minute read

Chapter Seven – How Samhain Became Halloween (page


Now don’t misunderstand – black cats in and of themselves of course aren’t evil. So why is it that we relate black cats to the occult? The Celts both revered and sacrificed cats. Remember that they believed in reincarnation. They believed that black cats were reincarnated evil people. Some ministers of deliverance today believe that cats are sensitive to demonic spirits (demons). We have personally seen a black cat that hissed and attempted to scratch us and ran out of the room when we entered a home inhabited with demons. But after cleansing the home and praying with and taking communion with the owners, the cat came into the home purring and loving and totally changed. Witches believe their black cats have the ability to react whenever spirits are around.



Obviously ghosts are very popular in movies and TV shows today. Hollywood has helped the world to become sympathetic to these lost souls, funky little poltergeists, and tormented dead people. There are shows, sit-coms and feature films that center around all sorts of ghostly activities. People pay to attend haunted expeditions while the business of paranormal activities is booming!

We’ve pretty much established that ghosts are not the souls of departed humans. Ghosts (as we know them today) do not exist. When humans die, they are immediately in the presence of Christ (Hebrews 9:27 and 2 Cor. 5:8) so that the work of our lives can be judged. Ghosts are not dear departed souls. They are the fallen angels (demons) sent to deceive and lure people away from God. And no matter how quirky or entertaining, they originate from one source Satan.

There are various ranks of demons (Eph. 6:12). All of them ultimately report to Satan as they strive to accomplish his purposes.

My husband and I were part of a ministry team that was invited to 'cleanse houses' and to help individuals and families who are tormented by "paranormal" activities. Sometimes demons can create such havoc that people believe they are going crazy! The "paranormal" can be frightening if it's not understood and correctly dealt with. None of it is of a ghostly origin, but it is indeed spiritual. Contrary to popular culture the paranormal is not a 'science'. And it's nothing to toy or play around with.

Ghosts are not dear departed souls. They are the fallen angels (demons) sent to deceive and lure people away from God.

As you gathered from my introduction, using a Ouija Board or attempting a Séance is NOT an option for a Christian. These are not games. These types of activities actually open doors and invite in demonic activity. Once invited in, demonic spirits have a legal right to traffic in your life. They will eventually cause great harm. The paranormal is a ‘dark’ imitation of the Light of Christ. And this darkness has power (Acts 26:18).


In the physical there is nothing we can do to battle the paranormal. Regardless of the TV programs, there are no tools or technologies that will control or defeat the powers of darkness. There is no way we can win a war with these entities if we try to battle them in the 'natural' (Eph. 6:12 & 1 Peter 5:7-9 & James 4:7).

The only way to defeat the enemy is to BE IN CHRIST - and to recognize that we can't defeat the enemy in and of our own strength or knowledge or man-made tools. Instead we must willingly submit completely to God, be self-controlled and alert, and stand upon the only One who ever defeated him. But we'll discuss this further in our final chapter of this study.


In ancient times, vampire legends didn't exist. It wasn't until about 1047 that the Slavic equivalent for 'vampire' ("upyr" – a corpse that would rise to suck the life-blood from humans), was coined. And the legend began. In all historical instances, the drinking of blood and eating of flesh were associated with the devil and/or demon possession. Even to this day, the drinking of blood is associated world-wide with reverence to demons.

No romantically themed “undead” romance can cover-up the fact that so-called vampires can't survive in the "light" and must roam under cover of darkness. The 'love story' doesn't justify the fact that legendary vampires lust after blood because they are undead creatures that must kill and drink life-blood in order to gain immortality. Werewolves, on the other hand, are supposedly tormented half-animal creatures that rely on darkness in which to capture their living prey so they can feast upon them to sate their animal lust and maintain their immortality. And zombies actually originated in the voodoo practices of Haiti where the dead were reanimated through the use of sorcery. All of these are from Satan.

There are Wiccans, Satanists, and Pagan Cults today that celebrate black-masses (especially on Halloween) by drinking blood as a "sacrament". They do this because they believe it will help them to gain 'spiritual power', make alliances with the devil, and to knowingly mock and profane the Holy Communion of Christianity.

It's not by coincidence that Scripture parallels the partaking of blood with sorcery and divination (Lev. 19:26) and that God's people are forbidden to eat meat with the lifeblood still in it (Deut. 12:23 & Acts 15:29).

For God’s people, it is expressly forbidden to participate in the drinking of blood. If it’s forbidden to us; if vampires are ‘undead’ creatures that kill to live off the life-blood of humans; if vampires, werewolves and zombies are associated with darkness, death and demons - can we understand that God doesn't want us to have anything to do with it (Eph. 5:11 & 2 Cor. 6:15)? God’s people are not to be enticed into partaking of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons (1 Cor. 10:20-21).



At the beginning of this booklet I shared about my church’s annual youth group trip to the haunted temple. Haunted houses pop up everywhere this time of year. They generate a LOT of money. They state that they are for entertainment purposes, but this type of entertainment is nothing short of evil masquerading as fun. Our ears and eyes are gates by which spiritual things pass into our bodies and our spirits. To fill our eyes and ears with images of bloody creatures and the 'living dead' literally opens spiritual doors that need never to be opened. The 'spirits' behind this 'entertainment' are not for “entertainment” and they are not of God. They are deceiving spirits (1 Tim. 4:1). And God's people have no business patronizing the establishments that employ them.



How Samhain Became Halloween

On Hallowe'en the thing you must do Is pretend that nothing can frighten you And if somethin' scares you and you want to run Just let on like it's Hallowe'en fun. ~ Author Unknown

We've discussed the origins of the Halloween holiday and the evil behind most of the customs and traditions. But the question remains about how this 'festival of the dead' became the Halloween that we know today.

In the middle ages, the Romans conquered the Celts and infiltrated their land. The Celts may have lost their battles, but they refused to lose their traditions and spiritual customs. Although under Roman rule, the Celts continued to celebrate Samhain. Although the Romans were forbidden to participate in these Samhain festivities, they began to find them appealing. Eventually, over the years even the Roman people began to incorporate more of the Celtic customs into their private lives.

The Roman Catholic Church warned their members not to have anything to do with the customs of the Celts. But, as the festival would have it, the people who were celebrating wore masks. Therefore the Roman Catholics felt they could fully take part in enjoying Samhain by hiding behind masks and not be identified. What their priests, bishops and pope didn’t know – wouldn’t hurt. Or would it?

When the Roman Catholic Church realized their members were indeed actively participating in the unholy activities, they had to do something. Around 835 A.D., Pope Gregory IV moved All-Saints Day to Nov. 1st . "All-Saints Day" was their recognized day of celebrating the Christian Saints who’d lived and died valiantly fighting to promote the Gospel message. It became known to Catholics as All Halloweds because ‘hallow’ means “saints” or “holy ones. So, "All Halloweds Evening" became known as “The night before we celebrate all the holy ones”.

It was a good attempt at drawing attention away from the 'other' celebration of the night - Samhain - the (unholy) celebration of the dead. Sadly, it wasn't enough. The mystical festivities of the darker side; the pagan celebrations of evil were still more fascinating. Unfortunately those festivities carried more ‘spiritual power’ than their newly moved "celebration of the Saints". And the people of the Catholic faith continued to secretly celebrate Samhain during Halloweds Evening – or "Hallow E’en".

During this era there was a tremendous revival of witchcraft and sorcery, and a growing interest in Satanism. Where Satan and his demonic hoards are being glorified, there is an increase in dark powers. During this time darkness really did battle Light.


When the immigrants came to America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they brought with them their folk beliefs, their unholy superstitions, and the ‘crafts’ of their pagan religions.

One of the celebrations they continued even in this “new world” was the combined festival of Death (Samhain) and Halloweds E’en which ultimately came to be known as Halloween. Unfortunately, Samhain was so incorporated into Halloweds E’en that it became known in this country as simply Hallow E’en. Today more Americans than not believe Halloween is simply a fun holiday of dress-up and make-believe and partying and candy for the kids. They are dead wrong. While our innocent children dress in costume and roam the streets begging for treats, there are real spiritual connotations to their actions. Dark agendas take place on that night all around the globe.

In the name of “fun” as adults party and drink and dress in costume, worldwide, Halloween is still the "Black Sabbath". This is the most-high holy day for Satan. On Halloween night, Satanists 'call up' demons to roam the earth and do Satan's bidding. Satan Worshipers offer the “Black Mass to Desecrate the Body of Christ in the Eucharist”. To do this, they need a ‘Consecrated Host’ (the sanctified bread and wine or grape juice used as Communion for Catholics and Christians). They worship and pray intensely to Satan; specifically asking for the fall of the Church of Jesus Christ and for the destruction of Christian families and the rise of Satan. There is the drinking of (real) blood and there ARE animal and human sacrifices that take place in their Black Sabbaths. Halloween isn't a 'holiday' to Satanists - it's a high and powerful "holy-day".

Locally, our TV News Anchors remind people not to leave their pets outside unattended during the weeks before Halloween. They know that this is the time of year where animals are stolen and used for sacrifices. Many animal shelters will close for the week before and few days after Halloween - to prevent any adoptions for the sake of sacrifices. . . . as adults party and drink and dress in costume, worldwide, Halloween is still the "Black Sabbath". This is the most-high holy day for Satan. On Halloween night, Satanists 'call up' demons to roam the earth and do Satan's bidding.

Halloween is also the main feast night for the Wiccan religion. Witch Covens world-wide gather to celebrate with rituals. They believe it is the night of their greatest power for casting spells. This is the night they participate in “drawing down of the moon” – a ceremony in which the chief witch of the coven becomes a ‘channel’ (becomes possessed by) of the ‘moon goddess’. We know there is no 'moon goddess' – and their channeling is an invitation for demons to take over their bodies and voices.

The arguments I’ve heard, state that people don’t participate in Halloween activities for the purpose of glorifying Satan – they just want to escape the monotony of everyday life and have fun. Some argue that if they don’t focus on the bad, they can enjoy the good!


Clearly from God’s Word, there is no positive spin on this 'holy-day'. Christians should not have any business participating in Halloween in any way.

My husband and I used to lead Youth. And every one of our youth said that (like me) the activities of 'Halloween' peaked their curiosity. Because of that, every one of them admitted to delving a bit deeper into the Occult. Some of them even became practicing witches.

Halloween activities were the 'open door' to demonic persuasion for each of them.

Halloween is a 'holy-day' for Satan. It's demonic. It's Satanic. And there is nothing about it that has been “redeemed” for God’s use and purposes. There are dark spiritual forces at work in every aspect of the day. Halloween isn’t just “not of God” or “not about Him” – Halloween is ungodly and it is against God. It is detestable to God (Deut. 18:10-12). When we choose to participate in the activities of Halloween – we invite spirits of fear, confusion, witchcraft, Satanism, torment, etc. into our lives, into our homes, and into the lives of our children and their children for generations to come.

Are these really the “fun” doors we want to open and push our children through? Do we want to sacrifice our babies to the evil one?

For many, when they come to receive Christ, they are instantly healed in their spirits, bodies and minds. Me? When I came to know Christ I too attempted to justify involvement in Halloween and occult activities – because no one taught me otherwise. I wondered, (like the Roman Catholics of long ago) if I could successfully comingle my beliefs in God with my participation in ungodly activities. Yet I didn’t understand why I could never seem to grow any closer to God and hear more clearly what His Holy Spirit would speak to me. I didn’t grasp why I knew ABOUT God but I couldn’t seem to possess the power and the presence that Jesus died to give to me.

I began to seek what I was doing in my life that distanced me from God. When I prayed and gave the Holy Spirit permission to reveal to me what kept me from the fullness God, He revealed Halloween. Like the peeling of an onion, God gradually pulled back the fleshly layers and washed my eyes and my mind with His Word. Years of generational superstitions and cultural beliefs and customs came to the forefront. Eventually it was as if Light illuminated Scripture and God spoke directly to me about how evil and deadly this holiday we call Halloween really is. I learned that I had to renounce darkness and close those doors that I opened many years ago as a curious teenager. And from that day forward, I know the Truth concerning Halloween. And the Truth has set me free.

Halloween isn’t just “not of God” or “not about Him” – Halloween is ungodly and it is against God. It is detestable to God …


My desire is that all people will be set free and come to know God and to love and to serve Him with their whole hearts. I want everyone I know to understand the Truth of the evil agenda behind Halloween and to turn to the Only One who can defeat it.

In our world today that battle of evil VS good still exists and in many ways it’s raging stronger than ever before. Satan knows his time is coming to an end and the return of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is very near. Our enemy doesn’t want us or our children standing on God’s Word, believing His promises or living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, he’s bombarding our societies with evil like never before. Sadly, our country is tolerating and then embracing much of it. Our children speak profanely and act like small sexually active adults while our adults behave like blood-thirsty, party animals.

Now is the time for God’s people to stand firm and call evil what it is and refuse to have nothing to do with it.

I won’t tell you what you should do with what’s written here. I won’t chastise you into believing things my way. But I will ask you to go to God and ask Him. Ask God to shed His Light on Halloween and its customs. Seek the Lord to reveal to you what you and your children/grandchildren shouldn’t be involved in. And ask the Light of the world to come into your life and cause the darkness to flee.

Lev. 18:30


Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you … Deuteronomy 11:16-17a

All material contained in this book is under the sole ownership of the author and is not to be copied or reused without permission. Please contact me if you’d like to copy or use any material from this teaching or if you’d like to learn more about spiritual doors and freedom in Christ to close them.

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