5 Mistakes That Can Completely Mess Up Your Wellness Program Initiating a workplace wellness program has its own challenges. Workplace wellness programs fail for just as many reasons as they succeed. It’s completely up to you to make it happen, and it’s not that difficult as you might think. The success of any workplace wellness programs depends upon the simple steps that make all the difference. Here we will discuss the 5 mistakes wellness promotion professionals make that potential mess with the effectiveness of the wellness program. 1. Bad Management Support Leaders play a significant role in building environment that support wellness. Management must be obvious participants in the program. 2. No Data Collection To design a wellness program that suits your organization you have to gather health status data of your employees. An amazing way to gather data is on-site biometric screenings. 3. Extremely Complicated I f your workforce doesn’t understand your wellness offerings or don’t understand how to participate, they definitely won’t engage. Therefore, it is advised to “keep it simple, stupid,” while creating any wellness program. 4. Low Employee Engagement Low employee engagement is one of the greatest obstacles in altering employees’ health. By branding your employees wellness program you can build an emotional relationship at every touchpoint. 5. Impractical Expectations Behavior change does take time. Remodeling a culture is a difficult job. The conventional wisdom is to not anticipate a real ROI for at least a period of 18 months. Source: http://www.truworthwellness.com/blog/5-mistakes-that-can-completely-mess-up-yourwellness-program.html