Hosting An Employee Wellness Day And Cherishing Its Benefits An Employee Wellness Day is a fun and interactive event which is all about caring for your employees and creating a culture of wellness. It is a sure spin on the traditional health fair, and your organization will undoubtedly reap benefits from hosting one. You can cherish the following benefits by hosting an Employee Wellness Day: 1. Appreciation From Employees: If you show some appreciation to your employees, you’ll definitely receive some appreciation in return! As simple as that. Offering your employees an opportunity to participate in an Employee Wellness Day clearly demonstrates that your organization genuinely cares about their well-being and health. Employees should have a feeling that their organization appreciates and supports them on an individual level, and hosting one event dedicated to their mental and physical wellbeing truly motivates them. 2. Convenient and Valuable Health Education: An Employee Wellness Day is an excellent way to render education your workforce in a non-invasive way. Employees will get an opportunity to learn about their own wellness and health in a comfortable environment, rather than visiting a doctor on their own time. For instance, an Employee Wellness Day can include the following benefits:
Fitness Testing Blood Pressure Body Composition Flexibility Educational Resources Glucose and Cholesterol Testing
The above mentioned are all basic essentials that employees must know regarding their health. Hosting an onsite wellness day is a convenient way to offer employees the resources, testing, and education they require to evaluate their health that they might not get on their own. 3. Involve and Inspire Your Employees: There’s certainly no better way to involve and inspire your employees than through a hands-on approach. Employees will get an opportunity to interact with healthcare experts and other peers for tips and advice on living a healthy lifestyle. A group involvement also motivates the employees as with their co-workers they feel a sense of encouragement and inspiration in their wellness journey. Moreover, an interactive and fun event is a sure-fire way to guarantee employee participation and engagement in your wellness program.
Source: e n e f i t s . h t