Promoting Wellness Among Aging Workforce There’s no secret to the fact that average life span of people has increased as compared to the previous generations. And, as the population ages so do the workforce. Older employees are one of the major segment of the workforce, as well as the most experienced and highly skilled ones. Moreover, a lot of employees express that they are likely to continue working well past the traditional retirement age of 65. Hence, to retain these valuable employees, it is vital for employers to offer attractive wellness programs that address the unique requirements of an aging workforce. Recent years have brought a renewed emphasis on exercise, diet, as well as healthy lifestyle practices, mainly among the baby boomer generation. Employers must consider incorporating these wellness practices into their workplace wellness programs—options for doing so may comprise of wellness promotion, health coaching, and adopting ideas and policies that promote healthy behaviors among aging employees. Wellness programs boost productivity as well as decrease employee absenteeism due to illness or attendance at healthcare appointments. All these factors add up to enormous benefits for both employers and employees. The term successful aging refers to optimal mental physical, financial and social well-being in older age. To better support, your multigenerational workforce, consider modifying or implementing some of these strategies at your workplace An Ergo-Friendly Environment Prolonged sitting is not considered as a healthy practice at any age. Employers must consider offering standing workstations and chances for some physical activity at workplace, such as walking meeting, yoga or stretching sessions. Also, it is important to ensure that the workplace environment, such as the seating arrangements, floor surfaces, and computer equipment, are both safe and comfortable to further promote an efficient work environment. Wellness Activities At Workplace Conduct some wellness activities at workplace to keep your employees charged up such as office singing, desk yoga, walking meetings etc. Along with improving physical fitness wellness activities also helps employees fight stress, especially on those high demanding days. A successful wellness program encourages overall well-being while keeping it fun. So try to make your initiatives fun, attempt new ideas and observe what your team values the most. Flexibility At The Workplace Flexibility allows employees to have a right over deciding when and how they work. This includes welcoming the input of employees at the time of planning their schedule, location, working condition, and tasks.
Older employees may work more proficiently in self-paced roles. Contemplate permitting self-directed rest breaks along with fewer repetitive tasks. Skill-Building Across Generations Encourage opportunities for skill-building across all age levels, for example, a lunch-and-learn session on using technology. Offer opportunities to employees from different generations to learn from one another. If aging workforce mentor or train younger generations, it can help your entire team as well as prepare employees for further advanced responsibilities. The knowledge, skill, and experience of the aging workforce are a valuable asset in your organization. Use different strategies to help your workplace reap the benefits of having an aging as well as multigenerational workforce! Truworth offers onsite wellness programs to benefit your most valuable asset: your workforce. Our team works with you to design and implement a comprehensive wellness program specifically tailored to the requirement of your employees—allowing your organization to retain the priceless experience of these highly skilled employees. If you would like to implement a comprehensive and successful workplace wellness program at your organization, click here to contact us or email us on S o u r c e : HYPERLINK " o r k f o r c e . h t m l " h t t p : / /