5 Secrets To Improve Wellness At Work If employee wellness isn’t a priority for your organization, you may need to reevaluate. As a healthy workforce is more productive and has less turnover. So in case, you’re looking to improve your wellness initiative, here are 5 tips you should definitely follow. 1. Change The Options Of Your Vending Machine Your workforce will be healthy only if they eat healthy. But what about the situation where your vending machines or kitchen down the hall are filled with salty snacks and candies exclusively, then your employees they’re likely to slip into some pretty poor eating habits. The question here is, what should you do in such a situation? To improve wellness at work, get in touch with your vending machine company and look out for all the healthy options that are available with them and try to bring those options in your kitchen. 2. Offer Brochures & Posters Related To Nutrition Seldom, providing people with knowledge is the finest way to encourage them for a change. By placing some brochures or posters around the office with exercise methods and healthy eating tips you and encourage your employees to follow a healthy lifestyle. As whenever they’ll read them can learn from them and eventually they will start practicing wellness at work. 3. Design A Wellness Newsletter Try to regularly update your workforce regarding wellness innovations, issues, and updates. Design a weekly or monthly wellness newsletter and share wellness information with your team. Offer wellness information, tips and progress specifically for your team to further enhance their wellness at work. 4. Organise Health Fairs Organise health fair at your organization each year or quarter, where you can give invitations to various health service providers like those that can offer screenings, present healthy snacks or even offer fitness guidance. These health fairs help in creating awareness regarding health and wellness among your population. 5. Host Various Challenges Design various health and wellness challenges and get your workforce involved, motivate and encourage them to participate in various challenges. Organising these challenges will not only enhance wellness at work but will also build a team spirit among employees. Also, you can reward the winning members and create a competitive atmosphere so that other members get motivated to participate and win. Source: http://www.truworthwellness.com/blog/secrets-to-improve-wellness-at-work.html