Taking Steps Towards A Healthier Retirement Various researches indicate a wide-range of health benefits that can be achieved by employees who get engaged in a workplace wellness activities. These comprise of reductions in waist circumference and blood pressure and improvements in job satisfaction, perceived well-being, and productivity. Walking is preferably the most suited physical activity for older adults along with previously sedentary populations as it demands no equipment or special skills. Participants can easily self-select a pace harmonious with their prevailing cardiorespiratory fitness levels hence, presenting an achievable physical challenge with little risk of injury — two major determinants of long-term adherence. But what should be done to engage and further sustain physical activity among the aging employees? #1. Build a Supportive Physical Environment The procurement of a supportive environment is one of the most meaningful influences on health behaviors of the employees within the workplace. The convenience and accessibility of walking trails, open space, recreation facilities, as well as aesthetics of corridors and stairwells are all positively linked with higher levels of physical activity and further engenders a more walkable worksite. Environmental supports may also encourage more active transport and incidental walking. #2. Create Supportive Organizational Plans And Policies Organizational plans and policies play a major role in engaging employees in healthy behaviors. All these plans and policies increase sustainability and boost program support. Written regulations like incentivizing and promoting participation and providing break time during the hectic workday for physical activity and leisure are imperatives for promoting a healthy culture. Employers can also consider structured walking clubs or programs like Walk to Luch that provide healthy refreshments and recognition to employees who complete personal milestones. #3: Promote Feasible Goal-Setting And Incremental Progress The utility of wearable technology for self-monitoring has been observed as an effective method for enhancing step counts of older adults. Mobile applications and pedometers are low-cost tools that offer continuous feedback on different levels of physical activity and stimulate progressive increases in step totals. Participants also have the facility to self-report on a monthly, weekly or daily basis. However, establishing activity goals for the aging employees must be approached with caution. It is important that wellness program encourages goal-setting that accounts for their medical history and is adaptable to the individual’s abilities and truworth can help you achieving this for your employees. Consistent participation or reasonable progress can be rewarded with monetary and lesser tangible fringe incentives, like hours of paid time off, public acknowledgment of achievement, or resultsoriented work arrangements that are apt to encouraging improved perceptions of the organization. Source: http://www.truworthwellness.com/blog/taking-steps-towards-a-healthier-retirement.html