Tips To Connect With Offline Employees In Your Corporate Wellness Program Connecting With The Unconnected Almost all organizations face the similar challenge of reaching and influencing their offline employees. Now the question is, how can you deliver and promote services to employees who aren’t online all day? This is a two-step challenge: You require engaging your employees through communication and marketing to built excitement among them regarding your employee wellness program. You’re required to deliver the program activities. The general toolkit practiced for health and wellness doesn’t apply here: No intranets or extranets, no emails, no online portals, no webinars, no digital newsletters, no social media, no instant messaging and no digital video. Yet, luckily there are several effective techniques to influence these offline employees. Offer Something Interesting and Productive : This is certainly true of all employees, of course, but slightly more for employees who are offline. Before you share the details about your wellness program with them, explain them why they should care about it. What’s there in it for them, on an individual level? Emphasise the personal benefits that are offered such as having more energy and feeling better. Meet Them In Their Space: Find out where exactly your offline employees come together informally and spread the messages of your wellness program there. This could be either in a canteen, break room, or even at the bus stop. Connect With Team Leaders: Team leaders are the most important communication channel for offline employees. Make it effective and easy for the team leaders to deliver your message by offering them printed brochures or briefing Kits. These would comprise of key messages and FAQs, so they’re resourced and equipped to further inform as well as inspire their team. Reward Your Champions: Wellness and Health enthusiasts come into their own in offline environments. They spread the word, ramp up excitement and pass back feedback and insights. Tips to deliver your services and program activities offline Promotion is very important; but the entire point is to deliver effective wellness and health services to your employees, services that support and educate them to change their lifestyle habits for better. For example: • • • • • •
Health consultations Health checks Seminars and workshops Mindfulness and meditation classes Newsletters Cooking demonstrations
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Expos Yoga and Pilates classes Massage Group fitness classes