Why Napping At Work Is Good For Your Employees Once considered a taboo, sleeping on the job is now promoted due to its several benefits. Today, more and more companies are encouraging employees for a mid-shift snooze. And it’s a wise practice. According to a survey, 29% of workers reported falling asleep or becoming dizzy at work, and a lack of sleep results in lost productivity. On the other hand, a short nap of twenty-minute can really boost alertness as well as improve performance at work. Several companies with a strong commitment to employee wellness recognize the benefits of napping at work. It is an amazing way to reset your mind and body necessary in boosting your alertness and work performance. Let’s look at some of the benefits of napping at work: 1. Improves Alertness As the day passes by, you may find it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand as your brain becomes tired and your alertness admits a major blow. The finest way to restore alertness is to take a break and have a nap. Napping at work gets your brain refreshed just like you’ve woken up in the morning. According to a survey, a short nap of 20 to 30 minutes at work improves alertness and performance at work. 2. Improves Productivity According to various studies, employees who take naps during the course of their regular chores are have turned out to be more productive as compared to their counterparts who don’t. According to the study conducted in the year 2002 at Harvard University, it was found that a 20-30-minute nap boosts employees performance at work, scaling back their productivity levels to the start-of-the-day levels. 3. Helps Fight Exhaustion As you perform your routine tasks at office or home, your aim is to complete them in time and then move to the next task. Our bodies are naturally created to take breaks and rest between our chores. If you keep on racing all the time you might end messing up things around you. This can result in exhaustion, stress, or frustration. You can reboot your system at the office by taking a small nap of 2030 minutes to feel energized and refreshed. This will help you to relieve stress which was already piling up and you can tackle the pending tasks more efficiently. 4. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease Various studies have shown that people who take regular naps, at midday for at least three times a week, are 37% less likely to suffer from heart disease as compared to those who don’t. Source: Benefits of napping at work