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Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Vehicles Last updated Mar 17, 2017
By Pj Mischuk
There is no shortage of ways to get around with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands vehicles. The game is set in a modern urban environment and o ers a nice variety of transportation options.
Tired Of Driving With Your Controller, Use Planes Instead
There is one option for xed wing aircraft. It is a small, light 4 door airplane similar to the Maule M-7 con gured for land use. The options get better from here.
Domintate The Air With Helicopters There are two rotary aircraft in the game. The rst is the UH-60 Black Hawk, a nicely rendered version of the U.S. Army’s primary medium lift utility lift and assault helicopter. This aircraft has a variety of weapons and defensive systems. The second is the AH-6 little bird. This is a light attack and assault helicopter used by special forces. It’s lightly armored and occasionally has no weapons.
Boats For Traveling Across The Lake Of Water There is water in this massive open world, so Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands vehicles include a couple of boats. They are around whenever you need to get across the water. The rst is a medium size pleasure craft similar to a day cruiser such as the Chaparral Signature 310. The second boat is a small in atable powered by an outboard motor modeled after the Zodiac used by military forces around the world for beach assault and river navigation. The third is a smaller cedar boat also powered by an outboard motor, and is modeled after the west arm model cedar strip Giesler roundabout.
Super Charge Your Gameplay With Commercial Vehicles Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands vehicles really start to get fun in this category, because it includes a front end loader like a heavy duty Caterpillar 986H. Although not designed for it, this vehicle makes a powerful weapon. There are also nondescript box vans and small atbed trucks scattered around the virtual world. Four wheel drive pick trucks such as the Ford F250 Super Duty are also common.
Personal Vehicles Because it is set in a modern environment, there are plenty of cars traveling along the roads as you move through Wildlands. These include minivans and 4 door sedans. Fighting a drug cartel means stealing their cars, such as the Cadillac Escalate EXT and the Jeep Wrangler EXT. Do not miss the chance to drive a Lamborghini coupe in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands. In the same category of fun to drive is the dirt bike, patterned after the Yamaha YZ 450. There are also plenty of light duty o road 4 wheel drive Toyotas available.
Hybrid Vehicles No, not electric cars, these are personal vehicles converted to military use. The most common is a nondescript 4 wheel drive pick-
up truck with a 50 caliber machine gun mounted over the cab.
Obliterate The Competition With Military Vehicles Of course, there are enough of these to go around. They range from armored Humvees in a wide variety of con gurations to the Stryker Armored Personnel Carrier both for the most part come with a top mounted mini-gun. Drones and parachutes don’t fall into the category of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands vehicles, but they are around. A parachute is particularly handy when falling out of aircraft, intentionally or otherwise. Edited by Dustin Rush More TryGamers Content, Ghost Recon Wildlands Released With Map Bigger Then GTA 5
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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
Pj Mischuk I'm an avid gamer born in Canada.
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