Nutrition, All What You Need To Know?
• Nutrition. • Nutritionis eating meals (quantity and type) that is appropriate to your age and physiological condition.Thatmade body gets all its needs of materials and nutrients in order to prevent the incidence of diseases and enjoy health and wellness. • Through your life, not only the nutritionist recommends eating healthy, but also you must pay attention to your lifestyle in terms of avoiding unhealthy behaviors and methods that do not benefit the individual.
• Health. • Good health comes only through the commitment of the individual to a good nutrition. Proper and correct nutrition is the most effective way to eliminate and prevent diseases that are widespread throughout the world and in our environment. • For a great mental and physical health, all nutrients advice to provide the body the energy that he need. Thatincludes vitamins of all types, sugars, proteins and fats. The meals must contain the large proportion of mineral salts, and the right way to do that is by balancing nutrition with no approach to meals Readypreserved, especially fast food such as hamburgers and hot dogs.
• Effects of integrating meals. Frequent decrease in the body's need for energy, regularly and for a long period, leads to feeling of hunger automatically and continuously. This greatly harms the strength of the body and the determination, and increases the feeling of irritability, boredom, tension, insomnia and depression in some cases. • In some cases, low blood sugar may lead to tiredness, frequent headaches, and disturbances in the concentration of the human body and may lead to imbalance in the body when doing daily activities and homework that need great effort. • Eating meals at different intervals and not providing the body with a balanced and well-thought-out energy can break up the proteins in the body's muscles and lead to feelings of weakness and fatigue. This results in a significant drop in the rate of weight loss, the ability to control the body and weaken its abilities.
• When a person eats one large meal in a day, excess amounts of nutrients remain in the body, which remain an undigested nutrient that quickly turn into fats and then appear in the form of irritating tingling. • This action of eating a large meal a day increases the size of the stomach. The result is a larger stomach that requires a greater amount of food to feel full. These increases the levels of sugar and fat in the blood.While eating several small meals, these levels fall dramatically.
• The body needs food. • Human beings need more than 40 nutrients to maintain their health and resistance to diseases prevalent in the environment in which they live. There is no single, specific diet containing all these elements and substances, so it is important to eat many types of foods that ensure the individual to get these elements.
• For example, the individual deals with certain types of food for breakfast, other types of meal, and other food types at dinner and do not forget to eat between the main meals. • The next day you can complete the foods you could not eat the day before. For example, if you ate the fish the day before, you could eat meat the next day. This principle applies to other foods such as dairy products, vegetables, fruits, legumes and so on the week.
• Drink water and liquids. • An adult person needs 1.5 liters of water per day in the natural atmosphere, and may be twice as high or more in hot, humid climates or if you exercise intensely. • Water is the easiest type of fluid and the fastest absorption, which does not cause obesity at all, and can be consumed at any time of the individual wants. In addition, tea and fruit juices of all kinds, milk, coffee and soup provide large amounts of fluid needed by the body throughout its life.
• Carbohydrates and proper nutrition. Most of our society does not eat enough carbohydrate-containing foods such as bread, rice, potatoes etc. we all know that more than 65% of the energy we need to get is from carbohydrates. • Try to focus on whole grain foods Bread, biscuits and pastries of all kinds. It is common knowledge that young people and people, who are intensively active in the day, need large amounts of carbohydrates to be able to make up for the energy they made throughout the day.
• Fruits, vegetables, and their relationship to healthy nutrition. According to many scientific studies, many people do not eat vegetables or fruits, especially young people and older people. Fruits and vegetables contain a very large variety of nutrients useful to the human body. • In addition, they contain dietary fibers that help prevent many diseases. Such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. Fruits and vegetables are also contain antioxidants that help prevent cancer. The reader should eat at least five fruits a day, Li forms as many salads or fresh fruits or as cooked vegetables in daily diets.
• Drinks and foods rich in sugars. Sugar is an important carbohydrate material. It is a major source of thermal energy. In general, all carbohydrates except dietary fiber are sugars and sugars are found in quite a few foods such as milk, fruits, some vegetables, cereals and sugary foods, especially sweets and chocolates.
• Salty foods and proper nutrition. Most people need sodium, which we find in salt in small quantities. However, eating large amounts of sodium in our diets causes high blood pressure, which has become a major problem in many countries. • We know that many popular foods and heritage in contain high salt quantity, as well as most fast food and canned foods.The reader should be moderate in eating these daily meals.
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