Lana Trzebinski Ceramics Catalogue 2019

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I was bor n in Mombasa, Kenya in 1993. I g rew up in a f amily of sculptors, designers, painters, architects, interior designers, filmmakers and writers. Being sur rounded by so much creativity gave me the confidence to exper iment with different mediums and allowed me to express myself t h r o u g h m y c r e a t i v i t y. I n a d d i t i o n t o b e i n g a c e r a m a c i s t I c r e a t e c o l l a g e s , paint, ar range flowers for weddings and design jewellery as well as clothes and accessories. I star ted working with clay when I was seventeen. It has taken me many year s to find my prefer red medium however 4 year s ago, ceramics became m o r e t h a n j u s t a h o b b y. W h i l s t l i v i n g i n L o n d o n I s t a r t e d w o r k i n g w i t h white stoneware and later when moving back to Kenya, I had to adjust t o d i f f e r e n t c l a y, E a r t h e n w a r e , w h i c h i s h a r v e s t e d f r o m t h e s o i l t h a t I w a s bor n to, it tur ns a ter racotta color when fired. I have g radually created this first extensive body of work over 3 years while lear ning to understand the different stages within the process of my medium. What I love about ceramics is that there are endless opportunities to create something new and I am constantly lear ning. It is a long process (which can take months) star ting with sculpting , then bisquefiring & finally glazing. My glazes are unique to my work. In order to understand the process, I attended a two week glazing course in Rome which star ted me on the jour ney of a year solely testing glazes and now as a result I have over 300 test tiles. This p r o c e s s i s c h e m i s t r y, a s u b j e c t I w a s n e v e r f o n d o f a t s c h o o l h o w e v e r i t a l l o w s m e t o c r e a t e m a g i c a n d p u s h m e o u t o f m y c o m f o r t z o n e . Tr u e a l c h e m y.

I have always found it difficult to explain why I make what I make purely because my process does not star t with a pencil or pen sketching ideas, it seems to happen in the moment. What I can say is: my work has a lot of detail and repeated patter n, all of which mir ror some for m found in nature, where I have always found my inspiration. I am a perfectionist and I am heavily cr itical of myself and my work and suffer from self-doubt. In creating complex pieces,I am forced to experience a range of emotions; r a g e , j o y, f r u s t r a t i o n , b o r e d o m ‌ B u t t h i s a l w a y s e n d s i s a s e n s e o f accomplishment. With each piece I complete I prove to myself that I am good at what I do and that I am doing what I am supposed to do. When I was eight I lost my f ather in a ver y trag ic and traumatic way which left me deeply scar red. My work is a way for me to disconnect and I have found it to help m e h e a l m y w o u n d s a n d d e a l w i t h l i f e ’s c h a l l e n g e s . I n m a n i p u l a t i n g t h e plasticity of the clay it feels like it absorbs these emotions and once completed the object is fired makingit hard which becomes solid proof of my capabilities but also puts my doubts to rest in a beautiful creation. My inspiration from nature comes from being brought up in Kenya and having parents that made our childhood mag ical. Almost ever y weekend we were tossed in the back of our vintage Land Cr uiser off to some remote spot either in the middle of the bush or somewhere along the Kenyan coast. My childhood is filled with many happy memor ies spending hours on the ocean, fishing , surfing , snorkeling and playing on beaches or sleeping under mosquito nets under a blanket of stars.

CER 01 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 7.5 in| $300

CER 02 | HEIGHT: 5 in LENGTH: 8 in | $380

CER 03 | HEIGHT: 7.5 in LENGTH: 11.5 in | $400

CER 04 | HEIGHT: 6 in LENGTH: 7.5 in | $380

CER 05 | HEIGHT: 7 in LENGTH: 10 in | $380

CER 06 | HEIGHT: 7.5 in LENGTH: 11 in | $400

CER 07 | HEIGHT: 4.5 in LENGTH: 8 in | $300

CER 08 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 4.7 in | $85

CER 09 | HEIGHT: 4.7 in LENGTH: 5.5 in | $350

CER 10 | HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 5 in | $120

CER 11 | HEIGHT: 7 in LENGTH: 6 in | $300

CER 12 | HEIGHT: 4.5 in LENGTH: 7 in | $350

CER 13 | HEIGHT: 4.5 in LENGTH: 7.5 in | $300

CER 14 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 5.5 in | $85

CER 15 | HEIGHT: 4.5 in LENGTH: 8 in | $300

CER 16 | HEIGHT: 2.75 in LENGTH: 4.3 in | $65

CER 17 | HEIGHT: 5.2 in LENGTH: 9.2 in | $380

CER 18 | HEIGHT: 5 in LENGTH: 8.75 in | $380

CER 19 | HEIGHT: 5 in LENGTH: 10 in | $380

CER 20 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 8.5 in | $350

CER 21 | L: HEIGHT: 12.5 in LENGTH: 2.75 in S: HEIGHT: 5.95 in LENGTH: 2.75 in | S: $220 L: $300

CER 22 | HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 6 in | $140

CER 23 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 12.25 in | $180

CER 24 | HEIGHT: 4.2 in LENGTH: 8 in | $380

CER 25 | BETWEEN: HEIGHT: 2.25 in LENGTH: 3.5 in & HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 4.5 in | $65-$95

CER 26 | BETWEEN: HEIGHT: 2.25 in LENGTH: 3.5 in & HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 4.5 in | $65-$95

CER 27 | HEIGHT: 5 in LENGTH: 6.5 in | $380

CER 28 | HEIGHT: 3.5 in LENGTH: 6.5 in | $250

CER 29 | HEIGHT: 4.25 in LENGTH: 3.5 in | $150

CER 30 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 4.25 in | $200

CER 31 | HEIGHT: 4.25 in LENGTH: 3.5 in | $180

CER 32 | HEIGHT: 2.25 in LENGTH: 3.5 in | $180

CER 33 | HEIGHT: 6.5 in LENGTH: 7 in | $280

CER 34 | HEIGHT: 6 in LENGTH: 7 in | $280

CER 35 | HEIGHT: 4.75 in LENGTH: 3.75 in | $200

CER 36 | HEIGHT: 4.75 in LENGTH: 4 in | $200

CER 37 | HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 4.5 in | $100

CER 38 | HEIGHT: 3.5 in LENGTH: 10.75 in | $180

CER 39 | HEIGHT: 3.25 in LENGTH: 10 in | $180

CER 40 | HEIGHT: 3.5 in LENGTH: 10.75 in | $180

CER 41 | HEIGHT: 2.75 in LENGTH: 8.5 in | $120

CER 42 | HEIGHT: 3.5 in LENGTH: 10.75 in | $120

CER 43 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 6.5 in | $150

CER 44 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 6.5 in | $150

CER 45 | HEIGHT: 3.25 in LENGTH: 4.5 in | $100

CER 46 | HEIGHT: 3.5 in LENGTH: 10.75 in | $180

CER 47 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 11.5 in | $180

CER 48 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 11.5 in | $180

CER 49 | HEIGHT: 3.75 in LENGTH: 7.2 in | $150

CER 50 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 11.5 in | $180

CER 51 | HEIGHT: 3.75 in LENGTH: 7.2 in | $150

CER 52 | HEIGHT: 3.9 in LENGTH: 14 in | $200

CER 53 | HEIGHT: 5 in LENGTH: 8 in | $120

CER 54 | HEIGHT: 2.75 in LENGTH: 10.5 in | $120

CER 55 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 7.2 in | $180

CER 56 | HEIGHT: 2.75 in LENGTH: 11 in | $180

CER 57 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 7.2 in | $150

CER 58 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 7.2 in | $150

CER 59 | HEIGHT: 2.5 in LENGTH: 11.5 in | $180

CER 60 | HEIGHT: 4 in LENGTH: 7.2 in | $150

CER 61 | HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 8 in | $120

CER 62 | HEIGHT: 3 in LENGTH: 6.5 in | $90

CER 63 | HEIGHT: 3.7 in LENGTH: 13.5 in | $350

CER 64 | HEIGHT: 2.75 in LENGTH: 11.5 in | $150

C O N TA C T : +254722692176 w w w. l a n a t r z e b i n s k i . c o m Insta: @lanatrzebinskiceramics

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