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REAL Trends
REAL Trends, Inc. is a real estate consulting and communications company considered to be a leading source of real estate news, trends, and analysis on the residential brokerage industry. REALTrends is based in Castle Rock, Colorado. With 25 years of continual growth, REAL Trends continues to provide real estate professionals with new and innovative resources on the latest industry trends and strategies into the future.

Matt Page-Realtor

Hilary Lockhart

Sanchez Rabida

Homehelper Consultants


Brian Gibbons

Mario Romero

Ed Heffernan

David Bellamy


Steamboat Valley Girls Real Estate

Chris Morton

Wendy Clark


Perry C. Peace

Theresa Harrod

Judy Olsen-Hodges

Anthony Wooden

Sara Ellen Huskey

Bettina Thompson

Rolanda Pullen Daniel

Mary Back

Moiri Brown

Pablo Conill

Lon Levin

Steven M. Brackett

David Charron

Core Nests Realty


Supernova Media

Christopher Rowan

Nakia Evans

Brad Abernathy

Miranda Opiela

Mike Holland

Lori Newman


Beth Acton

William Oliver

Suzan FitzGerald

Bill West


Sharon Bujan, VP of Sales/Career Development


Austin Crowder

Craig Strickland

Karishma Gundewadi

Shelley McDowell