The Simpsonville Banner - Preview

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FRIDAY MAY 2, 2014

Honor Flight Veterans at the World War II Memorial in DC Photo Credit: Gwinn Davis, l t h e s i m p s o n v i l e b a n n e r. c o m

SIMPSONVILLE E H T SC Korean War Upstate

Veterans embark on their First Honor Flight M






by Beth Kelley Fann and Contributor Jack Pendarvis, US Navy, Retired E S T. 2 0 1 4


The Upstate SC chapter of the Honor Flight program was evident throughout every stop on the itinerary. 2014 was founded in Simpsonville, SC in 2008. Since then, From coping with light the Korean War they have been flying twice a year, and providing our Memorial, to delivering our Veterans at exactly the right upstate veterans with a day trip tour of their memorials time to witness the Changing of the Guard at Arlington, in Washington DC. Six months of planning, fundraising the dedication and planning by the organizers was Simpsonville’s brightest source for local news and events. and late nights come together for one beautiful day of inspiring to watch. I had much more planned for this remembrance. The April 22nd flight was a wonderful article, but I received a letter from Mr. Jack Pendarvis of experience, and the hard work of the many volunteers Simpsonville, (Continued on Pg.4)

Coming soon online at - and find us now at


FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014

Hello, Simpsonville

I graduated HHS in 1997, and went on to college with a full scholarship for architectural engineering. I soon missed the creative arts however, and switched my major to Graphic Design. Following graduation, I worked with both the Asheville Citizen-Times and BI-LO Advertising. I resigned my final position, as Art

After months of hard work and research, I am excited

Director for Erwin Penland Advertising, on April 8th

that you are now holding the introductory issue of The

of this year. I then began all of the necessary paperwork

Simpsonville Banner in print. This publication will be

for starting my own business, and The Simpsonville

a weekly paper released on every Friday, and work in tandem with the website to bring you local and current

Banner was born.

events and news. Our mission is to take the concept of

I’m grateful to be starting this adventure with the

the “hometown paper” to the next level, by using both

people and places I love so much. I hope to make this

traditional formats and technology. We want to help our

publication a success not just for me, but for all of you

neighbors stay informed, become a resource for helping

as well. If there is any way you think The Banner can

to grow their businesses, and help them enjoy all there

better help you or your business, please reach out to me

is to offer in Simpsonville.

and we can brainstorm together.

Some of you may know me, but many do not. I grew up

Look for our first print issue in about 4 weeks. Thank you!

in Simpsonville, having lived here since the early 80s. Like so many of our natives, my first teacher here was Mrs. Chandler at Simpsonville Elementary. It was in her classroom, and throughout my years at SES, that my

Beth Kelley Fann

passions for writing and community began.

l t h e s i m p s o n v i l e b a n n e r. c o m



The Banner has affordable E S T. 2 0 1 4 W E E K LY solutions for businesses of all sizes. If you’d like more information about advertising with us, please contact us at Simpsonville’s brightest source for local news and events. 864-905-2656 or














Your ad here.

FRIDAY MAY 2, 2014


EST.2, 2014



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Photo Credit: Gwinn


p s o n v i l l e b a n n e r. c o m

.com Davis, gwinndavisphotos .com photos


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Cred Photo

PSONVILLE ns embark E SIM ar UpstatTeHSC Korean W mbark Fl or s eht nig t Hon a r e on their Firsa t e rV The Simpsonville Banner is published weekly on Fridays, and every day online. for the t printed edition an WSubmissions e r o r Fligh K o n C o S are due on Saturday of the week prior to publishing. Editor: Beth Kelley Fann, H e t t Upsta nand ir Firs Contributed Columns and Photography from citizens of Simpsonville Brebson Creative, LLC. o thesurrounding areas. ©2014 nts.


, Retired Jack Pendarvis, US Navy







Simpsonville, SC 29681


104 N.E. Main Street

and Contributor y stop on W E E K LY nt throughout ever2014 the Guardians was evide at t program light showers on Fligh ed with EST. r Hono copi ter of the Retirng stop rary. From y, itine at y the av er , Vete N The Upstate SC chap then . Since ering t evour s atrans the to deliv is, US Memorial, th sonville, SC in 2008 anrvWar roughou theshChan owerging ofatthe Penda our r JackKore was founded in Simp t iding t prov ess en s and witn gh to evidtime uto right twice a year, h li eran by the the it ib et tly as w tr V exac w g r s on ning they’ve been flying C orial ou plan pindedicatio ngand the their of n andmem dians Arlin tourFan , the m co erin a day trip le ng of Guar Guarderat y. Frogton l, to delivwatc h more angimuc ng upstate veterans with raisi I hhad Kelof y , fund eve e C in ar am ia iring to ess thh. sitand planningrce by the gr Bethths insp local new for pro emor rs was theorga bymon nize n DC. Six nninrg fromorMr. t sou ght tiful witnI received htes in Washingto brig day e Flibeau War M tiartic d palalette nvilele’s e to en, of n or pso m one an but m for le, th Sim ea on n her ch or H t toget this io ce u K planned efor mon Pg.4) r. icat righ . Sin and late nights comter of the had d a wonderfu M 2008 was he ded ille, (Con . I tinue our l ly th by Beth Kelley Fann

E S T. 2 0 1 4



City Reviewing 2014 Budget

funding for a new sewer maintenance truck, and Geneva Lawrence requested that further research be done on where that money is to come from, and that it may already exist.

The City’s budget meeting on April 24th was focused on the operational costs of each department. For those that have not attended before, this meeting is where the city’s department heads present their budget projections to council. All departments had increases, with consistent reporting of utility costs rising. Most notably the Fire Department lost their funding of internet this past year, formerly donated by Charter.

Parks and Rec reported being on target with where they have been in years past. The budget grew due to grant money received and an increase in sports sign ups. It was reported that some of the grant money is intended for new playground equipment in Westwood. Robbie Davis stated that they are looking into retro-style equipment updates per resident feedback, instead of the modern plastic equipment more commonly seen. There was also discussion of various sports complexes possibly making their homes at Heritage, and extending into city owned property out toward Howard Drive.

Also from the Fire Department-their biggest cost will be professional fees associated with planning for new facilities, but increases above that were necessary and not out of the norm.

The police department has numerous requests for technology updates, as well as professional development and employee retention and attraction initiatives. We will have more on this to come.

Public Works is requesting funding to build a transfer station, which would save the city money over a few years if approved by council. The largest expense from that department was a new sewer camera, that would replace the current troublesome one ($37,000 has been spent on repairs for the current camera). There was discussion of

A second budget review with more detail was held on April 29th. The date for the third and final review has not yet been posted, but we will share with our readers when we hear. Follow The Simpsonville Banner on Facebook for more detailed information prior to the upcoming meeting.

by Beth Kelley Fann

Westwood Warriors Community Clean Up Day

Saturday, May 17 at 8 am Meet us at Alder Park We will be spreading love and mulch this day. Please make sure to bring gloves, rakes, trash bags, weed wackers, trimmers, and anything else we might need! We are planning on clearing an area across from the park. We are trying to get flowers or plants donated, preferably easy maintenance and hard to kill!! If you can donate time, money, items to this event, please let us know. Email:

Join us on Facebook! Please join us for an Informational and Organizational Westwood Neighborhood Watch meeting. Simpsonville Police Department Court House, Wednesday, May 14 at 6:30pm. Space is limited to 50 seats, so visit the FB page to RSVP.

STOP the largest tax increase in Greenville County’s history! Call your Greenville County Council Member and tell them to vote NO! Get the facts at


FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014

(Continued from pg.1) a Korean War Veteran aboard this Honor Flight, that I would like to share instead. His words convey the spirit of the flight and the volunteers, and what this effort means to those that gave so much for each of us. “The Honor Flight Upstate was an idea in the mind of a Simpsonville lady, named Betty Stewart. Her dream of honoring the veterans of World War II and following wars, by providing them with a free trip to Washington DC to visit their respective monuments, has come to fruition. She enlisted a few of her friends to help her gather up the funds, and to help plan these trips that the Vets would remember for a long, long time. On April 22, eighty-six war veterans boarded a chartered jet at the airport in Greer, and with us were one hundred doctors, nurses and guardians to help us get around. I was one of the lucky ones to be on this trip as I am a combat vet of the Korean War. From the time we arrived at the boarding site, we were treated like royalty. As we boarded, the security fence was lined with people shouting goodbyes. We received a Water Cannon Salute as the plane prepared for take-off. This honor was repeated in Washington, and we also had a musical greeting on arrival. Every where we went we were greeted by a handshake and a thank you. At Reagan airport we were put on four very nice buses and were led to our stops by a police cruiser, that stopped traffic at all intersections. Red lights were not for us, we were ushered right on through. The first stop was the WWII Memorial. It is quite large and a beautiful place. Here we were given cold drinks and a snack. We met another group of vets here on an Honor Flight from Minnesota. From the WWII area we traveled over to the Korean War Memorial. It is quite different as was the war itself. I know because I was there for 23 months.

John W. Cash, 86, retired Marine Photo Credit: Gwinn Davis,

For me, watching the faces and the fellowship of the veterans on this Honor Flight is something I will always remember. Many of the men told me they had waited a year or more to travel, and they were immensely grateful for the opportunity. For those of you that are interested in becoming a guardian, a sponsor, or traveling as one of the Veterans with Honor Flight Upstate, visit or call 864.869.VETS. Veteran and Guardian applications are also available at the Greenville, Pickens, Oconee and Anderson County Sheriff’s offices. Thank you to Betty Stewart, Paul Howell and Ron and Joan Bridges for inviting me to accompany this Honor Flight.

The next stop was Arlington. The Air Force Memorial is also located there. We continued on to The Tomb of The Unknowns. The unidentified remains of casualties from each war are entombed here. The tombs are guarded around the clock and the guard changes at 30 minute intervals. We saw two changes before having to leave. In reflection, I don’t see how we got it all in. Travel, meals, monuments, Arlington and much more. It was an honor I will NEVER forget. My Sunday school class at church asked me to tell a little of my experience on the trip, and when the bell rang, three veterans asked me how the could get on the next trip. I gave them the number to call and wished them luck. Thank you, thank you to all of you who made this a dream trip for eighty-six war veterans.”

Honor Flight Volunteers Ron & Joan Bridges, with Tish Morgan (Ctr) Photo Credit: Gwinn Davis,



this Saturda y a D m r y Fa MAY 3RD, FROM 9AM-12PM 2302 FRIENDSHIP CHURCH RD. • GRAY COURT

Simpsonville Farmers Market to kick off 6th Season Contributed by Dianne Carson

Bethel Trails is a family owned and operated sustainable farm in the Upstate of SC, specializing in pastured meats & poultry. Join us at the Simpsonville Farmers Market, starting Saturday, May 10th


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onnie™ Vegetable plants are in stock. B Tomato, Strawberry, Cucumber, Green Pepper, Squash, Okra just to name a few... We have Long and Short Leaf pine needles Annuals and Bedding Plants are here!

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Anticipation for the 2014 season of the Simpsonville Farmers Market is running high. We’ll open Saturday, May 10th at 8 am, at the Simpsonville City Park on E. Curtis St. We’ve grown from our original 6 vendors to almost 30. A few of our new vendors this year include a berry/peach farm, new veggie folks and a kettle corn/fresh lemonade/granola/roasted nut vendor. Of course, many of our previous vendors will be with us, along with two non-profits; the K9 Investment Group and the Greater Greenville Master Gardeners “Ask-a-Master Gardener” table. The market will be open every Saturday through October (weather permitting). For more information, contact Dianne Carson, Market Manager, at 360-4957.

Find us on Facebook & stay up-to-date!


FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014

focus on faith The Banner will feature a monthly column authored by a local pastor or representative from area churches. If you would like to be a contributor, please let us know. All denominations are welcome.

Praying is hard

– much harder than it looks. When we aren’t busy with our hectic schedules, there is the constant temptation to ‘veg out’ in front of a screen. This makes praying hard, but the kind of praying described in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 is especially difficult. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made…for kings and all who are in high positions that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life…” God wants you not only to pray but to pray for your political leaders. Pray for the President and the Police Chief, your Congressman and your City Councilman. Pray even for the ones with whom you disagree. I told you it was hard. It gets easier, though, when you discover why God wants us to pray this way.

1. Praying for your leaders is good for you. 1 Timothy 2:2 says we pray for our leaders “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life.” Praying for your leaders helps your community. I frequently hear people complaining about circumstances in our nation or city. How might things be different if we earnestly prayed for our leaders?

2. Praying for your leaders pleases God. 1 Timothy 2:3 says, “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.” God is pleased when His people pray for their leaders because it reveals our desire for His kingdom to come and not just our political agendas to prevail.

3. Praying for your leaders spreads the Gospel. 1 Timothy 2:4-5 says that God “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” This is the ultimate reason Christians should pray for their leaders. We want a peaceful community because we want our neighbors to meet the Prince of Peace. Earthly leaders disappoint us. Their failures make us cry out for ‘better’ leadership. That yearning for a candidate who will be above corruption is really a yearning for Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Leader of leaders. So pray for your leaders today, remembering that the One hearing your prayer is the ultimate leader. Josh Culbertson Pastor, Holly Ridge Baptist Church

Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship Service 10:30 am, Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm

Almost 40% of Greenville has registered, but over 1000 people in SC are still waiting. REGISTER ONLINE AT:





may events in Simpsonville and surrounding areas

2014. I am the daughter of Bill and Susan Tyler from Taylors, SC and

Willie Nelson and Alison Krauss & Union Station Concert (featuring Jerry Douglas)


Farmers Market Season Opens, City Park


City Park Clean-Up Day sponsored by Palmetto Pride & the City of Simpsonville, 8am-12pm


ZUMBA presented by ChickfilA of SImpsonville & The GHS Family YMCA


City Council Meeting, 6:30pm


Chamber Presents! Lunch Series, Stella’s at noon


Farmers Market, City Park


Bovinoche, City Park


Westwood Community Clean Up Day, Alder Park


Legislative Lunch Series, 12-1pm


Kiwanis Club of Simpsonville, meets at noon Aloft, Heritage Park


Farmers Market, City Park


City Council Meeting, 6:30pm


Styx and Foreigner Concert (with Special Guest Don Felder)


Farmers Market, City Park

a sophomore at North Greenville University majoring in Elementary Education. After college, I plan to attend Paul Mitchell School of cosmetology and open my own hair salon. I work at Sports, Spine, and Industrial as a Member Service Representative. I attend Riverside Baptist Church in Greer where my dad is the worship pastor. I sing on the praise team under his leadership and I am also a youth leader. I have been involved with pageants for eight years and began my involvement with the Miss America Organization in 2011. I was Miss Richland County Teen in 2011 and Miss Anderson County in 2013. Along with supporting the Children’s Miracle Network, my personal platform is “Grin-n-‘Barrett’: The Power of a Positive Attitude”. My goal is to teach people of all ages how important it is to have a positive attitude in every situation and that attitudes are contagious.

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PRACTICE SAFE SUN The sun is the #1 cause of premature signs of aging and the risk of skin cancer. Wear sunscreen daily, and when you want to glow, make it faux!

Rotary of Simpsonville meets every Wednesday at 12:15pm


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Name 655 Fairview Road, SuiteStudio N. • Simpsonville • 864-962-1767 Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios haveAddress been independently owned and operated since 1931

Phone Number Business Hours

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Bailey. I am twenty years old and

© 2013 Merle Norman Cosmetics, Inc. M E R L E N O R M A N . CO © 2013 Merle Norman Cosmetics, Inc. M EM R L E N O R M A N . CO M

Kiwanis Club of Simpsonville, meets at noon


the reigning Miss Simpsonville

I have a brother, Bo and a sister,



My name is Barrett Tyler,


FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014

l t h e s i m p s o n v i l e b a n n e r. c o m

Heritage Funeral Home is conveniently located in the center of the Golden Strip communities to serve families dealing with the loss of a loved one. We are a privately and locally owned, full service

S I M P S O N V I L Lfuneral E H E home offering a variety of burial services, T SI




E S T. 2 0 1 4


cremation and pre-planning options. Whether SONV I L LEBANNER making pre-arrangements for yourself M P or final plans for a loved one at the time of need, we will work with you to provide various options within W E E K LY your budget. 2014

HERITAGE Funeral Home

Simpsonville’s brightest source for local news and events.

313 North Main Street • Simpsonville, SC • 864-757-1771 • Subscriptions will be available online and in print. For updates, sign up at

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