Connection | Fellowship Alliance Chapel

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pg. 6 “That’s what this whole ‘making room for you’ thing is all about ― offering home and hospitality that will open people’s hearts to Jesus.” -Encouragement for the Journey

encouragement for the journey


night to shine

join a small group

men’s conference


Pages 6-7

Pages 8

Page 14

Page 13

Page 19

In the Life of Aaron Pacheco Pages 22-23

Contents | January 2017 4


“our word for 2017”

elementary ministry



Grades 1 to 4

Pastor Marty Berglund


news & notes


Laurie Berglund

preschool ministry

Babies through kindergartners

night to shine




13 Prom for those with special needs

8 after alpha

Grades 5 to 12

encouragement for the journey


small groups


good $ense

16-18 women’s ministry


men’s ministry



sage builders


Saturday: 6:00 p.m.


Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.



In the life of Aaron Pacheco

Nursery and classes are provided during every service for babies through fourth graders. Ask a greeter for directions to classes.


Interpretation for the hearing impaired is available during the 11:00 a.m. worship service.


The Friendship Bible Class for teens and adults with special needs meets during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service. Location: New Worship Center in the children’s area at the top of the steps.

pastoral care groups

service projects


worship center opening celebration


facts & figures


campus map


New to FAC?

Stop by the Guest Services area for a Guest Reception, held after all worship services. Get some coffee and a donut and find out more about our church and ministries that may be of interest to you. Five minutes is all it takes! Ask about our Starting Point groups.


NEW? GET CONNECTED! check out our social media sites

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Fellowship Alliance Chapel

Get e-mail updates from your groups, set up automatic giving, or search the church directory.


download our mobile app


Watch or listen to sermons, register for events, or view the church calendar. Available for Android and iPhone: myFAC Mobile

Stay in touch with Marty through social media:



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

“We are not just a gathering of random people. We are ‘God’s people.’”

Dear Church Family,


few years back, I was visiting a friend who was a pastor of a church. He was showing me the building where his church meets, and I kept seeing the same word appear on walls and in printed literature. So I asked my friend why this word kept appearing. He said it was because it was their “word of the year.” “Oh, really?” I said. “What do you mean?” He said, “Every year, I pick one word that I want our church to focus on as we meet the challenges of that year ― one word we rally around to keep us all going in the same general direction. Plus, I often even do some of the sermons for that year on that word.” My friend has gained a reputation over the years of being a very gifted leader. You see, this is the third church he has been the pastor of that was in serious decline and where multiple problems existed and much in-fighting had brought great divisions. In all three churches, my friend, by God’s gift of grace, has been able to turn those churches around to be unified, growing, productive churches again. His ministry has been one of powerful reconciliation and redemption. So when he talked about using one word, I felt like I better listen! It seemed very clear the Lord was prompting me to adopt this creative idea for use in our church. For the last few years, the Lord seemed to have impressed a word on my heart that I’ve shared with the leaders and our


congregation to focus on for twelve months. Last year, we used the word “Kingdom,” which seemed very appropriate since we were finishing our new building based on the concept God gave us years ago called “Kingdom Vision.” This year, I feel God impressing me with the word “Church.” That’s right, “Church.” Now I know that might sound strange, but I really believe, as we move into a new facility for worship services on weekends, it is very important that we remember that we exist to be “Church.” We are not just a gathering of random people. We are “God’s people.” Beginning in January and up until Easter, we will be preaching a series on the Church and all that it means to be the Church. I know you will love it. The Church is the most dynamic and exciting organization on the planet because it is not just human, like all the other organizations. It is God-ordained and God-designed. I know all of us will be learning new things, and my hope and prayer is that all of us will experience God together like we never have before as we learn how to be the Church of the Living God.

Love never fails,

Pastor Marty Berglund Senior Pastor

Connection | Newsletter

News & Notes Women’s Redemption Group

A Message to Parents From Pastor Brent Brendle Our kids are facing challenges that no other generation has had to face. As parents we want the best for our kids, and sometimes we grieve the choices that they make. Some parents are facing even deeper challenges ― blended families, raising adopted or foster children, or even an ex-spouse who sabotages and undermines their efforts to raise Godly kids. Our church is full of people who want to do their best for their kids but feel that they fall short. The good news is that with God’s help, we’re not in this alone! The best way to teach our kids to follow hard after God is to show them how. God pursues a relationship with our kids just like He does with us! Families thrive when parents and children are walking with Him together. In response to the parenting survey we conducted in the fall, we are hosting four parenting Intensives on Thursday evenings in January from 7:00 to 9:00 in the Chapel. You can attend one of them or all four. The Intensives will be interactive discussions with breakouts. If you plan to attend, please register at There are also some questions for you to answer on the registration page. Bring your questions, struggles and concerns, and be prepared to talk and pray. For a list of Intensives to be held this month, go to page 11.

New series begins on Feb. 6

Birth Announcment Ryan and Lauren Adams welcomed a beautiful baby girl on Aug. 30! Riley Ellen Adams was born at 8:08 p.m. weighing 8 lbs, 6 ozs, and measuring 21” tall! Mommy and Daddy, as well as Mimi and Poppy (Wayne and Maureen Adams), and Grandmom and Pop Pop (Nancy and Kurt Ohotzke) are so in love with baby Riley! Riley would kick in mommy’s belly while she was pregnant during church at FAC and now she just loves rocking back and forth during the great singing! Mommy and Daddy were so excited to bring Baby Riley to FAC for the first time and now for each week! The whole family feels so blessed to call FAC home!

Care Center Intake Representatives Needed The FAC Care Center is a busy place, and we need to expand our intake team! Intake representatives assist people in need who live in Medford and the surrounding communities. If God has placed serving others on your heart, please contact Anne Simms,, for more information.

Women who wrestle with physical and emotional temptation often feel very isolated and too ashamed to talk about their struggles even with a close friend. You are not alone. 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” In the Women’s Redemption Group, women walk in the light together and move toward forgiveness and cleansing in Christ. The group will begin a new 10-week series on Feb. 6 on Monday evenings at 7:30. Meetings are confidential. For further information and location, send an e-mail to puritywomen@

FAC Wheels Providing the “wheels” to bring people to FAC For people in our area who don’t have a car or who can’t drive, our FAC Wheels ministry provides a way for them to attend worship services. We still need volunteer drivers to help for just one service each month. We have a church vehicle or you can use your own. If you are interested in becoming part of the FAC Wheels team or if you need service, contact Jim Hogan,, or 609-9537333, x306. (Please leave a message.)


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017


The words I’m writing you today were birthed from the words I shared with you on that momentous weekend when we moved into our new building. That day I wanted to do what God called and gifted me to do since the very beginning of FAC ― to create “home” for this church family that He has called together.


that first day, and all the days that will follow, I want you to know that you are loved and you are home. Our new building is beautiful, but it’s beauty is only because it is a home for all of us ― a place where love can grow.

This past fall, Marty preached a series through the book of I Peter. I don’t always do this, but I decided to camp out in I Peter during those months and spend time there every day. Looking back, the thing that stood out to me most was a passage in Chapter 4. God says something very sobering ― something that made me sit up and take notice: “The end of all


things is near”! If that was all He said, it would be fearful. But He followed it up with instructions, so that makes it helpful. Because the end is near, what shall we do?! Store up more stuff for ourselves? Hunker down and get ready for the worst? Nope! The instructions He gives are not what we would expect! The first thing I noticed is that we are to “offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” My dad used to define hospitality as “making room in your life for other people.” Hospitality? Really?! Who knew hospitality was crucial Kingdom work?! Well, God knew. He created us to need home. And this is our church family’s

home. So we’re in a new space to offer hospitality to a world that desperately needs home and desperately needs Jesus. That’s what this whole “making room for you” thing is all about ― offering home and hospitality that will open people’s hearts to Jesus. And then the second thing that hit me was this admonition: “Above all, love each other deeply.” “Seriously,” I thought to myself, “the end is near and that’s the best solution we’ve got? We’re supposed to open our homes and love each other deeply?” Yep! I was curious about the bigger meaning of the word “deeply” so I looked it up in the Greek. And it turns out that the root

Photos from the opening of our new Worship Center. More photos on page 26.

word for deeply is “stretched out.” So He’s challenging us to love each other in a way that s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s us out. Love isn’t just hugs and kisses and happy feelings. Some days it’s hard and it stretches our soul ― but this is what God has called us to in this place.

us to love each other. That’s what started this building and that’s what will turn this building into a strong force for the Kingdom. It’s love. When we’re here together, this becomes a place for love to grow. And that’s what will make it feel like home – for us and for all God draws to join us!

The reason this building even exists is because of love. Hundreds of you saw beyond yourselves and your own comfort. You were willing to sacrifice and pray and stretch. What for? Why did we do all this? We did it for love. Because He loved us first. That’s where it all started. And because we love Him back. It’s the least we could do. And because that kind of love compels

So keep loving each other deeply and offering hospitality ― in this home AND in your home ― because the Kingdom of God depends on it!

Laurie loves to receive your comments. Send her a message at

― Laurie Berglund



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

Explore the basics of Christianity Begins Jan. 18 Wednesday evenings (10 sessions)

what is alpha? Alpha is a series of informal classes that explore the basics of the Christian faith. It’s a place where you can explore what you believe in a safe, open environment. For this session, we will run a new release of a series shot on locations around the world.

who is it for? Alpha is for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity and how it relates to you. If you want to move past religion and explore what it means to have a real relationship with God, Alpha is a place where you can ask all your questions. Alpha is open to the community so invite your friends and family and attend with them. More than 25 million people worldwide have tried Alpha.

what happens at alpha? A catered dinner is served. After that, we listen to a talk about a specific topic which is then discussed in smaller groups.


what are the weekly topics? Here is a sample of the kinds of topics that are discussed at Alpha: > Is there more to life than “this”? > Who is Jesus and why did He die? > How can I have faith? > Why and how should I pray? > Why and how should I read the Bible? > If God is good, why is there suffering?

where, when, and how much? Alpha meets in the Common Room in the Fellowship Center on Wednesday evenings, beginning Jan. 18, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., for 10 consecutive weeks. (No childcare)

Alpha is FREE!

registration Register online at For more information Go to You can also contact Dave Shoemaker, 609-504-2745, or

Connection | Newsletter

AFTER ALPHA tuesdays, beginning jan. 17 8 weeks 7:00 p.m. in the barn If you have attended an Alpha group, you are invited to join After Alpha. We will watch selections from a DVD by Nicky Gumbel entitled “The Sermon on the Mount.� Topics include:

week 1

How to handle anger

week 2

How to understand sex in the 21st Century

week 3

How to view marriage and divorce

week 4

Rich Janiszewski and Debi Swiecicki, co-leaders: Rich has been an After Alpha leader for four years. Debi has been involved in After Alpha for two years.

Charles Young, leader and video assistant

How to live and act with integrity

week 5

How to respond to difficult people

week 6

How to handle conflict

week 7

How to become a generous giver

week 8

How to pray like Jesus

After Alpha is free. Snacks and desserts are served. Register at For more information, contact Rich Janiszewski, 609-413-3311, or

Some of the attendants at a recent After Alpha meeting


KID BLAST PRESCHOOL Babies through Kindergartners

Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

to preschool parents: happy new year! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas season filled with joy and laughter and love. Now that the children have heard that Jesus was born, it’s time for them to learn that He is with them all the time, and He is all they need. Throughout the month of January your child will hear how Jesus was there for people in the past. He was there when the blind man needed Him. He was there for a man who was lowered through a roof by his friends who needed him. He was there to heal the deaf man and the lepers who needed Him. He was there to calm the storm when the disciples needed Him.


During all worship services • Infants (birth through 14 months) • Toddlers (15 – 24 months)

preschool & elementary • Kid Blast Church (KBS) Ages 25 months through Grade 4 Held during all worship services • Kid Blast Clubs Ages 4 through Grade 4 Sunday evenings during the school year 6:00 to 8:00, in the Tree House New clubs begin on Jan. 22

snow kids

For children with special needs • Babies through Grade 5 • Provides one-on-one “SNOW buddies” • 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Sundays in Rooms 101 & 102 in our new Worship Center, just inside the doors of the main entrance


Just like He was there when all these people needed Him in the past, He will be there when we need Him in the future. That’s what we want to have our preschoolers store in their hearts this month.

Connection | Newsletter

Grades 1-4


GOD SENDS FIRE God shows His power through Elijah —1 Kings 18 In 1 Kings 18:20-29, read about the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. As you read, complete the words from the verse indicated to help you remember important parts of this story.

“The Lord—He is God! The Lord—He is God!”

THE CHALLENGES OF PARENTING (More information can be found on page 5, “A Messsage to Parents.”) In response to a parenting survey that was conducted in the fall, we are hosting four parenting Intensives on Thursday evenings in January from 7:00 to 9:00 in the Chapel. You can attend one of them or all four. The format will include interactive discussions with breakout sessions. Please register at

Intensives Jan. 5: Blended Families/Step-parenting We will hear from parents of blended families and discuss stepparenting strategies. Jan. 12: Technology/Purity/Porn We want to join you in the battle for your children’s heart and purity.

We will be discussing how to help your kids develop Godly boundaries. Jan. 19: Drugs & Alcohol Parents and leaders will discuss how to help our teens love God and confront the temptations of drugs and alcohol. Jan. 26: Parenting Strategies & Relationships with Adult Children This will be a look at how to help your kids love God and succeed in life. We will also be discussing how to encourage and guide your grown children who are living with you. If you have suggestions for parenting topics for upcoming Intensives, please call Pastor Brent Brendle, 609-953-7333, x129, or the Care Center, 609-714-4037.



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017


connect on social media Instagram: FACyouthImpact

Twitter: FACyouthImpact


Facebook: Youth Impact: Fellowship Alliance Chapel


winter events level 5 for grade 5 planet 678 for grades 6-8 JAN. 8 | PIZZA & MOVIE NIGHT

Grades 5-8, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Chapel

JAN. 22 | 2017 KICK OFF

For Level 5 & Planet 678, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Center

JAN. 29 | LEVEL 5 & PLANET 678

6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Center

FEB. 5 | LEVEL 5 & PLANET 678

6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Center

FEB. 12 | LEVEL 5 & PLANET 678

6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Center

impact for grades 9-12 JAN. 16 | INSIGHT KICK OFF Insight meetings for all students in Grades 9 through 12 begins again on Jan. 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Center. Bring your friends and join us for food, worship, a thought-provoking message, and tons of fun!


contact Level 5 for Grade 5: Russ Batten,, 609-953-7333, x134 Planet 678 for Grades 6-8: Pastor Eddie Jurimas,, 609-953-7333, x104 Impact for Grades 9-12: Pastor Mike Williams,, 609-953-7333, x108


Register before Mar. 14 to attend this unforgettable weekend at Lake Champion in Glen Spey, New York. Join hundreds of other high school students from our area! There will be great friends, great food, and a great time of growing in your faith. Cost is approximately $199. Contact Pastor Mike Williams,, with any questions. To register, go to

a prom celebrating those with special needs On Fri., Feb. 10, FAC will host a prom for individuals with special needs, ages 14 and older. The event is sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, which focuses on God’s love.

The deadline to accept volunteers is Jan. 20. Please contact Matt and Leah Bronczyk,, to let them know that you would like to help.

More than 350 other churches around the world will participate in a similar event on the same day.

There are two required meetings for volunteers:

information meetings Calling all high school students, hairdressers, make-up artists, food servers, police officers, EMTs, nurses, doctors, and anyone with a heart to serve! We need your help to make “Night to Shine” an unforgettable experience.

Jan. 21 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 28 - 9:30 to 12:30 a.m. If you have questions, contact Matt and Leah Bronczyk,


miniChurches & Other Small Groups Questions? Contact Pastor Dave Krilov,


Interested in a Group? Attend GroupLink! Feb. 17, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Common Room At GroupLink, you can meet people in a similar stage of life and area of town with the goal of getting into a group for men, women, or both. Volunteers will be on hand to help you navigate the process of meeting others and getting into a group that night!

Register at

Dump debt and change

YOUR FUTURE! Your money. Your story. Your life.

Learn how to handle your money God’s way. Financial Peace University has helped millions of families create a budget, get out of debt and learn to spend and save wisely. Sign up today! Dates: Thursday nights, Jan. 26 through Mar. 23 Time: 7:00 to 8:45 p.m. To register, go to where you can also purchase materials. Register early to ensure that your materials arrive before the start of the class. The deadline is Jan. 20.

For more information, contact Chuck Riley,

Classes will be held at FAC. After you register, you will receive information about the specific location.



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017


BIBLE STUDIES FOR WOMEN tuesdays, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. & 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. beginning feb. 28 All women are invited to attend aWAKEN classes ― classes that are designed to equip and empower women to understand the

gifts God has given them to serve in His Kingdom. All the studies include teaching, interaction, and small group discussions. Service opportunities are available.

Childcare for the morning classes is available through True Treasures, a Children’s Ministry program. For newborns through kindergartners, there is no cost.

Register at The registration deadline is Mon., Feb. 20. For registrations received by Jan. 31, use the Discount Code EARLYBIRD to receive a $10.00 discount.

Childcare is available during the evening classes for infants through fifth graders. Cost is $30 per child or $50 per family.

Classes-All four classes are available in the morning and evening. the gospel of mark,

a woman who doesn’t quit, by

a study by Lisa Harper God's heart is moved by your cries for help, your shouts for joy, your unspoken worries. We know Him to be a God of unparalleled power and authority, but Mark's account of Jesus paints Him as a deeply personal and intimate God too. In The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We're Aching For, follow Jesus through His days of early ministry all the way to the cross. It's there we discover what it means to be the recipients of His excessive compassion and the very reason for His all-consuming passion. 8 Weeks | Cost: $35.00

propel: passion by propel, by Christine Caine, Lisa Harper, Bianca Juarez Olthoff, Alli Worthington & Mercy Lokulutu

Nicki Koziarz

Every woman will eventually face it: the temptation to give in and give up. But something transformative happens when she decides to persevere in the face of difficulty and pain. A woman who refuses to quit influences her world in ways she could never have imagined. This study focuses on the Book of Ruth, discussing five practical habits that kept Ruth’s eyes on God. 7 Weeks | Cost: $35.00 Homework: 20 minutes/5 days per week

Homework: 30 minutes per day/5 days a week

The Propel team shares their wisdom and experience regarding leading ourselves and others in our day-to-day lives. Whether you are a college student, a stayat-home mom, a leader in the marketplace, your ministry, or your community, this course will help guide you as you lead in your sphere of influence. Don't miss out on this opportunity that will propel you and those around you into your God-given passion, purpose, and potential! 7 Weeks | Cost: $35.00 Homework: 5-15 minutes/5 days per week

updated: breaking free, by Beth Moore

This in-depth Bible study of Isaiah 61:1-4 points to the transforming power of Christian freedom by drawing parallels between the captive Israelites and the spiritual strongholds in our lives. First released in 1999, this updated edition includes 11 new video messages, along with updated Bible study content and testimonies from women who have found freedom from their personal captivity. No matter what life stage you're in or struggles you're going through, if where you are isn't where you want to be, don't stay there. Break free. 12 Weeks | Cost: $40 | Homework: 45 minutes/5 days per week


Connection | Newsletter

Women@fac Fresh Hope for Single Moms


Sun., Jan. 22 | 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

A New Ministry for Women

All single moms are invited to attend Fresh Hope at FAC for dinner, teaching, encouragement, and fun. Dinner is provided for the moms and their children at 5:00. At 6:00, children’s and youth programs are available, including Kid Blast Clubs, Level 5, and Planet 678. Childcare will be provided for children too young to participate in the FAC ministries. All children must be registered one week prior to the Fresh Hope meeting. Childcare cannot be provided without registration. Please note: Due to legal policies, if you have a child with special needs, inform us during registration. We have a process in place to ensure your child’s safety and best care. Someone from our Children’s Ministry will contact you.

Upcoming dates: Jan. 4/5, 11/12, 18/19, and 25/26

To register, go to There is no cost to attend Fresh Hope.

Feel free to come once or often. No registration is required. Just stop by. Our 90-minute format will include reviewing the week’s sermon, discussing questions and ideas, sharing FAC ministries and upcoming activities, and prayer.

Clothing Donations for the Fresh Hope Boutique, Jan. 15, 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. Support our single moms by donating seasonal women’s clothing in like-new condition to the Fresh Hope Boutique. Donations may be brought to the garage next to the 195 House in the exit lane from the front parking lot. Please note: We can accept women’s clothing only. For questions or to volunteer to help, contact Kathy Foering, 609-458-9222, or

Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., or Thursdays, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Place: FAC 219 Fellowship House When you are new to FAC, navigating through all of the programs, groups, and service opportunities can feel overwhelming. A new ministry called CONNECTING has been created to help women connect to one another and to FAC. CONNECTING is the place to be for conversation, fellowship, encouragement.

If you have questions, contact Betty Ann German, 856-296-7998.


Fresh Hope Boutique | Volunteers Needed

Fri., Jan. 20, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. | 219 Fellowship House

To help serve our single moms, join the Fresh Hope Boutique team:

The aWAKEN ministry invites you to IF:Table on the third Friday of every month. We believe the table is a place to gather women, share a simple dinner, and experience real-life stories and Christ-centered conversations. IF:Tables are a time for a whole lot of laughter ― and maybe a few tears ― but time spent that leaves us with glad hearts, full hearts, and grateful hearts.

1. Host clothing donation collections approximately once a month, usually on a Sunday between services. 2. Maintain and prepare the boutique for shopping, usually once a month. 3. Greet, mingle, and help shoppers. To get involved, contact Kathy Foering, 609-458-9222.

Cost is $5.00. Register at Registration will close on Thurs., Jan. 19, or when maximum space has been reached.



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

Mentor Moms


Begins Feb. 21 at FAC | 9:15 to 11:15 a.m.

Begins Thurs., Feb. 2

A new semester of Mentor Moms begins on Feb. 21 and continues on Tuesday mornings at FAC through midMay. Childcare through our Children’s Ministry program True Treasures is provided.

Registration deadline is Tues., Jan. 24; cost is $60.00

At Mentor Moms, older moms meet with younger moms to support, encourage, and validate all that comes with motherhood. It is an intertwining of two generations who are committed to growing in their relationships with their husbands and children using God’s Word as the compass. Format is large group and small group discussions. Cost is $25. Register online, Group size is limited; register soon! If you have questions, contact Karen Cariss,

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you.” Jeremiah 31:3

Dates for spring semester: Feb. 2, Feb. 16, Mar. 2, Mar. 16, Apr. 13, Apr. 27, May 11. #Momlife is for moms of preschoolers through high schoolers. The program includes talks ranging from managing our emotions, to marriage and child-rearing, and more. It also includes breakfast, group sharing, and community service. #Momlife is a place for fun, honest conversation, lasting friendships, and spiritual and emotional enrichment. Invite a friend or neighbor to join you. Scholarships are available. Please call Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125, to request a scholarship. Childcare through Kids’ Time In, a preschool ministry, is provided for infants through kindergartners by screened, trained, caring workers. Home-schooled children in Grades 1 through 3 may also register for Kids’ Time In. If you have questions, contact Debbie Schneck, 609953-7333, x125, or

WALKING IN GRACE CONFERENCE May 19 & 20 at FAC “Created for Love”

Created for


Our hearts long to be loved with an everlasting love. Isn’t that a yearning we see all around us in the music and movies of our culture, on social and news media, on magazine covers, and in our conversations? And yet we often don’t recognize that God has been pursuing us and drawing us with His loving-kindness. Why would He do that for us? Because He absolutely loves us that much! All women are invited to explore God’s love by joining us at our two-day women’s conference with Lisa Harper. Dates:

• Friday, May 19, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. • Sat., May 20, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration: • Register at For registrations made prior to Mar. 1, use the Discount Code WIGEARLYBIRD to receive $20.00 off the regular cost of $79.00 per person. • For groups of eight or more, contact Heather Costomiris, 609-953-7333, x115, or, to register your group. • Registration includes materials, dessert on Friday night, and lunch on Saturday. Payments must be made in full at registration. If you have questions, contact Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125, or



Connection | Newsletter

driven south jersey regional men’s conference f r i day

s at u r day

6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

7:30 a.m. to noon

feb. 24 feb. 25 In February, men from all around our region will get together at FAC to discuss the questions: “Why am I so driven?” and “Where am I going?” The conference includes dinner on Friday and breakfast on Saturday. The cost is $40.00. Young men, ages 13 and older, are also invited. Register online at



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017


For retirement-aged men and women

a new semester begins jan. 12 We will be kicking off our new semester with a service project. For the Feeding 5000 ministry, we will be separating clothing and toiletries. In addition, we will also be putting together sets of gloves, hats, and scarves for distribution to those in need in our region. If you have new or gently used items you no longer need, please bring them. Lunch is at 12:30. Meeting location is in the Fellowship Center (former Sanctuary). Beginning Jan. 19, we will be doing a five-week study on prayer, based on the movie War Room.

winter schedule Beat the winter cold with a time of warm fellowship, study and growth. Jan. 12 Service project day; Lunch at 12:30 Jan. 19 Lunch at 12:30, followed by War Room Prayer Study Jan. 26 Lunch at 12:30, followed by War Room Prayer Study Feb. 9 Lunch at 12:30, followed by War Room Prayer Study Feb. 16 Lunch at 12:30, followed by War Room Prayer Study Feb. 23 Lunch at 12:30, followed by War Room Prayer Study If you have questions, contact Pastor Glenn Kantner,, or 609-953-7333, x106.



Connection | Newsletter

FELLOWSHIP ALLIANCE SOUTHERN AFRICA Jody & Kathy Adams Jody & Kathy Adams have heard God’s call ― all the way to South Africa! After serving there for several weeks in October and November, Jody and Kathy will be returning long-term to South Africa later this month. We asked Jody and Kathy some questions: What are you going to do in South Africa with FASA? Can you tell us how God called you there and how He worked out all the details? Jody and I are ministering to the youth in the Lephalale area of South Africa through programs in the local schools by developing after-school Bible studies and by discipling small groups at The FASA Lodge & Conference Centre. After a couple of trips to South Africa, it seemed God was impressing on both of us that this was where He wanted us to serve Him! When we made that commitment by moving forward, selling our business, and planning to be full-time youth workers, God was constantly reassuring us both that our family would be taken care of. That was our main concern and God was faithful to confirm our decision. Where have you seen God at work in South Africa? We have seen how the teachers are so receptive and how the local youth ministries are excited to partner with us.

The one thing that has been awesome to see is how God has already been working in SA in how the youth are so accepting and really want to know more about God! Their joy and enthusiasm for discovering ways to grow in Him is incredible! We have already seen several kids place their faith in Christ! What most excites you about opportunities for FASA in 2017? In 2017, we wtill be focusing on high school-aged kids. We will be going into three schools, Ellisras, Teilelo, and Mabalane Seleka. We are really hoping we will also be able to go into Phegelelo. We will also be holding “Truth for Youth” nights at The FASA Lodge & Conference Centre once a month. What we are really excited about is the opportunity to use small groups and one-on-one relationships to disciple those who respond to salvation, equipping them to go into their communities to minister and share God’s Word with others. How can we at FAC be involved in what God is doing in South Africa? First, by praying. Pray for doors to be open to us in the schools, for a team of people here that we can consistently serve with (interns), and for the ones who have placed their faith in Christ that they will be encouraged to keep growing and that they will live boldly for Him!

Second, by coming to South Africa to serve with us! We need interns. We need people to join the FASA Camp Trips, and we need people to come as part of a Plug-In Adventure! How can we pray for you and your family? Pray that Royce, Kelsey, Ty, and Pierce will stay strong in God’s Word, continuing to rely on and find joy in living for Him! Pray that the Lord will care for our mom, dad, and family. Pray for all of them that they know that we love them and miss them every day!

FASA Gathering Sun., Jan. 8, after the 11:00 service Please join us as we send off Jody and Kathy with prayer and hugs at our next Friends of FASA Gathering at FAC. For more information on how you can serve in South Africa with FASA as an intern, as part of a FASA Camp Trip, or on a Plug-In Adventure, visit the FASA website,, or come to the Friends of FASA Gathering. FASAfac

connect with us!

Join the FASA group on The Hub,


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

God@Work in the Life of … Aaron Pacheco

“God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors.”


his is a phrase that many of us would never think of when we didn’t know God or weren’t walking close to Him. Aaron Pacheco would have never thought this as a child growing up. But today? This is a motto that he lives by.

Aaron grew up in a good home with caring parents. “I was raised in the Catholic Church, was baptized as an infant, attended CCD, and had my first Holy Communion, but church was never the focus of our lives. It seemed to get in the way of too many things like sports and football. Our


schedules were always so busy, and there just wasn’t time. We never attended church between my second grade and sixth grade years.” Bullying is something that most parents hope their child never faces. Aaron was picked on incessantly as a child, simply for being small. “All I ever wanted was to fit in and be like the other kids. It can be a lonely and depressing world trying to defend yourself. I would get into fights, run home crying, and thought often about changing schools.” One of Aaron’s childhood friends, who

remains his friend to this day, was Andrew Janus. “The entire Janus family played a huge role in my life. They were like a second family to me. I would go there often for dinner or to just hang out and talk to the family about life. When I was about 11 years old, Andrew invited me to youth group at their Presbyterian church.” Aaron now sees the Janus family as God reaching out to him. But there was a lot that happened in the middle. On one youth retreat, Aaron was able to connect with other middle schoolers and to God. “I was so inspired and loved it so much that I ended up working there as a

Connection | Newsletter

counselor from my sophomore year to my senior year of high school.”

A third attempt to take his own life landed Aaron is reminded daily that God did battle him in the hospital again. “Mark and Rich for his soul and won. His favorite verse is visited me often and told me it was time to Colossians 1:17 ― “He is before all things, Away from the retreats and the youth change my life or I was really going to die. and in him all things hold together.” Aaron groups, Aaron still struggled. “I remembered They talked to me about God and invited now looks at life as a gift that only God the days of bullying that went on for years, me and my dad to Alpha. We both attended, can hold together. He knows that God and and even though I had grown taller and and we loved it! God was really getting my church will always be part of his life. played high school football, I still hurt deep attention. He was so real to me. I started inside.” attending FAC and that brought back all “There is a purpose to everything in my life, those good memories of the youth retreats. and now I want to share my story to help Aaron was a volunteer firefighter/EMT since others. I am Aaron Pacheco, and God is the age of 14. However, he began drinking “I was sitting in church one Sunday with definitely at work in my life.” • and smoking weed to hide his pain and my dad, Mark, and Rich; and Pastor Marty continued through high school graduation. was preaching about starting a brand “After breaking up with my girlfriend, I new chapter, a brand new life, and giving started getting anxiety attacks and basically everything including pain and struggles over lost faith in humanity. I began “cutting” to the Lord. Then he invited anyone who myself and continued drinking heavily. I wanted to be baptized to come forward.” lost most of my friends. I stopped attending college, and my parents never knew. I would Feeling overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, leave the house each day and go drink by Aaron knew he needed to do this. “I asked myself in parking lots.” Mark if I should go and Mark told me to ‘go with the Spirit.’ So, I walked out the back In October 2015, Aaron had come to the doors, around the corner, got a robe, and end of his rope and attempted suicide. He the next thing I knew I was on stage with was found unconscious and was admitted Pastor Don asking me questions. I couldn’t to Virtua Mt. Holly where he was monitored believe I was actually talking in front of for a week and released. Aaron went back all those people. But I knew it wasn’t me to his old life. Nothing changed. talking. It was the Holy Spirit!” In December 2015, in a drunken stupor, Aaron intentionally drove his car into a tree. The people who found him were from FAC, Mark McGuigan and Rich Plowman. “I see now this was no mere coincidence!” Aaron recalls. “They visited me in the hospital often and were to play a major role in my life from that day forward. They became my brothers and mentors.” Less than a week later, tragedy struck Aaron ― hard. Two of his friends, one from school and one from the fire company, committed suicide. Aaron was devastated. His world was closing in on him again. On Mother’s Day 2016, Aaron and his mother had a huge fight, and he was asked to leave the house. He stayed with his grandparents for a while and then with a girlfriend and her parents. But nothing really changed ― especially not his behavior. In June 2016, he moved back home.

Aaron can hardly describe the feeling he had when he came up out of the water. “It was an amazing feeling. I was totally free from my past! I was new, and I had a new life ― in Jesus!”

Aaron and his father

Aaron’s story is far from over. Today, he no longer feels hopeless. Aaron knows he is here for a reason. “I want to help, to serve, and to love people. I want to help them when they are going through similar situations and feelings. I know why God saved me! And, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that God had been with me all along!” Aaron continues to work as a firefighter/ EMT, volunteers on the medical team at FAC, is part of the Venture ministry led by Brian and Lisa Russell, and would someday like to become an ER tech and then, perhaps, a pediatric nurse or a full-time firefighter. At the age of 20, he is looking forward to what God has in store for him. Aaron


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

PASTORAL CARE DIRECTORY Our Pastoral Care groups offer financial, physical, and emotional support. If you need assistance, contact the Care Center, 609-975-9741, or use the contact information below.

every man’s battle

Support for men struggling with sexual sins

•Pre-Marriage Groups Giving marriages a healthy start

Meetings are held on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.

Contacts: Mike and Tammy Mosier, 609-953-7333, x315. (Leave a message.)

Contacts: Ed Brokhoff (Call for location.) 609-200-2019 or

men’s recovery

helping hand grief support

Meetings are held in The Barn in RB-04 on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

Meetings are held on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.

Contacts: Dan Mignogna and Ben Glatz,, or 609-953-7333, x313 (Leave a message.)

Support for adults who are grieving

For help towards God and sobriety

serenity support

For those with loved ones with substance abuse issues Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in The Barn. Contact: Joyce,, or 609-953-7333, x314 (Leave a message.)

wings (walking in god’s strength) For families of loved ones with eating disorders

path to purity

Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., in the Fellowship House.

To see a lay counselor, call Toni Mendillo, 609-953-7333, 329. (Leave a message.)

Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m. Call for location.

For more information, send an e-mail to; jmiller.510@; or

living through suicide

For more information, send an e-mail to, or call 609-953-7333, x311. (Leave a message.)

Meetings are held on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.

relationship recovery

Contacts: Wanda and George Stein, 609-953-7333, x309

lay counseling

For those grieving the loss of a loved one through suicide

Contacts: Wanda and George Stein, 609-953-7333, x309

marriage ministry

• Marriage Coaches Coaching and education for moving and improving marriages in all different stages Contacts: Steve and Julie Durdin,, or 609-953-7333, x315. (Leave a message.)


For men struggling with sexual sin

For men and women who are going through separation and/or divorce and for those continuing to recover. Contact: Susan, 609-953-7333, x316, or

women’s redemption

For women who struggle with sexual purity For times and location, contact, or leave a message at 609-953-7333, x317.

women’s recovery

For help towards God and sobriety Meetings are held in C-12 (above the Chapel) on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Contacts: Christine Botti and Jodi Warner,, or 609-953-7333, x313 (Leave a message.)


Connection | Newsletter

Regional Missions Outreach

SERVICE PROJECTS Are you looking for ways to connect to God’s work? We currently have three projects in which you can be involved. You can make a difference in our area!

Punch Hunger in the Stomach Soup Can Drive | Jan. 15 through Feb. 5 Everyone can help those who are hungry in South Jersey simply by donating a few cans of soup. All cans will be distributed locally by the FAC Food Pantry, Soup to Soul in Camden, and Extended Hands Ministry Soup Kitchen in Mt Holly. Imagine the impact we could have in alleviating hunger this winter in our region if we all gave a few cans of soup. Place your cans in the bins in the Fellowship Center (previous Welcome Center).

Soup to Soul, Camden Second and fourth Saturdays Do you have a heart for the homeless in our local community? We are looking for volunteers to join the Service Projects Team. Each night, we will need six to eight people to set up, serve, and clean up from about 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. If you have questions, contact Kristen Potter,

Artis Senior Center Located in Evesham Do you have a musical talent you can share with the seniors at Artis? We need several people to play their guitar or the piano on Sundays. Your service could be as little as just once a month, depending on the rotating schedule and your availability. If music is not your talent, you can sign up to assist with crafts and games. We meet twice a month. For more information, contact Katie Simpson,




Connection | Newsletter





General Fund

11.6 $ 11.13 $ 11.20 $ 11.27 $ Total Year-to-Date

69,615 69,615 69,615 69,615

$ $ $ $

65,271 59,483 58,019 65,819

$ ( 4,344) $ ( 10,132) $ ( 11,596) $ ( 3, 796)

$ 278,460 $ 3,341,520

$ 248,592 $ 2,738,595

$ ( 29,868) $ $ ( 602,925)

11.6 11.13 11.20 11.27

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $( $( $

435 126) 200) 89

Total Year-to-Date

$ $

$ 19,430 $ 266,286

$ $

198 35,502

$ $ $ $

Missions Fund


4,808 4,808 4,808 4,808 4,746 19,232 230,784

Care Fund 11.6 11.13 11.20 11.27

5,243 4,682 4,608 4,897

2,709 2,995 2,488 2,491

Total $ 10,683 Year-to-Date $ 142,502

Kingdom Vision Fund

11.6 11.13 11.20 11.27

$ $ $ $

23,115 27,675 29,860 22,587

Total $ 103,237 Year-to-Date $ 1,496,330 date


11.6 11.13 11.20 11.27

1915 1772 1905 2234


78 38 136 41



423 325 334 312

2416 2135 2375 2587

This report is based on a 12-month, evenly distributed budget. Actual expenses fluctuate throughout the budget year. We conduct regular financial reviews to determine whether ministry expenses need to be trimmed.



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Fellowship Center Chapel A Wing B Wing C Wing

L1-Worship Center L1-Atrium L1-Café L1-Guest Services L1-Family Room L2-Tree House L2-Nursery


Fellowship Center

Worship Center

205 206 207




Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

Children & Youth Offices


-Fellowship Center -Chapel & C Wing -A & B Wing

Fellowship Center

199 a


Administrative Offices


Fellowship House

Future Expansion Parking

Adult Ministries Offices







541 Rt.

199 b

Food Pantry

-Worship Center -Kingdom Cafe -Tree House (Preschool Wing)

Worship Center

The Barn






Care Center


Connection | Newsletter


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2017

Adults 50+

Ed Brokhoff 609-200-2019


Explore the meaning of life Dave and Judi Shoemaker 609-504-2745

After Alpha

Rich Janiszewski 609-413-3311

Assimilation & Guest Services Pastor Doug Bazigian, x128


Rev. Dave Krilov, x105

Sage Builders

Rev. Glenn Kantner, x106

Ushers & Greeters

Pastor Doug Bazigian, x128

Venture 18//23

Bryan & Lisa Russell

Women Carol Batten, x109

Ministry Assistant

Debbie Schneck, x125


Monika Tockstein 609-268-1238

Deepening Groups

Warnesia Travasso, x141

Fresh Hope

Kid BLAST Preschool

Marcy Hutchinson


Michele Fleckenstein 609-654-2796

Walking in Grace

Jill Borsky 609-760-5354

Men Pastor Erik Rebstock, x116

(Birth-Kindergarten) • Jane Beebe, x101 • Cathy Watson, x117

Kid BLAST Elementary (Grades 1-4) Warnesia Travasso, x141

Kid BLAST Clubs

Warnesia Travasso, x141


Rev. Erik Jarvis, x118 Band of Brothers Breakfasts Michael More’

Catalyst Men’s Groups Brian Gahman


Rodney Sager 856-924-4631

Golf League

George Bradley

Men of Iron

Bill Cariss

Timothy Project

Rodney Sager 856-924-4631

Velocity Men’s Groups Pastor Erik Rebstock, x116



Jennifer Green 856-985-5524

Ministry Assistant Pat Vickery, x132

Level 5 (Grade 5) Russ Batten, x134

Planet 678 (Grades 6-8)

Pastor Eddie Jurimas, x104 Trip hotline, x678

Impact (Grades 9-12)

Rev. Mike Williams, x108 Trip hotline, x410

Special Needs Warnesia Travasso, x141

Friendship Bible Class Melissa King


Warnesia Travasso


Leah Bronczyk, x304

Other Ministries Camp FAC



Ed & Deb Jurimas, x127; x119;

Worship Pastor Doug Ingram, x137


Pastor Nick Simpson, x110


Rob Preim


Jerry Braatz, Sr. 609-268-8656

Connection | Newsletter

Care Ministries Financial assistance Care Center

Anne Simms 609-975-9741

Practical help Phil Morgan

Crew 318

Joe Pagano x318

FAC Wheels

Jim Hogan, x306

Food Pantry

Darlene Taylor

Fresh Hope Auto Mark McGuigan

Good $ense

Chuck Riley

Hope Garden

Frank Mandy

Emotional support Pastoral Care

Pastor Brent Brendle, x129 (A complete list of support groups can be found on page 24.)

Missions & Outreach Angel Tree

Dave and Judi Shoemaker 609-504-2745

Partnership Coordinators • Family Trip to WV Shawn Mosher • FASA (Southern Africa) Jim Walter • Ukraine Andy Hall • World Ministries Dave Hine • Young Life Geoff Carleton

Service Projects

Tracy LaRosa

Support Team Administration

Chris Rose, x135 Administrative Director • Lauren Brown, x107 • Heather Costomiris, x115 • Joanne Horner, x111 • Tess Jurimas, x126 Graphic Designer


Donna Beridon, x103


Ed Jurimas, x127 • Ed Brokhoff • Rob Eiler • Ben Glatz • Ron Jacobs • Ryan O’Rourke • Chris Rymarz • Ed Walls

Facilities Scheduler Deb Jurimas, x119


Scott Urwiler, x113 Maintenance and IT Supervisor

Weddings & Funerals Jocelyn Stainback, x402


For more information about FAC ministries, go to

Senior Pastor Marty Berglund Executive Pastor Brian Snyder Executive Pastor of Ministries Don Hay 199 Church Road Medford, NJ 08055 Tel: 609-953-7333 Worship Services Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 &11:00 a.m. Office Hours Mon.-Thurs., 8:00 to 5:00 Website: E-mail: Elders: Pastor Marty Berglund, Jody Adams, Ryan King, Phil Morgan, Bryan Russell Camp FAC 110 Sycamore Avenue Marlton, NJ 08053 The Connection Designer: Tess Jurimas Editor: Lynn Guise Writers: Laurie Berglund,

Sherri Bolognone, Nancy Ellis, Joe Jalkiewicz, Donna Thomas Please submit family announcements to by the 5th of the month prior to publication.


199 Church Road Medford, NJ 08055 | 609-953-7333 | w w

Our Foundation: Salvation Perhaps the most well-known verse in the Bible is John 3:16. In a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, a teacher in Israel, Jesus told him that a new birth and faith in Him were required for entrance into heaven. He told him the plan of salvation: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” In this one sentence is all the information you need to understand salvation. Christianity is based on the Bible as a whole, but that one sentence from Jesus is considered a summary of all that is contained in the Bible. The Old Testament contains prophesies about it, and all of the New Testament is built on it. Through His death on a cross, Jesus offers the forgiveness of sins, making a bridge to a Holy God. When we choose to believe the words of John 3:16, ask forgiveness for our sins, and accept the free gift of salvation, Jesus says that we have eternal life in heaven. In this life, Jesus wants to have a relationship with us. He wants to help us live a righteous, blessed life. That does not mean that we will be perfect or that we will have everything we want. It does mean that He will be with us every day and in every situation until we meet Him in heaven. At FAC, salvation is the foundation for everything we believe, every decision we make, and every ministry we have. What you believe about salvation is the most important decision you will ever make. Ask any of our leaders to pray or talk with you about salvation.

Our Mission Accepting the gift of salvation is just the beginning of life with Jesus. At FAC, we emphasize the importance of connecting to God, His people, and His work. Ephesians 2: 8-9, says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." These connections, then, are not for our own merit; rather, they are a recognition of what we owe to Jesus coupled with a desire to grow in an understanding of who He is and what He wants us to do.

connect to god Read the Bible regularly; start with the first four Books of the New Testament. Take time to pray. Attend worship services.

connect to god’s people Choose to participate in a Bible study at FAC. We offer groups for all ages and life situations.

connect to god’s work Find ways to actively serve Him: work with children or youth; get involved in missions; participate in caring for people in need; be a greeter. Ask Him to show you the right area for your service. There are many opportunities to serve right at FAC. These are the majors at FAC. Salvation is our central focus; it’s foundational. We pray that you will make it your foundation and that you will join us in our mission.

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