6 minute read
Convention Chatter
from The Cattleman - June 2022
by tscra
Headlines from Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association’s largest event of the year.
By Chrissy Fly
The spring signified an important season for Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association members, as more than 3,500 attendees made their way to Fort Worth for the Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo.
The event took place March 25-27, and welcomed smiling faces for a weekend full of opportunities to learn, network and enjoy good times with fellow cattle raisers.
The Cattle Raisers Expo boasted 250-plus exhibitor booths for attendees to visit. Through the School for Successful Ranching, demonstration area and new Learning Lounge, attendees had opportunities to further their industry knowledge with more than 30 hours of educational content.
A major high note of the event was the keynote session featuring President George W. Bush and Red Steagall. The two shared in a fireside chat that left members both laughing and inspired.
Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo is a special time for many people, but most importantly, it is a time for cattle raisers and landowners to come together to support and promote their industry.
This passion was reflected through funds raised for various causes during the weekend, including $131,000 to support association youth programs; $196,000 for the Special Ranger Foundation; and $65,000 raised and more than $100,000 pledged toward the Disaster Relief Fund.
The first-ever Graduate Research Poster Showcase welcomed 19 posters from five colleges, giving students the opportunity to present beef-based research initiatives. Pictured here is Brady Fields, Tarleton State University. David and Matt Crow, pictured center, receive their award on stage with TSCRA First Vice President Carl Ray Polk Jr., far left; Past President, Hughes Abell, and President Arthur Uhl.
Parks Ranch, owned by David Crow and his son, Matt, of Goliad, was recognized as the winner of the Texas Outstanding Rangeland Stewardship Award.
This honor is a joint effort between Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Texas Section Society for Range Management and Texas Grazing Land Coalition. Parks Ranch will also serve as the nominee for the National Cattleman’s Foundation Environmental Stewardship Award Region IV.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Past President Hughes Abell said this is one of the most distinguished honors a rancher can receive, and it is extremely competitive.
“Cattle raisers across the nation work hard every day to preserve and protect the land we all cherish,” Abell said. “The Crows are dedicated to preserving the integrity of the land and maintaining sustainable practices that can be passed on from generation to generation. They are an outstanding example of stewardship exemplified, and we’re proud to present them with this award.”
A Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association director, David with the help of his son, Matt, a Texas Christian University Ranch Management program graduate, created a system of arranging their pastures in a rectangular shape while creating a loop road allowing them all-weather access through the ranch.
It was a great privilege to be able to present at the TSCRA convention in Fort Worth this year. I would like the thank those that attended the presentation and everyone for coming by the Specialized Crop Insurance booth. It was a real pleasure to talk with each of you. If you were not able to make the convention, I would love to speak with you as well.
I have been working PRF for years and truly understand how it works best in the wet and dry years. Personally, and professionally, I can confidently advocate for this product. PRF can work incredibly well if it is set up correctly. If you have heard of PRF but were not sure how it worked, if you have tried it before but it didn’t pan out, or if you currently have it with someone else but are not really feeling its value…please, consider contacting me. I will be happy to talk with you and make sure you truly understand how it works. Then we can design a PRF policy to be the most beneficial for your individual operation.
Combined with rotational grazing and brush management programs, the Crows have created an optimal grazing distribution plan.
The father-son duo has a deep passion for conserving the land for future generations of ranchers.
“The Crow family sustains the land because they see the vision of future generations,” Abell said. “Maintaining sustainable ranching practices and wildlife preservation has allowed them to steward a legacy.”
Honoring Aaron Low, pictured center. With him are TSCRA Past President Hughes Abell, far left; First Vice President Carl Ray Polk Jr.; and President Arthur Uhl. The next generation poses for a photo during Cow Camp.
A group of young cattle raisers attended Cow Camp, which included tours of the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, along with the Cattle Raisers Museum, National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame.
The camp attendees also had a special presentation from Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Rangers Larry Hand and Marty Baker.
Aaron Low, an Extension agent based in Cherokee County, was named the 2022 Outstanding County Extension Agent – Beef.
The award, which was created to recognize the state’s most dedicated and effective local educators in cattle production, is presented each year during Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo.
Abell said county Extension agents play an integral role in helping cattle raisers get the information they need, as well as adopt best management practices and new technologies to improve product quality and producer sustainability.
“Texas A&M AgriLife Extension agents’ work is invaluable, and their programming is so vital to our members,” Abell said. “Aaron Low is an extraordinary example. He has worked hard to create quality programs that support hundreds of producers in East Texas.”
Low has worked to address issues with livestock numbers and forage management in Cherokee County. In 2021, nearly 100% of beef producers said they are intending to or have adopted management practices learned through programming Low conducted. He has hosted events and demonstrations to engage beef producers including beef and forage workshops, pesticide conferences and trainings, many educational newsletters and producer farm visits.
A John Deere Gator auction raised more than $131,000 for TSCRA youth programs.
It’s never too early to mark your calendar and make plans to attend the next Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo, March 24-26, in Fort Worth. Watch The Cattleman, TSCRA Update and the association’s social media channels for more information. T C
Chrissy Fly is a freelance writer and graduate student at Oklahoma State University.