FEBRUARY 2023 All Eyes on The Land What is the value of ecosystem services in Texas? A TEXAS & SOUTHWESTERN CATTLE RAISERS ASSOCIATION PUBLICATION Called to Create Budding filmmaker shares ranching history and heritage with the world.
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By Lorie A. Woodward
By Laurie Martin
Beyond the Choir New study estimates the value of working lands in Texas.
to Create Filmmaker combines his love of storytelling and the ranching way of life.
28 Cold Weather Nutrition Ranching 101 will cover ways to keep the herd thriving through the winter months. 30 Industry Briefs 32 Obituaries 34 What’s Happening at TSCRA Upcoming highlights during the Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo. 36 Crime Watch 38 Prescribed Burns: Manageable Risk, Great Reward How fire plays a role in producing a robust, resilient grass resource. 42 10 Questions on Carbon Credit Contracts Agricultural law specialist offers considerations for landowners before signing an agreement. 44 Plant of the Month Spiny aster (Chloracantha spinosa) 46 BQA Tip: Tag Wisely 48 Strong Global Demand Continues USMEF reports annual record for beef export value. DEPARTMENTS in the News theft & LAW Ranching IN EVERY ISSUE From the Editor 6 Where We Stand 26 TSCRA Leadership 52 Special Rangers 56 New Members 5 8 Auction Markets & Market Inspectors 6 4 Breeder’s Bulletin Board 7 2 Upcoming Events 76 Ad Index 78 A Look Back 8 0 beyond our gates
It is a true love story — the relationship of a rancher to his land. One of my favorites, in fact.
As landowners, we love our land in times of plenty and in times of want. Our land is resilient. It withstands fire, floods, drought and other extremes. In these tough conditions, it continually provides, responding to the care we put into it.
That is, of course, when we listen to nature and respond to the land’s needs, a commitment landowners make when taking on the responsibility of stewardship.
This month, we look at land’s ability to provide and the people who care for it.
The dedicated work to bolster ecosystems is now recognized far beyond the quiet corners of rural spaces, opening new financial opportunities for landowners that prioritize such efforts. A new study informing ecosystem services valuations reveals more on this trend. We caught up with the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute to learn about their latest research examining how ecosystem services are quantified, as well as how this data can inform future pricing for carbon, water and biodiversity markets.
Sharing the value of working lands also lies in introducing the families and individuals committed
to the ranching way of life. Gaston Davis, a budding filmmaker from Texas, captures the relationship between ranchers and the land in his film, “Cowboys Without Borders.” Following three ranches across North America and South America, he documents the differences across cowboy culture. Yet, while each region approaches ranching differently, they share the same love for animals and the land.
If you share these passions, we invite you to attend the 2023 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo March 24-26 in Fort Worth. Here, you can connect with others and look to the future for the beef cattle business.
Our keynote speaker, former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, is not to be missed, along with our robust lineup of experts from across the cattle industry. Early bird pricing ends later this month, so get your tickets early for the best rates. T C
Jaclyn Roberts Parrish Executive Director of Communications & Marketing/ Editor-in-Chief, The Cattleman
From the Editor
6 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Published by Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
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Each calf crop brings new promise and opportunity. Here’s a perfect pose captured at 7K Red Angus near Marietta, Oklahoma.
Photo by Erin Worrell
Published on the first day of each month by Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Inc., P.O. Box 101988, Fort Worth, Texas 76185. The Cattleman (ISSN 0008-8552, USPS 095000), copyright 2023 by Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. Title registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Member Alliance for Audited Media. Subscription $50 per year; foreign $70 per year. Correspondence on all phases of the cattle business is invited. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in The Cattleman magazine. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Worth, Texas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Cattleman P.O. Box 101988, Fort Worth, Texas 76185, 817-332-7064, FAX 817-394-1864. All members of Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association receive a monthly copy of The Cattleman as a benefit of their membership. 8 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
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New study estimates the value of working lands in Texas.
By Lorie A. Woodward
Every acre of working land in Texas contributes an average of $629 in ecosystem services annually, according to a new study, Texas Ecosystem Services: A Statewide Assessment
The report, released by the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute in conjunction with the Texas Agricultural Land Trust and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in November 2022, is the state’s first attempt to better understand and estimate the value of its ecosystem services.
“The estimates give policymakers, municipalities, corporations, conservation organizations and land managers more insight into the full economic and ecological benefits Texas, and Texans, derive from these vital lands,” says Roel Lopez, Ph.D., director of the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute and the university’s department head for rangeland, wildlife and fisheries management. “The report was created to help people understand the collective value of working land — and the consequences of losing it.”
Ecosystem services, the goods and benefits provided by the land back to the public, are also referred to as commodities of nature or natural capital. While the public has long recognized the benefits of food, fiber and timber, other benefits are often overlooked.
They include life-sustaining outputs such as climate regulation, air purification, pollination, abundant and clean water, wildlife habitat and flood control provided by healthy forests, rangelands and wetlands.
Historically, private landowners, through active management and conservation, have produced these goods and services at no cost to the public. As a result, these contributions largely went unrecognized and unvalued — until now.
“A confluence of factors, ranging from increasingly extreme weather to current and anticipated supply shortages spurred by ongoing population growth, as well as pressure by consumers and foreign governments for corporations to meet economic, social and governance mandates,
Photo courtesy of Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
$629 per acre of working land in Texas
The average contribution was recently estimated
has pushed the idea of ecosystem services markets to the forefront,” Lopez says. “As a result, ecosystem marketplaces are emerging quickly.”
One of the first steps in creating a market framework is establishing baseline value.
Lopez is quick to point out that the Texas Statewide Assessment is an initial effort designed to add to the emerging conversation about ecosystem services.
The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute team identified 11 ecosystem services, which they valued using one of two estimates: market-based or willingness-to-pay.
To assign dollar values based on market-based estimates, the team used information from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and the Texas Water Development Board, where appropriate. The willingness-to-pay estimates were derived from established federal field-scale or operation-level conservation programs through NRCS.
“Our findings can’t support a market yet, but they can form the basis for future refinements as we better
understand ecosystem services and improve methods for measuring their benefits,” Lopez says. “To be clear, our goal wasn’t to establish a firm monetary value for these services, but to begin to highlight the values of land beyond the traditional.”
While the markets for ecosystem services, led by carbon, are still emerging, their potential cannot be ignored.
“For the first time in my life, all eyes are on the land,” says Gary Price, a Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association director who ranches near Blooming Grove with his wife, Sue. “In my opinion, the potential for ecosystem services is huge.”
Price has been working with think tanks, non-profits, and corporations to help define and develop ecosystem service markets. From a landowner perspective, the potential benefits are threefold.
First, an operable free market could incentivize and pay for ecological services, such as carbon sequestration, clean water and biodiversity that landowners have historically provided to the public at no cost.
12 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
in a study by the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute in conjunction with the Texas Agricultural Land Trust and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Texas Ecosystem Services: A Statewide Assessment is the state’s first attempt toward defining the true value of working lands. Photos courtesy of Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute.
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Eventually, ecosystem market proponents believe the services can be stacked to maximize the various land-based income streams. This is of particular value in today’s economy, where inflationary expenses increase operating costs.
“A lot of us know what to do and what we want to do for our land, but are limited by financial constraints,” Price says. “Ecosystem markets will not only provide financial returns, but incentivize everyone to embrace conservation practices that ultimately increase our individual productivity and benefit the public.”
Second, by highlighting the value to humanity, ecosystem services make the connection between working lands and life as we know it, and has the potential to inspire a widespread reconnection to nature and agriculture. And it creates an unprecedented opportunity for ranchers and farmers to tell their stories. With the added value of elevated platforms, cattle raisers can reach new audiences like never before.
“The public is interested in where their food comes from — and ranchers have a
“Our goal wasn’t to establish a firm monetary value for these services, but to begin to highlight the values of land beyond the traditional,” says Roel Lopez, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute director.
In the study, the team identified 11 ecosystem services, which they valued using one of two estimates: market-based or willingness-to-pay.
14 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
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great story to tell,” says Price, who has been working closely with McDonald’s Corporation throughout the past four years on sustainability issues.
Consider the cow. She, influenced by the conscientious management of a committed land steward, is integral to the regeneration and long-term health of rangelands, which cover much of the U.S.
“If we didn’t have the cow, we’d be trying to invent her as a tool,” Price says.
Healthy rangelands are essential for carbon sequestration, protecting essential habitat for struggling wildlife populations and a host of other services.
And yet, the cow has been painted as an environmental menace by beef industry opponents, who have exploited the topics of methane production and overgrazing. The public, those disconnected from the land, can easily fall prey to these tactics and become industry opponents instead of consumers.
“If we don’t tell our story, someone else will,” Price says.
Needing to supply nearly 14,000 restaurants in the U.S. alone, McDonald’s is one of the largest purchasers of U.S. beef. The corporation has reached across the supply chain to work with the beef industry on long-term challenges to help ensure a more resilient beef supply.
As purveyors of burgers, industry opponents pummel the corporation just as they do ranchers. In addition, investors and consumers are demanding accountability, transparency and sustainability.
“The corporation’s success requires successful ranchers,” Price says.
Price challenges colleagues to imagine the impact of a partnership that combines ranching’s conservation story with the corporation’s marketing power.
“The people at McDonald’s are proud of their connection to beef, and I try to reinforce that connection by reminding them they have good reason to be proud,” Price says. “By selling hamburgers, they’re actually contributing to the health of rangelands, wildlife habitat and watersheds. Instead of destroying the planet, the corporation is actually benefiting it — one bite at a time.”
Third, if the value of ecosystem services and the role of the land that supports them is
Presenting a dollar-figure value for working lands in Texas shines new light on what they mean for everyone.
16 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
A clean and abundant water supply is one of the many benefits of preserving open spaces. Photos by Emily McCartney.
widely recognized, the marketplace could be used to help address conservation challenges, such as fragmentation, by helping shape development.
Texas loses 640 acres of working land per day, faster than any other state in the nation. Each time the state loses a piece of working land, the pressure increases on the remaining working lands to produce vital ecosystem services.
“Land disappears day after day, year after year,” Lopez says. “At what threshold does the landscape flip into subdivisions and suburbia and lose its ecological and economic productivity related to working lands?”
Unfortunately, most Texans don’t understand the consequences of the ongoing loss yet, which is where the report comes in.
For the first time ever, researchers can not only calculate the value of ecosystem services produced by land, but also the cost of losing working land in Texas.
Multiplying the $629 per-acre, per-year average by the daily loss of 640 acres for 365 days equals $146.9 million worth of lost ecosystem services every year.
“We’re paying a high price, one that’s climbing each year, as we convert more land to accommodate population growth in Texas,” Lopez says. “Those of us with a connection to the land know it because we live it. Now, it’s up to us to share that message way beyond the choir to benefit us all.”
Visit the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute website, and click on research, to view a copy of the study. T C
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It’s up to us to share that message beyond the choir.”
Lorie A. Woodward is a freelance writer from Brenham.
February 2023 tscra.org | 17 The Cattleman
Roel Lopez, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Featured in the documentary "Cowboys Without Borders," vaqueros in Mexico saddle their horses at sunrise.
Filmmaker combines his love of storytelling and the ranching way of life.
By Laurie Martin
Photos by Alex Walker
Nobody came to Gaston Davis with the idea or even asked him to do it. It was something he just knew he wanted to create.
Working after hours from his full-time job, young filmmaker Davis took his passion for agriculture and ranching from dream to concept with “Cowboys Without Borders,” a documentary released in July 2022.
A sixth-generation Texan, Davis grew up in a Houston suburb, but spent his summers on two of his granddad’s ranches close to Menard — land that has been in the family since 1880.
“We would go out and work cattle, goats, repair fences,” says Davis, whose father, John, is a Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association member. “We would do anything and everything. It was a lot of fun, and I loved hearing the stories of the old days from my Pappy about working horseback on the ranch.”
When summers were over and he was back in school, Davis would share stories of his adventures with friends, often explaining the how’s and why’s of life on the ranch.
Davis’ interest in filmmaking was also developed from a young age. He grew up making home videos with his brothers, which led him to study radio, TV and filmmaking at the University of Texas in Austin.
In these same years, he visited and worked on several South American ranches for months at a time, allowing him to truly live the ranching lifestyle he had heard about in his Pappy’s stories.
While Davis did not realize it at the time, these early exposures equipped him to tell a much larger story, one that plays a critical role in bridging the gap between urban and rural communities.
After his experiences in South America and graduating college, Davis knew he wanted to tell the story of the international cowboy.
“A fire started to burn inside me. I knew that a story needed to be told,” he says. “I wanted to target individuals who don’t have the direct connection with agriculture or ranching, and create one, so that people have an appreciation for the industry.”
Gaston Davis, filmmaker
A fire started to burn inside me. I knew a story needed to be told.”
February 2023 tscra.org | 21 The Cattleman
Sharing his idea with friends and colleagues helped Davis make the connections necessary to bring his concept to life. He joined forces with producer Ilissa Nolan, who has strong roots in Texas ranching and family involved in Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association; and cinematographer, Alex Walker.
The team set their sights on four ranches to highlight within the documentary: Rancho Los Corrales in Mexico; R.A. Brown Ranch in Throckmorton; IX Ranch in Montana; and the Estancia Cerro de los Pinos Ranch in Argentina.
During August 2017, Davis and Walker embarked on a 30-day journey, traveling from North to South America to capture the spirit of the international cowboy.
“We didn’t want this to be a Hollywood film,” Davis says. “This is a real-life documentary of capturing the cowboy. Alex did just that.”
He says they aimed to include ranches that showed all ranges of the spectrum.
The IX Ranch demonstrated the use of advanced technology, while the Rancho Los Corrales and Estancia Cerro de Los Pinos each brought a more traditional glimpse into ranching.
R.A. Brown Ranch, longtime Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association members, brought a combination of technology, tradition and community involvement.
Davis wanted to show the universal grit and relentless effort ranchers display when caring for their animals, regardless of their location and varying methods.
“The cowboy is going to be who he needs to be to accomplish the task,” Davis says. “If he needs to be courageous with a horse that needs to be broke, that’s what he’s going to be.
“If he needs to be gentle with a calf that needs to be weaned, that’s what he’s going to be. But also, if he needs to be at a school board meeting and help provide for the district, that’s what he is going to do.”
While capturing each of the ranches’ stories, Davis says he grew even more appreciative of the determination and strength found in those who care for cattle and the land.
“The purpose of this film was to show what the cowboys are doing in their daily lives and how they are benefiting their communities,” Davis says. “There are other impacts beyond the work and lifestyle.”
22 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
A few scenes captured during the filming of “Cowboys Without Borders.” Top: A calf branding in Mexico. Middle: Two vaqueros scan the horizon in search of potrillos, wild colts, that they will later break. Bottom: Gauchos in the Patagonia region of Argentina head towards the next pasture in search of cattle.
But more than the story was the journey, something Davis believed creates an appreciation for ranching and the agriculture industry. Feedback, both in person and through online reviews, revealed an appreciation for the educational components of the film.
“When it comes to learning and appreciating something, you need to be captivating, creating a story people will really experience,” Davis says. “Then, they will be engaged and remember it.”
It took Davis 18 months to produce “Cowboys Without Borders,” cutting 80 hours of footage down to an hour-and-half film.
After his full-time job, Davis would come home and edit the documentary. Nolan, Walker, and his parents, John and Jayne, were essential in helping refine the film before each round of editing. He says it was a lot of back and forth — something he can only describe as a work of passion.
“No one asked us to make this film,” Davis says. “This is produced from genuine passion, genuine content. A passion and a dream doesn’t have to remain only a dream. It can become something real, and the Lord really showed that to me.”
“Cowboys Without Borders” is available on Amazon, AppleTV+, GooglePlay, YouTube and other streaming services. T C
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Gaston Davis’ next film, tentatively titled “Renewing Texas,” will document Texans taking control of their energy future.
By harnessing wind power, his family has been able to more easily keep the ranch together for the next generation.
“I believe my family is a good example of using an ‘all of the above’ energy approach,” Davis says. “Creating a bridge between renewables, oil and gas will be a good thing.”
www.AmericanRed.org to learn more.
24 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Laurie Martin is a freelance writer and photographer from Brownfield.
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February 2023 tscra.org | 25 The Cattleman
By Melissa Hamilton
By the time this issue of The Cattleman hits your mailbox, we will be about a month into the 88th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature.
Unlike last session, when we had a slow start as a result of COVID-related delays and winter storm Yuri, the Texas House and Senate intend to hit the ground running. This session is ripe with opportunities for cattle raisers.
Policymakers filling the seats in the Texas Capitol this year may represent different districts than they have in the past. Redistricting in late October 2021 brought with it much uncertainity over how the new boundaries might impact the election and party representation in Austin.
When the dust all settled, Republicans kept their majority in both chambers and hold all the most prominent statewide elected offices.
Incumbents in leadership include Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Comptroller Glenn Hegar, Attorney General Ken Paxton and Ag Commissioner Sid Miller. Former State Senator Dawn Buckingham was elected to be the new Land Commissioner.
Rep. Dade Phelan was also re-elected for another term as Speaker of the House.
Top-of-mind this session will be the state’s budget surplus of roughly $32.7 billion. This brings immense opportunity to benefit the most pressing needs, but also, much debate over how the dollars should be distributed.
Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Patrick both said property tax relief and protecting the border are priorities. The Legislature is poised to address those issues, as well as engage in a continuing review of energy infrastructure and improving the reliability of the state’s power grids.
For the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, our eyes are set on border security and issues facing ranchers and landowners living on the frontlines of this
ever-growing crisis. The association has helped advance legislation, H.B. 73, sponsored by Rep. Andrew Murr, that focuses on landowner liability in connection with livestock or agricultural land.
As the law currently stands, if a fence is broken as the result of a pursuit, the rancher or landowner is liable for damage caused by stray cattle or livestock. H.B. 73 changes that by protecting ranchers and landowners from liability. This is one example of how we are working to advance protections for cattle raisers in border areas.
Another priority for Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association will be leveling the playing field and enacting truth in labeling for imitation proteins, or fake meat.
The association will also be seeking out protections for landowners, ranchers and farmers against nuisance lawsuits and other restrictive regulations that could inhibit their ability to raise cattle and work the land.
These cases are an increasing cause of concern, as the state’s population grows and urban areas reach out into rural communities. Many residents are also choosing to leave the city skylines behind them, so they move to quiet country areas. They often don’t realize living in the country means accommodating the working agricultural operations in these areas.
Much can happen in the coming weeks, but rest assured the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association team is hard at work advocating on your behalf. Please watch for important email updates on ways to be involved in Austin. Your voice makes a tremendous difference in the future of the Texas cattle industry. T C
Where We Stand
26 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Melissa Hamilton is the executive director of government relations for the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
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Rep. Andrew Murr was first elected in 2014 to represent District 53 in the Texas House of Representatives. The district covers Bandera, Crane, Crockett, Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Mason, McCulloch, Medina, Menard, Pecos, Real, Schleicher, Sutton and Upton counties.
As an eighth-generation Texan raised on the family ranch in Kimble County, Murr has a deep appreciation and understanding of the ranching industry and way of life.
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In the 2021 Legislative Session, Murr authored and passed H.B. 365, which amended the Farm Animal Liability Act to expand the liability limitations to ranchers, farmers and their employees after the Supreme Court issued an opinion that stated otherwise. This change expanded protections to an inherently risky and challenging industry that livestock producers and ranchers face on a daily basis.
Being a rancher, attorney and member of the Texas House of Representatives, Murr works hard to educate fellow legislators on how important it is to protect the state’s cattle producers and ranchland stewards.
In the current legislative session, Murr will continue to advocate for rural values, now more than ever, as the number of rural representatives has dwindled to 30 out of 150 members. Murr is a proud member of the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. T C
Where We Stand
Rep. Andrew Murr
February 2023 tscra.org | 27 The Cattleman
In the News
Ranching 101 will cover ways to keep the herd thriving through the winter months.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association invites its members to participate in a virtual Ranching 101 session at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21. During the hour-long Zoom webinar, attendees will learn how to prepare a winter nutrition plan. Colder temperatures require a special approach to feeding and caring for the herd, and during Ranching 101, an expert will share how to best prepare for the cold winter months.
Interested? Scan the QR code below to register.
A monthly webinar series hosted by Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association’s events and education department, Ranching 101 explores fundamental principles of beef cattle production. Experienced or brandnew cattle raisers will find something of value during these online sessions. Registration is complimentary for any association member. Visit tscra.org to learn more. T C
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Dam 490E
28 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
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During board meetings in late November, Texas Beef Council approved and released evaluations of its fiscal year 2022 programs. This information is now available in the council’s annual report titled Building Beef-Loving Communities.
The report gives Texas beef producers the opportunity to see how their Beef Checkoff dollars were used to drive beef demand over the last year.
From taking viewers on a journey beyond-the-pit with a new season of the popular streaming series “BBQuest,” to reaching more than 750 doctors’ offices with the latest research about beef’s role in a healthy lifestyle, Texas Beef Council aims to bring Texans together over a shared love of beef.
“The past year has been a journey of sharing beef’s great story,” said Molly McAdams, Texas Beef Council’s executive vice president. “I’m proud of our staff for executing creative programs with a high degree of excellence. We remain mission-driven and passionate about our industry, and it shows in the results we are able to share back with producers.”
A few key highlights include:
• L aunching “BBQuest: Beyond The Pit”, season 3 of Texas Beef Council’s popular video series that has surpassed 2.9 million total views. The new season also brought home one gold and two platinum LIT Awards, a competition that recognizes excellence in commercial videos and television productions across all industries.
• Delivering beef nutrition messages to 750 medical offices.
• Driving 1.4 million recipe views to the recently refreshed BeefLovingTexans.com.
• Partnering with food influencers for a TikTok campaign, receiving 1.5 million views.
• Targeting online grocery shoppers with holiday and summer grilling campaigns, resulting in 15% and 20% respective sales lifts.
• Sponsoring international retail campaigns that generated nearly 4.6 million pounds in U.S. beef sales.
“We’ve produced a TV show that highlights beef as an integral part of Texas barbecue. Not only that — we made Texas ranchers the hero of that story as stewards of their animals and land,” McAdams said. “This is just one example of how we help people feel good about choosing beef for their families. I hope producers visit our annual report to learn more about how their Beef Checkoff dollars are making a positive impact here in Texas and beyond.”
Three individuals were inducted into the Hereford Hall of Fame Oct. 23 in Kansas City, during the American Hereford Association’s Annual Meeting and Conference. They were: Odell Gelvin, Bill King and Loyd Whitehead.
A Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association member from San Angelo, Loyd Whitehead has been ranching since the day he was born.
His grandfather, C.B. Whitehead, began breeding Hereford cattle in 1903. In 1958, Loyd bought Rocking Chair Ranch, and in 1963, Loyd began developing his own herd of Hereford cattle. Since, Loyd added six ranches across Texas. Additionally, the Whiteheads exhibited cattle for many years and had a champion at every major show in the country.
Odell Gelvin, Fairland, Oklahoma, spent a lifetime working in the Hereford breed, beginning when he was 12 years old working on the W.E. Harvey Ranch in Ada, Oklahoma.
In the mid-1960s, Odell accepted a manager position with Ogeechee Farms in Fairland, Oklahoma. Under his direction, Ogeechee Farms’ performance polled Hereford herd became a national leader. Odell was also instrumental in helping establish the Oklahoma Beef Testing Station in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Outside of his work as a herdsman, Odell judged national Hereford shows across the U.S., Argentina and Venezuela.
Bill King, Moriarty, New Mexico, started his Hereford herd as a high school student in 1968 with the purchase of three heifers from Marshall Sellman.
For more than a century, the King family has been ranching in Stanley, New Mexico. King Ranch is a
In the News
Visit texasbeefcheckoff.com to access the annual
30 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
diversified operation consisting of 30,000 acres of pasture; 4,000 acres of farmland; about 1,200 registered Hereford, Charolais and Angus cows; and 300 commercial cows. The ranch sells more than 350 bulls a year to mostly commercial producers and buys back customer cattle for finishing in the family-owned feedlot.
“Everyone wants the safest environment possible for their families and staff — they just may not know how to effectively accomplish that in an effective way that doesn’t overcomplicate the work,” he said. “This guide is simple to use and practical to apply on any cow-calf operation.”
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International announced HC Neel as its executive director effective Jan. 3. Neel will provide leadership for the association’s staff and members, while leading one of the beef industry’s fastest growing purebred beef associations.
“We are excited to have HC at the helm,” said Santa Gertrudis Breeders International President Gene Kubecka. “His experience raising, showing and judging cattle, along with his breed association experience make him an excellent fit. Most important, his vision for enhancing our breed’s relevance in the beef industry cannot be understated.”
Neel has deep roots in the cattle business and South Texas/Gulf Coast ranching. He grew up on a large-scale cow-calf ranch north of Refugio, where he and his family have been actively involved in showing and raising cattle.
Agriculture is the seventh-most hazardous industry in the U.S., but ranch owners and operators can take steps to make their working facilities and equipment safer for their staff and families. Recently, Noble Research Institute and the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef created and published a new guide to help improve ranch safety.
Ranch Employee Safety: Working Cattle and Related Facilities and Equipment takes ranchers through four stages of improved safety:
Stage One: Identification of the hazards
Stage Two: Prevention of worker injuries and illnesses
Stage Three: Preparation of ranch employees
Stage Four: Monitoring the hazards and risks and the safety policies and procedures implemented
Additionally, the guide provides 30 pages of resources and tools, ready to use on any operation. Hugh Aljoe, Noble Research Institute’s director of producer relations, said he believe the guide will benefit all producers.
“My entire life has been dedicated to the cattle industry, specifically in South Texas,” Neel said. “I have a strong passion for that way of life and perhaps an even stronger passion for Bos indicus cattle and the value they provide to the industry.”
Before joining Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, Neel served as director of association services for the American Brahman Breeders Association where he was intensely involved in research and breed improvement initiatives, performance programs, genetic progress and association management.
For Santa Gertrudis breeders, Neel said the future presents a world of opportunity, especially with the increasing popularity and demand of red-hided cattle across the U.S.
Neel’s beef industry involvement also includes serving as an officer and committee member with varying organizations such as the Texas Purebred Cattle Alliance and Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. A member of nationally competitive livestock judging teams at Blinn College and Texas A&M University, Neel also serves as a professional livestock judge at local, state and national levels.
The Neel family resides in Goliad, where they own and operate a small cow herd that focuses on the production of show cattle for 4-H and FFA youth across the state. T C
A new guidebook, Ranch Employee Safety: Working Cattle and Related Facilities and Equipment , is available for download at no cost at noble.org. Photo by Rob Mattson.
In the News February 2023 tscra.org | 31 The Cattleman
BEVERLY MACKIN BAETGE, 90, of Bryan, died Nov. 28.
Born April 11, 1932, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Baetge expressed a love for sports, horses and dogs from an early age. She graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in physical education, and later earned her master’s from Florida State University.
In 1959, she married George Donald Baetge.
Baetge began the second phase of her life with Diane Cornwall at the historic McFarland Ranch, south of Aledo. They met at a golf tournament in 1982 and bought their first cattle together in the late ‘80s. As co-owners of D Bar B Cattle Co., they bred award-winning heifers, earning reserve champion, as well as winning blue and red ribbons at the Fort Worth Stock Show.
Because of their dedication to the conservation of ranch land, they received the Resident Conservation Award in 2002 for Region V of the Soil and Water Conservation District of Texas. A cowgirl to the bone, Baetge was especially honored to be involved with the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame.
She is survived by her sons and their families, George Donald Baetge Jr., and his two daughters, Georgia Mary Baetge and Jaxon Gail Baetge, with Susan Gail Book; and James Mackin Baetge, daughter-in-law Dr. Courtney Lane Baetge, and their two daughters, Hannah Lane Baetge and Hailey Ann Baetge.
JEAN ESPY EVERETT, 83, of Fort Davis, died Oct. 28. Everett was born on March 9, 1939, to Pansy and Jim Espy. In youth, she loved rodeos, sports and showing Rambouillet sheep.
In the late 1980s, during the Big Bend Livestock Show, she ran into her old friend Tommy Everett and their
30-plus-year friendship and love story began. They married in August 1989.
A dedicated coach, Everett was inducted into the Tennis Coach Hall of Fame in New Braunfels. She was actively coaching at 83 years old at the Fort Davis Independent School District, while also running her jewelry business, which traveled to art and craft shows across the Southwest.
She is survived by her husband, Tommy Everett; three children, Debby McIvor, Rick McIvor and Scott (Julie) McIvor; two step-children, Cody Bob (Shana) Everett and Connie (Skipper) Voss; sisters, Pat Smith and Ann (Jim) Duncan; brother, Jim (Sally) Espy; six grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
AURIE MITCHELL WEST, 84, of Marfa, died Nov. 14.
West was born on Nov. 15, 1937, to William Hayes Mitchell Sr. and Adele Crain Mitchell. Marfa was where she made her lifetime home with her husband, Guy Gene West. The couple met at Bloys Campmeeting and married Sept. 8, 1954.
Together, they continued her family’s heritage, and she became a fifth-generation cattle rancher in Texas and the fourth generation in Presidio County.
A constant in West’s life was her Christian faith. Her devotion became a true compass that guided her throughout her life.
She is survived by her daughters, Adele (Bud) Coffey, Laura (Clay) Whitley and Elaine West; son, Hayes (Michelle) West; brother Hayes Mitchell Jr.; sister-inlaw Melba Frost; eight grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren; nieces, nephews and many friends. T C
In key locations across Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico, Helena has branches staffed with people who can provide landowners, ranchers and wildlife enthusiasts with all their management needs.
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In the News
FROM YOUR PASTURES & RANGELAND 32 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
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Established 1878
18, 2023
month old Angus and
2023 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ -G -G February 2023 tscra.org | 33 The Cattleman
Hereford Bulls
and Black Baldie Pairs to calve in February
On Dec. 22, Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association announced former White House Press Secretary and Fox News host Dana Perino will headline the 2023 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo, held March 24-26 in Fort Worth.
Perino, who served as the 26th White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush, will address how the public is being affected by the current political climate, drawing from her personal experience in politics and rich background in the cattle industry.
In addition to Perino, Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo will offer can’t-miss opportunities for landowners, ranchers, farmers and wildlife managers, including:
• More than 30 hours of educational programming.
Several opportunities are available for students during the upcoming Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo including free admission, a graduate research poster showcase and a youth photo contest.
Students will receive free admission to the School for Successful Ranching and Expo (use the code STUDENT when registering). Students must present a student ID at the on-site registration desk.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association will also host a graduate research poster showcase. On March 25 at the Fort Worth Convention Center, graduate students will have the opportunity to present their research to industry leaders, association members and affiliates. Graduate students from accredited universities in Texas or Oklahoma are invited to apply by March 1 to participate. All research posters must relate to the beef industry.
The association will also host a photo contest for youth ages 5-18. Contestants can mail their photographs and entry forms to the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association office by March 1. All qualifying entries will be judged at the 2023 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo.
The youngest cattle raisers, aged 5-10, also have the opportunity to attend Cow Camp hosted March 25 by the Cattle Raisers Museum. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the museum, located at 1600 Gendy Street on the second floor of the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.
During Cow Camp, participants will explore the Cattle Raisers Museum, the National Cowgirl Museum, and the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, as well as
In the News
Dana Perino 2023 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo Keynote Speaker
34 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
FORT WORTH TX MARCH 24 – 26 REGISTER NOW GET MORE INFO AND SIGN UP AT CATTLERAISERSCONVENTION.COM KNOW SOMEONE WHO SHOULD GO? Send them the attached postcard to join us at the 2023 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo Fort Worth Convention Center
UTV stolen in Dewey County, Oklahoma.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger Jay Foster reports a 2019 Caterpillar utility terrain side-by-side vehicle missing. The UTV was last seen Nov. 5 and the VIN number is 4UF39MPV7KT300978. The owner is offering a $2,500 reward for the recovery of the UTV and an additional $1,000 if it leads to the prosecution of the individual(s) responsible. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Foster at 940-475-0295.
Equipment stolen in Palo Pinto County.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association reports a green 2017 Kawasaki mule and a black C&S tandem axle utility trailer stolen near Graford. The VIN number for the Kawasaki is JKBAFSB1XHB509961 and the trailer is 4ZEUT162XJ1155508. The equipment was stolen between Nov. 13-Dec. 3. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Special Ranger Zach Havens at 254-396-1747.
Pickup stolen near Hico.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger Marvin Wills reports a 2002 Dodge 3500 pickup missing. The four-door flatbed pickup is a twowheel drive, 5-speed diesel with a Ranch Hand bumper. The vehicle has a Texas license plate number 1JD-148 and the VIN number is 3B7MC3362M286866. The pickup was last seen Nov. 23 before it was stolen from an auto repair shop. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Wills at 254-223-2330.
Lambs missing in Sterling County.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger H.D. Brittain reports 30 Dorper ewe lambs
missing. Last seen Oct. 9, the lambs weigh approximately 90 pounds and are notched in the left ear. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Brittain at 325-853-2062.
Cows missing near Wadsworth.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger David Marcaurele reports six crossbred cows missing in Matagorda County. Last seen Oct. 13, the cows are branded with a 7 connected to a backwards J on the left hip. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Marcaurele at 979-332-8755.
Equipment stolen near Cuero.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger Robert Fields reports a 2012 Kubota M9540 tractor, Bush Hog 2615 shredder and a Kubota M1826 front-end loader with hat forks missing. The tractor does not have a cab, and had the front-end loader and shredder attached when stolen. The serial number of the tractor is 10015, the serial number of the shredder is BH70997156 and the serial number of the loader is A1212. The equipment was last seen Nov. 11.
Polaris Ranger stolen near Seguin.
Fields also reports a 2010 Polaris Ranger 800 crew cab missing. Last seen Oct. 23, it is green and the VIN number is 4XAWH76A9A2157096. Anyone with information on these cases is urged to contact Fields at 361-207-5207.
Cows missing near Click.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger Todd Jennings reports six black Angus cows and one black baldy cow missing in south central Llano County. The cows are branded with R/R and (S) brands on the left hip and were last seen late spring. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Jennings at 830-997-7585.
Cow missing near La Feria.
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Special Ranger Joe Aguilar reports a Charolais-cross cow missing. The white-and-yellow cow was last seen July 11. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Aguilar at 956-513-0297. T C
TSCRA offers a cash reward for information leading to the arrest and/or grand jury indictment of individuals for theft of livestock or related property. Anonymity is guaranteed. To provide information, call the Operation Cow Thief tip line at 817-916-1775.
Theft & Law
36 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
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Westin Cobb, 2022 Grassmanship Scholarship Winner
How fire plays a role in producing a robust, resilient grass resource.
By Martha Mintz
Photos courtesy of Noble Research Institute
Putting fire to prairie is a little like, well, pouring gas on a fire. It results in explosive native grass production, but also can be a bit risky.
Liability concerns and sacrificing current forage to the flames — especially during severe drought — keep many land managers from using this powerful regenerative management tool.
Those willing to wield fire, though, can rekindle range and pasture performance, fanning sputtering embers into an inferno of grass growth.
Fire and grass go together. Fire gives perennial, native grasses the competitive advantage over invasive annual
grasses, woody species and some forbs. Grasslands that see fire at regular intervals will continue to be dominated by a vigorous, grass-based plant community that is resilient in the face of challenges such as drought, flooding and wildfires.
Brian Treadwell, a Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association member whose family has raised cattle and sheep near Fort McKavett for 100 years, knows all too well what happens when a ranch is protected from fire for years.
“We ranch in a savanna grassland. It just doesn’t look like it, because fire has been eliminated from the landscape with great vigor. Now it looks like a scrub oak
February 2023 tscra.org | 39 The Cattleman
savanna,” he says. “My grandfather said all the trees grew during his lifetime. It was because they were so diligent about protecting their grass resource from fire. If they hadn’t fought fire so hard, ranching here might be a lot more profitable than it is today.”
Not willing to continue the trend to trees, Brian now runs Conservation Fire Team, a commercial burn company managing prescribed fires on tens of thousands of acres each year.
Morgan Treadwell, associate professor and Extension rangeland specialist for Texas A&M University, shares her husband’s passion for the land — and for using fire in a way that mimics nature.
“Taking fire away from grasslands is like taking rain out of the rainforest,” she says. “It’s part of the fabric of what the system needs. It creates a more productive and resilient system. Fire is an aboveground stimulant and a below ground catalyst.”
Below, the Treadwells list the following positive results from properly managed fire and the concerns shared by many who avoid using fire as a management tool.
Properly managed fire:
• Stimulates dormant grass root buds to create robust growth.
• Retards growth of woody plants.
• Decreases invasive annual grass seedbanks.
• Stimulates root growth and maintains plant diversity for better drought resiliency.
• Returns nutrients from less-desirable aboveground biomass into a usable form for soil life and plants.
• Produces more palatable, diverse, nutrient-dense plant species for livestock and wildlife.
• Reduces occurrence of hot, uncontrollable fires by clearing woody fuel.
• Releases tied-up nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
Concerns voiced by those avoiding fire:
• Fires need fuel, which means sacrificing current forage for future forage.
• A fire could potentially burn more forage/acres than intended or escape and burn structures, hay or neighboring property.
• A rotational grazing system usually needs to be in place to successfully implement fire.
• Burning at the wrong time of day or year could result in varying effects to both desirable and undesirable plants.
• How soon it rains after a burn determines how soon acres will recover and when they can be grazed.
Most concerns can be addressed to help clear a path for use of fire in a grassland system, the Treadwells say. First off is the concern about immediate loss of forage.
“It’s an opportunity cost,” Brian says. “Fire costs way less than using other methods to control brush.”
He says the costs of alternative brush control methods and reduced forage production without fire far exceed forage lost when burned in a regular, controlled fire.
40 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Brian Treadwell monitors a prescribed burn meant to help restore the rangeland and promote future forage growth.
Plus, while edible forage is lost in the short term, the nutrient value isn’t gone. When old growth, woody plants and other less-desirable species are burned, much of their nutrient content returns to the soil, promoting a new surge of forage growth.
Dormant axillary root buds are stimulated by fire, Morgan says. A grass with a couple dozen active buds prior to fire can jump to hundreds of active buds after fire. According to a 2006 study, native grassland species have been shown to produce 99% of new growth from axillary root buds instead of seed.
Fire also breaks antagonistic bonds between micro and macro nutrients inhibiting their availability to plants.
“Nutrients are mineralized by fire and put in forms plants can easily use,” Morgan says. “Within 14 days following fire, 18 different nutrients have been shown to increase two to three times in the soil profile. Those nutrients are then used by soil life and new growth to create a nutrient-rich environment, sprouting high-quality forage.
“The nutrient and growth surge after fire will eventually plateau and taper off. That’s what makes frequency of fire so important. We need to regularly return nutrients to the soil with fire.”
Being uncomfortable with fire is natural, but producers shouldn’t let that stop them from using the tool, Brian says. Many states have right-to-burn acts protecting producers from liability, and landowner cooperatives called prescribed burning associations have formed to share equipment, training and liability insurance.
Still, hiring a professional prescribed burn company can help mitigate risk and ensure fire is carefully managed. Monitoring humidity, wind, timing and more can mean the difference between being able to snuff a controlled burn with a leaf blower early in the day to dousing it with fire pumpers just hours later.
“Fire is the reset button” for rangelands, Morgan says. “No other management practice feeds the soil, cycles nutrients, supports plant diversity and creates resiliency in a rangeland system like fire. It can’t be mimicked by any other management practice, and it’s the missing link in so many rangeland systems.” T C
Cactus Feedyard
Matthew Turney, Manager Cactus, TX office: (806) 966-5151 cell: (806) 282-7077
Centerfire Feedyard
Rusty Jackson, Manager Ulysses, KS office: (620) 356-2010 cell: (806) 773-9457
Frontier Feedyard
Ross Kelso, Manager Spearman, TX office: (806) 882-4251 cell: (806) 662-4741
Stratford Feedyard Pistol Audrain, Manager Stratford, TX office: (806) 396-5501 cell: (806) 753-7133
Cactus Feeders a success, and that will continue to make us successful tomorrow.
Southwest Feedyard
Kacey Graham, Manager Hereford, TX office: (806) 364-0693 cell: (806) 316-8799
Hale Center Feedyard
David Watts, Manager Hale Center, TX office: (806) 879-2104 cell: (806) 202-0209
Ulysses Feedyard
Adam Gerrond, Manager Ulysses, KS office: (620) 356-1750 cell:(806) 390-9034
Wolf Creek Feedyard
Keith Brinson, Manager Perryton, TX office: (806) 435-5697 cell: (806) 282-7588
Wrangler Feedyard
Randy Shields, Manager Tulia, TX office: (806) 583-2131 cell: (806) 290-0559
Syracuse Feedyard
Phil Moreman, Manager Syracuse, KS office: (620) 384-7431 cell: (806) 340-4790
Martha Mintz, a freelance writer and photographer based in Billings, Montana. She authored this story on behalf of Noble Research Institute.
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Owners Because They Are Owners - Let’s Partner on the Cattle - They Have a Vested Interest in the Cattle They Care For Ranching February 2023 tscra.org | 41 The Cattleman
When Our
Drive Through the Gate They Think and Act Like
By Kay Ledbetter
of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
No two carbon credit contracts are written the same, and that is why Tiffany Lashmet, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension agricultural law specialist, said there is a list of considerations she advises everyone to take before entering a carbon credit contract.
“That fine print is really important,” Lashmet said. “Do not read the first paragraph, then the dollar amount, and be done.”
She recommended all landowners seeking to enter into a carbon credit contract ask if the company is willing to negotiate, as this will save a lot of time and trouble. Similarly, she recommended finding an attorney to review the contract. These contracts have many details requiring attention before signing.
1. Have you read the entire contract? Read all of it. Every contract includes details in the fine print that can be problematic.
2. What agricultural practices are required within this contract? For example, some contracts may mention no-till farming, reduced tillage, cover crops or regenerative grazing. Make sure you understand what is required to comply with the specific contract. Similarly, watch for terms like “conservation practices” that are vague and undefined. Also, be aware that some contracts have “additionality clauses” that might prohibit producers from entering into the contract if they already have certain production practices in place for a certain period.
3. How will payments be structured? Do more than just look at the dollar amount. Understand if the payment is based on practice or outcome or if the structure is a flat per-acre fee or price per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, CO2e. Know what is included in the measurements — carbon, carbon dioxide equivalent or greenhouse gases, for example. Also, make sure you understand the potential for carbon sequestration in your fields, as it can vary by locality. The national average is 0.6 ton of COv2e per year; however, it is estimated to be 0.1 ton of CO2e per year in some areas of Texas, such as the High Plains.
4. What is the term length of the contract? Are there any mentions of extensions? Look for a discussion of “permanence” that may require a producer to abstain from certain activities for a set time. Explore what rights both you and the company have to terminate the contract, if desired.
5. How will the verification of carbon credits happen? For example, will confirmation be based on modeling or measurements? All contract participants should know when, where, how often, how many sites and who will be doing the measurements with what methods. On a similar note, find out who is responsible for paying for this verification. Check for “no reversal” clauses that could cost you if the amount sequestered becomes lower instead of increasing, and be aware of the factors in your area that may impact the amount sequestered. For example, drought can potentially reduce the amount of carbon sequestered in any given year. Are there any provisions for the landowner/producer to audit or appeal determinations or measurements?
Agricultural law specialist offer considerations for landowners before signing an agreement.
42 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
6. What other uses can you make of the land? Does the contract restrict hunting, oil and gas production or wind or solar energy production if those concern your operation?
7. What penalties can be imposed on you? What triggers a penalty? Understanding the consequences and penalties that may be imposed if the contract is terminated early is critical.
8. How broad is the stacking prohibition? Nearly all contracts limit a producer’s ability to enroll the same land in multiple carbon contracts. However, some contracts are written more broadly and may also exclude enrollment in government programs.
9. What data must you provide? Be aware that some contracts require you to provide extensive data on production, including fuel use, calving dates, birth weights, yields, pesticide application volumes, fire history, etc. Also, watch for blanket entry rights onto your property and permission to fly drones anytime over your entire operation, not just over the property enrolled in the carbon contract.
10. Do you understand the legal considerations? All contracts will have a number of clauses related to technical legal issues. Know what it says about rights to assign the contract, attorney fee provisions, payment for negotiating and drafting the contract, choice of law, venue clauses, dispute resolution and class action waivers, and the scope of any waiver clauses.
There are a number of different companies offering contracts to producers across the country, from forest landowners to row crop farmers to rangeland owners, Lashmet said. But every operation is unique and contract is different, meaning producers must carefully consider various factors before entering into an agreement.
“Put pencil to paper and determine if the likelihood of payment will be worth the practices you must do under the contract,” Lashmet said. “It is critical to ensure the anticipated return exceeds anticipated costs of switching to one of the qualifying carbon-friendly practices.” T C
February 2023 tscra.org | 43 The Cattleman
Kay Ledbetter is a communications coordinator for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
By Kent Ferguson
Spiny aster is a native perennial warm-season plant found growing throughout Texas and Central America.
Also known as Devilweed, Mexican Devilweed and Wolfweed, the plant can be found in river bottoms, lowlands and cultivated areas with productive soils that have high clay content and water holding capacity. The Spiny aster:
• Can grow erect or sprawling, reaching up to 3 feet tall or more.
• Has green stems functioning like leaves, conducting photosynthesis for the plant.
• Has small, soft thorns from one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch long.
• Produces small, white-to-yellow ray flowers less than a half-inch wide, and yellow disk flowers.
• Has small leaves for a short period in the spring, falling off in the late spring and early summer.
Spiny aster has little value for livestock or wildlife, other than providing fawning cover for whitetailed deer. It is a densely growing plant, spreading rapidly from a strong rhizomatous root system. While this allows it to infest large areas, it can be useful for stabilizing erosion in streambanks. When problematic, it can be controlled with herbicides. T C
Spiny aster (Chloracantha spinosa)
Photo by Peggy Romfh, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
44 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Kent Ferguson, a retired rangeland management specialist from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, provides plant identification photo stories to help ranchers.
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Eartag identification is a useful management tool for cattle herds. In some situations after tagging, an infection can develop at the point of insertion — especially in young calves.
To reduce the risk of infection, try to keep hands clean and disinfect eartags — focusing on the part that touches or will penetrate the ear — and the end of the applicator holding the tag. Alcohol or another disinfectant is suitable.
From there, it is important keep a careful watch for any drooping ears or signs of infection. With calves, it might be necessary to temporarily remove the tag to allow for healing. T C
Tensioned Loop for Newborns Built-in Cutter Self-locking Loop Getting the job done since 1991 HUMANE • BLOODLESS • DRUG FREE 785-332-3344 Callicrate Banders.com
46 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Photo by Jerod Foster
MORE POUNDS. MORE CALVES. MORE PROFIT. WHOA. Hereford.org | 816-842-3757 Come home to Hereford. Herefords are known as the efficiency experts for a reason. Herefords boost pregnancy rates by 7% and add $30 per head in feedyard profitability in a crossbreeding system. And Hereford genetics bring unrivaled hybrid vigor, longevity and disposition.
USMEF reports annual record for beef export value.
According to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation, November beef exports were below the large year-ago totals, but the year’s export value already set a full-year record of nearly $11 billion.
November beef exports totaled 115,777 metric tons, down 6% from the previous year’s large volume, while export values declined nearly 20% to $846.6 million. However, through the first 11 months of 2022, beef export values still increased 14% year-over-year to $10.9 billion, already topping the full-year record — $10.58 billion — set in 2021.
January-November export volume was 1.36 million metric tons, up 3% from the record pace of 2021.
“Similar to the previous month, November results for U.S. beef exports reflected severe headwinds in our large Asian markets,” said U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom. “Key currencies in the region were still slumping, which impacted the buying power of importers and consumers. COVID cases and lockdowns in China were also intensifying, prompting
Beyond Our Gates
48 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Meat Export Federation
widespread protests and the eventual lifting of many restrictions. But the U.S. dollar mainly peaked in late October and early November and global demand has remained relatively strong. Even with a high level of economic uncertainty, 2022 has been a fantastic year for U.S. beef exports and the outlook for the coming year remains positive.”
In addition to setting a global value record with one month to spare, U.S. beef exports also set annual value records in several individual markets. This included value leader South Korea, where January-November exports reached $2.51 billion — already a full-year record not only for Korea, but for any single destination.
November export volumes to Korea increased slightly year-over-year to 23,612 metric tons, despite economic obstacles and a trucker strike that slowed cargo movement near the month’s end.
November export values were $185.6 million, down 24% from the large total posted a year ago. JanuaryNovember export volumes to Korea was up 4% to 267,664 metric tons and the market is well-positioned to break the 2021 volume record when December results are available.
November beef exports to China/Hong Kong also held fairly steady year-over-year, declining only slightly to 20,233 metric tons, while export values fell 10% to $184.3 million. These results were impressive, given the economic turmoil resulting from China’s COVID-related restrictions and widespread protests that escalated late in the month. January-November exports to the region set new annual records, increasing 20% in volume (263,431 metric tons) and 27% in value ($2.41 billion). China’s recent lifting of most COVID restrictions has fueled optimism among importers, especially those serving the foodservice and hospitality sectors, but the benefits of these policy changes are likely to be delayed until China works through its current wave of COVID cases.
Led by growth in the Philippines and Vietnam, November was another strong month for beef exports to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Growth is widespread in the region, as exports to the Philippines, Singapore and Cambodia already set annual records and shipments to Thailand are on a record pace. Despite facing significant tariff disadvantages in the ASEAN and the added costs of the strong U.S. dollar, January-November exports increased 20% from a year ago to 60,168 metric tons, while value climbed 60% to $427.5 million.
Other January-November results for U.S. beef exports include:
• Despite trending lower in the second half of 2022, beef exports to Taiwan already surpassed the previous annual value record through November at $698.4 million, up 16% from a year ago. Export
Beyond Our Gates
volume is also on a record pace at 60,472 metric tons, up 5% from a year ago and well-positioned to top the 2020 record of 63,752 metric tons.
• Exports to Japan, the leading volume market for U.S. beef, took a step back in November, falling 13% in volume (23,840 metric tons) and 36% in value ($155.8 million) from the large year-ago totals. January-November shipments to Japan totaled 284,158 metric tons, down 4% from a year ago, while value remained slightly above the record pace of 2021 at $2.17 billion.
• While beef exports to the Middle East also declined in November, shipments to the region still achieved significant growth in 2022. Through the first 11 months of the year, exports reached 60,772 metric tons, up 5% from a year ago, while export value jumped 42% to $278.7 million. In Egypt, the leading destination for U.S. beef livers, exports slipped 3% to 43,396 metric tons, but value still climbed 32% to $85.6 million. For beef muscle cuts, export growth was driven by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and Kuwait.
• November beef exports to Canada climbed 11% from a year ago to 9,170 metric tons, while export value increased 5% to $65.3 million. Through November, exports to Canada were 4% above the previous year’s pace at 96,671 metric tons, while value increased 13% to $771.7 million. Export value to Canada will reach its highest level since 2015, when shipments totaled just over $900 million.
• January-November exports of beef variety meat were steady with the previous year at 274,336 metric tons. But these items commanded higher prices, as export value increased 18% to $1.15 billion — already topping the full-year record of $1.09 billion reached in 2021, led by value growth in Japan, Mexico, China, Egypt, Korea and the ASEAN.
• November beef export value equated to $382.46 per head of fed slaughter, down 20% from a year ago, but the January-November average was still up 13% to $452.42. Exports accounted for 13.9% of total November beef production and 11.9% for muscle cuts only, down from 15.2% and 12.9%, respectively, in November 2021. The JanuaryNovember ratios were 15.2% and 13%, each up 2/10 of a percentage point from a year ago. T C
Story and photo courtesy of U.S. Meat Export Federation.
February 2023 tscra.org | 49 The Cattleman
Join THE RICHARDS GROUP TRG TCR21_067070 Print CLIENT: TSCRA JOB Brand PUB: the TRIM: 9 BLEED: 9.25 LIVE: .25 INSERTION DATE COLOR: 4/C 133LS FOR CALL: Kathleen Pendergast 214.891-2918
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and social events, member-only
To learn more about membership, scan the code above or visit TSCRA.org. The Cattleman magazine and phone app, and insurance services.
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THE RICHARDS GROUP TRG JOB #: TCR21_067070 Print CLIENT: TSCRA JOB NAME: Brand Ad PUB: the Cattleman TRIM: 9 x 10.875 BLEED: 9.25 x 11.125 LIVE: .25 all sides INSERTION DATE: 11/5/2021 COLOR: 4/C SWOP 133LS FOR QUESTIONS CALL: Kathleen Pendergast 214.891-2918 TSCRA members — ask about discounts from the following partners! Please thank the representatives from these companies for their support of TSCRA programs. TSCRA SPONSORS & PARTNERS THANK YOU to all of our Sponsors CA TT LE RAISER S INSU RA NC E TM
4040 Broadway St., Ste. 430 San Antonio, Texas 78209
John M. “Jack” Shelton III Amarillo, 1984-1986
James L. Powell San Angelo, 1988-1990
Tom Beard Alpine, 1994-1995
C. Coney Burgess Amarillo, 1997-1999
J. Mark McLaughlin San Angelo, 1999-2001
John E. Dudley Comanche, 2001-2003
Bob McCan Victoria, 2003-2005
C.R. “Dick” Sherron Beaumont, 2005-2007
Jon Means Van Horn, 2007-2009
Dave Scott Richmond, 2009-2011
Joe J. Parker Byers, 2011-2013
CARL RAY POLK JR. First Vice President P.O. Box 155108 Lufkin, Texas 75915
Pete Bonds Saginaw, 2013-2016
Richard Thorpe lll Winters, 2016-2018
Robert E. McKnight Jr. Fort Davis, 2018-2020
G. Hughes Abell Austin, 2020-2022
Jack Hunt San Juan Capistrano, California
Richard Wortham Austin
P.O. Box 101988 Fort Worth, Texas 76185 817-332-7064 • 800-242-7820
Jason Skaggs
Executive Vice President/ Chief Executive Officer
Jaclyn Roberts Parrish Executive Director, Communications & Marketing
Second Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer 3907 Salem Rd. Victoria, Texas 77904
Emily Lochner
Executive Director, Engagement & Education
Grace Dunham
Executive Director, Events & Partnerships
Megan Wills
Executive Director, Finance & Human Resources
Michele Woodham
Executive Director, Insurance Services
Scott Williamson
Executive Director, Law Enforcement, Brand & Inspection Services
Lisa Walker
Executive Director, Membership & Operations
919 Congress Ave., Suite 750 Austin, Texas 78701
Melissa Hamilton
Executive Director, Government Relations
ARTHUR G. UHL 111 President
TSCRA Leadership 52 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Joe M. (Jody) Bellah, Throckmorton
Blake Birdwell, Canyon
E. S. F. “Swasey” Brainard II, Pampa
J. K. “Rooter” Brite Jr., Bowie
Donnell Brown, Throckmorton
Campbell Burgess, Amarillo
J. D. Cage, Muleshoe
Deborah Clark, Henrietta
Lynn Cowden, Skellytown
J. B. Daniel, Crowell
James Henderson, Memphis
Clayton Henry, Wichita Falls
Brooks Hodges, Guthrie
Joe Leathers, Guthrie
Frank McLelland, Tahoka
Jeff Mitchell, Amarillo
Gage Moorhouse, Benjamin
Diaz W. Murray, Wichita Falls
J. Malcolm Shelton IV, Amarillo
Dale A. Smith, Amarillo
Jim Thompson, Breckenridge
Tom Watson, Muleshoe
Wesley Welch, Lubbock
William L. “Buck” Arrington, Pampa
Van Baize, Nocona
Emry Birdwell Jr., Henrietta
Mary Lou Bradley-Henderson, Childress
R. A. “Rob” Brown Jr., Throckmorton
Mike Gibson, Paducah
Ronald J. “Ron” Gill, Chico
Robert B. Mansfield, Amarillo
Tom Moorhouse, Benjamin
Boots O’Neal, Guthrie
James Palmer, Roaring Springs
Wilson Scaling, Henrietta
Chris Scharbauer, Amarillo
John Welch, Wolfforth
A. B. “Buck” Wharton III, Vernon
Tom Woodward, Decatur
Kevin Busher, Winters
Charles M. “Charley” Christensen Jr., San Angelo
C.A. “Chili” Cole IV, San Angelo
Alan F. Curry, San Angelo
James H. Dudley IV, Horseshoe Bay
Amanda Dyer, Fort Davis
Johnny Ferguson, Big Lake
D.A. “Day” Harral, Fort Stockton
Ron Helm, Van Horn
Heath Hemphill, Coleman
Shelby W. Horn, Fredericksburg
Larry R. Horwood, Sterling City
Grant Jones, Rochelle
Mark W. Jones, Brady
W. Clay Jones, Brady
Ty Keeling, Boerne
Lorenzo Lasater, San Angelo
Brian T. McLaughlin, Midland
David L. Neal, San Angelo
Gerald Nobles Jr., Brady
James Oliver, Ozona
Wade Perks, San Angelo
Gordon E. Sauer, Fredericksburg
Jessica Tate, Marfa
James Uhl, Fort McKavett
Cody Webb, Barnhart
Ken Welch, Baird
Ray W. Willoughby III, Eldorado
C. A. “Chip” Cole III, San Angelo
William C. “Billito” Donnell Jr., Alpine
Richard Gates, Marfa
W. H. “Billy” Green III, Albany
Rafe Hargrove, Rotan
Dr. Joe Pat Hemphill, Coleman
Richard D. “Dick” Hughes, El Paso
Ken Jordan, San Saba
Don Keeling, Fredericksburg
Chris Lacy, Fort Davis
Laurence M. Lasater, San Angelo
Ben Love, Marathon
Len P. Mertz, San Angelo
Tom Perini, Buffalo Gap
Bill Phinizy, Gail
Frank Price, Sterling City
Danny B. Stewart, Sterling City
Rick Tate, Marfa
Cliff Teinert, Albany
Dennis W. Webb, Barnhart
W. C. “Billy” Williams, Mertzon
Ford Drummond, Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Les Nunn, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Edward Bordovsky Jr., Riviera
Austin Brown III, Beeville
W. Christopher Bush, Refugio
Presnall C. Cage, Falfurrias
James Clement lll, Kingsville
David S. Crow, Corpus Christi
Dustin Dean, Floresville
David DeLaney, Kingsville
Robert “Bobby” Dobson, Birmingham, Alabama
James L. “Jamie” Donnell Jr., Fowlerton
J. David Eppright, Cost
Benjamin Eshleman III, Corpus Christi
Joseph B.C. Fitzsimons, Carrizo Springs
Cody Fry, Lueders
Jim L. Gates, Pearsall
Milton S. Greeson Jr., Victoria
Bret Griffith, Del Rio
Heath Grigg, Kingsville
Marty R. Harris, Tilden
Leslie Kinsel, Cotulla
Claude Koontz, San Antonio
Steven J. Mafrige, Tilden
54 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Beth Knolle Naiser, Sandia
Federico Nieto, Raymondville
T. Michael O’Connor, Victoria
Jason Peeler, Floresville
J.R. Ramirez, La Pryor
Gilly Riojas, Corpus Christi
M. Stuart Sasser, Corpus Christi
Lew Thompson, Pearsall
Gene S. “Primo” Walker Jr., Mirando City
C. Clark Welder, Beeville
John Zacek, Victoria
Steve G. Beever, Pearsall
Richard H. Bennett, San Antonio
Chip Briscoe, Carrizo Springs
Martin W. Clement II, Kingsville
Thurman S. Clements Jr., Victoria
Nixon Dillard, Pleasanton
Trainor Evans, Mercedes
Thomas J. “Tommy” Haegelin, Concan
Dr. Philip C. Hardee, Beatrice, Alabama
Allen C. “Dick” Jones IV, Corpus Christi
Joan Negley Kelleher, San Antonio
David W. Killam, Laredo
Dan W. Kinsel III, Cotulla
Steve C. Lewis, San Antonio
Jim McAdams, Seguin
James A. McAllen, Linn
Red McCombs, San Antonio
Tim Pennell, Westhoff
Jim Peters, Quemado
Scott Petty Jr., San Antonio
Tom Risinger, Weslaco
Frates Seeligson Jr., San Antonio
Richard Traylor, Batesville
Roger F. Welder, Victoria
David W. Winters, Del Rio
Wayne Cockrell, College Station
Herff Cornelius Jr., Wadsworth
Carlos Detering III, Houston
Dr. Lewis (Bud) Dinges, Richmond
Gardner H. Dudley, Houston
Jay C. Evans, Dripping Springs
Dan Gattis, Georgetown
Kelley Sullivan Georgiades, College Station
George Harrison, Bay City
Tom J. Haynie, Navasota
Robert Hodgen, Houston
Colt Hoffman, Marlin
Clay Kenley, Crockett
Gary Price, Blooming Grove
Clive Runnells III, Austin
John Sumner Runnells III, Bay City
Tony Spears, Rosanky
John “Rocky” Sullivan, Galveston
Bill White, Stowell
Claudia Scott Wright, Richmond
Leroy Ezer, Anahuac
Frank Green, Liberty
Coleman H. Locke, Hungerford
Katharine Armstrong Love, Austin
Richard M. Lucas Jr., Houston
William “Alan” McNeill, Beaumont
Evalyn Moore, Richmond
Raymond E. Moore IV, Richmond
Rick Peebles, Baytown
Gordon Richardson, Caldwell
Charles R. “Butch” Robinson, Navasota
Nolan Ryan, Round Rock
J. D. “Bubba” Sartwelle Jr., Sealy
Ed Small, Austin
Guy F. Stovall Jr., El Campo
Linda Joy Stovall, El Campo
Gerald Sullivan, Galveston
John L. Sullivan, Galveston
Robert J. Underbrink, Houston
Mark A. Wheelis, Montgomery
Beau Brite White, Rosanky
Dr. M. R. “Mike” Wirtz, Brenham
April Bonds, Saginaw
Missy Bonds, Saginaw
John L. Cantrell, Cresson
Ian Chapman, Madill, Oklahoma
Hunter Crow, Dallas
James T. Dangelmayr, Muenster
Seth Denbow, Weatherford
Crawford Edwards, Fort Worth
John Greer, Henrietta
Jason Harlow, Dallas
Pete Hudgins, Sherman
Tom Johnson, Wortham
John Z. Kimberlin Jr., Dallas
Ken Leiber, Fort Worth
James E. “Jim” Link, Crowley
Stefan Marchman, Fort Worth
William H. McCall, Fort Worth
Dan Nance, Haslet
Susan Roach, Fort Worth
Stephen S. “Steve” Sikes, Fort Worth
Bragg Smith III, Dallas
Bart Wulff, Dallas
Curtis Younts Jr., Belton
Bradford S. “Brad” Barnes, Fort Worth
George Beggs IV, Fort Worth
John W. Carpenter III, Dallas
Barrett D. Clark, Breckenridge
Markham B. Dossett, Waco
Bob Drake, Davis, Oklahoma
James H. “Jim” Dudley, Comanche
Jon David Mayfield, Dublin
C. H. “Terry” McCall, Comanche
Bob Moorhouse, Weatherford
Russell “Rusty” Noble, Ardmore, Oklahoma
Mary Joe Reynolds-Montgomery, Fort Worth
Tom L. Roach III, Bozeman, Montana
Stephen T. “Steve” Swenson, Dallas
TSCRA Leadership
February 2023 tscra.org | 55 The Cattleman
4 2 1 6 3 7 8 12 11 10 14 13 15 16 17 18 19 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 9
JAY FOSTER Supervisor Region 1
H.D. BRITTAIN Supervisor Region 2
JOE AGUILAR JR. Supervisor Region 4
MARCAURELE Supervisor Region 5
BO FOX Supervisor Region 6
BART PERRIER Supervisor Region 3
TSCRA Special Rangers
56 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
TSCRA Special Rangers
District 4 Region 3 supervisor Bart Perrier P.O. Box 74 Barnsdall, OK 74002 918-440-8360 Scott Williamson Executive Director, Law Enforcement, Brand and Inspection Services District 1 Chris Ward P.O. Box 88 Clarendon, TX 79226 806-205-0119 District 2 Ben Eggleston P.O. Box 206 Higgins, TX 79046 806-852-4741 District 3 Cody Hyde P.O. Box 174 Roland, OK 74954 918-315-2925 District 6 Garry Brewer P.O. Box 53931 Lubbock, TX 79453 806-778-9153 District 10 Robert Pemberton P.O. Box 341 Campbell, TX 75422 903-450-3900 District 7 Region 1 supervisor Jay Foster P.O. Box 415 Childress, TX 79201 940-475-0295 District 8 Contact Jay Foster 940-475-0295 District 9 Zach Havens 5808 CR 247 Hico, TX 76457 254-396-1747 District 11 Brad Oliver 350 N. Main Street Ravenna, TX 75476 903-328-8023 District 12 Region 6 supervisor Bo Fox P.O. Box 521 Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 903-348-9638 District 17 Mike Beggs P.O. Box 52612 Midland, TX 79706 432-788-1884 District 13 Larry Hand P.O. Box 1482 Chandler, TX 75758 903-592-5252 District 14 Darrel Bobbitt P.O. Box 125 Kennard, TX 75847 936-222-2144 District 15 Marvin Wills 117 Oak Ridge Gatesville, TX 76528 254-223-2330 District 16 Joe B. Roberts Abilene, TX 79605 325-669-1427 District 18 Clay McKinney P.O. Box 1622 Pecos, TX 79772 432-448-9367 District 23 Mike Boone 4690 Cherry Hill Road Kountze, TX 77625 409-658-5725 District 19 Region 2 supervisor H.D. Brittain P.O. Box 65 Christoval, TX 76935 325-853-2062 District 20 Kenny Murchison P.O. Box 66 Giddings, TX 78942 512-705-3226 District 21 Steven Jeter 5600 FM 2346 Madisonville, TX 77864 936-355-2758 District 22 Brent Mast P.O. Box 301 Richards, TX 77873 936-714-6619 District 24 Region 5 supervisor David Marcaurele 1101 County Road 364 El Campo, TX 77437 979-332-8755 District 29 Region 4 supervisor Joe Aguilar Jr. P.O. Box 341 Mission, TX 78573 956-513-0297 District 25 Robert Fields P.O. Box 734 Cuero, TX 77954 361-207-5207 District 26 Todd Jennings 1601 East Main Fredericksburg, TX 78624 830-997-7585 District 27 Matt Sigur P.O. Box 913 San Diego, TX 78384 361-726-2354 District 28 Tony Ashley P.O. Box 1879 Brackettville, TX 78832 830-563-0555 District 30 Steve Martin P.O. Box 417 Beeville, TX 78104 361-542-0496
COMING SOON February 2023 tscra.org | 57 The Cattleman
New Members
A5 Cattle Co.
Eagle Lake
Adams Consulting
Alexander Cattle Co.
Altgelt Farms
San Antonio
Amaral Ranch LLC
Kaycey Arrington
Mulhall, Oklahoma
Barker Ranch
Ki R. Bartlett
John Bazzoon
Bryant Beazley
Brody Bennett
Bill Miller BBQ
San Antonio
David Boswell
Flower Mound
Howard Bridges
Bronikowski Cattle Co.
John W. Brubaker
San Antonio
Bryant Slaughter Cutting Horses
C Creek Ranch LLC
C. Persyn Farms
C/R Cattle Co.
Kylan Canon
Cassandra Castillo
CJ & Ranch
CMK Cattle Co. LLC
Colton Cobb New Braunfels
Herff Cornelius
Stephanie Crisp-Canales
Clive Cummings Cumby
Daniell Ranch
David E. Ranch
Hondo Davis
Colten DeLatin
Roger Devine
Diamond E Cattle Co.
San Antonio
Jason Dupuis
William Earnest
Eddings Romero Ranch MTE LLC
Wichita Falls
Esperaza Ranch
Forrest Dick ALHS-VA Specialist
Robert & Lanell French
Nell & Bruce Frost
Joshua Furrh
G IX Ranch
Michael J. Gaisbauer
Kendall Gaston
Mark Geistweidt
Julie Gibson
Jared Guerrero
Hall Cattle
Sulphur Springs
James Ham Canyon
Jason Hampton
Bobby Handy
Toby Henson
Pineville, Missouri
John Hitt
58 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
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your herd. Angus.org/PBA.
New Members
Hofstetter Brothers Inc.
Hoppens Herefords
Chappell Hill
JB Goodwin Realtors
San Antonio
Prentice Johnson
C.S. & Norma Johnston
Chris Kaminski
Chappell Hill
Susan Karisch
Kurt Koster
L bar J Ranch
Richard Lambert
Robert A. Lassere
Lazy 5 Ranch
Lazy D Farms
Ryan Lee
Dan Leverett
Loewe Ranch
M.E. Carter Ranch
Marek Cattle
Max McClane
San Angelo
Ashton McNabb
Adam C. Meech
Mohl Ranch
Craig Morgan
Ronnie Muennink
Kevin Newman
Stuart Nietenhoefer
Ninety Six Ranch
Scottsdale, Arizona
OK Bar
Lorraine Pace
Sulphur Springs
Marlene & Roger Pack
Jake Page
Palm Valley Ranch LLC
College Station
Park Honey Co.
Kathy Parker
Chappell Hill
Carter Patterson
Poco Mas Farms
Powell Land Resources
Brad Proctor
Patrick Phelan
Robby Pierce
Quiet Living Ranch
Rafter EH Cattle Co.
Missouri City
Ranch Sense LLC
San Antonio
Bill & Dawn Raschen
Sulphur Springs
Republic Contracting
Republic Ranches
RL Farms
Rocking JL Ranch
Rodgers Ranches
Rose Creek Cattle Co.
Grand Saline
60 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
$5 off on any purchase Watch for other new items/sales on our social media outlets. Coupon Code: THANKS5 Customer Appreciation Coupon ORDER YOUR TSCRA MERCHANDISE TODAY. CATTLE RAISERS TRADING CO. Visit https://bit.ly/3zqM46Z or Call 800-242-7820. Please allow 2-5 business days to process your order. February 2023 tscra.org | 61 The Cattleman
New Members
Perry Rowland
Run-N-Hide Ranch
Feliciano Sanchez
Hannah Scarborough
Craig & Cheryl Schulman
Seco Valley Ranch
Rebecca Seibold
Cleta Stapp
Donald & Erica Stark
Judy Steele
Billy Stigall
Robert Strobo
Danny Styles
Swanny Creek Ranch
Matthew Swierkowski
Chappell Hill
TJJ Cattle Co.
Token of Hearts
Windy Turner
Wilson Farms Roland, Oklahoma
Z 4 Cattle Co.
Steve & Debra Zerr
Alan Zimmel
Pipe Creek
Master of Science in Ranch Management
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Education and network through:
• Service-learning projects & case studies
• KRIRM lectureships & symposia
• Ranch management workshops
• Industry trade shows
• Summer internship
• Ranch visits
50 KRIRM alumni collectively manage:
• 8.4 million acres of ranchland and wildlife habitat
• 167,000 head of breeding cows
• 694 employees
“Attending the King Ranch® Institute has built confidence and strength in a diversity of skills that I have been able to apply through my career. KRIRM has been the foundation of a network of peers and successful mentors that have helped further my career.”
Jeremy Gingerich, KRIRM Class of 2012, Director of Ranch Operations, Turner Ranches
Learn more and apply today at: http://krirm.tamuk.edu/masters-program or call 361-593-5401
with us online for the latest news and updates on the KRIRM program!
62 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Temple Grandin’s Guide to Working With Farm Animals: Safe, Humane Livestock Handling Practices for the Small Farm Available on Amazon and Storey.com GRANDIN LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS, INC. 2918 Silver Plume Dr., Unit C3• Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-229-0703 • www.grandin.com Corral Design Service February 2023 tscra.org | 63 The Cattleman
Auction Markets & Market Inspectors
Anderson County Livestock Exchange
Where: Elkhart
Phone: 903-764-1919
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Michael Little, 903-876-3153
Elkhart Horse Auction
Where: Elkhart
Phone: 903-764-1495
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Tiffany Patterson, 903-388-7288
Atascosa Livestock Exchange
Where: Pleasanton
Phone: 830-281-2516
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Marvin Bendele, 210-213-5890
Four County Auction
Where: Industry
Phone: 979-357-2545
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Lisa Sebastian, 979-270-3041
Muleshoe Livestock Auction
Where: Muleshoe
Phone: 806-272-4201
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Leo Aviles, 956-437-3899
Beeville Livestock Comm.
Where: Beeville
Phone: 361-358-1727
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Robert Bridge, 361-542-6693
Meridian L/S Comm. Co.
Where: Meridian
Phone: 254-435-2988
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Larry Brown, 254-265-1920
J & J Livestock Auction
Where: Texarkana
Phone: 903-832-3576
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Cheri Beal, 903-280-4554
Brazos Valley Livestock Comm.
Where: Bryan
Phone: 979-778-0904
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Nina Nygard, 512-281-6753
Caldwell Livestock Comm.
Where: Caldwell
Phone: 979-567-4119
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Mark Nygard, 512-281-6330
Lockhart Auction
Where: Lockhart
Phone: 512-398-3476
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Nina Nygard, 512-281-6753
Bruce Overstreet Livestock
Where: Pittsburg
Phone: 903-856-3440
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Michelle Willeford, 903-767-0670
Tri County Livestock Market
Where: New Summerfield
Phone: 903-726-3291
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Michael Little, 903-876-3153
Coleman Livestock Auction
Where: Coleman
Phone: 325-625-4191
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Dave Williams, 325-669-2030
Cattleman’s Columbus Livestock Auction
Where: Columbus
Phone: 979-732-2622
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Lisa Sebastian, 979-270-1228
Comanche Livestock Exchange
Where: Comanche
Phone: 325-356-5231
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Michael Davis, 254-879-3121
The New Gainesville Livestock Auction
Where: Gainesville
Phone: 940-665-4367
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Robin Gibbs, 903-227-0791
Coryell County Comm.
Where: Gatesville
Phone: 254-865-9121
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Ray Davis, 254-718-5512
Cattleman’s Livestock Comm.
Where: Dalhart
Phone: 806-249-5505
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Clifton Miller, 806-570-7439
Hereford Livestock Auction
Where: Hereford
Phone: 806-240-3082
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Joe Bob Via, 806-452-9280
Cuero Livestock Comm.
Where: Cuero
Phone: 361-275-2329
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Kaylee Malatek, 979-942-0323
Texas Cattle Exchange
Where: Eastland
Phone: 254-629-2288
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Ronnie Ober, 817-371-7071
Rio Grand Classic
Where: El Paso
Phone: 956-487-5551
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Joe Karl Rios, 915-858-0590
Dublin Livestock Auction
Where: Dublin
Phone: 254-445-1734
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Ronnie Ober, 817-371-7071
64 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
LIMITLESS CATTLE HANDLING 1-866-383-7827 | ARROWQUIP.COM YOUR SAFETY GUARANTEED! We are the ONLY cattle equipment manufacturer that will give you your money back if you injure yourself on our equipment! See arrowquip.com/promise for details.
Auction Markets & Market Inspectors
Erath County Dairy Sale
Where: Dublin
Phone: 254-968-7253
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Bob McBryde, 940-859-6217
Stephenville Cattle Co.
Where: Stephenville
Phone: 254-968-4844
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Bob McBryde, 940-859-6217
Flatonia Livestock Comm.
Where: Flatonia
Phone: 361-865-3538
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Danielle Robbins, 512-944-0383
Schulenburg Livestock Auction
Where: Schulenburg
Phone: 979-743-6566
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Vance Weltner, 210-473-9099
Floydada Livestock Sales
Where: Floydada
Phone: 806-983-2153
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: John Hindman, 806-778-4899
Pearsall Livestock Auction
Where: Pearsall
Phone: 830-334-3653
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Clarence Stevens, 210-415-0441
Gillespie Livestock Co.
Where: Fredericksburg
Phone: 830-997-4394
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Tom Roarick, 830-889-5155
Gonzales Livestock Market
Where: Gonzales
Phone: 830-672-2845
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Derek Bettis, 979-743-9699
Nixon Livestock Comm.
Where: Nixon
Phone: 830-582-1561
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Cade Burks, 830-391-4501
Longview Livestock
Where: Longview
Phone: 903-235-6385
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Paul Pruitt, 903-725-6200
Mid-Tex Livestock Auction
Where: Anderson
Phone: 936-825-3970
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Danielle Robbins, 512-944-0383
Navasota Livestock Auction
Where: Navasota
Phone: 936-825-6545
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Rick Faught, 936-442-1039
Seguin Cattle Co.
Where: Seguin
Phone: 830-379-9955
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Cade Burks, 830-391-4501
Hamilton Livestock Comm.
Where: Hamilton
Phone: 254-386-3185
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Bob McBryde, 940-859-6217
Gore Family Auction Center
Where: Silsbee
Phone: 409-782-0612
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Christy McCoy, 409-782-0612
Athens Comm. Co.
Where: Athens
Phone: 903-675-3333
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Brandy Baughman, 903-440-4382
Edinburg Livestock Auction
Where: Edinburg
Phone: 956-383-5671
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Coney Alvarez Jr., 956-437-3899
Hubbard Livestock Market
Where: Hubbard
Phone: 254-576-2584
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Bob McBryde, 940-859-6217
Sulphur Springs Livestock Comm.
Where: Sulphur Springs
Phone: 903-885-2455
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Paul Pruitt, 903-725-6200
East Texas Livestock Auction
Where: Crockett
Phone: 936-544-2246
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Cheyenne Ward, 936-222-3689
Big Spring Livestock Auction
Where: Big Spring
Phone: 432-267-5881
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Bruce Brandenberger, 254-977-5763
Edna Livestock Auction
Where: Edna
Phone: 361-782-7666
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Galynn Mazoch, 979-578-1823
Kirbyville Auction Barn
Where: Kirbyville
Phone: 409-423-2612
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Casey Jones, 409-423-0685
Gulf Coast Livestock Market
Where: Alice
Phone: 361-664-4395
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Ramiro Garcia, 361-460-0008
66 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
America’s #1 Source for Bulls 1-800-548-2855 Breed More Cows — Pamper Bulls Less with our SmartBulls® Jorgensen Land & Cattle 31250 265th Street Ideal, SD 57541 www.jorgensenfarms.com
Auction Markets & Market Inspectors
Johnson County Cattle Auction
Where: Cleburne
Phone: 817-556-9090
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Lee Snyder, 254-707-1682
Karnes City Auction
Where: Karnes City
Phone: 830-780-3382
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Landyn Maguglin, 361-492-9484
Karnes County Livestock Exchange
Where: Kenedy
Phone: 830-583-2574
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Kaylee Malatek, 979-942-0323
Cattlemen’s Livestock Comm.
Where: Paris
Phone: 903-784-2238
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Robin Gibbs, 903-227-0791
Paris Livestock Auction
Where: Paris
Phone: 903-739-2575
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Robin Gibbs, 903-227-0791
Lampasas Cattle Auction
Where: Lampasas
Phone: 512-556-3611
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Ray Davis, 254-718-5512
Hallettsville Livestock Comm.
Where: Hallettsville
Phone: 361-798-4336
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Kaylee Malatek, 979-942-0323
Giddings Livestock Comm.
Where: Giddings
Phone: 979-542-2274
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Nina Nygard, 512-281-6753
Lexington Livestock Comm.
Where: Lexington
Phone: 979-773-2922
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Nina Nygard, 512-281-6753
Buffalo Livestock Comm.
Where: Buffalo
Phone: 903-322-4940
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Tyler Rader, 713-907-2725
Raywood Livestock Market
Where: Raywood
Phone: 936-587-4941
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Harvey Williamson, 963-334-5325
Groesbeck Auction & Livestock
Where: Groesbeck
Phone: 254-729-3277
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Tyler Rader, 713-907-2725
Live Oak Livestock Auction
Where: Three Rivers
Phone: 361-786-2553
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Marvin Bendele, 210-213-5890
Jordan Cattle Auction
Where: Mason
Phone: 325-347-6361
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Warren Ottmers, 830-669-2262
Waco Stockyards
Where: Waco
Phone: 254-753-3191
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Larry Brown, 254-265-1920
West Auction
Where: West
Phone: 254-826-3725
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Ray Davis, 254-718-5512
Union Comm.
Where: Hondo
Phone: 830-741-8061,
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Clarence Stevens, 210-415-0441
Milam County Livestock Auction
Where: Cameron
Phone: 254-697-6697
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Rick Faught, 936-442-1039
Nacogdoches Livestock Exchange
Where: Nacogdoches
Phone: 936-564-8661
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Michael Witcher, 936-556-0992
Corsicana Livestock Market
Where: Corsicana
Phone: 903-872-1631
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Kenda Meek, 254-379-3229
Panola Livestock
Where: Carthage
Phone: 903-693-6361
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Lori Blankenship, 936-234-3441
Livingston Livestock Exchange
Where: Livingston
Phone: 936-327-4917
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Harvey Williamson, 963-334-5325
Lonestar Stockyards
Where: Amarillo
Phone: 806-677-0777
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Michael Vessels, 806-517-3188
Emory Livestock Auction
Where: Emory
Phone: 903-473-2512
Sale Days: Tuesday & Saturday
Contact: Brandy Baughman, 903-440-4382
68 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
I start cattle for a living, I’m not a mechanic, I’m not a computer scientist, I have been really really good at one thing in my life…startin’ cattle. ENDOVAC-Beef has been a Game Changer for me. If you are not vaccinating, you should be!
You know, I don’t work for ENDOVAC-Beef, if it didn’t work I would tell you don’t use it, you are wasting your money…It Works! Every one I save, or every one I don’t have to doctor is better for my cattle and the bottom line.
I did my own trial, and I will just tell you the honest truth, I started 900 head for a feed yard in Nebraska. They were keeping the steers and I was keeping the heifers. I used ENDOVAC-Beef on 100% of those steers. On their sisters, that I kept and grazed, I did not give ENDOVAC-Beef…Night and Day Difference. I had a wreck on my heifers, with bad eyes. On the steers we had hardly any. It’s called the learning curve…
I learned I wanted to use ENDOVAC-Beef on all of them now.
I run a good sized cow-calf operation in addition to starting cattle. 100% of my cattle get ENDOVAC-Beef. Since using ENDOVAC we don’t have to treat as many cattle for respiratory, or even other common problems like pinkeye and foot rot. I am getting my Pasteurella and the stimulant that makes the vaccine work better with ENDOVAC-Beef. If everybody knew what I knew, everyone would be using it.
Brad Haun, Haun Ranch
Find your nearest rep at EndovacBeef.com 1-800-944-7563 l 6080 Bass Lane l Columbia, MO 65201
Auction Markets & Market Inspectors
Calvert Livestock Co.
Where: Calvert
Phone: 979-364-2829
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Ray Davis, 254-718-5512
Hunt Livestock Exchange
Where: Henderson
Phone: 903-657-2690
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Samuel Steadman, 318-617-1141
Jordan Cattle Auction
Where: San Saba
Phone: 325-372-5159
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: David Munden, 325-456-7253
Center Auction Co.
Where: Center
Phone: 936-598-4395
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Michael Witcher, 936-556-0992
Triple G Livestock Auction LLC
Where: Rio Grande City
Phone: 956-437-1988
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Coney Alvarez Jr., 956-437-3899
Tulia Livestock Auction
Where: Tulia
Phone: 806-995-4184
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Michael Vessels, 806-517-3188
Abilene Auction
Where: Abilene
Phone: 325-673-7865
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Dave Williams, 325-669-2030
Stone Livestock Comm.
Where: Mt. Pleasant
Phone: 903-575-9099
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Paul Pruitt, 903-725-6200
Producers Livestock Auction
Where: San Angelo
Phone: 325-653-3371
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Bruce Halfmann, 325-315-5972
Southwest Livestock Exchange
Where: Uvalde
Phone: 830-278-5621
Sale Day: Thursday
Contact: Clarence Stevens, 210-415-0441
Mort Livestock Exchange
Where: Canton
Phone: 903-287-6386
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Paul Pruitt, 903-725-6200
Van Zandt Comm. Co.
Where: Wills Point
Phone: 903-872-2117
Sale Day: Saturday
Contact: Paul Pruitt, 903-725-6200
Brenham Livestock Auction
Where: Brenham
Phone: 979-836-3621
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Lisa Sebastian, 979-270-3041
El Campo Livestock Co.
Where: El Campo
Phone: 979-543-2703
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: Galynn Mazoch, 979-578-1823
Wharton Livestock Auction
Where: Wharton
Phone: 979-532-3660
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: Galynn Mazoch, 979-578-1823
Wichita Livestock Sales
Where: Wichita Falls
Phone: 940-541-2222
Sale Day: Wednesday
Contact: R.C. Langford, 832-330-7279
Vernon Livestock Market LLC
Where: Vernon
Phone: 940-552-6000
Sale Day: Tuesday
Contact: James Yates, 931-316-3916
Decatur Livestock Market
Where: Decatur
Phone: 940-627-5599
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Rebecca Benson, 940-389-6382
Winnsboro Livestock Auction
Where: Winnsboro
Phone: 903-365-2201
Sale Day: Friday
Contact: Alan Pruitt, 903-725-6200
Graham Livestock Comm. LLC
Where: Graham
Phone: 940-549-0078
Sale Day: Monday
Contact: Kyla Rater, 940-284-9968
70 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Affordable alternative to Draxxin® (tulathromycin injection) puts proven efficacy in exclusive packaging.
Tulieve ®
(tulathromycin injection)
Antibiotic Injectable Solution
100 mg of tulathromycin/mL
For use in beef cattle (including suckling calves), non-lactating dairy cattle (including dairy calves), veal calves, and swine. Not for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older.
CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
Tulieve® Injectable Solution is a ready-to-use sterile parenteral preparation containing tulathromycin, a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic of the subclass triamilide. Each mL of Tulieve contains 100 mg of tulathromycin, 500 mg propylene glycol, 19.2 mg citric acid and 5 mg monothioglycerol. Sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid may be added to adjust pH. Tulieve consists of an equilibrated mixture of two isomeric forms of tulathromycin in a 9:1 ratio.
The chemical names of the isomers are (2R,3S,4R,5R,8R,10R,11R,12S,13S, 14R)-13-[[2,6-dideoxy-3-C-methyl-3-Ο-methyl-4-C-[(propylamino) methyl]α-L-ribo-hexopyrano-syl]oxy]-2-ethyl-3,4,10-trihydroxy-3,5,8,10,12,14hexamethyl-11-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)-β-D-xylo-hexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-6-azacyclopentadecan-15-one and (2R,3R,6R,8R,9R,10S,11S, 12R)-11-[[2,6-dideoxy-3-C-methyl-3-Ο-methyl-4-C-[(propylamino)methyl]α-L-ribo-hexopyrano-syl]oxy]-2-[(1R,2R)-1,2-dihydroxy-1-methylbutyl]8-hydroxy-3,6,8,10,12-pentamethyl-9-[[3,4,6-trideoxy-3-(dimethylamino)β-D-xylo-hexopyranosyl]oxy]-1-oxa-4- azacyclotridecan-13-one, respectively.
Beef and Non-Lactating Dairy Cattle
BRD-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) associated with Mannheimia haemolytica
Pasteurella multocida, Histophilus somni, and Mycoplasma bovis and for the control of respiratory disease in cattle at high risk of developing BRD associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Histophilus somni, and Mycoplasma bovis IBK-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) associated with Moraxella bovis
Foot Rot-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of bovine foot rot (interdigital necrobacillosis) associated with Fusobacterium necrophorum and Porphyromonas levii
Suckling Calves, Dairy Calves, and Veal Calves BRD-Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of BRD associated with M. haemolytica, P. multocida, H. somni, and M. bovis
Swine Tulieve Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of swine respiratory disease (SRD) associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Haemophilus parasuis, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae; and for the control of SRD associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in groups of pigs where SRD has been diagnosed.
Inject subcutaneously as a single dose in the neck at a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg (1.1 mL/100 lb) bodyweight (BW). Do not inject more than 10 mL per injection site.
Inject intramuscularly as a single dose in the neck at a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg (0.25 mL/22 lb) BW. Do not inject more than 2.5 mL per injection site.
The use of Tulieve Injectable Solution is contraindicated in animals previously found to be hypersensitive to the drug.
(tulathromycin injection) delivers the same single shot, rapidly absorbed, long acting, broadspectrum activity as Draxxin ® (tulathromycin injection)
Injectable Solution, and thanks to our exclusive plastic bottles, less risk of product loss. Available in 1L and 500 mL plastic hanger bottles, as well as 250 mL and 100 mL plastic bottles for beef, non-lactating dairy and swine.
Ask your veterinarian or animal health provider about Tulieve ® , the latest addition to our comprehensive portfolio of anti-infectives. Or visit norbrook.com
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION FOR CATTLE: Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. A pre-slaughter withdrawal time has not been determined for pre-ruminating calves. Effects on reproductive performance, pregnancy, and lactation have not been determined. Tulieve has a pre-slaughter withdrawal time of 18 days. Tulieve should not be used in animals known to be hypersensitive to the product.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION FOR SWINE: Tulieve has a pre-slaughter withdrawal time of 5 days. Tulieve should not be used in animals known to be hypersensitive to the product.
Cattle intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 18 days from the last treatment. This drug is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows.
Swine Swine intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 5 days from the last treatment.
The e ects of tulathromycin injection on bovine reproductive performance, pregnancy, and lactation have not been determined. Subcutaneous injection can cause a transient local tissue reaction that may result in trim loss of edible tissue at slaughter.
Swine The e ects of tulathromycin injection on porcine reproductive performance, pregnancy, and lactation have not been determined. Intramuscular injection can cause a transient local tissue reaction that may result in trim loss of edible tissue at slaughter.
In one BRD eld study, two calves treated with tulathromycin injection at 2.5 mg/kg BW exhibited transient hypersalivation. One of these calves also exhibited transient dyspnea, which may have been related to pneumonia.
In one eld study, one out of 40 pigs treated with tulathromycin injection at 2.5 mg/kg BW exhibited mild salivation that resolved in less than four hours.
Approved by FDA under ANADA # 200-723
Tulieve® is a registered trademark of Norbrook Laboratories Limited
Made in the UK
Manufactured by: Norbrook Laboratories Limited, Newry, BT35 6PU, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
To report suspected adverse drug events, for technical assistance or to obtain a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), contact Norbrook at 1-866-591-5777. For additional information about adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or http://www.fda.gov/reportanimalae.
Revised Feb 2022
For additional Tulieve product information call: 1-866-591-5777 or go to www.Norbrook.com (landing page to be con rmed, may be www.Tulieve.com)
© 2023 Norbrook Laboratories Limited. All rights reserved. The Norbrook logos and Tulieve are registered trademarks of Norbrook Laboratories Limited. Draxxin is a trademark of ZOETIS SERVICES LLC. All rights reserved.
Norbrook, Tulieve
• GAR@GardinerAngus.com
Registered Black Angus
Robert L. Hogue M.D. • Judy Hogue 6 Spring Hollow, Brownwood, Texas 76801 Ranch: 10108 CR 237 • Phone: 325-643-2225 Cell: 325-647-9168 • Fax: 326-643-6235
Email: rlhmd@familymedical.us
Lesikar Ranch
100+ Registered Angus Bulls
200+ Registered Angus Bulls For Sale Private Treaty
Thick, Deep, Easy Fleshing, Moderate Size, Balanced Traits For Sale Private Treaty
Casey Beefmasters
Detering Red Brahmans
Beef Oriented Red Brahmans for the pasture and the show ring Liendo Plantation, 38653 Wyatt Chapel Rd. Hempstead, TX 77445 Will Detering, owner 281.989.8965 Web site: deteringredbrahmans.com
Jason Lesikar 817-726-7998817-738-2177
Lyn Lesikar
The Dale Lasater Ranch • Matheson, Colorado 80830 210-872-1117 • alexlasater@yahoo.com www.DaleLasaterRanch.com
DALE & BRENDA JENKINS, DONNA JENKINS 806-852-2485, 806-255-8873
Texas 78044 Phone: 361/586-5067
Performance Beefmasters from the Founding Family 62nd Bull Sale: October 7, 2023
Private Treaty Females Semen & Embryos BEEFMASTERS
Lorenzo Lasater • San Angelo, TX 325.656.9126 • isabeefmasters.com
Cullin Smith (409) 779-9872
Mike & Carla Bacica 11707 FM 2868 Flint, TX 75762
Mike: 903-520-0390 mbpga@aol.com
Registered Black Herefords bacicafarms.com
Carla: 903-530-8551 wtnca@aol.com
Quality Brahman Ca le
PARTIN & PARTIN HEART BAR RANCH Janet, Steve and Carlton Partin 3159 FM 837 • Montalba, Texas 75853 903-549-3000 • Fax: 903-549-3005 Janet Partin: 903-922-3689 Carlton Partin: 407-709-0297 www.heartbarranch.com
Since 1936
email: partin.partin@aol.com
5th Generation
Visitors are always Welcome
Sartwelle Brahman Ranch Ltd P O Box 27, Campbellton, Texas USA 78008
Sensibly Bred and Raised Brahman Cattle 979-877-4239
Sugie Sartwelle J. D. Sartwelle III 361-500-5792
Email: sartwellej@gmail.com
at LOST PRAIRIE LAKE • Palestine, Texas
Registered Gray Brahmans
Dr. Scott & Nancy Satterfield 410 ACR 376 • Palestine, TX 75801 830-613-1492 www.satterfieldranch.com
Breeder’s Bulletin Board
ANGUS Steve & Laura Knoll www.2barangus.com Private Treaty Angus Bulls Available James Burks 254-718-5193 Doug
Females Also Available Private Treaty SINCE 1909 Cameron, Texas Power of Angus. © 2020-2021 American Angus Association Contact Regional Manager Radale Tiner: 979-492-2663 rtiner@angus.org Double Creek Farms Angus Bulls for Sale – At all Times Matthew Domel Cell: 254-749-3253
& Barbara Domel – Meridian, TX Office: 254-435-2988 • Cell: 254-749-2240 www.mlslivestock.com
Angus & Hereford WWW.EXPRESSRANCHES.COM 18th Annual Fall Bull Sale • 9.26.22 20th Annual “Profit Proven” Com’l Female Sale • 11.21.22 6th Annual “Early Bird” Bull Sale • 1.23.23 44th Annual Production Sale • 4.1.23 8th Annual “Meating Demand” Bull Sale • 5.1.23 Ashland,
Slattery 979-451-2003
Bob Funk, owner Jarold Callahan, president Yukon, Oklahoma 800.664.3977
KS 67831 • (620) 635-2156 Mark • Greg
www.Ga rdinerA ngus.co
i t t l e
r o b e
www.olsoncattle.com QU AL IT Y R EGISTERE D AN GU S CATTLE ROEDE R A NGU S R ANC H Rick & Mikelle Roeder, Stonewall, Texas 479-409-2248 BEEFMASTER
(806) 676-3556 Steve@olsoncattle.com
Since 1948 Wa tt M . C a sey/ Watt J r. 325- 66 8- 1373 Alb any, Tex as 764 30 ww w.CaseyBeef ma sters.co m Bill Carr Hilltop Ranch Beefmasters Quality Beefmaster Cattle Ranches in Webb, Wilson and Kendall counties Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2947 Laredo,
Pedigree is in the Name”
Annual Bull Sale September 9 and 10, 2022
Our 101st
S JOIN TODAY 800-242-7820 tscra.org 72 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Caleb Boscamp 830-857-5189
Julie Boscamp 830-857-5129 julieboscamp@yahoo.com 303
Don and Kathy Schill 903-388-1342 • Donie, Texas
T HOMAS CHAR O LAIS, INC . P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, Texas 78580
Mitch Thomas: 956-535-0936
Tonnyre Thomas Joe: 956-535-0942 thomasra@gte.net www.thomascharolais.com
“Quality Registered Herefords”
– Bulls for sale at all times out of good milking cows
Office: 512-446-6200 Cell: 979-218-0065
Powell Herefords
James L. Powell • Arthur Uhl • James Uhl
36 W. Beauregard, Ste. 301 • San Angelo, Texas 76903
O: 325-653-1688 • F: 325-653-3573 www.powellranches.com powellranches@gmail.com
David Neal, Ranch Manager 325-456-0669 or 325-651-2826 Britt Mynatt, Herd Manager 325-853-2202 or 325-340-2121
Maynard Warnken 979-561-8846 Kevin Warnken 979-743-0619
Drawer 29, Schulenburg, TX 78956 979-561-8867 fax • rockinw@cvctx.com
Breeder’s Bulletin Board EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY AT Farris Ranching Company “West Texas Tough” Brangus and Ultrablack Bulls Danny & MB Farris Tuscola, TX 325.669.5727 923 Hillside Ave. Canadian, TX 79014 806-323-2906 lee@indianmoundranch.com www.indianmoundranch.com Lee & Jacqui Haygood Super Baldie Bred Heifers Available Fall to Early Spring Brangus Bulls For Sale Year Round 940-736-5502 Dale 940-768-2773Ranch P.O. Box 253 Era, TX 76238 ™ Petta Ranch BRANGUS Registered Bulls and Heifers for sale by private treaty GUSTINE, TX • 254-842-7146 C ATTLE C OMPANY Registered Brangus & Charolais Bulls 713.253.4804 or 713.204.4903 Call about bulls. P.O. Box 623 • Cuero, TX 77954 BRANGUS RANGE TESTED BULLS REPLACEMENT FEMALES WEANED CALF PROGRAM
srrtexas.com•info@srrtexas.com 2069 FM 2498 Crockett, Texas 75835
County Road
Waelder, TX
www.arrowheadcharolaisranch.com Dennis Cha r olais Bull s 40 years of selective breeding/performance testing for… Easy Calving and… Explosive Growth Eric and Angie Dennis Saint Jo, TX 940/995-2161 940/841-2792 Cell ROLLING O FARMS QUALITY CHAROLAIS BULLS & HEIFERS REGISTERED + GENTLE D.P. OWEN + GROESBECK, TEXAS 254-729-8644 CHAROLAIS BULLS
us a call
459 •
One or a truckload - Give
SW&S Cattle Company
JOIN TODAY 800-242-7820 tscra.org EQUIPMENT 608-254-2735 Call 7 days / week • FAST UPS SHIPPING! FACTORYDIRECT $869 95 $AVE HUNDREDS!!! 10 -15’ high! Complete 1 hp unit w/ light, timer, 100’ power cord. Pre-assembled - installs in minutes! Elegance & Improved Water Quality! CasCade 5000 Floating Pond Fountain Aerator ONE YEAR WARRANTY! NEW & US ED FARM EQUI PM ENT APPR AISALS Ka dd atz Au cti one eri ng and Far m Eq ui pm ent Sa les 254-232-1675 Lic #TXS6676 • AR Lic #2283 Farmstore.online Order parts online at We can sell your surplus equipment on online auction anywhere in the U.S. Sell your equipment in our next online auction, your location or ours Farmstore.com HEREFORD TEXAS RANCH: 5 Paseo de Paz Lane El Paso, Texas 79932 OKLAHOMA RANCH: County Hwy 50 7 miles north of Hwy 64 Freedom, Okla. Texas’Only Hereford Operation West of the Rio Grande Jim and Sue Darnell barjbarherefords@aol.com BAR J BAR HEREFORD RANCH SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Jim Cell 915-479-5299 • Sue Cell 915-549-2534 COATES RANCH COMPANY Ranch located six miles north of Big Lake, Texas on Highway 137. Steve Wayne Coates Box 645 Mertzon, TX 76941 325/835-2531 DOUBLE DIAMOND HEREFORDS THE BOLD BREED Registered Polled Herefords www.DoubleDiamondHerefords.com McDade, Texas Rusk, Texas 512.970.1595 512.970.3588 John 325-642-0745 • Tom 325-642-0748 Comanche, Texas; Ph. 325-356-2284; Fax 325-356-3185 Email: john@dudleybros.com “Registered Herefords Since 1938” So ut hw est Tex a s B r ee ders Of th e Cowman’s Typ e Cattle David Howard 83 0 -9 88 -224 1 fa x: 8 3 0-9 8 8-3 131 cel l: 830- 59 1- 311 0 P.O Box 1 03 9, Sabinal , T X 788 81 J .T . E chols DVM P.O. Box 709 • Breckenridge, TX 76424 Of: (254) 559-9739 • Cell: (254) 559-0156 muleshoeranch@gmail.com Contact: Nina Neel Sanders 214-454-8587 • Brady, TX
Polled Herefords & Black Baldies FOR SALE
February 2023 tscra.org | 73 The Cattleman
PRICE REDUCED! CEDARVALE, NM – 7,113 acre ranch (5,152 ac. +/- Deeded – 1,961 ac. +/- State Lease) well fenced & watered w/good pens, new barn.
KB RANCH – Kinney Co., TX. – 802 ac. +/-. Brush country w/some live oaks. Good Hunting!
ANGUS, NM – 250 +/- acres with over a 1/2 mile of
Nine miles east of Caldwell on Hwy. 21 or 15 miles west of Bryan-College Station on Hwy. 21 Joey and Susan Skrivanek, owners 407 W. Mustang • Caldwell, TX 77836 • Cell 979-224-4698 Office 979-567-3131• J.SKRiVANEKRANCH@outlook.com TEXAS HEREFORD ASSOCIATION 4609 Airport Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76117 817/831-3161 Wesley Theuret Herefords Horned Bulls and Females 2348 CR 165, Kenedy, TX 78119 theuret@sbcglobal.net 210-315-0103 HORSE Barnhart, Texas Operations ManagerTony Martinez 325.835.2025 AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder Director of OperationsCody Webb Gentle Foundation Blue Roan Quarter Horses 325-754-5275 www.MesaTRanch.com LIMOUSIN/ LIM-FLEX MARKET JOHNSON CA TT LE MARKE TI NG Tom Johnson 440 FM 246 Wortham,Texas 76693 817-291-5121 Looking for Angus Genetics, Registered or Commercial, Bulls or Females? GIVE US A CALL! Parker Friedrich 254-413-2420 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 580 FM 1810 Decatur, TX 76234 972-839-6485 Email: doak@doaklambert.com JUSTIN INS URANC E Ag ency 800-972-0272 Ranch Property Specialists www.justininsurance.com K3 Ranch Oil Gas Lease Surface Consultant Kenneth King 817-239-1051•K3ranch76088@gmail.com L. Logan Boswell • 432.249.0265 788 HCR 2124 Loop • Whitney, Texas • 76692 LONE STAR RANCH CONSULTING lonestarranchconsulting@gmail.com •Herd Health & Wildlife Management •Livestock, Range, Pasture, Weed & Brush Management Stocking rate determination Seed Stock Selection Livestock Handling Horse management Over 40 years of experience DoYouReceive Mineral Income? 401-863-8486 4663752 04/22 REAL ESTATE Accredited Land Brokers Team Bob & Sandy Bahe Accredited Land Consultants WorldClassRanches. co m RANCH SALES AND APPRAISALS SERVING THE RANCHING INDUSTRY SINCE 1920 5016 122nd St. Lubbock, Texas 79424 (806) 763-5331 • www.chassmiddleton.com e-mail: sam@csmandson.com Over 1 million acres sold since 1981 chipcoleranchbroker.com 325-655-3555 San Angelo, Texas SELLING RANCHES in SOUTH TEXAS cDan Kinsel, Ranch Broker Cotulla, Texas 830-317-0115 DanKinselRanches.com LLPRANCHLAND.COM 325-655-6989 1002 Koenigheim, San Angelo, Texas 76903 Serving Texas, New Mexico & Oklahoma Ranchers RANCH & FARM REAL ESTATE www.scottlandcompany.com Ben G. Scott - Broker • Krystal
Breeder’s Bulletin Board
- NM QB 800-933-9698 5:00 a.m./10:00 p.m.
NM 48 frontage. Elevations from 6,800 to 7,200 feet. Two springs along a creek. Ideal for future development or build your own getaway home. SPRINGER LAKE FARM – Colfax Co., NM – 491.55 ac. +/-, 371 shares of Antelope Valley Irr. Dist. water. 2 center pivot systems. 270 ac. +/- of pasture w/pens & corrals. Elk, deer & antelope are hunted in the area. CRAIG BUFORD Real Estate Broker, Auctioneer BufordResources.com (405) 833-9499 United Country: Buford Resources Real Estate & Auction TX13500 RED ANGUS Registered Red Angus Judy Kay Ferguson Kyley DeVoe 214-536-6902 940-367-4708 redangus3k@mac.com flyingk3cattle@mac.com 320 West Main Street • Lewisville, Texas 75057 FOLLOW US #CattleRaisers # # # 877.811.1573 WWW.HALLANDHALL.COM TEXAS OFFICE LOCATIONS Lubbock • College Station • Laredo • Weatherford VIEW REGIONAL LISTINGS ONLINE AT SALES AUCTIONS FINANCE APPRAISALS MANAGEMENT 74 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Borchers Southern Y Ranches, L.P.
Charla Borchers-Leon • Mary Kay Borchers
2401 N. Wheeler St. • Victoria, Texas 77901 • 361-575-1297
Santa Gertrudis • Braford F-1
Purebred • Star 5 • Crossbred Cattle
Steven Boothe 361-575-1297 O • 361-571-9728 M
19th Annual Bull Sale
Simmental & SimAngus BULL SALE
March 2nd, 2023
March 8, 2012
San Saba, Texas
Private Treaty Sales
Mike Mallett
Our cattle are perfomance tested.
10602 North Hwy. 281 • Lampasas, TX 76550
Home: 512-556-8548 • Cell: 512-556-1021
Mike and Connie Mallett • 512-556-1021 Lampasas, Texas • mallettsimmentals.com
Stonewall Valley Ranch
Santa Gertrudis
Harris Riverbend Farms
P.O.Box 691 Cleburne, TX 76031
Performance Tested Beef Type Glen Rose, TX David Harris Home (817) 641-4159 Office (817) 641-4771
From The Home of “Reputation”
Breeding Santa Gertrudis Since 1936
Box 869, San Diego, Texas 78384 Ranch: 361-701-5683
P.O. Box 1417 Victoria, Texas 77902 361/573-7141
Traylor Division San Roque DivisionSan Carlos Division Bloomington, TX Catarina, TXRio Grande City, TX
Joe Jones-Manager • 361/897-1337
Black or Red Simbrah • SimAngus HT • SimAngus FILEGONIA
Registerd Texas Longhorn bulls, cows, heifers, roping steers, trophy steers, semen, mounts skulls for sale. Overnight accommodations available on the ranch.
512-970-4676 (HORN) or 512-751-2386 (BEVO)
Joe & Beth Mercer 327 CR 459, Lott, TX 76656 • H/O/Fax: 254-984-2225 bethmercer1974@gmail.com • www.filegoniacattle.com
Foster Bros. Farms Lockney, Texas
Office:(806) 652-3351 / Fax:(806) 652-3738
fosterbros@att.net / www.fosterbrosfarms.com
David & DarLee Foster
(806) 652-3824
(806) 983-7221 mbl.
Jody & Shawnda Foster (806) 652-2383 (806) 983-7225 mbl.
The Ultimate in ... Calving Ease, Price Premium, and Carcass Quality
Wagyu Cattle
- Seed Stock
- Pregnancies
- Embryos
- Semen
Grade Prim e © Every Time!
Profitable LBW Docile Delicious
100 % Wagyu B ull s + Beef for S ale Kevin & Jessica Moore 2929 Oak Hill Rd., Alvarado, TX 76009 Kevin: 817-822-7109 • Jessica: 817-822-7402 Kevin@m6ranch.com • www.m6ranch.com PLACE
Phone: 806-655-3033 • 325-554-7434
Cell: 806-683-4613
Contact Jana Earp, TSCRA Advertising & Partnership Manager jearp@tscra.org • 817-916-1744
and qualify for a 12-time
on all other print advertising.
Sign up year-round
For Trade
and Stationary Scales
steve@expressscale. com www.expressscale.com - 22ft Length Available
Durable Construction 12ft
February 2023 tscra.org | 75 The Cattleman
Most sizes available for immediate installation Breeder’s Bulletin Board
Upcoming Events
Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
Where: New Orleans, Louisiana
Stocker & Feeder Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
South Texas Hereford Association:
Sale Featuring Case Ranch Herefords
Where: Beeville Livestock Commission, Beeville
Thomas Charolais: Spring Bull Sale
Where: Raymondville
When: 1 p.m.
San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo
Where: San Antonio
Special Bull Offering:
Featuring Martin-Bruni Brangus & STS Ranger Registered Angus
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
San Antonio Beefmaster Subasta Sale
Where: San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo
Bradley 3 Ranch: Wide Body Sale
Where: Estelline
When: 12 p.m.
San Antonio Stock Show All Breeds
Bull & Female Sale
Where: San Antonio
When: 10 a.m.
White Hawk Ranch: Beef Maker Bull Sale
Where: Buchanan, Georgia
Replacement Female Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
7P Ranch: 29th Annual Spring Bull & Female Sale
Where: Winona
When: 12 p.m.
Ranching 101: Cold Weather Nutrition
Where: Online
When: 1 p.m.
44 Farms: Spring Bull Sale
Where: Cameron
When: 10:30 a.m.
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Where: Houston
Cattleman’s Kind Bull Sale: Simmental & SimAngus Bulls
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
Stocker & Feeder Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 11 a.m.
“Cattleman’s Opportunity”
Spring Replacement Female Sale
Where: Nixon Livestock Comm., Nixon
R.A. Brown Ranch: Bull Sale
Where: Throckmorton
Lone Star Angus: Spring Bull Sale
Where: Gainesville
Wichita Falls Luncheon
Where: McBride’s Steakhouse, Wichita Falls
When: 11:30 a.m.
Rodeo Austin
Where: Austin
Stocker & Feeder Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
Cavender’s Neches River Ranch Bull Sale
Where: Jacksonville
When: 12 p.m.
Nipp Charolais: 14th Annual Spring Bull Sale
Where: Wilson, Oklahoma
When: 1 p.m.
Ranching 101: The Grazing Plan
Where: Online
When: 1 p.m.
2 Bar Angus: Bull Sale
Where: Hereford
GKB Cattle & Barber Ranch: Spring Bull Sale
Where: Desdemona
Replacement Female Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
Muleshoe Ranch: Annual Range Ready Bull Sale
Where: Breckenridge
Knox Brothers Bull Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
Briggs Ranches: Texas Alliance Sale
Where: Bloomington
Olson Land & Cattle: Annual Bull & Female Sale
Where: Hereford
Editor's Note: We regretfully published inconsistent dates for the Wichita Falls Luncheons. The luncheons are held on the second Thursday of each odd-numbered month. Not every month, as previously reported in the magazine and in the 2023 TSCRA calendar.
76 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo
Where: Fort Worth
Littlerobe Angus Ranch: Annual Sale
Where: Higgins
Double Creek Farms: Bull & Female Sale
Where: Clifton
Gardiner Angus Ranch:
44th Annual Production Sale
Where: Ashland, Kansas
Special Bull Offering, Featuring STS Ranger Registered Angus Bulls
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
American Black Hereford Association: Southern Classic Sale
Where: Henderson
When: 5 p.m.
Spring “Best of the Best”
Replacement Female Sale
Where: Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba
When: 10 a.m.
Ranching 101
Where: Online
When: 1 p.m.
Lesikar Ranch: 11th Annual
“Back to Basics” Female Sale
Where: Athens
Cavender’s Neches River Ranch
Female Production Sale
Where: Jacksonville
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: Hemphill County Beef Conference
Where: Canadian
SANTA G E R TRUDIS BREEDERS IN T ERNATIONAL Santa Gertrudis Data Driven. Profit Proven. 361-592-9357 | santagertrudis.com SANTA GERTRUDIS
Maternal Quality Carcass Merit Maximum Heterosis
February 2023 tscra.org | 77 The Cattleman
Index 2 Bar Angus 72 3K Land & Cattle ................................................... 74 4 4 Farms 72, Back Cover A Accredited Land Brokers 74 AgriWebb 45 Alligare 82 American Angus Assoc. 59, 72 American Black Hereford Assoc. 25 American Hereford Assoc. 47 American Red Angus Assoc. ................ 24, 37 Advanced Pedestals Inc. 14 Arrowhead Ranch ............................................... 73 Arrowquip 65 Artesian Cattle & Farming LLC 72 B Bacica Farms .......................................................... 72 Bar G Feedyard 33 Bar J Bar Hereford Ranch ............................... 73 Beefmaster Breeders United 3 BioZyme 63 Borchers Southern Y Ranches LP 75 Briggs Ranches ..................................................... 75 C Cactus Feeders ...................................................... 41 Casey Beefmasters 72 Cattle Raisers Convention & Expo 35 CattleMax 53 Cavender-Draggin’ M & Partners ............... 23 Charles S. Middleton 74 Chip Cole & Associates 74 Coates Ranch Co. ................................................. 73 Coldwell Banker 17 Cox Concrete Products 37 D Dale Lasater Ranch 72 Dan W. Kinsel III 74 Dennis Charolais .................................................. 73 Detering Brahmans ............................................ 72 Doak Lambert 74 Double Creek Farms .......................................... 72 Double Diamond Herefords 73 Double Diamond Ranch 73 Dudley Bros. ............................................................ 73 E Endovac Animal Health ................................... 69 Express Ranches 72 Express Scale Services 75 F Farris Ranching Co. ............................................. 73 Filegonia Cattle Co. 75 Fishpondaerator 73 Foster Bros. Farms 75 G Gardiner Angus 72 GKB Cattle ................................................................... 7 Grandin Livestock Systems 63 H Hall & Hall 74 Harlow Cattle Co. ............. Inside Front Cover Harris Riverbend Farms 75 Helena Agri-Enterprises LLC 32 Herbster Angus Farms ............................... 18, 19 Hilltop Ranch Beefmasters ............................ 72 Hogue Cattle Co. 72 Howard Herefords ............................................... 73 I Indian Hills Ranch 73 Indian Mound Ranch 73 Isa Beefmasters .................................................... 72 J J.D. Hudgins Inc. 9 John Martin Ranches 75 Johnson Cattle Marketing .............................. 74 Jordan Cattle Auction 25 Jorgensen Land & Cattle 67 Justin Insurance Agency ................................ 74 K K3 Ranch 74 Kaddatz Equipment 73 King Ranch Institute 62 Knox Brothers 81 L Lawrence Family Limousin ............................ 74 Lee, Lee & Puckitt 74 Lesikar Ranch ......................................................... 72 Littlerobe Angus Ranch ................................... 72 Lone Star Ranch Consulting 74 M M6 Ranch 75 Mallett Simmentals ............................................ 75 Massey Ferguson 29 Merck Animal Health .......................................... 15 Mesa T Ranch 74 MK Ranch 73 Moly Manufacturing Inside Back Cover Moore Angus .......................................................... 72 Morgan Stanley/Mark McAndrew 74 MP Brangus ............................................................ 73 Muleshoe Ranch 33, 73 N Neel Polled Herefords 73 Nipp Charolais ........................................................ 13 Noack Herefords 73 No-Bull Enterprises 46 Norbrook 71 Nufarm 37 NuWagyu 75 O Olson Land & Cattle 72 Outfront Cattle Service .................................... 74 P Parker Friedrich Marketing & Consulting .... 74 Partin & Partin Heart Bar Ranch 72 Peacock Angus Ranch ..................................... 72 Petta Ranch 73 Powell Herefords .................................................. 73 R Ramro LLC/RJ Cattle Co. ......................... 43, 73 Rocker b Ranch 74 Rockin’ W Polled Herefords 73 Rocking Chair Ranch ......................................... 27 Roeder Angus Ranch ........................................ 72 Rolling O Farms .................................................... 73 Rusty’s Weigh Scales ....................................... 46 S Santa Gertrudis Breeders Int. 77 Santa Rosa Ranch 73 Sartwelle Brahman Ranch 72 Satterfield Ranch 72 Schneider Brahmans 72 Scott Land Co. ........................................................ 74 Seven-Peaks Fence & Barn 79 Skrivanek Ranches 74 Stonewall Valley Ranch 75 SW&S Cattle Co. 73 SweetPro 63 T Texas Christian University 9 Texas Hereford Assoc. 74 Thickety Creek Farm 72 Thomas Charolais Inc. 73 TSCRA Merchandise 61 TSCRA Membership ........................................... 50 TSCRA Sponsors 51 U United Country/Craig Buford 74 V V8 Ranch 72 W Wesley Theuret Herefords 74 White Hawk Ranch 28 78 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
(817)-398-5029 SEVENPEAKSFENCEANDBARN.COM 9601 County Road 1004 Godley, TX 76044 5.0 Seven Peaks Fence And Barn Scan The QR Code To See ALL Of Our Products! Fencing We Made JUST FOR YOU!
A tradition spanning generations, cattle raisers were making plans 100 years ago to travel to El Paso for the association’s 47th annual convention. Perhaps the event’s best description follows.
“There should be a few days in the life of every man during which he could lay aside his worries and cares and live for a short period as though cattle were selling for 10 cents and grass was knee high,” an author wrote. Though times have changed, the same sentiment holds true. Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association is just as eager for convention this year as a century ago. T C
A Look Back 80 | tscra.org February 2023 The Cattleman
In the Flint Hills of Kansas, 4th generation rancher Mike Wiggins has been a steward of the land since long before sustainability was popular. “I have a different frame of mind about grass than a lot of people. I get a kick out of seeing clean, nice grass. Pasture is too hard to come by. If you don’t take care of it, you are wasting your time.”
To maximize grazing potential, Mike and his cattle partner put a plan to test. They split the land, sprayed half the acreage with Gunslinger® AMP, and turned-out a set of yearlings. Even though the treated area carried an additional 49 head on comparable acreage, the calves still outperformed those on untreated pasture by 20 pounds per head.
“A lot of factors go into making this work, but a little bit of chemical and a good aerial applicator change things. This new plan is pretty well a no-brainer. Our calves on treated pasture exceeded the amount of gain needed to pay for spraying.”
For more information, or to find your local rep, visit Alligare.com.
(785) 472-3388 · molymfg.com · facebook.com/MolyMFG 100s of Configurations Built to Order SILENCER Hydraulic Squeeze Chutes “Squeeze Your Cattle without the Rattle!” Build your SILENCER!
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT ONE OF OUR TEAM MEMBERS: Tracy Woods 405.880.3866 Jarrod Payne 308.870.6348 Jeff Callaway 325.665.2285 Jill Ginn 806.570.6185 Tyler Gray 208.590.6167 THE 2023 SPRING BULL SALE FEBRUARY 25, 2023 • 10:30 AM • CAMERON, TEXAS 600 PERFORMANCE ANGUS BULLS