Island Photo News

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DATACOLOR SPYDER 3 ELITE The Choice for Color Calibration by Professional Photographers & Studios

Datacolor’s Spyder 3 Elite is the industry’s only 7-detector color

colorimeter while connected is constantly monitoring the ambient

engine. it has largest light aperture

light in your work area. “Spyder3

available for unrivaled performance and faster calibration speeds and it

provides you with options to change either your studio lighting or display

will re-calibrate in half the time of the initial calibration which takes about 5

profile if the ambient light changes., Spyder3 can intelligently discern true


lighting changes from random

Whats Included:

This unit has a unique feature not normally found on other calibration

fluctuations caused by studio flashes or shadows.”

• Datacolor Spyder3™ colorimeter

devices. There is a embedded “ambient light sensor for intelligent

I found the Spyder3 Elite easy to set up and use and you should too.

• Spyder3Elite™ Software CD

calibration correction” What that

First run the software and then attach

means is this unit remains connected to your computer all the time. The

the Spyder3 to your USB port. Don’t

• Quick Start Guide • 2-Year Warranty

• Desktop Cradle/Tripod mount • Screen Cleaning Packets

• MSRP: $279 USD



January President - Joe Pellicone 1st VP - Lou Cohen


2nd VP - Richard Fiedorowicz Secretary - Ann Marie Denese Trea$urer - Glenn DeBona PFLI Representatives - Pat Hutcherson / Sherman Paur Publicity/ Information - Joe Pellicone / Sharon Schwarz Membership - Charlie Bowman / Jo Edmundson Newsletter Editors - Joe Pellicone / Jeff Breiman Webmaster - Richard Fiedorowicz PFLI Coordinators - Joe Prantil / Frank DiVitorrio Programs Chairperson - Russ Popeil / Sherman Paur Workshops Chairperson(s) - Richard Fiedorowicz Prints Chairperson - Joe Prantil Slides Chairperson - Pat Hutcherson Field Trips Chairperson - Lou Cohen / Ann Marie Denese Calendar - Richard Fiedorowicz Fund Raising Chairperson - Frank DiVittorio DISCLAIMER: Due to the format of the Galleries in this publication some of the photos may have been cropped to fit the necessary format.





put in on your screen just yet, you will have to answer some questions about

•Windows 2000, XP, Vista

your monitor and video first.

•USB Port


you can attach the Spyder3 to the screen using the suction cup or just place it against the surface ( I tilted my laptop monitor back slightly ) using the included weight to keep it in place. Then simply followed the screen prompts and the software does the rest. When you have completed the process you can name

•Mac OS X (10.3 or higher) •C o l o r m o n i t o r r e s o l u t i o n 1024x768 or greater •1 6 - b i t v i d e o c a r d ( 2 4 - b i t recommended) •128MB of available RAM •100MB of available hard disk space

If you are particular about your and save the profile. The next screen photographs be sure to check out the shows some sample photos and if Spyder3 Elite and all the other you hit the “Switch Button” you will Datacolor products. see the difference before and after your monitor was calibrated. On the before and after screen, I noticed a big change on my laptop monitor. The minimum computer / video

Digital Color Solutions 5 Princess Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Tel: 609.895.7430 requirements for using the new Spyder3 Elite are: Joe Pellicone

Mike Ginex

Fire Training by Joe Pellicone


USING LIGHTROOM TO SAVE & SUBMIT YOUR FILES FOR IPG DIGITAL & PFLI If you use Adobe Lightroom, you have a distinct advantage for

Step 8. Once you have entered all the information click the

exporting single or multiple photos for any purpose including email

ADD button to Save your settings. You will be asked to give it a

and IPG or PFLI Digital Photo Submissions.

name, I named mine IPG Digital. The next time you want to use it

It’s easy to do. One time only - you enter the IPG settings and save these as a “preset”. Then you use this “preset” on any files

just select it from the list on the left and all the settings will be automatically set for you.

you want to resize. Just follow these eight easy steps and refer to the diagram below. Making the Preset: Step 1: Launch Lightroom; be in the Library module; press the Export button. This puts you in the Export Dialog box that looks like this diagram. If your box has all the red writing on it too, then you know that I’ve been messing with your computer when you weren't looking! Step 2a. Select the choose button and navigate to a folder where you want your exported pictures stored. Step 2b. optionally you can enter the name of a subfolder this is a good idea so that your pics will not get mixed up with other photos. Just a thought, when you choose a folder to put your exported files in, use a name that is familiar to you and a location that is easy to find. I use “IPG Digital” in a SUBFolder of PICTURES but you can choose any folder you like. Step 3. On the Template Dropdown box, Select “Custom Name - Sequence and then enter the following code

Using the Preset: when you actually use this feature, you just select the photos you want to export, hit the export button, select


the IPG Digital Preset and hit the export button again. After a

Substituting the FIRST TWO LETTERS and your Last Name

short while, a explorer or finder window will be displayed. In that

up to a TOTAL of 9 Characters. In my case Joseph Pellicone

folder, you will see the files that you exported.

converts to “JoPellico”.

If you exported 5 files they will be named C47-JoPellico-A1-

Step 4. Change the Color Space to sRGB.

Filename-001 through C47-JoPellico-A1-Filename-005. Simply

Step 5. Change the Resolution to 72PPI or Pixels Per Inch.

select each file one at a time. and carefully RENAME name. You

Step 6. Check the Resize to Fit box, make sure the dropdown

are actually only going to change the part that says FILENAME to

box reads Width & Height, Enter 750 in both the W and the H

the real name of your picture. When you are finished your

boxes and make sure pixels is selected in the dialog box.

filenames will look like this example

Step 7. On a PC select Show in Explorer or on a Mac Select

C47-JoPellico-A1-Red Roses.

Show in Finder.

Once you have completed renaming all your files just email them to for submission.


IPG’s Resizing Action for Photoshop I made the attached

and select it. Once it has

Photoshop IPG resizing action

loaded you will see the new

to take an open image in

action in your pallet.

Photoshop and to

c. In the actions palette, click

automatically resize and save

the arrow in front of the IPG

it as an 8 bit, 72dpi, sRGB,

resizing folder (Marked to

750px jpeg.

show the resize to 8 bit sRGB

72DPI 750px action

You will use the resulting

jpeg for many purposes at



ACTION: § projecting on screen for

A. In Photoshop, open the

discussion at “Works in

image you want resized

Progress Night” Monday, 2/5

B. Click on the resize to 8 bit

§ submitting for PFLI

sRGB 72DPI 750px action to

Digital competition

highlight it

§ displaying in your

C. Click the “Run action”

gallery on the IPG website

arrow at the bottom of the

§ inclusion in the IPG

actions palette

Annual Year’s Best DVD

D. When the resizing is

§ featuring in the IPG e-

finished, the image closes and

Newsmail or in the IPG

the jpeg is saved in the

quarterly newsletter

Resized for IPG folder.

§ sharing or questioning

about a photo via e-mail

I hope you install the IPG

resizing action and “give it a

This action can be run

whirl” on an image or two to

whenever you need. But the

make sure there are no

most powerful idea is to

glitches. If you need any help

include the IPG resizing action

at all installing, running or

as a routine last step for every

anything else just give me a

image made for IPG. That way

call 631.256.6736 or shoot me

a resized jpeg would always

an email

be easily and habitually

available for each image –– whenever you might need it later on.

You can send me resized photos to put in your gallery on the IPG



A. Install into Photoshop Rich Fiedorowicz

a. Navigate to the Photoshop Actions folder and Save the IPG action file in it. The location is: C:\Program files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Photoshop Actions

About the diagram

B. Create the folder the action needs for saving the jpegs a. Navigate to the C:\ directory on your hard drive b. Make a new folder, naming it “Resized for IPG” C. Make the action available in Photoshop (see the diagram above) a. Launch Photoshop and show the actions palette ( Window >

Follow the dotted line to expand the Action Pallet and to find the LOAD ACTIONS command. This diagram shows the TONE CONTROLS Action highlighted. To use any action, select it and press the PLAY button also highlighted at the bottom of the pallet.

Actions or Alt-F9) b. Notice the arrow pointing to the fly out at the top of the actions palette, select LOAD ACTIONS, it’s a tiny arrow pointing downwards. Navigate to the same folder where you placed the IPG resizing action


“PHOTOGRAPHY QUOTES” While surfing the net, I came across a website featuring quotes from the world of photography . The site is http://

“Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop” The quotes are “food for thought” & possibly good conversation for our club. I think you will find a lot of truth in these statements. With a little soul searching, I believe you will

“Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs”

“Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art” “When I'm ready to make a photograph, I think I quite obviously see in my minds eye something that is not literally there in the true meaning of the word. I'm interested in something which is built up from within, rather than just extracted from without”

“You don't take a photograph, you make it”

“There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept”

“Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer and often the supreme disappointment”

“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer”

learn a little bit about yourself after contemplation. Below are some quotes from a photographer whose work we all know & respect - Ansel Adams…

“We must remember that a photograph can hold just as much as we put into it, and no one has ever approached the full possibilities of the medium”

“Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter” “A good photograph is knowing where to stand”

“Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships!” “Some photographers take reality...and impose the domination of their own thought and spirit. Others come before reality more tenderly and a photograph to them is an instrument of love and revelation” “A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into” “A photograph is not an accident – it is a concept”

And my favorite… “There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs”………….

Jeff Breiman



“THEME” PRESENTATIONS” In January we held our first “theme” photo shoot and presentation. The topic of “Fall Foliage” was a big success.

showers bring May flowers”, and Spring officially arrives on March 20th. The second theme category for June

Members took pictures of our theme topic

will be “Reflections”. Some suggestions

and submitted them to Rich Fiedorowicz,

for this theme would include: landscapes

who combined the images into a slide

with reflections in a pond, stream or lake;

show. (Thanks Rich for a great slide

reflections in mirrors, reflections in


show!) Everyone who had a chance to view windows. Jeff Brieman suggested taking the slide show commented that they

pictures of reflections that are seen when

enjoyed it, and expressed that they would

you look at a mirrored pair of

“like to do it again”.

sunglasses…. Interesting idea!

With that being said, we will do

Members will be able to submit from

another theme presentation in June 2009

1-20 images per person, PER CATEGORY.

(date to be determined). The June theme

(ie: you can submit 20 pictures of Spring

will actually be 2 DIFFERENT themes:

AND 20 pictures of Reflections). For

“Spring” and “Reflections”. Members

ideas of images which use "reflections"

should get out and shoot pictures of

you might want to visit http://

“Spring”… this could be ANYTHING that

reminds you of Spring. Some suggestions

might include blooming flowers, robins,

We encourage all members to

Easter bonnets, pastel colors, or

participate in the fun. Be creative! Stay

ANYTHING that would keep to the

focused! And start shooting!

category of Spring. And remember, “April Sharon Schwarz

Joe Prantil

Sharon Schwarz [7]



If taking the guesswork out of your

these guides may be difficult but once you

photography is something that you would

play with them you’ll see that they are fairly

like, check out expoaperture 2 from Expo

easy to use.


The first step is to select the correct

This unique item comes in a kit that includes two Focus Zone Dials, a blue one

sensor size. If you only use one camera, you could probably tape it there so you

that covers a range

have one less step to worry

from 15 mm to 135

about. Next while holding the

mm and a Orange

sensor size in place, rotated

one that covers from

the inner dial to select the

70 mm to 600 mm. It

focal length in mm.

also includes a cd

Then you just flip over the

users manual and a

disk, look at the distance your

depth of field guide that has a list of

subject is and the range you want to keep in

cameras and shows their sensor crop factor

focus (indicated by grey and white zones).

as well as the suggested Circle of

Count the zones, flip the disk over again

Confusion. “In optics, a circle of confusion,

and inline with the number of zones you

(also known as disk of confusion, circle of

chose, is the appropriate aperture setting.

indistinctness, blur circle, etc.), is an optical

If you want to learn more go to

spot caused by a cone of light rays from a Be sure to check out

lens not coming to a perfect focus when

all their photo products

imaging a point source.” (Source http://

Joe Pellicone When you first look at the quick start instructions might tend to think that using

Richard Fiedorowicz

Sherman & Jo at a recent IPG Meeting [8]

Joe Pellicone

INTRODUCTION TO GICLEE PRINTS Giclee (zhee-klay) - is an invented name for the process of making fine art prints from a digital source using ink-jet printing. The term is often used instead of ink-jet in the art world. The word "giclée", from the French language word "le gicleur" meaning "nozzle", or more specifically "gicler" meaning "to squirt, spurt, or spray". Giclee prints are an advantage to artists who want to produce their art as needed, or on-demand. Once an image is digitally archived, additional reproductions can be made with minimal effort and reasonable cost. The concept is not new…centuries ago, artists made etchings on copper (plates) and

would make limited editions on paper. The prohibitive upfront cost of mass production for an edition is eliminated. Archived files will not deteriorate in quality as negatives and film will. Giclées are printed on a variety of paper types from canvas to watercolor to satin papers, producing some really beautiful, museum quality prints. The colors are brighter, last longer, and are so high-resolution that they are virtually 'continuous tone', rather than tiny dots. I have had a few of my photos printed on artist canvas, and was quite impressed with the quality. Jeff Breiman


Outstanding Website just packed with photo info and short tutorials. It even has a photography dictionary! Make sure you check out this site


If you like high contrast and dramatic effects, Check out Jonathan Penney’s blog and website. It’s amazing what he can do with a photograph

Remember to check the IPG Website Calendar for Upcoming Events


THE IPG EMAIL SYSTEM is your best way to keep track of what happening with our group. READ AND ANSWER YOUR EMAIL!

Glowing Foliage by Joe Pellicone


A PASSIONATE PHOTOGRAPHER For as long as I can remember I’ve

Community College.

I couldn’t believe

loved taking pictures. However I never

how much I learned in just a few short

took an official “photography class”. I

weeks. I learned about ‘leading lines’, ‘rule

guess I thought that getting a great picture

of thirds’, and ‘depth of field’. Apertures, F

was just a ‘matter of luck’. To be truly

stops and shutter speeds were no longer

honest, whenever I heard about apertures,

something to be frightened of!!!

F stops and shutter speeds I got nervous!

actually see an improvement in my pictures

Darkrooms and developers sounded too

after just taking that one course.

much like the dreaded chemistry classes

I could

I then decided that I needed to join a

that I took in high school. Photography

camera club so that I could continue my

sounded like something too complex to

hobby and share photography with others


who shared my ‘addiction’. I joined IPG in

So for many years I just continued taking pictures with my camera set on “automatic”. I sort of hoped and prayed

March of 2007 and my photography knowledge and skills continue to grow. In September 2007 my first image that

that the pictures would “come out good”.

went to PFLI for competition scored 27

And to be honest, every once in a while I

points! I was shocked and thrilled to say

would get a great shot, but most were just

the least. Guess it just goes to show that

‘okay’ images.

a little education can go a long way.

About 3 years ago, I ‘bit the bullet’ and decided to take an adult education


My passion and addiction in photography is here to stay! Sharon Schwarz

“Creative Photography” class at Nassau

Sharon Schwarz

Sharon Schwarz [10]

PHOTOSHOP’S TYPE TOOL drops down and offers you some pretty cool

If you happen to be working with “Type” (type tool), Photoshop gives us some interesting effects to apply to the type.


After you create a layer with type – such as my layer which says IPG, open the layers palette. On the bottom is an “fx” icon.

(These effects can be applied in other scenarios such as borders around prints…). You can also right click on the Text layer and pull up the effects menu as well. You can also combine effects. Here are a few samples.

When you click on this icon, a new menu

Jeff Breiman [11]

Histograms 101 While classroom learning is great, there

But Rich covered the subject matter in a

not visible on the cameras LCD, become

is nothing like doing it yourself

way that was easy to understand by

immediately apparent!

especially if you’re lucky enough to have

users of all experience levels.

an experienced friend to help you!

Proper use of the histogram can help

While I consider myself an advanced

you avoid these problems and can

Island Photo Group was formed with

amateur photographer, and have

improve your photos dramatically.

that idea in mind. Members learn from

previously read articles on how to read

one another on many topics from photos

a histogram,

to computers.

At our last

I came away from this

meeting in

class with a better understanding of how

Riche’s top tips for reading and

February, Rich Fiedorowicz shared his

they work and more importantly why

understanding histograms:

knowledge of Histograms.

histograms are valuable to review while

With a unique combination of his

you are out taking photos.

1. Shoot raw 2. Shoot manual mode

professional Powerpoint Presentation,

Rich referred to “chimping” a word

combined with classroom “Hands On”

invented to describe a person who looks

3. Set your camera’s display mode to

participation made learning a breeze!

at every photo on the back of their

always show the histogram

Now its no coincidence that Rich knows how to teach.

He’s got lots of

camera immediately after taking every shot.

the histogram

experience, Rich was a teacher for over

You shouldn’t chimp just to check out

30 years. He’s now retired but his love

your shot.

of teaching is apparent by his

histogram to see if the exposure is

enthusiasm and eagerness to share the

correct is something completely

things he has learned with the members

different. Use the information you see to

of our club. We’re lucky to have him as a

your advantage.

active member, Vice President and

corrections before you take the next



In this workshop, Rich discussed Histograms, a topic that scares away all

4. After a shot, check the exposure in

But if your looking at your

Make necessary

5. Adjust aperture, shutter speed and/or ISO to “get it right” in the camera. – meaning adjust the setting so the histogram shows data recorded as far to the right edge without clipping (i.e. without climbing the right wall)

This makes your use of

6. Understand that doing this may make

histograms one of the best tools

the image look light in the display BUT

available on your camera.

the maximum amount of tonal data has been recorded in the raw file.

but the most experienced

If you’ve taken just one photo and


There is something

viewed it on your computer I don’t have

7. Post process in your favorite software

about the word that is both mysterious

to tell you that looking it on that small

to restore the tonal look you want.

and intimidating. Just reading about it

camera LCD screen and seeing it on a

8. There is no such thing as a bad

and trying to understand can be

computer monitor is night and day


overwhelming to say the least.

difference! As soon as it appears on the bigger screen all the problems that were


Date -Feb-2008

PFLI Competition

Scores A B

Pat Hutcherson Pat Hutcherson

One More Time Yosemite

22 21

B&W Prints B


Charlie Bowman Anne Denese Frank DiVittorio Joe Prantil Charlie Bowman

Panda B&W Bird Fight Lighthouse In Winter So. Jersey Wasp Silverback

22 25 21 21 21

B&W Prints A


Art Inselsberger Glenn DeBona Bob Olkowski Art Inselsberger Sherman Paur

Dog Face Falls Up Close Ripples Of Time Humps Begonia Swirl

20 24 21 23 21

Color Prints B

A Anne Denese B Charlie Bowman C Anne Denese

AZ Tree Mexican Plates Follow The Light Out

24 21 24

Color Prints A


Art Inselsberger Sherman Paur Glenn DeBona Russ Popeil Jeff Blye

Autumn + Reeds All Alone Great Egret Zoo Snake 12-07 Cat's Yawn

21 22 24 23 23


Bob Olkowski Frank DiVittorio Joe Prantil Jo Edmunson Dan Hittleman

Denali Mountain Sides Kent Falls State Park Lighthouse #135 Enchanting Flower Sunburst

22 21 23 22 21

Digital Slides B


Sharon Schwarz Anne Denese Bert Vargas Susan Burns Sunil Chhatpar Connie Klos

Hummer Times Arizona Valley Bridge At Sunset My Jelly Beans Red Dahlia Swan Lake

25 26 21 24 19 20

Digital Slides A


Lou Cohen Richard Fiederowicz Richard Fiederowicz Sheldon Pollack Sheldon Pollack

Cathedral Rock Moonrise Hydrangea In Tight Blue Lace Cap Blue Jay 3 Succulant

22 22 24 21 22


es g d Ju

itts chm S n Bob stei lver i S ty Mar blin Sam d E


Color Slides A

H O W T H E Y S TA C K E D U P I N P R I N T S B&W Prints B

B&W Prints A

25 22




24 20

Charlie Bowman Anne Denese Frank DiVittorio Joe Prantil Charlie Bowman



Art Inselsberger Glenn DeBona Bob Olkowski Art Inselsberger Sherman Paur

Color Prints B




Color Prints A



Anne Denese Charlie Bowman


23 23


Sherman Paur Russ Popeil Bob Olkowski Joe Prantil Dan Hittleman [14]





Glenn DeBona Jeff Blye Frank DiVittorio Jo Edmunson




Joe Prantil [15]


Mike Ginex Pat & Charlie on a recent IPG Field Trip

classified ads

photos by Joe Prantil

Glen Debona

HYDROSORBENT DEHUMIDIFIERS Protect your Camera Gear from Mold and Mildew with a REUSABLE Silica Gel Dehumidifier pack. Only $6.00 Glen Debona

HOT..HOT .. Seal Hot Press Model 240m. ex cond w/extras. For those who want to have their photographs mounted properly & permanently A Hot Press is the answer. Serious callers only. Glenn 516-249-3513

EPSON 1270 Color Printer, Prints up to 13x19 Excellent Condition, NEW Black & Color Ribbons! Call Sherman (516) 333-7623

ISLAND PHOTO GROUP T- SHIRTS! Available in Large, XL and 2XL. Only $15 each! Purchase from IPG contact:

16 x 20 Professional Mat Board Black on one side and White on the other. Only $1.50 ea. GlenDebona

250gb WD Laptop Hard Drive Brand New Still Sealed in factory plastic. Call Joe

(516) 250-6041

ISLAND PHOTO GROUP Meetings the first 3 Mondays of the month at: Ellsworth Allen Park Merrits Road Farmingdale, NY


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