FRAME YOUR NEW LOOK Introducing The Portrait our first bo d framed fixed screen shower enc osure drawing exqu site f nishes into your home Each has a bo d meta frame fin sh, offer ng a d scerning contemporary look With brushed go d matt black and bronze f nishes to choose from, The Portrait allows you to forge a distinct ve, individual sty e 3
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Our bo d meta frame design is available in eight frame and nine g ass fin shes So w th numerous design comb nat ons available what will your unique Portrait shower space be? Left The Portra t fixed panel in brushed gold with our s gnature f uted g ass
6 7 Above The Portrait with gr d style d gita pr nt des gn
COMING SOON Above: Unique and exclusive cross reeded glass with a l ght bronze frame Right: L ght bronze frame with ultra clear glass creating a unique statement n your shower space 8 9
Our simple fixed panel bath screen in aged brushed bronze can also add a bold statement to any small bathroom 10 11