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Casa Central kicks off 2023 offering new career opportunities
January 11, 2023 (Chicago, IL) – As we start the beginning of 2023, Casa Central is currently offering several openings in its agency for those seeking new career opportunities in the new year
From Home Care Aides for its Home Care Services program to Class C Drivers for transportation services as well as office staff positions, Casa Central is seeking candidates to support the organization’s mission to transform lives and strengthen communities. The agency is also searching for talent to support various functions ranging from fundraising efforts to marketing and communications including a Director of Advancement, Grant Manager, Marketing and Communications Manager, and more.
Casa Central is looking for candidates that have a passion for inspiring positive change, providing quality service, and responsiveness towards others’ needs. The organization provides effective, evidence-based programs with a 97% satisfaction rating by participants and 94% of them feel their life has improved.
Since 1954, Casa Central has been a pivotal social services organization in the Midwest, serving the Latino community with programs that empower thousands of individuals to achieve a sustainable, higher quality of life in the Chicago Metropolitan area. The organization is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), Guidestar Gold rated, 100 Point Charity Navigator rating, and has received numerous honors from prestigious organizations like the ExceleRate Illinois Awards of Excellence for its youth programming. For those interested in working at Casa Central, candidates can apply online at www.casacentral.org/careers or contact us at malmaraz@casacentral.org and 773 645 2370. Bilingual (Spanish/English) individuals are highly encouraged to apply.
60532 from and after 8:00pm on May 14, 2023 and on Lisle Township website at http://www lisletownshiproaddisrict com Notice is further given that a public hearing on said Budget and Appropriation Ordinance will be at 7:30pm on June 14, 2023 at 4711 Indiana Avenue Lisle IL 60532 and that final action on this ordinance will be taken at the public hearing
Published in Daily Herald May 12, 2023 (4599767)
The requisite Affidavit for Publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to you, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DAVID BUDRECK Defendants, that the above entitled action has been filed against you and other defendants in the Circuit Court of Kane County, Illinois, for the recovery of the possession of real estate located at: 1684 Walnut Park Lane, Aurora, Illinois 60504
You are hereby required to appear in courtroom 150, Kane County Courthouse 100 S Third Street Geneva Illinois for trial of this cause You are further required to file your appearance by yourself or your attorney Now unless you, the said above named defendants, appear at that time and place fixed for trial, judgments by default will be entered against you for the possession of the aforesaid premises and an order for possession will be issued out of said court by which you will be dispossessed of said premises
Costello Sury & Rooney, #6304972, Attorneys, One Lincoln Centre, Suite 1670; Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
Published in Daily Herald Apr 28, May 5, 12, 2023 (4599090)
The Plan Commission of the Village of Riverwoods will hold a public hearing on June 1, 2023, at 7:30 p m , in the Riverwoods Village Hall, 300 Portwine Road, Riverwoods, Illinois
At the hearing, the Plan Commission will consider proposed text amendments to the Riverwoods Zoning Ordinance, involving sections 9-2-3 (Definitions) and 9-4-1 (Home Occupations) and potentially other sections The purposes of the text amendment, as proposed, are to revise the descriptions of uses that constitute permitted home occupations while prohibiting certain uses
The ordinance would provide that a permitted short term rental is a residential occupancy of a dwelling unit for a term greater than four (4) consecutive weeks and distinguish that use from “transient occupancy” which would mean the accessory use of a dwelling unit for an occupancy period of less than four (4) consecutive weeks, including any rental use reserved through online marketplace services that facilitate lodging by overnight guests The ordinance would allow such permitted short term rentals as a permitted home occupation while prohibiting transient occupancy and prohibiting any accessory use of swimming pools, playing courts or other amenities by persons who are not primary residents of the dwelling or not occupying the dwelling pursuant to an permitted short term rental
The Village has taken numerous photographs of the subject property showing its horrible condition Prior to seeking a court order to demolish the unit on the property, I am required to send all persons with an interest in the property a 15-day notice of the Village’s intention to file suit for demolition The intention of this 15-day Notice, prior to filing suit, is to give you an opportunity to make the necessary repairs, or enter into an agreement with the Village for a time schedule in which to place the above referenced unit in a safe condition or demolish them I am including a citation for the Illinois Demolition Statute, 65 ILCS 5/11-31-1, which was challenged and held to be constitutional by the Illinois Supreme Court in Village of Lake Village v Stokovich (Il S Ct 2004) 211 Ill 2d 106 810 N E 3d 13 rehearing denied cert denied 125 S Ct 354
The significance of the Illinois Demolition Statute means that if the Village of Elk Grove Village has to demolish the above referenced unit, or cause the unit to be repaired, in order to place it in a safe condition again, our lien for attorneys’ fees, court costs and demolition and/or repair costs will take priority over any interest or lien you may have on this property and ask the Court to retain jurisdiction to file a foreclosure action to collect the same The Village would get its money first and you might get what is left over, provided there are no other liens against the property that have priority over your interest
The property is legally described as:
Unit Number 117, as delineated on survey of the following described parcel of real estate, (hereinafter referred to as “Parcel”): Subdivision Lot “B”, in Lot 4, in the 2nd resubdivision of part of Lot 1, in the Village on the Lake Subdivision, Phase III, being a subdivision of part of the South West ¼ of Section 29, and part of the North West ¼ of Section 32, Township 11 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded January 25, 1971 as Document Number 21380121, which survey is attached as Exhibit “A”, to the Declaration of Condominium Ownership made by Chicago Title and Trust Company as Trustee Under Trust Number 534136, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, as Document Number 22389726; together with an undivided 78 percent interest in the said parcel, (Excepting from said parcel, all the properties and space comprising all the units thereof, as defined and set forth in the said Declaration and Survey), in Cook County, Illinois
Easement for the benefit of Parcel 1, as created by the Declaration of Covenants for Village on the Lake Homeowner’s Association, executed by the Chicago Title and Trust Company a corporation of Illinois as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated, March 25, 1969, and known as Trust Number 534136, to Roger Franz and Diane K Talamine dated February 28, 1974 and recorded June 13, 1974 as Document 22749220 for ingress and egress over Lot 2, (Except subdivision Lots “A”, “B” and “C”), in the Village on the Lake Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of the South West ¼ of Section 29, and part of the North West ¼ of Section 32, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded, January 25, 1971, as Document Number 21880121, in Cook County, Illinois
Commonly known as: 700 Wellington Avenue Unit 117, Elk Grove Village IL 60007 PIN No 08-32-101-019-1016
Below is a summary of the observed issues with the property that are in violation of the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code (“IPMC”) and/or Village Code:
- Extensive mouse and small fly infestation present throughout home and observed to have infested building’s public areas (IPMC 108 1 3 and 309 1; Village Code 4-2-1 and 4-2-2)
- An immeasurable quantity of mouse droppings and urine on surfaces throughout, including within food preparation/kitchen (counters, drawers and cabinetry) (IPMC 108 1 3, Village Code 404 7)
- Extensive damage and contamination of surfaces and finishes (carpeting with mouse urine and droppings, mouse holes in walls, mouse nesting materials within closets and structural components, et seq ) (IPMC 108 1 3 and 305; Village Code 4-2-1 and 4-2-2).
- Remaining insanitary and damaged belongings (mattress, items within bathroom and bedrooms (IPMC 305) - Bathroom off of bedroom inaccessible, hindering cleaning and pest control efforts (IPMC 305 and 309 1)
- Odor consistent with noted insanitary conditions, also observed in building s public areas (Village Code 4-2-1 and 4-2-2)
The foregoing is a summary
The full text of the amendment should be consulted The amendment as proposed may be obtained at the Riverwoods Village Hall A recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or rejection of the proposed text amendment will be forwarded to the Village Board after the hearing is closed As transmitted to the Village Board or as subsequently adopted by the Village Board, the proposed text amendment may be changed or revised from the version presented at the hearing
All persons desiring to be heard in support of or opposition to the application will be afforded an opportunity to be heard in person or by the submission of written statements, or both Any individual who may require accommodation to listen to or participate in the hearing, or who seeks additional information about this matter, should contact Russ Kraly, Riverwoods Director of Community Services, at 847945-3990
After the public hearing is opened, it may be continued to a later date, time and place without the publication of an additional notice such as this notice
Any person failing to comply with a notice of violation or order served in accordance with Section 107 or other sections of the 2018 IPMC shall be subject to and liable for any and all legal action taken by the Village for enforcement of the provision of the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code adopted by the Village of Elk Grove Village, Illinois Included, but not limited to, a Demolition suit filed by the Village and or a request for a Receiver to be appointed in that suit The cost of such demolition suit shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a priority lien upon such real estate superior to all other liens and mortgages The Village can ask the court to collect the costs due the Village and foreclose on the property to collect those costs and fees 65 ILCS