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The Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors’ Meeting
June 30, 2022
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the lake county bar association held in the executive conference room of the Lake County Bar Association, 300-A Grand Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois, on Thursday, June 30, 2022
President Devine called the meeting to order at 12:09 P.M.
Roll call indicated a quorum was established, with the following individuals present: Tara Devine, President; Katherine Hatch, First Vice President; Daniel Hodgkinson, Second Vice President; Kevin Berrill, Treasurer; Jeff Berman, Secretary; Joe Fusz, Immediate Past President; Jeremy Harter, Director; Hon. Jacquelyn Melius, Director; Sarah Raisch, Director; Greg Weider, Executive Director.
Approval Of Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the May Board of Directors meeting. There were no additions, corrections, or changes to the draft minutes. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Minutes are approved.
Consent Agenda
A single item – New Members – was presented on the Consent Agenda. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Consent Agenda is approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer presented the May 2022 Financial Report, a copy of which was included in the Agenda packet. Several successful events occurred in the past month, including seminars and the golf outing, and additional revenue was received from earlier social events.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tara Devine President Katharine Hatch First Vice President Daniel Hodgkinson Second Vice President Kevin Berrill Treasurer Jeffrey Berman Secretary Joseph Fusz Past President Hon. Jacquelyn Melius Director Craig Mandell Director Jeffrey O’Kelley Director Sarah Raisch Director Jeremy Harter Director Judy Maldonado Director Greg Weider Executive Director
Meeting Minutes
The Treasurer and Executive Director Weider presented the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the Board. A copy of the proposed budget was included in the Agenda packet. The budget is constructed with ordinary recurring revenues and expenses consistent with the past year’s budget, except that the proposed new budget reflects a move to more (but not exclusively) in person events in the coming year.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the budget as proposed. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Budget is approved.
Golf Outing
The Treasurer and Executive Director Weider reported to the Board on the Golf Outing held on June 23, 2022. The outing was well-attended, the flow of play was better than last year, the venue worked well, and feedback from participants was positive. Financial details were included in