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Board of Directors’ Meeting
December 15, 2022
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake County Bar Association held via zoom video conference, on
Tara Devine President
Katharine Hatch First Vice President
Daniel Hodgkinson Second Vice President
Kevin Berrill Treasurer
Jeffrey Berman Secretary
Joseph Fusz Past President
Hon. Jacquelyn Melius Director
Craig Mandell Director
Jeffrey O’Kelley Director
Sarah Raisch Director
Jeremy Harter Director
Judy Maldonado Director
Greg Weider Executive Director
December 15, 2022.
Call To Order
President Devine called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m.
Roll Call
Roll call indicated a quRoll call indicated a quorum was established, with the following individuals present: Tara Devine, President; Katharine Hatch, First Vice President, Kevin Berrill (by telephone), Treasurer; Jeffrey Berman, Secretary; Joseph Fusz, Past President; Craig Mandell, Director; Jeremy Harter, Director; Hon. Jacquelyn Melius, Director; Jeffrey O’Kelley, Director; Sarah Raisch, Director (by telephone); Greg Weider, Executive Director.
Action Items
Consent Agenda Items
• November 15, 2022
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - The Draft minutes from the November 15,
2022 meeting of the Board of Directors was included in the agenda packet. There were no requests for additions, corrections, or changes to the draft minutes.
• October New Members - A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Consent Agenda is approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The November 2022 Financial Report and supporting materials were included in the Agenda packet. Discussion followed. In sum, we are still tracking the budget. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Treasurer’s Report is approved.
Old Business
LCBA Holiday Party Recap
President Devine made
a presentation regarding the very successful Holiday Party on December 2nd. Discussion followed.
Past Due Membership Calls
Executive Director Weider and President
Devine made a presentation regarding on-going efforts by the Executive Board to call members who have not yet paid to renew their membership for the current year. Discussion followed.
NEW BUSINESS Committee Attendance/ Free CLE
Spreadsheets showing recent committee meeting and Brown Bag/ Free CLE attendance were included in the agenda packet. Executive Director Weider and President Devine explained the reasons and purposes underlying the analyses. Discussion followed.
LCBA/LCBF Board Nominations Process
President Devine made a presentation regarding the process, and pertinent timelines / deadlines.
Brown Bag/ Free CLE. Discussion followed.
JSRC Update
President Devine provided an update regarding the status of the ongoing efforts of the Committee.
Discussion followed.
Committee Liaison Reports
Board members provided Committee updates.
Executive Director Report
Executive Director Weider presented his Executive Director Report for November, including updates on the calendar of upcoming events.
A motion was made to adjourn. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The meeting concluded at 12:33 p.m. The next Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, January 19, 2023.