2 minute read
In the Director’s Chair
50 LCBA Events to Ponder as we Thank You for Your Membership
In the
First and foremost, thank you for a great year. Due to the participation of LCBA members and our corps of committed volunteers we were able to successfully offer 5 legal seminars, 15 member events, 14 brown bag CLE offerings, 3 Tek Tuesday workshops, 3 GAL trainings, 6 collaborative events, 4 free legal advice clinics, 3 community food drives, an equity-based book drive for a local elementary school, a professional clothing drive, a highly entertaining Gridiron, and a successful foundation fundraising event. Combined with 112 committee, board, and foundation meetings we had quite a successful year. Considering this all took place during a global pandemic; it was a remarkable year.
July starts the new program year for the Lake County Bar Association. We finished last year with a wonderful Installation Social and a very successful Golf Outing. The momentum of these two events will lead the LCBA into what promises to be a fantastic year of events and meaningful educational opportunities. September will bring our annual shred event, the Young & New Lawyers Cubs Game and the first member luncheon and member reception of the year. October will offer the Fall Criminal Law Seminar in Milwaukee, WI, and the Pro Bono Awards Luncheon in partnership with Prairie State Legal Services.
Work on a new Lake County Bar Association strategic plan will begin this year. Members will have several opportunities to share their thoughts on the LCBA priorities moving forward. Membership is the foundation on which the LCBA is built. I cannot express how valuable your input is to the planning process. Please take the time to share your ideas and concerns.
We are currently in the process of our annual membership renewal. If you have not already taken the opportunity to renew your membership, I encourage you to do so. This is also the perfect time of year to update your membership information. Please take a moment to log into your account and review your information. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the LCBA office.
If you have not had the chance to be actively involved with the LCBA I encourage you to do so. There is a wealth of opportunity to be engaged. Your participation will not only strengthen our organization but can provide opportunities for professional and personal growth. Encourage your colleagues to join and become actively involved. A thriving legal community can only be enhanced by an active and engaged local bar association.
Thank you again to all our members and volunteers who make the Lake County Bar Association a vibrant organization. I am looking forward to another remarkable year.

Director’s Chair