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Benedict J. Ori Award
Congratulations to Steven McCollum on receiving the 2022 Benedict J. Ori Award. Established in 1986 by former Lake County State’s Atty. Fred Foremen the Ori Award recognizes the efforts of former Lake County prosecutors and their contribution to law enforcement, the bar association, and the judiciary. The award is named for Benedict J. Ori, a former Lake County assistant state’s attorney who later became a top criminal defense attorney. Ori was appointed to a Lake County associate judgeship in 1985 but passed away before taking office. Lake County Bar Association Community Outreach and Diversity Committee Co-chair John Joanem delivers donations from the recent LCBA professional clothing drive to the staff at the Legacy Reentry Foundation.

The Art Impact Project receives a Lake County Bar Foundation Grant.
The Art Impact Project was established with the purpose of helping adolescents in substance abuse recovery through the use and benefits of art making. The organization serves at-risk youth, juveniles coming from incarceration/detention and students identified as having academic and behavioral issues. The Lake County Bar Foundation is pleased to support an organization making such a positive impact in the community.
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